

单词 绵羊

绵羊 ()


绵绵 adjective ()

continuous adj

绵绵 ()


See also:


sheep n
goat n


soft adj
continuous adj
weak adj

silk floss
mild-mannered (dialect)


sheep n
goats n
goat n
lamb n

External sources (not reviewed)

On the Mediterranean versant, sheep and cattle-rearing [...]
and cheesemaking are the chief occupations while large quantities
of chestnuts are exported from the Cevennes.
绵羊岛是在 老城区和海湾中间的一个小 的别墅群.
Lammassaari is in the middle of the bay and has small summer cottages.
几个世纪以来,对于以农村人口为主的索马里而言,畜牧业一直是主要的生 计和收入来源;这包括以游牧和定居方式饲养牛 绵羊 、 山 羊 和 骆 驼。
For centuries, pastoralism has been the dominant livelihood and source of income for
Somalia’s predominantly rural population; this includes both nomadic and sedentary
[...] herding of cattle, sheep, goats and camels.
在科里国家公园,你可以走到各种各样的自然奇观 :
[...] 传统园林、古老森林、覆盖着树木、长满繁花的草原 绵羊 放 牧区和郁郁葱葱小树林的丘陵风景。
In Koli National Park, you can walk to a wide variety of natural wonders:
traditional gardens, ancient forests, hilly scenery covered with trees,
[...] flowery meadows, sheep grazing areas, [...]
and lush groves.
在陆地上探索怀托摩的自然风景,游 绵羊 和 奶 牛农场,了解该地区令人惊叹的地质信息,亲眼见证Tomos(石灰岩洞穴)和洞穴的早期形成。
Witness Tomos (limestone shafts) and the beginning formations of caving systems.
为提高自治绵羊品种 的质量,2010年9月,内蒙古政府投资近310万澳元,从澳大利亚进口1284头种公羊。
In September 2010, the Nei Mengu government invested almost A$3.1M to import 1284 rams from Australia to improve the quality of its sheep breed in the region.
第一绵羊挤奶 机是为了满足法国Société des Caves de Roquefort的绵羊牧场 主的需要而开发的,他们要求母羊挤奶机械化,以用于羊乳干酪的生产。
The first sheep milking machine was developed to satisfy sheep farmers of the Société des Caves de Roquefort, [...]
France in
their requirement of mechanizing the extraction of milk from ewes used for production of Roquefort cheese.
[...] 里粮食危机”项目还帮助改善了疾病的防治,对 480 万绵羊和山羊进行了预防三 种主要疾病的疫苗接种,为 [...]
180 万头牲畜治疗了影响牲畜出口贸易的常见疾病。
The project also contributed to improved
disease control through the vaccination of
[...] 4.8 million sheep and goats against three [...]
major diseases and the treatment of 1.8
million animals for common diseases affecting the export trade in livestock.
可灵活分析水牛奶绵羊奶、 山羊奶和牛奶。
Flexibility to
[...] analyse milk from buffalo, sheep, goats and cows
离莫尔德不远的Løvikremma沿海农场,非常适合有孩子的家庭,孩子们会喜欢的 羊 , 马 , 绵羊 , 鸡和其它一些农场动物,而成年人可以品尝到当地的点心,是家庭出游的理想选择。
Not far from Molde is the Løvikremma Coastal Farm, ideal
for families with young children, who
[...] will love the goats, horses, sheep, hens and other [...]
farm animals, whilst adults can sample local refreshments.
欧盟的执行计划预见了对诸如牛、马 绵羊 及 山 羊等农场家畜的识别与普通家畜是相似的。
The legislation of the European Union, which will soon be
generally introduced, foresee identification of livestock such as
[...] cows, horses, sheep, goats, etc. similar [...]
to domestic animals.
显然,这是DNA中嘌呤碱与密啶碱的氮原于配位;Au(III)的类似配合物,原则上能抑制细胞分裂,表明Au(III)配合物可能具有抗癌特性;人们也知道硫代苹果酸金(I)能阻 绵羊 淋 巴 细胞中DNA的合成。
Obviously, this is the DNA purine alkali and dense, totally original at the nitrogen coordination; Au (III) of similar complexes, in principle can restrain the cell division, the results show that the Au (III) complexes may have cancer-fighting
properties; People also know the content and malic acid gold
[...] (I) can stop the sheep in the synthesis [...]
of DNA lymphocytes.
不同的挤奶杯组与奶杯内套组合,适合大多 绵羊 和 山 羊品种。
Different cluster and liner combinations to suit the
[...] majority of sheep and goat breeds.
不胜枚举,例如, MilkoScan FT+ 牛奶分析仪可同时测量牛奶、羊奶 、 绵羊 奶 和 水牛奶中的脂肪、蛋白质、乳糖、固形物、尿素、冰点降低值、游离脂肪酸、酪蛋白、脂肪酸组成、酮病和其他如pH值。
