单词 | 绽放 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 绽放 noun —blossom nSee also:绽—burst open • split at the seam
2011 年世界夏季运动会让 Mio Osato 魅力绽放。 specialolympics.org | The 2011 World Summer Games inspired Mio Osato to blossom. specialolympics.org |
一种源于热带美洲的小灌木,喜爱阳光直接照射的地方,朝向天空尽力伸展枝干 , 绽放 出 一 团团亮丽的黄色花朵。 clarinsusa.com | A small bush from the tropical [...] Americas which grows happily in direct sunlight, [...] pushing its branches bearing clusters [...]of bright, yellow flowers towards the sky. clarinsusa.com |
虽然生活在艰苦之地,它们始终绽放 , 但 是时日艰难。 shanghaibiennale.org | Living in a hard place still they open their petals and blossom, but the time is hard. shanghaibiennale.org |
江诗丹顿的马尔他十字徽号于2005年SIHH国际高级钟表展 中 绽放 出 耀 目的光芒。 vacheron-constantin.com | The year 2005 edition of the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie bore the unmistakable imprint of the Maltese cross. vacheron-constantin.com |
当苹果绽放告诉百丽即将到来的Sisterhooves的社会种族亲爱的,亲爱的美女试图得到稀有参加,但她的姐姐拒绝。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Apple Bloom tells Sweetie [...] Belle about the upcoming Sisterhooves Social race, Sweetie Belle tries to get Rarity to participate, but her sister refuses. seekcartoon.com |
雷克萨斯首席赞助2012中国杯世界花样滑冰大奖赛,缔造优雅与创新的极致盛宴,共瞩艺术与科技的完 美 绽放。 lexus.com.cn | Lexus Sponsors Cup of China ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2012. lexus.com.cn |
CX6共配备13种模式:烹饪模式可让您拍摄出令人垂涎的美食图像;夜景多摄模式可以拍摄出美丽的夜景;高尔夫挥杆连拍模式可用于检查您的挥杆动作;烟花模式可以完美捕捉夜空 中 绽放 的 烟 花。 ricoh.com | The CX6 comes equipped with a total of 13 modes, including Cooking mode to make sure your food photos look especially delicious, Night Landscape Multi-shot mode for great night scenes, Golf Swing Continuous mode for checking your golf swing, and Fireworks mode to beautifully capture fireworks in the night sky. ricoh.com |
安柏叶是一种生长于马达加斯加高原的灌木,一直被当地农民视作日历。因为每年九月,它就 会 绽放 出 精 致的蓝色花朵,这表示已经到了开始播种稻米的季节。 clarinsusa.com | A shrub growing on the high [...] plateaus of Madagascar, ambiaty has always served [...]as a calendar for local farmers who wait for [...]September and the blossoming of its delicate blue flowers to begin their rice sowing. clarinsusa.com |
该款式将各种完美手工打造的复杂机芯融入到优雅精致的设计之中 , 绽放 经 典 与精密之美。 hk.ashford.com | It incorporates various handmade and impeccably created complicated movements in an elegant and refined design that oozes class and sophistication. ashford.com |
在被占领的巴勒斯坦领土,新生命在冲突之 后 绽放 unicef.org | In occupied Palestinian territory, new lives blossom in the aftermath of violence unicef.org |
转动钥匙即可立刻感受到其强大的动力,这种力量足以让每一位驾驶员的脸 上 绽放 出 自 信的笑容。 scania.com.cn | With a turn of the key you instantly feel the power that puts a confident smile on every driver’s face. scania.co.th |
随着这尊雕塑慢慢展开,缓缓升高,这些铿锵有声、缩放自如的钢铁机械摆弄出各种不同的抽象造型,直至在20米的高度充分展开,像一朵鲜花一样“全 面 绽放 ”。 shanghaibiennale.org | As the sculpture opens and rises, these metal and inflatable machines give voice to varying modes of mobile abstraction, which develop throughout the growth and final “blooming” of the full, 20-meter tall work. shanghaibiennale.org |
全新的Lancôme兰蔻女士香水Magnifique璀璨香水就盛装于夺目的宝石红之中,散发着炽人的光与热,迷人的魅 影 绽放 感 性 与激情。 bcia-shopping.com | The new Lancome fragrance Magnifique Lancôme perfume to dress in bright [...] eye-catching ruby red among the Chi-man exudes light and heat, charming [...] sensibility and passion bloom Phantom of the Opera. en.bcia-shopping.com |
植物和浆果努力绽放,太阳全情投入地微笑,大家也把冬天抛诸脑后。 visitfinland.com | Plants and berries [...] strive towards bloom and the sun smiles [...]whole-heartedly at the rugged wilderness it completely ignores in the winter. visitfinland.com |
精妙的机芯可为所有机械腕表绽放迷 人 光彩,即便是只有显示时间功能的简单功能腕表,背后也有非凡的复杂机械装置,无瑕地运作数以百计的微细零件。 iwc.com | Even simple watches, ones that only tell time, are extraordinarily complex mechanisms that have hundreds of miniscule parts that work harmoniously together. iwc.com |
长时间曝光 使⽤长时间曝光可捕捉升⾄空中绽放 的 烟 花,在汽车和其他移动物体 后形成光轨效果,或拍摄夜景。 ricoh.com | Use time exposures to capture fireworks as they rise into the air and explode, to create trails of light behind cars and other moving objects, or to shoot night scenery. ricoh.com |
音乐评论家John Fordham在描述Miles Davis的音乐时似乎很好地抓住了爵士乐的特征“心跳的律动,屏息,又突然 间 绽放 出 笑 容”。 un.org | The music critic John Fordham may have captured it best when he described the music of Miles Davis as “the sound of the skipped heart-beat, the caught breath, the sudden smile. un.org |
和成长为与西邦德连续越来越少,她的神学和文学变得越来越干瘪,而拉丁美洲世界重 新 绽放 与 安 瑟伦,如奥古斯丁,伯纳德一个微妙的,对手金口,一阿奎那的神学家王子。 mb-soft.com | And as the bond with the West grew less and less continuous, her theology and literature [...] became more and more mummified; whereas the [...] Latin world blossomed anew with an [...]Anselm, subtle as Augustine, a Bernard, rival [...]to Chrysostom, an Aquinas, prince of theologians. mb-soft.com |
海绿色的 UFO、清凉的蓝色云彩、玫瑰色的行星和黄色的月亮好像从白色空 间 绽放 出 来。 swatch.com | Sea green UFOs, cool blue clouds, rose-coloured planets, and yellow moons seem to burst into view from a field of white space. swatch.com |
在她的作品中,一朵小花在支离破碎的混凝土 旁 绽放。 unicef.org | One of her photographs shows blossoms emerging from broken concrete. unicef.org |
如果把钟表制作形容为一部电影,Limelight 腕表就是在相机闪光灯下绽放星光 的明星,吸引众人目光。 piaget.com.cn | All stars love to dazzle amidst the crackling flashes of the cameras, all eyes fixed on them. en.piaget.com |
年轻时在John Coltrane’s四重奏乐团演奏,当时他的天份就 已 绽放 光 芒。 oris.ch | Even listening to him as a young musician in John Coltrane’s quartet, his genius shines through. oris.ch |
即使是雅生玛 颂系列的龙头,也同样经过手工抛光,直 至 绽放 耀 眼 的光彩。 hansgrohe.com.cn | Even the base of the Axor Massaud mixer is hand-polished until it acquires a brilliant shine. hansgrohe.hr |
在北约的导弹、炸弹和枪炮下,民 主之花能够盛开绽放吗? daccess-ods.un.org | Can the flower of democracy blossom from NATO’s missiles, bombs and guns? daccess-ods.un.org |
政 由 由日本最高级别的焰火大师绽放的艺 术球,关东最大规模的特大尼亚加拉瀑布等,与对岸的户田 市 绽放 的焰 火加起来,今年将有 10000 发以上的各式各样的焰火在夏季的夜空 中 绽放 光 彩。 itabashi-ci.org | This is how Japan came to use three types of characters: Kanji, expressing meaning, along with Katakana and Hiragana, phonetic script created (adapted) from Manyo gana in Japan. itabashi-ci.org |
天衣注意到,依然绽放的花 ,长春花种植了,尽管寒冷的环境中。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Tink then notices that a flower that Periwinkle had planted is still blooming, despite its cold surroundings. seekcartoon.com |
Couture 以人手镶有 78 颗形状与色彩不一的仿水晶,与纯净雅致的镜框形成巧妙对比之余, 亦 绽放 闪 亮迷人的光彩与强烈的时尚气息。 brand.swarovski.com | Adorned by 78 hand-set crystals of various shapes and colors that beautifully contrast with the purity of the frame, the Couture edition both features captivating sparkle and a strong fashion statement. brand.swarovski.com |
翌日,Accornero带来了他的画作,这就是“Flora”—— 一幅色彩缤纷的花卉图像,而它注定会在之后的日子 里 绽放 无 比璀璨的动人光芒。 gucci.com | The next day Accornero returned with his painting: it was the “Flora”, a multicoloured flowered template that was destined for an unimaginably extended future. gucci.com |
因此,时隔一年之后,2009“BMW中国文化之旅”车队再次造访甘肃,并通过中华慈善总会宝马爱心基金向受灾严重且极具代表性的文县池哥昼、武山旋鼓舞以及武都高山戏捐赠30万元人民币,以帮助这些项目早日度过灾后困难时期,让陇南热土上的民族文化奇 葩 绽放 出 更 加绚烂的艺术之花。 bmw-brilliance.cn | With that, the 2009 “BMW China Culture Journey” once again visited Gansu, and donated RMB300,000 to severely-damaged yet extremely representative projects, namely Wenxian County White-Horse Tibetan Drama, Wushan Sheepskin Fan-Drum Dance and Wudu Mountain Drama, through the China Charity Federation BMW Warm-Heart Fund, to help them through this difficult period, and to ensure the continued flourishing of Longnan folk culture. bmw-brilliance.cn |