单词 | 续牌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 续牌 adjective —renewal adj
IWC万国表延续品牌传统,在网站推出挑战系列(Challenge Series)活动专页,展示全球运动员所作出的努力和行动。 iwc.com | In this tradition, IWC presents the Challenge Series, housing the endeavors and actions of athletes from around the world. iwc.com |
由于所处的时区不同,各外汇市场在营业时间上此开彼关, 陆 续 挂 牌 营 业,它们相互之间通过先进的通讯设备和计算机网络连成一体,市场的参与者可以在世界各地进行交易,外汇资金流动顺畅,市场间的汇率差异极小,形成了全球一体化运作、全天候运行的统一的国际外汇市场。 cn.aficsol.com.au | Because in different time zones, the foreign exchange market in time this open for business in close, listing in business, they each other through the advanced communication equipment and computer network becomes an organic whole repeatedly, market participants can in around the world for trade, foreign exchange capital flow smoothly, the market exchange rates between minimal differences, formed a global integrated operation, all-weather operation of the united international foreign exchange market. aficsol.com.au |
连续停牌澄清,重要的固体回收 应用: 化学和制药工业,特别是对这里的蛋白质来自植物的人血浆分离血浆和细菌恢复恢复 [...] 澄清米酵菌酸和BKB的低温应用而设计,三重冷却实现:直接一碗凉,框架上部冷却器和散热器罩成为可能,只有最小公差产品的温度的精确调整 china-environmental.com | Continuous clarification of [...] suspensions, recovery of valuable solids Application: Chemical and pharmaceutical industries, [...]here especially for the recovery of proteins from human blood plasma in plasma fractionation plants and the recovery of bacteria Clarifiers BKA and BKB designed for low-temperature applications, achieved by triple cooling: direct bowl cooler, frame upper section cooler and a hood cooler make possible the exact adjustment of the product temperature with only minimum tolerance china-environmental.com |
同《加快氟氯化碳生产淘汰 计划》相一致,2009 年将不会发布生产配额,进出口将继 续 由 发 牌 制 度 控制。 multilateralfund.org | Consistent with the Accelerated CFC Production Phase-out Plan, [...] no production quotas will be issued in 2009 and imports [...] and exports will continue to be controlled by a licensing regime. multilateralfund.org |
每一家专卖店的落成均延续了品牌创 办 人Jean-Marc Vacheron 的精神,展示了我们的活力,以及品牌不断扩大的国际网络。 vacheron-constantin.com | Each opening of a new boutique, therefore, [...] spreads the spirit of Jean-Marc Vacheron [...] that little bit further, reflecting our [...]company's great vitality and, in the process, [...]enlarging our international scope. vacheron-constantin.com |
宝洁公司不仅成功整合瑟雅将其纳入产品组合,并 继 续 加 强 品 牌 管 理 ,他们也将建立一个针对高端男性护肤产品的市场。 labbrand.com | Not only will P&G have to successfully integrate Zirh into their [...] portfolio and continue to build the brand, they will also [...]have to build a market for luxury male grooming products. labbrand.com |
而最为重要的是,他能够继续与品牌 同 呼 吸共命运,并很快接手管理Eterna(绮年华)的业务。 wthejournal.com | Above all, he is glad to be able to push [...] ahead with his own brand as well as with Eterna, [...]whose business he will be supervising. wthejournal.com |
为将我们的企业愿景 付诸行动,我们提供能促进 创造更多可持续性品牌并改 善我们所生存世界的解决 方案。 averydennison.com | Putting our corporate vision into action, [...] we provide solutions that help facilitate the [...] creation of more sustainable brands and enhance the [...]world in which we live. averydennison.com |
有关的德盟产品系列将继续使用DEIMO 品 牌。 staubli.com.cn | The brand name [...] of DEIMO will continue to be used on [...]all communication related to the DEIMO product range. staubli.com |
随着这股趋势的持续发展,品牌该如 何把握这独一无二的机遇呢? labbrand.com | With this [...] growing trend, how can brands utilize this unique [...]opportunity? labbrand.com |
同时,企业还要优化自身结构,持续 加 大对 品 牌 的 投 资力度,为真正渡过危机做充分的准备,以求打下一个稳固的全球战略布局。 rolandberger.com.cn | Meanwhile, they need to optimize their [...] own structure, continuously increases brand investments, [...]make a full preparation for weathering [...]the crisis, and establish a solid global strategic layout. rolandberger.com.cn |
