单词 | 绿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:绿色产品n—green productn 绿化v—greenv 蓝绿adj—blue-greenadj
超级市场和零售商店的样本选择均获绿色有机生活协会(GO@L)以及香港零 售管理协会的同意。 cfs.gov.hk | Selection of sampled supermarkets and retail shops was agreed [...] with Association of Green Organic at Living [...](GO@L) and the Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA). cfs.gov.hk |
尽管须为 P2 路预留足够的土 [...] 地以应付日後全面发展,专家小组仍建议政府研究在 P2 路引进临时的交通平静措施,以及在此期间绿化P2 路预留用地。 devb.gov.hk | While it may be necessary to reserve sufficient land for the full-scale development of Road P2 over the longer term, the Government [...] should explore introducing pro tempore traffic calming measures [...] on RoadP2 and greeningthereserve area [...]in the meantime. devb.gov.hk |
调查显示,24%市民认为政制检讨绿皮书的谘询期应该为1至3个月个月,45%认为应该用4至6个月,13%认为应该超过6个月,20%没有给予肯定答案。 hkupop.hku.hk | Findings showed that 24% of the respondents said that the [...] consultationon the green paper on political [...]development review should last for 1 to [...]3 months, while 45% thought it should consult 4 to 6 months and 13% opt for more than 6 months. 20% did not give an affirmative answer. hkupop.hku.hk |
我们独家专有的特殊配方包含葫芦芭、柑桔类果皮萃取、绿茶萃取和的茶胺酸,提供我们渴望的身心健康。 xango.com.hk | Our unique and exclusive botanical [...] ingredient blend of Eurycoma longifolia, [...] citrus peel extract,green tea extract, and [...]pharmaceutical-grade L-Theanine helps to [...]provide the much-needed balance our bodies need and the feelings of wellbeing we crave. xango.com.hk |
即使 实施所有交通管理措施,假如不兴建 P2 道路网,中区 填海第一期地段内的交通将会在 2011 年全面瘫痪,原 因是干诺道中沿途会出现连绵不绝的车龙(在没有中环 湾仔绕道的情况下),即使绿色交通灯亮起,康乐广场 的车辆仍然无法驶入干诺道中。 devb.gov.hk | Even with all the traffic management measures, traffic in CRI will be paralyzed by 2011 if Road P2 network is not built, because continuous traffic queues will be found along CRC (without CWB), and vehicles from Connaught Place will not be able to exit onto CRC even when the traffic lights are in their favour. devb.gov.hk |
然而,股份之现有红色股票将继续为法定所有权之良好凭证,并可随时换领合并股份之绿色新股票(成本由股票持有人承担),惟於股份合并完成後不得用作买卖、交收及登记用途。 equitynet.com.hk | Nevertheless, the existing share certificates for the Shares in red will continue to be good evidence of legal title and may be exchanged [...] for new share certificates for the [...] Consolidated Sharesingreen at anytimeat the [...]cost of the holders thereof but are not [...]acceptable table for trading, settlement and registration purpose upon completion of the Share Consolidation. equitynet.com.hk |
此外,根据创业板上市规则,由於南京绿邦收购协议及 MASLP协议项下之交易构成本公司之关连交易,且根据该两项协议进行之交易相关 之百分比率高於0.1%但低於2.5%,因此根据创业板上市规则第20.32条,该等关连交 易仅须遵守申报及公告规定,并获豁免遵守独立股东批准之规定。 ck-lifesciences.com | Besides, as the transactions under the NJ Acquisition Agreement and the MASLP Agreement constitute connected transactions for the Company under the GEM Listing Rules and the relevant percentage ratios for the transactions under both agreements are more than 0.1% but less than 2.5%, such connected transactions are only subject to reporting and announcement requirements and are exempt from independent shareholders' approval requirement pursuant to Rule 20.32 of the GEM Listing Rules. ck-lifesciences.com |
不要用发芽、变绿,或腐烂的马铃薯制作食品,如薯片、薯条及其他薯 制品。 cfs.gov.hk | Do not use sprouting,greened or damagedpotatoes [...] for making food products. cfs.gov.hk |
透过由2007/08年度起推行的特快编配计划获编配公屋单位的绿表申请人,於其公屋单位入伙起计3年内申请购买剩余居屋单位,在编排选楼次序时他们会被视作白表申请人,而这类绿表申请人所购买的剩余居屋单位,会计入白表申请人的配额内。 housingauthority.gov.hk | If GF applicants who obtained a public rental housing (PRH) unit through the Express Flat Allocation Scheme (EFAS) launched from 2007/08 onwards apply for the purchase of surplus HOS flats within 3 years from intake of their PRH unit, they will be treated as if they were WF applicants in the flat selection order, and any surplus HOS flats taken up by this category ofGF applicants will be counted against the WF quota. housingauthority.gov.hk |