Too numerous to list here, for example, the MilkoScan FT+ milk analyser alone can simultaneously measure fat, protein, lactose, solids, urea, freezing point depression, free fatty acids, casein, fatty acids profile, ketosis and others such as PH and H-index in cow, sheep, goat and buffalo milk.
据管理国报告,群岛 2008 年出口羊毛 160 万公斤,2008
[...] 年通过 Sand Bay 屠宰场加工了 33 000 只羊和绵羊供出口。
According to the administering Power, 1.6 million kilograms of wool
were exported from the Islands in 2008,
[...] and 33,000 sheep and lambs were processed [...]
through the Sand Bay abattoir for export in 2009.
这条车流较少的公路蜿蜒穿行在科茨沃尔德青翠丘陵间,您将欣赏到林地、遍地野花的草地 绵羊 牧 草地和完美无瑕的英国村庄美景。
This lesser-used road winds through the green hills of the
Cotswolds, so get ready for views of woodland, meadows full
[...] of wildflowers, sheep pasture and picture-perfect [...]
English villages.
10 d的大熊猫初乳中总游离氨基酸含量约为82 mg/100 ml,其中游离精氨酸平均含量达61 mg/100 ml,常乳中游离精氨酸含量约为54 mg/100 ml,均明显高于人、牛和绵羊乳; 游离精氨酸在大熊猫干乳期乳腺分泌物中含量显著下降。
The total free amino acid content in giant panda colostrum during day 2 to day 10 of lactation was approximately 82 mg/100 ml, the average level of free arginine was as high as 61 mg/100 ml, and in mature milk the free arginine concentration reached approximately 54 mg/100 ml, both was much higher than in milks of human, bovine and Tibetan sheep tested.
[...] BSE痒病抗原检测试剂盒是一种抗原捕获酶免疫检测(EIA)产品,用于检测牛、 羊 和 绵羊 尸 体 组织中的朊病毒蛋白(PrPSc)异常构象异构体。
The HerdChek BSE-Scrapie Ag Test is an antigen-capture enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
for the detection of the abnormal conformer of the prion protein (PrPSc) in
[...] bovine, caprine and ovine postmortem tissues.
针对特定的市场需求,例如喷雾、玫瑰采摘以及剪 绵羊 和 山羊的蹄子,FELCO提出了相应的解决方案。
FELCO solutions for specific market requirements, such as spraying, rose picking and
[...] cutting the hooves of sheep and goats.
这一工作证明在克隆前可以把人的基因插入供 绵羊 D N A 中 ,并用之生产对人类有价值的蛋白质。
They further created a sheep called Polly in which they showed that it was possible to incorporate a human gene into the donor’s DNA before cloning, thus indicating that it is possible to use animals to produce human proteins for the benefit of mankind.
本种提供好饲料并且被骆驼绵羊喜 爱
This species provides good fodder and is
[...] enjoyed by camels and sheep.
除了火锅,本馆还服务从澳大利亚进口的 绵羊 所 料 离出来的菜肴:Shashilik 烤绵羊肉、特别的绵羊腿、绵羊肉 卷 以及含有蒙古饮食香味的其他菜肴。
Besides hotpot, the restaurant also offers dishes made ​​from imported Australian lamb such as Shashilik lamb skewers, special grilled thigh, lamb spring rolls, and many other dishes with bold Mongolian food flavor.
我们选择最崇高的原料,牛肉高山牧场、尔、chianina、安格斯牛肉、美国牛肉、神户牛肉、野牛 绵羊 从 利 穆赞,从西斯特龙,从比利牛斯山脉的苏格兰或波亚克。
We select the noblest raw materials, Beef from High mountain pastures,
Simmental, Chianina, Angus beef, US beef ,
[...] Kobe Beef, bison, lambs from Limousin, from [...]
Sisteron, from Pyrenees of the Scotland or Pauillac.
结果显示:岩羊和矮岩羊互为单系群,有着较山羊、北 羊 、 绵羊 和 盘 羊间更近的亲缘关系,它们之间的序列差异(Cyt b=3.2%)低于牛科不同种间的序列差异水平(8.3%~12.1%),明显高于种内个体的序列差异,而处于牛科亚种的序列差异范围内。
By comparing the Cyt b sequences of four other species Capra hircus, Capra ibex, Ovis ammon, Ovis aries in the family Bovidae, the divergences and base substitutions among these sequences were analyzed with the MEGA software.
在有珊瑚和绵的区域发现的多数鱼 种也栖息在其他结构性生境中。
Most fish species found in areas with
[...] corals and sponges also inhabit [...]
other structured habitats.
委员会建议缔约国扩大《教育法》的覆盖范围,确保柬埔寨所有第一语言非绵 语的儿童享有受教育权。