航班提醒是一种自动通知服务,当您的航班准点、已延迟或取消,以及您可以办理登机 手 续 和 获 取登 机 牌 时 , 将自动向您发送通知。 united.com | Flight reminders are a service that will automatically notify you if your flight is on time, delayed or canceled, as well as when you can check in and obtain your boarding documents. united.com |
为使当时尚未符合发牌规定 的骨灰龛能够 继 续 维 持 经营, 发 牌 制 度会提供暂时免责。 forum.gov.hk | To allow the operators of those private [...] columbaria which cannot [...] satisfy all the licensing requirements to maintain the operation of the columbaria, they will be given temporary suspension from liability under the licensing scheme. forum.gov.hk |
政府已通过了一项“三管齐下”战略, 即,聚焦吸引力、可见度和可得性,其目标是,通过坚守 品 牌 、 持 续 践行 品牌承诺,即,高标准、纯朴的环境和友好的服务,打造全球知名度。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government has adopted a three-pronged strategy focused on attractiveness, visibility and accessibility, with the aim of building a worldwide reputation for the quality of [...] its tourism based on living [...] up to its brand and delivering consistently on its brand promise — [...]high standards, a pristine [...]environment and friendliness of its service. daccess-ods.un.org |
舒尔将继续与其他品牌及刑事检控机构携手,结成统一战线,共同打击这种不法行为。 acehk.com | Shure continues to cooperate with other brands in joint actions [...] and criminal prosecutions in China to present a united front [...]against this illegal activity. acehk.com |
同时,罗地亚在生产过程中避免添加甲苯等非授权产品,并尽可能降低工业废水,因此确保了产品的纯度,从而使之成为纯度最高、最安全和最具可 持 续 性 的 品 牌 , ” Lajotte总结道。 rhodia.com.cn | Also, by avoiding the usage of unauthorized products such as toluene and the lowest level of liquid effluents Rhodia ensures a [...] very high consistency in purity [...] making our brands the purest, safest and most sustainable in the world,” [...]concluded Lajotte. rhodia.com |
据了解,为了准确了解中国市场上的各类品牌对消费者的影响力,全球三大品牌评估机构之一 ——世界品牌实验室(WBL)连续6年推出 《Brand China品牌中国》大型调查,通过调查,评选出2009年“中国品牌年度大奖”及“中国最具影响力各行业品牌”。 bdhapple.com | It is understood that in order to accurately understand the Chinese market, all kinds of brand impact on consumers, one of the world's three major brands assessment - the World Brand Lab (WBL) for 6 launch "Brand China Brand China," large-scale survey through surveys, selected in 2009, "Chinese Brand Annual Award" and "the most influential brands of all trades. bdhapple.com |
这次的秋冬广告,她希望与此前的品 牌 作 品 保持 连 续 性。 ba-repsasia.com | For the Fall/Winter campaign she wanted to stay [...] consistent with her previous work for the brand. ba-repsasia.com |
这是LEXUS雷克萨斯品牌连续第五次举办这一全国性品牌体验及试乘试驾活动,该活动将在华东、华南、华中、西北、西南5大区域陆续展开,深入体验LEXUS雷克萨斯的品牌内涵及产品魅力。 lexus.com.cn | Guests from 50 cities across China will be invited to [...] experience the brand spirit as well [...]as the charm brought by Lexus vehicles. lexus.com.cn |
雅施由2005年起开始参与由中华(海外)企业信誉协会主办的全国最喜爱 品 牌 选 举 ,并 连 续 3 年 (2 005, 2006, 2007)获得「我最喜爱的香港名牌」金奖。 aster.com.hk | The Most Favorable Brands Campaign is officiated [...] by CERCAO, Aster Cosmetic Centre is pleased to announce that we have been [...]awarded this grand prize for three years. aster.com.hk |
这是LEXUS雷克萨斯品牌连续第五 次举办这一全国性品牌体验及试乘试驾活动,在此活动中,济南天泓雷克萨斯专营店邀请的各界客户共同感受了雷克萨斯品牌所带来的绿色环保理念及激情难忘的驾驭体验。 lexus.com.cn | Focusing this year on the theme [...] “Perfect Experience, Perfect Sharing” the 2011 [...] Taste of Lexus brand experience and [...]test drive event, now in its 5th consecutive [...]year, invited customers from various backgrounds to the Jinan Tianhong Lexus dealership to share both the unforgettable Lexus driving experience and the company’s latest environmental technology. lexus.com.cn |
未来发展中,宏源将继续以科技为依托,以质量为立足之本,走 品 牌 健 康 、可 持 续 化 发展道路,始终保持行业领先地位。 cn.lvd.cc | In future development, Hongyuan will always take the lead on [...] the way to sound and sustainable development on the [...]basis of technical, quality-oriented innovation. en.lvd.cc |
