单词 | 维吾尔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 维吾尔—Uighur ethnic group of XinjiangExamples:维吾尔人—Uighur person or people 维吾尔语—Uighur language 世界维吾尔代表大会—World Uighur Congress 维吾尔族—Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang See also:吾—surname Wu I my (old)
因此,我认为本会应该就讨论维吾尔族的问题进行一项休会辩论。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, I think this Council should have [...] an adjournment debate onthe Uyghurs. legco.gov.hk |
维吾尔族人是我们的兄弟,因为我们是人。 legco.gov.hk | The Uyghursareour brothers [...] because we are all human. legco.gov.hk |
我看到现在国家的宣传 是一面倒,说是由於有人搅事,有人煽动维吾尔族闹事。 legco.gov.hk | At present, publicity in our country is one-sided, [...] claiming that the Uyghurs areinstigated [...]by some people to riot. legco.gov.hk |
今天在新疆发生的便是这些事情,我知道我在发 言後,可能会被射得满身都是箭,但我没有办法,在血的面前,我希望维吾尔族人可以有决定自己命运的权利,一如台湾人有权决定自己的命 运般。 legco.gov.hk | In front of the bloodshed, I hope the Uyghurscan have the right to decide their own destiny, just as the people of Taiwan can. legco.gov.hk |
为物色更多业务机会,并尽量提升本集团的长远回报,本集团於二零零七年七月三日与独立 第三方订立买卖协议,以收购一间主要於新强维吾尔自治区从事煤开采、销售及分销业务的 公司全部权益,进一步详情请参阅「建议投资」一 节。 cre8ir.com | To seek more business opportunities and to maximize return to the Group in the long run, the Group entered into a sales and purchases agreement with independent third parties on 3 July 2007 in respect of an acquisition of the entire interest of a company which principally engaged in mining, sales and distribution of coal in Xinjiang Autonomous Region (新疆维吾尔自治区). cre8ir.com |
截 至 本 期 间,本 集 团 营 运 及 管 理 之 两 个 煤 矿 分 别 为 凯 源 露 天 煤 矿 及 泽 旭 露 天 煤 矿,位 於 中 国 新疆维 吾 尔自治区 奇 台 县 北 塔 山。 cre8ir.com | During the current period ended, the two coal mines which are operated and managed by the Group are namely as cre8ir.com |
2001 年 5 [...] 月,联合国教科文组织宣布第一批“人类口头和非物 质遗产代表作”共 19 项,其中包括我国的昆曲艺术,这是有史以来第一次 把这些具艺术、历史和人类学价值的社 文化,提升为全人类的共同财富; 之後,在 2003 年宣布第二批共 28 项代表作,其中包括我国的古琴艺术;在 2005 年宣布第三批共 43 项,亦包括新疆维吾尔木卡姆艺术,以及与蒙古联 合申报的长调民歌。 legco.gov.hk | It was the first time ever in history these community cultures with artistic, historical and anthropological values were promoted to be the common wealth of all mankind. legco.gov.hk |
收 购 将 使 本 集 团 在 中 国 新疆维 吾 尔自治区 乌 鲁 木 齐 拥 有 自 置 营 业 地 点,长 远 而 言 可 避 免 因 租 用 物 业 而 致 租 金 开 支 增 加。 cre8ir.com | the acquisition will enable the Group to have its own place of business in urumqi, Xinjianguygur autonomous region of the prC, thereby avoiding any increase in rental expenses from leasing of property in the long run. cre8ir.com |
中国89民运以学生为主体,在运动过程中组织起来,而当中的佼佼者,像吾尔开希、柴玲、王丹等学生领袖也乘势而起,成为运动的"英雄"。 hkupop.hku.hk | Besides the limited role the organizers have, the July 1 demonstration also did not rely upon or produce individual heroes. hkupop.hku.hk |
当然,大家明白,你可能是因为觉得王丹和吾尔开希是民运人 士。 legco.gov.hk | Members can of course understand that this may be due to your perception that WANG Dan and WUER Kaixi are both pro-democracy activists. legco.gov.hk |
该阿维斯塔文语言是印度支那日耳曼舌,属於更具体伊朗集团的其他成员被老波斯的楔形文字铭文的巴列维,并Pazend (或中东伊朗) ,以及後来的方言,新波斯语,库尔德语,阿富汗等阿维斯塔文讲话,是非常密切相关的梵文,事实上,我们能够移调任何词从一种语言到其他的应用特别拼音法。 mb-soft.com | The Avestan language is an Indo-Germanic tongue and belongs more specifically to the Iranian group, the other members being the Old Persian of the cuneiform inscriptions, the Pahlavi, and Pazend (or Middle Iranian), and the later dialects, New Persian, Kurdish, Afghan, etc. The Avestan speech is very closely related to Sanskrit; in fact, we are able to transpose any word from one language into the other by the application of special phonetic laws. mb-soft.com |
