单词 | 绵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 绵adjective—softadjcontinuousadjweakadj绵—silk flossmild-mannered (dialect)绵noun—goatn sheepn Examples:绵绵不绝adj—continuousadj 绵绵不绝—endless 软绵绵—velvety
八大传媒亦同意笔者以自己方式公布和解释抽样方法,为公民教育略尽绵力。 hkupop.hku.hk | The eight media also agreed the author to announce and explain its own selection method for civic education. hkupop.hku.hk |
作为督导委员会的一员,发展局负责与内地夥伴聯系,以 推展 2 [...] 个基建项目(省道 303 和绵茂公路)及卧龍的 23 个 项 目。 devb.gov.hk | As a member of the Steering Committee, the Development Bureau (DEVB) is responsible for liaising with its Mainland [...] counterparts to take forward 2 infrastructure projects (Provincial [...] Road 303 and Mianmao Road)and 23 [...]projects in the Wolong. devb.gov.hk |
该 申 诉 乃 就 宣 称 本 集 团 产 品 含 有石绵引致人 身 伤 害 而 作 出。 cre8ir.com | The Complaint concerns alleged claims of personal injury caused by products that contain asbestos. cre8ir.com |
即使 实施所有交通管理措施,假如不兴建 P2 道路网,中区 填海第一期地段内的交通将会在 2011 年全面瘫痪,原 因是干诺道中沿途会出现连绵不绝的车龙(在没有中环 湾仔绕道的情况下),即使绿色交通灯亮起,康乐广场 的车辆仍然无法驶入干诺道中。 devb.gov.hk | Even with all the traffic management measures, traffic in CRI will be paralyzed by 2011 if Road P2 network is not built, because continuous traffic queues will be found along CRC (without CWB), and vehicles from Connaught Place will not be able to exit onto CRC even when the traffic lights are in their favour. devb.gov.hk |
毕业熊仔最受欢迎的包括Guilliver白色浅咖啡色米色公仔穿上毕业袍毕业帽和证书,德国Nici各款毕业公仔有绵羊毕业公仔猩猩猴子长颈鹿斑马公仔Nici白马树熊狮子老虎兔子小狗花猫毕业公仔,我们也有独家Nici与法拉利联合推出的法拉利黑马公仔,可以穿上毕业袍十分适合送给男性。 givegift.com.hk | Popular graduation bear includes Guilliver white teddy dressed in graduation gown, hat and certificate. There is German Nici graduation teddy bearseries,sheep plush gorrillas monkey giraffe zebra Nici teddy dolls white horse koala lion tiger rabbit doggie kitten graduation dolls, we also carry the exclusive Nici Ferrari black horse doll, a perfect graduation bear for guys. givegift.com.hk |
曾经一时,Kea被人类大量捕杀,原因是它伤害大量的家畜,尤其是绵羊。 4tern.com | Once a time, Kea was killed by human beings, because it destroyed livestock, especially sheep. 4tern.com |
乳霜状的质地软滑细绵给肌肤提供更水润的呵护t。 priceless.com.hk | Long lasting Moisture Essence for Smooth and Clear Skin Texture. priceless.com.hk |
原本以为天气会不错的我们,在登Mount Eden的路途中,却下起绵绵细雨。 4tern.com | However, the weather turned out to be cloudy when we reached Mount Eden trail. 4tern.com |
笔者因此在发表今届选举滚动调查的最後一天,向各界人士介绍一些关於滚动调查的小常识,为传媒及公民教育略尽绵力。 hkupop.hku.hk | Thus, on the last day of the release of this year's Legislative Council Election rolling survey result, the author would like to introduce some basic knowledge of rolling polls to all, so as to contribute to the media and civic education. hkupop.hku.hk |
例子包括牛油蛋糕、乳酪蛋糕、含水果馅料的谷類棒、磅 蛋糕(包括kasutera)、松软糕(淀粉類甜品(namagashi))、西式蛋糕、月饼、海绵蛋糕、果馅批(例如苹果批)、燕麦曲奇饼、甜味曲奇饼及英式饼乾(曲奇 饼或甜味饼乾)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: butter cake, cheesecake, fruit-filled cereal bars, pound cake (including kasutera), moist cake (type of starchy dessert (namagashi)), western cakes, moon cakes, sponge cake, fruit-filled pies (e.g. apple pie), oatmeal cookies, sugar cookies and British “biscuits” (cookies or sweet crackers). cfs.gov.hk |
经过两个世纪延绵不断的战 争後﹐各国人民﹐甚至包括政治家在内﹐都厌恶了战争﹐转而渴求和平稳定。 hkahe.com | After two decades of recurrent war, people and even statesmen became war-wearied and longed for peace and stability. hkahe.com |
Possession系列的缠绵游戏将如何延续? piaget.com.hk | How far can the game of Possession be taken? en.piaget.com |
经济方面的影响 经济大衰退严重的打击日本: a. 因为全球也出现经济衰退,其他国家对日本的绵花出口需求大大减少。 hkahe.com | Economically, the Great Depression hit Japan badly: a. Because of the general economic recession throughout the world, demand for Japan’s cotton exports in other countries declined steeply. hkahe.com |