The Committee recommends that the State party extend the coverage of the Education Law to ensure the right to education to all Cambodian children whose first language is not Khmer.
会议还建议,粮农组织应在以下五个优先领域开展技术性工作,协助各国 和区域渔业管理组织实施第
61/105 号和第 64/72 号决议以及《粮农组织准则》: ㈠
[...] 改进确认脆弱海洋生态系统的标准,并将其适用范围扩大到珊瑚、 绵 、海 峰和热液喷口以外;㈡ 拟订有关减轻影响措施以及拟订和适用遭遇脆弱海洋生 [...]
拟订关 于应收集哪些信息以及如何收集信息的指南,以促进执行各项旨在控制渔业对脆 弱海洋生态系统影响的措施;㈣ 界定某些用词,以助澄清如何实施《粮农组织 准则》;以及㈤ 拟订关于评估最佳做法的指南。
It was also suggested that FAO should undertake technical work in the following five priority areas to assist States and RFMOs implement resolutions 61/105 and 64/72 and the FAO Guidelines: (i) improving and expanding application of
the criteria for the identification of VMEs
[...] beyond corals, sponges, seamounts and [...]
hydrothermal vents; (ii) developing guidance
on impact mitigation measures and best practices for developing and applying encounter protocols relevant to VMEs, particularly by RFMOs; (iii) developing guidance on what and how information should be collected to implement measures for managing fishery impacts on VMEs; (iv) defining certain terms that could clarify implementation of the FAO Guidelines; and (v) developing guidance on best practices for conducting assessments.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主]和腐化将增加 羊 变 成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false
prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters
[...] will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, [...]
love into hatred; lawlessness [see
Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
(17) 經營所有或任何涉及以任何方式預備、紡織、編織、梳理、沖刷、裁切、漂
[...] 白、著色、染色、印刷及整理或製造棉 羊 毛 、絲、亞麻、麻、亞麻布、黃 麻、皮革、合成纖維及其他纖維或紡織品(不論屬任何狀態下之動物、植物 [...]
等業務(不論由本公司或其他人士進行)之廢料之行業或業務,亦生產硫酸 鹽及漂白及染整物料以及買入及賣出及買賣上述所有或任何物質。
(17) To carry on all or any of the trades or business of preparing, spinning, knitting, doubling, weaving, combing, scouring, sizing, bleaching, colouring, dyeing, printing and
finishing, working or manufacturing in any
[...] way whatever, cotton, wool, silk, flax, [...]
hemp, linen, jute, leather, synthetic fibres
and other fibrous or textile substances, whether animal, vegetable or mineral in any state and whether similar to the foregoing substances or not and to treat and utilise and deal in any waste arising from any such operations, whether carried out by the Company or otherwise, and also of makers of vitriol and of bleaching, dyeing, and finishing materials, and the buying and selling of and dealing in all or any of the aforesaid substances.
更多的非法做法包括:通过驱逐巴勒斯坦居民改 变耶路撒冷的人口组成和法律地位;根据建造一个有 20 个住房单元组成的新定居点的计划拆毁位于东耶 路撒冷的历史悠久的羊人酒 店,该计划威胁到巴勒 斯坦领土的地理连续性和任何未来巴勒斯坦国的生 存能力;耶路撒冷市政府最近通过了一项在东耶路撒 冷周围建造 124 个新住房单元的计划;耶路撒冷规划 委员会最近宣布了规定在被占领的西岸被吞并的土 地上为犹太定居者再建造 1 400 个住房单元的新计 划。
Additional illegal practices include changing the demographic composition and legal status of Jerusalem by expelling Palestinian inhabitants; the destruction of the historic Shepherd Hotel in East Jerusalem under a plan to construct a new settlement of 20 housing units, which threatens the geographic contiguity of the Palestinian territories and the viability of any future Palestinian State; the recent adoption by the municipal Government of Jerusalem of a plan to build 124 new housing units around East Jerusalem; and the recent announcement by the Jerusalem planning commission of a new plan providing for the construction of a further 1,400 housing units for Jewish settlers in annexed land in the occupied West Bank.




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