经呈列 贵公司有机会享有的该协议的好处(尤其是「该协议的好处」一节所述者)、待 建议首次公开招股完成後首次公开招股後权益的价值可能激增及本公司於联营公司的投资 由非上市投资转变为上市投资的好处,以及倘有条件首次公开招股未能於签立该协议日期 起计24个月内完成,则可在不产生额外成本的情况下享有与回复至最初权益相关的所有好 处後,吾等认为,与维持最初权益相比,与联营公司现有股东及联营公司进行协商以订立该 协议是首选替代方案。 cre8ir.com | Having presented with the opportunity for the Company to enjoy the benefits of the Agreement as discussed in the paragraph headed ‘‘Benefits of the Agreement’’ in particular, the potential surge in value of the Post-IPO Interest and the benefits in turning the Company’s investment in the Associate from anunlistedinvestmenttoalistedinvestment upon completion of Proposed IPO, while enjoying all the benefits associated with the restoration to the Initial Interests at no extra cost if the Qualified IPO could not be completed within 24 months from the date of execution of the Agreement, we are of the opinion that negotiation with existing shareholders of the Associate and the Associate to enter into the Agreement appears to be a preferred alternative than maintaining the Initial Interest. cre8ir.com |
最近 ,在《 东方日 报 》 刊 登 的一篇 题为“驳斥吾尔开希‘ 民主一 中 ’ ”的文章,作 者 是 郎咸平教授,我 在 此 引 述 : “ 台 湾 人 追 求 的 民主,并 不是一个单 纯 以 民主为 目 的的追 求 , 而 是 夹 杂 以 追 求 台独为真正目的的民主。 legco.gov.hk | I wish to quote part of the article written by Prof LANG Hsienping entitled "Disproving WUERKAIXI's article 'On One Democratic China'", which was posted in the Oriental Daily News recently: "The ultimate goal of the Taiwanese people's quest for democracy is not pure democracy, it is a quest mixed up with a bona fide quest for the independence of Taiwan. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 把阿尔巴尼亚共和国、亚美尼亚共和国、圣马力諾共 和国及塞舌尔共和国这4个国家加入《国际擄拐儿童 民事方面公约》("公约")的缔约国家清单;及 (b) 在该命令的缔约国家清单内,以黑山和塞尔维亚共和 国取代南斯拉夫聯盟共和国("南斯拉夫")。 legco.gov.hk | (b) replace the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) in the list of Contracting States in the Order with Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia. legco.gov.hk |
放眼世界,我们可以见到波 斯尼亚的回教㆟,大半个世纪以来已经和塞尔维亚㆟混在㆒起,但两者之间,毫无融 合可言,结果发生目前的种族清洗、㆒发不可收拾的大悲剧。 legco.gov.hk | Looking around the world, we can see that although the Bosnian Muslims have been living with the Bosnian Serbs for the greater part of a century, there has been no harmony between them, thus leading to the current irreversible tragedy of ethnic cleansing. legco.gov.hk |
b. 与 此 同 时 , 俄 国 在 巴 尔 干 鼓 足 泛 斯 拉 夫 主 义 , 而 鄂 鄂 图 曼 帝 国 继 续 迅 速 衰 落 , 1875 年 , 叛 乱 首 先 在 黑 塞 哥 维 那 暴 发 , 接 着 蔓 延 至 波 斯 尼 亚 、塞尔 维亚、门 特 哥 尼 罗 及 保 加 利 亚 。 hkahe.com | b. Meanwhile, Russia encouraged Pan-Slavism in the Balkans while the Turkish Empire continued to decline rapidly, revolts broke out first in Herzegovina, then in Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria in 1875. hkahe.com |
港华燃气维尔京的资产及负债公平值乃根据贴现现金流量分析及参考 业内其他管道燃气公司的市盈率厘定。 towngaschina.com | The fair value of the assets and [...] liabilities of Towngas BVI weredetermined [...]based on discounted cash flow analysis and with [...]reference to the price to earnings ratio of other piped gas companies in the industry. towngaschina.com |
於截至 2010 年 12 月 31 日止年度,港华燃气维尔京於收购日期至报告期期末为集团贡献 营业额 194,078,000 港元及溢利 43,188,000 港元。 towngaschina.com | During the year ended 31 December 2010, Towngas BVI contributed HK$194,078,000 to the Group’s turnover and HK$43,188,000 to the Group’s profit for the period between the date of acquisition and the end of the reporting period. towngaschina.com |
对当地单车骑士而言,2013年已带来好消息,政府将新建23公里的单车道、提供300辆租赁单车,以及市中心禁止汽车通行,也有可能动工兴建长37公里、跨越贝加河的单车路线,许多人对此期盼已久,这条单车道将会穿越城市,并连结至邻国塞尔维亚城市兹雷尼亚宁(Zrenjanin),如此大规模的计划肯定会吸引游客与居民目光。 thisbigcity.net | Also, we will hopefully witness the start of the long-awaited project of 37 km bike routes across the Bega river, which crosses the city and connects with the Serbian city of Zrenjanin. thisbigcity.net |