由於南京绿邦收购协议及MASLP协议 均按正常商业条款订立及彼等相关之百分比率高於0.1%但低於2.5%,遵照创业 板上市规则第20.32条之规定,该等关连交易仅须遵守创业板上市规则第20.45条 至20.47条之申报及公告规定。 ck-lifesciences.com | As both the NJ Acquisition Agreement and the MASLP Agreement are on normal commercial terms and the relevant percentage ratios are more than 0.1% but less than 2.5%, such connected transactions are according to Rule 20.32 of the GEM Listing Rules only subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set out in Rules 20.45 to 20.47 of the GEM Listing Rules. ck-lifesciences.com |
正面色彩滤除 — 选择您要从正面消除的所需色彩滤除 (无、红色、绿色或蓝色)。 graphics.kodak.com | Front Side Dropout Color — select the desired dropout [...] color (None, Red, Greenor Blue) you want [...]to eliminate from the front side. graphics.kodak.com |
为确保个别住宅单位的业主能从政府给予的楼面面积宽免中真正获益,一 些有助改善居住环境的楼宇设施及建筑设计,若能取得社会共识,而公共财政又 能承担的话,应纳入法定的楼宇设计要求之内;例如:绿化屋顶、建筑物後移、 露台、设施平台、较宽阔的走廊和升降机大堂、遮阳檐篷、追风器等。 procommons.org.hk | To ensure that individual buyers of residential units would genuinely benefit from the government’s concessions of GFA, those amenities features which are beneficial for the general public and of good architectural design benefits may become statutory design requirements. procommons.org.hk |
率先采用EL Lighting绿色冷光薄膜技术作为电量与功能的显示装置,分成四格跳动,让用家对充电器的状态一目了然。 think-silly.com | The first to employ EL Lighting technique as battery level and function setting, the flashing four grids are a fool-proof indication of the battery level. think-silly.com |
本集团主办多项循环再用活动,向慈善组织捐出回收物 资,并大力推广与客户及伙伴之间之无纸化电子通讯服务, 务求使世界成为一处更绿化之居所。 htisec.com | The Group organized various used items recycling activities for donation to charity organizations and strongly promotes paperless e-communication services among its clients and associates so as to make the world a greenerplace tolive in. htisec.com |
它可以用於任何版本 8i 或以上的Oracle资料库伺服器,并支援大部份Oracle最新版本的功能,包括目绿、资料表空间、替代名、具体化检视、触发器、序列、类型等。 navicat.com | It works with any Oracle Database Server from version 8i or above, and supports most of the latest Oracle objects features including Directory, Tablespace, Synonym, Materialized View, Trigger, Sequence, and Type, etc. Features in Navicat are sophisticated enough to provide professional developers for all their specific needs, yet easy to learn for users who are new to Oracle. navicat.com |
就民研计划在《政制发展绿皮书》谘询期内最後一次进行的定期调查结果,民研计划主任锺庭耀首先分析巿民对泛民普选方案的支持程度:「在最新调查中,巿民对泛民提出的2012行政长官普选方案的支持率为58%,比半个月前上升1个百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | Regarding the findings of this [...] last survey conducted during the [...] consultation period of the"Green Paper on Constitutional [...]Development", Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, [...]Director of Public Opinion Programme, first analyzed people's support of the pan-democrats' proposals for universal suffrage, "In our latest survey, people's support of the pan-democrats' proposal on 2012 CE election is 58%, which is 1 percentage point higher than that two weeks ago. hkupop.hku.hk |
特区政府宜鼓励市民选择较环保的生活方式, 让消费者的集体力量协助扩阔绿色市场。 procommons.org.hk | Greater effort should be paid on community education in order to encourage individual citizens to [...] change to a more eco-friendly lifestyle [...] and helpexpand the greenmarket through collective [...]strength of consumer power. procommons.org.hk |
除此之外,从2003年起我们亦有推行自行研发项目,而有关成果已纳入我们的工程设计、建造和程序指引之内,例如采用「共用W型聚水器系统」排放污水、引入垂直绿化墙板和绿化屋顶、采用多功能感应地图协助视障人士,以及应用微气候研究促进可持续发展的设计等。 housingauthority.gov.hk | In addition to this initiative, we have also introduced project-driven R&D since 2003 and examples include the use of the "common [...] W-trap pipe system" in waste water [...] drainage, vertical greenpanels and greenroofs, multi-sensory [...]maps to assist the visually [...]impaired, and the use of micro climatic studies to facilitate sustainable designs. housingauthority.gov.hk |