用法︰於洁面及爽肤後,用扫子涂於面部,停留15分钟後以湿海绵或棉花洗净。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | Leave to work for 15 minutes and Remove with a damp sponge or cotton wool. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
的核心是透明材料科学,EPDM,CR(氯丁橡胶),NBR(丁腈橡胶),FKM(氟橡胶)和氟橡胶发泡(海绵橡胶),其中介绍所有常用的密封材料 - 如橡胶型材。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The centerpiece is a clear material science, which presents all common seal materials - such as rubber profiles in EPDM, CR (Neoprene) and NBR (Nitrile), FKM (fluoroelastomer) and FKM foam (foam rubber). en.developmentscout.com |
意外发现YSL本季的Hybrid Jacket,将不同系统的元素并合 — 军事外套MA-1、L-2B的袋子以及手袖上的小口袋;Biker Jacket专有的Buckle Belt、前幅拉链可以调较衣衫宽窄;柔滑绵质与特大帽子则是街头系统的Icon Item — Hooded Parker的延续,并附设将帽子收纳起来固定位置的布带,将军事服装、Biker Style的功能性、街头服饰的舒适随意,以及欧洲最顶尖的时装造工,结合成崭新的Men’s Style。 think-silly.com | The Hybrid jacket by YSL mixes diverse elements, such as MA-1 military jacket; L-2B pocket and mini-pockets on the sleeves; bike-jacket-like buckle belt, also front zip to adjust fit; street wear symbol oversized hood in the softest cotton. think-silly.com |
此外可用湿布或绵轻轻一按加以固定。 lavedo.com | To set, press lightly with a damp sponge or cloth. lavedo.com |
红绵糖是非常幼粒、微 湿的糖,颜色由浅褐色至深褐色。 cfs.gov.hk | Soft brown sugar is fine grain moist sugar that is light to dark brown in colour. cfs.gov.hk |
相连系的透明质酸链能填补胶原蛋白凝胶纤维之间的空隙,如一个海绵状的分子,使水分得以被保留。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | The intersecting of the Hyaluronic Acid chain fills the spaces between the collagen gel fibers, causing moisture to be retained as if it were a molecular sponge. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
四川成绵经营中国四川省境内成绵高速公路及长25.4 公里的一部分大件路。 sywg.com.hk | SCECL operates the Chengmian Expressway and a section of Dajian Road of 25.4 kilometres long in Sichuan province, PRC. sywg.com.hk |
Combi 柔湿巾特别加入了来自日本高知县室户岬冲374公尺深的深层净化水,由於阳光无法穿透照射,水质终件稳定低温,无病原菌及大气环境污染,清洁纯净的水质, 让宝宝的肌肤获得最温和的纯净呵护,柔嫩加厚的特级螺萦水针绵,带给宝宝最温柔细致的触感。 combi.com.hk | As planktons cannot carry out photosynthesis at that depth, deep ocean water is stable at low temperatures (below 10 C) and biologically very pure and environmental friendly. combi.com.hk |
东隆决心走入厨房设备,以消费者的使用需求为产品设计及开发的出发点,为消费者提供更快速、亲切与周全的服务,我们建构绵密的服务据点,在台北、桃园、台中、嘉义、台南、高雄都设有服务站,24小时以内到府安装、快速贴心的服务,不让消费者的热水器、瓦斯炉、抽油烟机沦为孤儿、找不到服务人员。 tgas.org.tw | Tong Lung determined to manufacture kitchen and bathroom appliances, which basis of consumers' demand to design and develop all of the products, moreover, we had constructed intensive locators in Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Chiayi, Tainan and Kaohsiung to provide the rapid, cordial and complete service of installation within 24 hours. tgas.org.tw |
换言之,农民除了耕作收成之外,政府也该鼓励或资助农民植树或掘池,以减缓、储存或吸收溢流,盐沼等天然防护措施将成动植物乐园,也可发挥巨大海绵功用;在城市里,新公园与游乐场将提供民众游憩去处,水患发生时亦不会出现损失。 thisbigcity.net | This will mean that, as well as cultivating their land for crops, farmers will be encouraged – or paid – to plant trees and dig ponds that slow down, store and soak up water. thisbigcity.net |
在生产流程上如从外壳注塑、 过滤网焊接、海绵装嵌、 晶片检测、产品检验、 真空包装、直至生产模具制作中的产品设计、电脑加工等等,皆遵循ISO9001:2000国际品质标准体系,因此品质和价格在市场上极具竞争力。 tw.inkmaxhk.com | On the adoption of raw materials, the factory has imported the American FORMULABS ink, Japan high-density sponge, Japan PP material and Sweden metal filters net. Furthermore, during the manufacture procedure, such as the outer covering injection molding, the strainer welding, the sponge attire inlay, the chip examination, the product examination, the vacuum packing, the product design of mold manufacture and the computer processing, etc, the factory follows the ISO 9001:2000 International Quality Standard System. inkmaxhk.com |