经考虑上述因素後,尤其是加工商并非必须提供生产服务,以及加工商 就根据加工协议向达利集团提供生产服务而收取之边际利润(即加工费)与 其他上市成衣制造商之边际利润相若,吾等认为加工协议之条款对 贵公司 及独立股东而言属公平合理。 equitynet.com.hk | Having considered the above, in particular the Subcontractor is not obligated to provide the Production Service and the profit margins (being the Subcontracting Fee) for the Production Services as provided by the Subcontractor to the High Fashion Group under the Subcontracting Agreement are comparable to other listed garment manufacturers, we consider that the terms of the Subcontracting Agreement are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company and the Independent Shareholders are concerned. equitynet.com.hk |
(n) 若阁下在任何时候就进行与交易所合约有关的交易而在吾等以外的香港期货交易所参与者开立一 个或多个帐户,及若香港期货交易所委员会决定该帐户的未平仓总额为“大额未平仓持仓”,阁下应 即时向吾等或(若吾等要求)向香港期货交易所报告该“大额未平仓持仓”,并向吾等或香港期货交 易所(视情况而定)提供其所规定的与该“大额未平仓持仓”有关的资料(包括阁下的姓名及最终受 益人或在公司或团体的情况下,则为公司或团体股本的最终实益拥有人的个人,包括透过代名人或 信托形式持有利益的受益人),及向吾等或香港期货交易所(视情况而定)提供其所要求的任何其 他资料(视情况而定)。 tanrich.com | (n) if you shall at any time open one or more accounts with exchange participants of the HKFE other than ourselves for the purpose of carrying out transactions relating to Futures or Options Contracts and if the open positions [...] in such accounts in [...] aggregate amount to a Large Open Position as determined by the board of the HKFE, you shall report to us, or if required by us, the HKFE immediately of such Large Open Position and provide us or the HKFE (as the case may be) with such information as we or the HKFE (as the case may be) may require in connection therewith (including your name and the ultimate beneficiary or in the case of a company or body corporate, the individuals who are the ultimate beneficial owners of the share capital of the company or body corporate, including a beneficiary holding an interest through a nominee or trust) of such Large Open Position and also provide us or the HKFE (as the [...]case may be). tanrich.com |
由 於 (i) 储 量 报 告 乃 由 中 国国土资 源 部 清 单 内 的 特 许评估 师 根 据 中 华 人 [...] 民 共 和 国地质 矿 产 行 业 标 [...] 准 发 出 , (ii) 根 据「 估 值 师 的 履 历 及 估 值 师 所 采 纳 的 估 值 标 准 」项 下 各 段 所载吾等之评 估 及 估 值 师 的 陈 述 , 估 值 师 拥 有 理 解 储 量 报 告 的相 关 经 验 及 资 历 , 以 及 (iii) 估 值 师 已 就 储 量 报 告 进 行 尽 职 调 查,吾等认为 , 如 上 文 所 载 , 估 值 师 采 用 储 量 报 告 的 资 料 及 使 用 多 期 超 额 收 益 法 达 [...]致 其 有 关 采 矿 权 公允价值的 [...]意 见 的 做 法 是 合 理 的 。 cre8ir.com | As (i) the Reserve Reports were issued by licensed evaluator on the list of Ministry of Land and Resources of the PRC under Geology and [...] Mineral Resources [...] Industry Standard of the PRC, (ii) the Valuer has the relevant experiences and qualification to understand the Reserve Report based on our assessment stated in the paragraphs headed ‘‘Profile of the Valuer and the valuation standards adopted by the [...]Valuer’’ and the [...]representation from the Valuer and (iii) the Valuer has conducted due diligence regarding the Reserve Reports, we consider as stated above that it is justifiable for the Valuer to adopt the information of the Reserve Reports and use the multi-period excess earnings method in forming his opinion on the fair value of the mining right. cre8ir.com |
除非及阁下已存入及维持吾等所要求的保证金,否则吾等有权 拒绝为阁下执行购买期货合约或期权合约的指示。 tanrich.com | We shall be entitled to refuse to execute any Instruction for the purchase of Futures or Options Contracts for you unless and until the Margin required by us has been deposited and is being maintained by you. tanrich.com |