跟随创始人的足迹,品牌继续着创 造性设计项目的传统,近年与意大利顶级家具品牌Cappellini合作,为沃里游艇(Wally [...] Yachts)打造出一张300英尺高的手绘风帆,还与凯歌香槟(Veuve Clicquot)一道为“香槟贵妇” (La Grande Dame)设计礼盒。 lvmh.cn | Following in the founder's [...] footsteps, the brand continues this tradition [...]of innovative design projects, and recently produced [...]furniture with Cappellini, a 300-foot hand-painted sail for Wally Yachts, and a collaboration with Veuve Clicquot for La Grande Dame. lvmh.com |
在理光品牌下,我们将继续致力 于提升GR DIGITAL、GX 和 R各系列产品的性能。 ricoh.com | Under the Ricoh brand, we will continue working to enhance [...] the capabilities of each series: GR DIGITAL, GX, and R. ricoh.com |
阿联酋航空”品牌也将继续出现 在Arsenal运动和训练装备的正面,新协议包括一系列营销权利,协议签署权利立即生效,以保证“阿联酋航空”能够吸引英国和境外的Arsenal球迷。 csm.com | The Emirates brand will also continue appearing on the [...] front of Arsenal’s playing and training kits and the new agreement [...]contains a number of marketing rights, which come into effect immediately, to ensure Emirates can engage with Arsenal fans in the UK and abroad. csm.com |
奥克伍德全球总裁兼首席运营官Steve [...] Selcer说:“我非常高兴看到奥克伍德 品 牌 在 亚洲 继 续 成 长 ,这不仅给我们带来了新的市场和新的客户,而且还为我们的全球客户提供了新的选择。 tipschina.gov.cn | I am pleased to see [...] the continued growth of our brand across Asia which [...]gives us access to new markets and new customers [...]while providing additional alternatives to our global customers," said Steve Selcer, President and COO of Oakwood Worldwide. tipschina.gov.cn |
环保议题日益突出,中国持续推动节能政策,中国预期至2010年底共投入人民币4兆元刺激经济,其中LED(发光二极管)产业将因此受惠,此外中国还将举行上海世博会、广州亚运会、山东全运会、深圳大运会,这些大型活动需要的LED路灯景观照明以及大型广 告 牌 工 程 都将 陆 续 招 标 ,对LED产业前景具有激励作用。 meibowtdg.com | Environmental issues become increasingly prominent, the Chinese continue to promote energy-saving policies, is expected to the end of 2010 China has invested RMB 4 trillion to stimulate the economy, in which LED (light emitting diode) industry will benefit from, in addition to China Shanghai World Expo will be held in Guangzhou Asian Games, China Games, Universiade, these events require [...] the LED lights landscape lighting [...] and a large billboard project will gradually tender, the [...]LED industry prospects incentives. meibowtdg.com |
其中,公益的互联网数据分析平台,将为政府、 [...] 行业提供更加准确、及时、全面的互联网统计调查数据,直观反映中国互联网发展状况的多个层面(宏观和 微观、行业和领域等),是CNNIC调查 品 牌 优 势的 延 续。 cnnic.net | Therein, the Internet data analysis platform for public welfare will provide more accurate, timely and comprehensive Internet statistical survey data to the government and industries, objectively reflect multiple dimensions (macro/micro, industries [...] and sectors, etc) of the Internet development situation, and [...] it’s the extension of the advantages of CNNIC survey brand. cnnic.net |
此外,奔驰金融更秉承“惟有最好”的 品 牌 精 神, 连 续 两 年 在众多汽车金融公司中脱颖而出,蝉联中国汽车「金引擎」奖-“最佳汽车金融公司”和“最佳汽车金融案例”两个奖项。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | Adhering [...] to the Mercedes-Benz brand spirit “The best or [...]nothing”, MBAFC has dedicated itself to providing the best service, [...]a practice that earned it Golden Engine Awards in two categories in the past two years (“Best Auto Finance Company” and “Best Case of Auto Finance”). mercedes-benz.com.cn |
戈德斯通报告(A/HRC/12/48)证实了 国际社会对于以色列在侵略加沙地带期间实施战争 罪和危害人类罪的最坏担忧。这些罪行包括故意杀 人、蓄意袭击平民目标、恣意损坏平民财产、不加区 别的袭击、使用人体盾牌、以及以继 续 封 锁 的形式对 加沙平民实施集体惩罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Goldstone report (A/HRC/12/48) confirmed the international community’s worst fears about the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including wilful killings, deliberate attacks on civilian objects, the wanton destruction of civilian property, indiscriminate attacks, the use of human shields and collective punishment against Gaza’s [...] civilian population in [...] the form of a continuing blockade by Israel during its aggression on the Gaza Strip, which continues to this very moment. daccess-ods.un.org |