通过提供大量的水果和蔬菜 ,如杏、梨、李子、李子乾、桃子、浆果、酪 梨、番茄、绿豌豆、胡萝卜、花椰菜、豆子以 及全谷类,如燕麦、糙米、大麦,全麦等食物 ,是预防便秘的最佳方式。 ucsfchildcarehealth.org | It is best to prevent constipation by offering plenty of fruits and vegetables such as apricots, pears, plums, prunes, peaches, berries, avocados, tomatoes, peas, carrots, broccoli, peas, beans and whole grains like oats, brown rice, barley, and whole wheat. ucsfchildcarehealth.org |
相同的技术可应用到家电设计中,消费者可以简单地转动拨盘并定制他们自己的厨房,将颜色从红色 变成绿色或从薄荷色变成明亮的黄色。 osram-os.net | This same technology can be transferred to appliance design, allowing consumers [...] to customize their kitchens with a simple turn of a dial, changing the [...] color from red to green or mint to bright yellow. osram-os.net |
欧司朗光电半导体的蓝色和绿色激光二极管具有高的光束品质、强的调制能力和小巧的外形这些特点,是紧凑高效型 [...] 激光系统的理想光源,十分适合用於舞台照明。 osram-os.net | Their high beam quality, high modulation capability and small form factor [...] make OSRAM blue andgreen diode lasers ideal [...]as light sources for compact and highly [...]efficient laser systems for stage lighting. osram-os.net |
2004年参与由经济部工业局(IDB)委托台湾环境管理协会(TEMA)及台湾电子检验中心(ETC)办理之「绿色产品设计管制系统辅导计划」,透过此一计画更进一步强化南茂之绿色产品管理系统。 chipmos.com | In 2004, ChipMOS participated in a green product design & control promoting plan held by Industrial Development [...] Bureau (IDB), Ministry of [...] Economic Affairs, Taiwan and consulted by TEMA and ETC, by which further consolidatedChipMOS' GreenProduct Management System. chipmos.com |
梅赛德斯-奔驰香港有限公司营运总裁魏德博士表示:「作为汽车的发明者,我们长远的目标是刺激和推动本港在环保科技上的发展,引进崭新技术和零排放车辆,创造更绿化的香港。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Dr. Claus Weidner, Chief Operating Officer, Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited, said, "As the in-ventor of automobile, our long-term ambition is to stimulate environmentally friendly technology development in Hong Kong, bringing in new technologies and emission-free mobility to build a greener Hong Kong. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
这一“绿色增长”计划促进了电动汽车新行业部门的发展,三洋认为该行业将获得快速的市场增长;该计划获得了韩国政府4000亿韩元(近5亿美元)的补贴、税惠和拨款,该部分资金由韩国知识经济部(Ministry [...] of Knowledge Economy)实施管理 [2009年10月15日韩国知识经济部公告 ]。 tipschina.gov.cn | This"GreenGrowth" initiative [...] is stimulating a new industry sector in electric vehicles, an area that Samyang believes [...]is rapidly gaining market momentum; it is supported by Korean government subsidies, tax benefits and funding allocations of over 400 billion won (close to US$500 million) managed by Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE) [Oct 15, 2009 MKE bulletin]. tipschina.gov.cn |
此外,家长及其 家人参与筹款与不同种类的活动,包括:家庭夜、Scholastic书展、年度健康及安全展览、健步 行、非裔文化节(Umoja [...] Festival)、朗诵日、五年级毕业礼、经费申请、绿化计划及其他特别活动。 sfusd.edu | Families participate in various fundraisers and activities: Family Nights, Scholastic Book Fair, annual Health and Safety Fair, the Walk-A-Thon, the Umoja [...] Festival, Read Aloud Day, as well as the fifth grade graduation, [...] grant writing, greening projectsand other [...]special events. sfusd.edu |
於2012年6月30日的结余主要指收取物业开发预售收益,主要包括优湖(UHO)的销售收益人民 [...] 币1.07亿元及美兰湖硅谷的销售收益人民币2,500万元以及成都绿洲雅宾利花园的销售收益人民 [...]币1,900万元。 equitynet.com.hk | The balance as at 30 June 2012 mainly represented the collection of property development presale revenue, which mainly included RMB107 million from the sale of UHO and RMB25 [...] million from the sale of the Lake Malaren Silicon Valley and RMB19 million from the sale [...] of Chengdu Albany Oasis Garden. equitynet.com.hk |
Evo Blue 2.0共有神秘黑及军装绿二款颜色,延伸Evo Blue家族举世闻名的「X」设计概念,其机身二侧印有刚毅的X型图腾,独到吸睛的电竞风格,再再象徵着曜越精湛科技工艺在效能与美学上的完美平衡融合,以及电竞超越极限、永不妥协的战斗精神。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | The Evo Blue 2.0 has a flashy and vivid appearance that comes in [...] black ormilitary green, featuresabold [...]and rigid “X” shape with a prominent Evo [...]Blue 2.0 logo design on both sides of the chassis and a large 14cm crystal LED fan to endure the gaming essence. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |