单词 | 绸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 绸—(light) silkExamples:丝绸n—silkspl 丝绸之路—the Silk Road 塔夫绸—taffeta
羊毛、丝绸和人造丝的衣物及帐幔需尽快送到专业的 乾洗店。 essa.ca | Take wool, silk andrayon garments [...] and draperies to a professional dry cleaner as soon as possible. essa.ca |
举例来说,印度的公司正与非洲和亚洲新兴市场打开药业贸易,在南方丝绸之路开拓新的通道(预计印度输往迦纳和印尼的药品将於2016年分别每年增长11.85%及8.84%)。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | For example, Indian businesses are opening up trade in pharmaceuticals with Africa [...] and emerging Asia, creating new corridors in [...] the Southern Silk route(exports [...]of medicines from India to Ghana and Indonesia [...]are predicted to grow annually to 2016 by 11.85% and 8.84% respectively). commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
这件磁共振的倾向,征服contemplators的透明度,拨号,和空气运动的外观重新设计为一个用蕾丝缀满时装丝绸面纱。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This piece magnetic resonance has a propensity to subjugate its contemplators [...] the transparency of the dial, and the appearance of air [...] movement reworked asa silkveil witha lace [...]encrusted Couture. en.horloger-paris.com |
他们在一个盒子里,在外面的黑色漆和莳内,关闭丝绸线,是在传统的日本。 zh.horloger-paris.com | They come in a box in black lacquer outside and maki-e [...] inside, closed by asilk cordas is done [...]in traditional Japan. en.horloger-paris.com |
巧射箭不如勤撒网 风险管理就是要未雨绸缪消除潜在的风险 而不是等到危机来临 时再亡羊补牢 apecscmc.org | “What is important for risk management is to eliminate the potential of risks, not just about managing risks when the risks come. apecscmc.org |
三三. 常住的乐园,他们将入其中,他们在里面,戴的是金镯和珍珠,穿的是丝绸。 shahroudi.com | And if ye turn away He will exchange you for some other folk, and they will not be the likes of you. shahroudi.com |
多年来亚洲卫星一直贯彻以客为本、专注专业以及以先见绸缪的承诺,深获业界确认其领导市场的地位,并赢得许多具规模的广播及电讯企业和政府的信任,成为他们的专业夥伴。 asiasat.com | Being committed to offer customer-oriented, professional and proactive services, AsiaSat has achieved the market leader position and enjoyed industry recognition over the years, thus winning many sizable broadcasting and telecommunications enterprises, and governments' confidence to be their professional partner. asiasat.com |
格林美及奥斯卡得主谭盾指出:「互联网是一条无形的丝绸之路,将世界各地的人联系起来。 hkphil.org | The internet is [...] an invisible Silk Road, joining [...]people from across the world. hkphil.org |
因为易碎的盖、牙匙、以黄色丝绸裹得能塞紧的塞都保存下来,我们能推定这两件烟壶从未颁赐过,制成以後都留在皇家珍藏中。 e-yaji.com | The fact that the delicate original stoppers, ivory [...] spoons, and integral corks (wrapped around with [...] imperialyellowsilk to provide a [...]tight fit) have survived is another indication [...]that the bottles are probably from the imperial collection and were not distributed by the court t the time. e-yaji.com |
产品的制造和加工均於奥地利进行新产品:塑身衣、天丝纤维、用丝绸和羊绒制成的面料。 interfiliere.com | New Product: Shape wear, Free cut, Qualities based on tencel fibers, High gage rib qualities and [...] Fabrics madewithsilk and cashmere. interfiliere.com |
虽然澳门未必有条件自行解决能源的问题,但有必要未雨绸缪,做好思想准备,以应付未来的挑战。 hkupop.hku.hk | Related authorities, civil groups and schools must catch up immediately and strategically increase promotion and education. Macau may not overcome the problem of energy by itself, but it must get prepared soon to cope with future challenges. hkupop.hku.hk |
薄膜的物质包括有机认证的公平贸易黑蔗糖、澳洲的森林蜜糖、菩提树液、蜂蜡、植物油、牛油、虫胶、丝绸和蟹壳质。 beyorgbeauty.com | Our styling products are made from natural resins, waxes and film formers including certified organic Mascobado cane sugar, Austrian forest honey and beeswax, as well as wheat proteines, diatomaceous earth, shellac and vegetable chitin. beyorgbeauty.com |
基於稳健原 则,集团将未雨绸缪,除继续延续目前已有的危机应对策略外,将紧密根据时局的变化 采取进一步的方法和策略抵御金融海啸。 towngaschina.com | As a part of the Group’s prudent practice, apart from continuing with our existing crisis handling strategies, precautionary measures will be taken to prevent against potential damage from the financial crisis by closely monitoring the situation and adopt further initiatives and strategies as and when necessary. towngaschina.com |