发出本函件之目的纯粹是为提供独立董事委员会及独立股东考虑授出一般授权时作参 考之用,故除供收录於该通函内,在未经吾等事先书面同意下,不得引述或转述本函 件之全部或部分内容,亦不得作任何其他用途。 equitynet.com.hk | This letter is issued for the information for the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders solely in connection with their consideration of the grant of the General Mandate and, except for its inclusion in the Circular, is not to be quoted or referred to, in whole or in part, nor shall this letter be used for any other purposes, without prior written consent. equitynet.com.hk |
(C) 在不违反上述(B)项规定之前提下,当任何联名帐户持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他丧失行为能 力、或发生无力偿债事件,吾等将会将所有帐户中持有的贷方余额以及吾等在任何交易及服务下 应向联名帐户持有人支付的所有款项及资产交予联名帐户持有人的生存者(若所有联名帐户持有 人全部身故,则应当交予最後生存的联名帐户持有人的遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付应当被视为已完全地、绝对地解除吾等针对所有联名帐户持有人的负值 (包括已身故的联名帐户持有人及其继承人),前提是吾等会要求提供身故证明文件及/或身故者 遗产的相关法律受让文件。 tanrich.com | (C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or [...] other incapacity of or [...] the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any paymentby us aboveshall be an absolute full and conclusive dischargeof us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and [...]his/her/estate and [...]successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased. tanrich.com |
考虑了董事对发动机管理系统业务之乐观预期,特别是其近期集中进行研发、预 期生产能力之提升及与发动机管理系统业务客户之现有合同(如在以上标题为「贵集团 之业务」及「恒科之资料」之章节中所示),及在中国之汽车生产量及销售量之增长走势 (如在以上标题为「中国汽车行业之概况」之章节中所示),收购事项代表 贵集团一个 集中对发动机管理系统业务之控制及收购可补充及配合 贵集团现时业务运作之技术 的机会,吾等认为收购事项符合 贵集团之业务发展,亦为 贵集团於日常业务过程 中进行。 jinhengholdings.com | Taking into account the optimistic view of the Directors on the EMS business of the Group, in particular in view of its recent focus of development, expected enhancement of its production capacity and existing contracts with customers in the EMS business, as detailed in the section headed “Business of the Group” and “Information of Ever Tech” above, and the increasing trend of production and sales of automobiles in the PRC as detailed in the section headed “Overview of automotive industry in the PRC” above, and the Acquisition represents an opportunity for the Group to consolidate control over the EMS business and acquire technologies complementary and synergetic to the existing business operations of the Group, we consider that the Acquisition is in line with the business development of the Group and in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Company. jinhengholdings.com |
总裁兼首席执行官奥利维尔·伯恩海姆,最近加入了由他的儿子埃利(市场总监)和皮埃尔(销售部经理) - 蕾蒙威先生的小儿子的领导下,该公司的持续增长和在产品的研究和开发,市场营销和通信领域的创新。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Under the leadership of Olivier Bernheim, President and Chief Executive Officer and more recently joined by his son Elie (Marketing Director) and Pierre (Sales Manager) - small son of Mr. Raymond Weil, the company continues to grow and innovate in the areas of product research and development, marketing and communication. en.horloger-paris.com |
可向英属维尔京群岛法院申请,拒絶外国政府没收其拥有的商业公司的股票及其他权益或徵收 税款,及把持有该商业公司的股票或权益而受到外国政府规限的人士视为成员。 tridenttrust.com | Application can be made to BVI courts for an order that the BVIBC disregard the action of a foreign government which expropriates or imposes confiscatory taxes upon the shares or other interests in a BVIBC and to treat as members those persons whose shares or interests are subject to the action by the foreign government. tridenttrust.com |
正正因为这样,我们觉得王丹和吾尔开希来港悼念“华叔”,如 果能够在香港的土地上做到这件事,就是扞衞了我们真真正正有进步 的 “一国两制”;否则,便是破坏了,只是一个虚假的“一国两制”。 legco.gov.hk | And, precisely because of this, we think that if WANG Dan and WUERKaixi are permitted to enter Hong Kong for mourning the death of Uncle Wah, if something like this is really done on the soil of Hong Kong, we will have succeeded in safeguarding a kind of "one country, two systems" that is capable of genuine progress. legco.gov.hk |