单词 | 绪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 绪 —mental stateless common: clues • thread • beginnings Examples:就绪 adj—ready 情绪 adv—emotionally adv 情绪上 adv—emotionally adv
政府的自满情绪表明缺乏结 束人民苦难的政治意愿。 daccess-ods.un.org | The complacency of the Government revealed the lack of political will to put an end to the suffering of the population. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,长期服务工作 人员不断离职,对留下的人造成情绪 上 的 消极影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, continuous departures of long-serving staff impact the morale of those left behind. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前事态 已得到控制,但是局势依然高度紧张,潜在的不满 情绪尚待解决。 crisisgroup.org | The situation is now under control, but tensions are still high and the underlying grievances are yet to be addressed. crisisgroup.org |
这一潜在的威胁笼罩着在职人员的心头,除此之外,工作人员现在还具 有不安全感和不满情绪。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The latent threat looming over the staff in post feeds the sense of insecurity and dissatisfaction that today characterizes the members of staff. unesdoc.unesco.org |
打击腐败需要采取强硬的企业规章和流程,包括第三方关系管理、内部合规计划以及调查 就 绪 程 度。 deloitte.com | Combatting corruption will require the adoption of strong corporate practices and procedures, including third-party relationship management, internal compliance programs, and investigation readiness. deloitte.com |
大家的沮丧情绪显而易见,尤其在最近南苏丹种族冲突相关报道之后。 unicef.org | Travellers’ frustration is palpable, especially following recent reports of ethnic clashes in South Sudan. unicef.org |
在医疗保健领域,毛里塔尼亚与世界卫生组织里 昂办事处和世卫组织驻努瓦克肖特分局合作开展的 一项研究显示出如下结果:接受调查的个人中 35%患 有至少一种精神疾病,20%的人患有焦虑症,19%的人 有情绪问题 ,2.4%的人表现出某种精神问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the field of mental health care, a study in Mauritania carried out in cooperation with the World Health Organization Lyon office and the WHO bureau in Nouakchott showed the following results: 35 per cent of individuals sampled had at least one mental problem, 20 per cent had problems with anxiety, 19 per cent had mood problems, and 2.4 per cent showed some psychotic problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
言语障碍人士不能有效地与他人沟通,又或由于有言语困难而引致他人对其言 行过分注意,以致影响其学业、情绪 和 社交方面的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Persons with speech impairment are persons who cannot communicate effectively with others, or whose speech difficulty draws [...] undue attention to their speech acts to such an extent that it affects [...] their academic, emotional and social developments. daccess-ods.un.org |
刑法典》界定了下列方面的责任:实施恐怖主义犯罪,挑起民族、种 族、宗教或地区间敌对情绪,获 取、保存、转交和邮寄极端主义材料以进行传 播、编制和散布,以及故意使用极端主义组织标志和工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Criminal Code defines responsibility for crimes of a terrorist nature, the instigation of national, racial, religious or inter-confessional hatred, the acquisition, possession, transport or dispatch of extremist materials with a view to disseminating or preparing to disseminate them, and the intentional use of symbols or attributes of extremist organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际社会需要加强合作、增强全球 难民保护制度的应急反应能力、还需防止其被滥用, 而且个别国家还必须通过消除一切形式的种族歧视 和仇外情绪、保护难民权利、不断改善难民的生活条 件来帮助难民。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community needed to improve cooperation and enhance the emergency response capacity of the global refugee protection system, as well as prevent its abuse, and individual countries should assist refugees by discouraging all forms of racial discrimination and xenophobia, protecting their rights and continuing to improve their living conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
显然,阿拉伯世界的普遍情绪是深感沮丧,因为 安全理事会今年早些时候未能就以色列定居点这一 关键问题作出表态,尽管空前之多的国家成为了我国 代表团向安理会提出的决议草案(S/2011/24)的提案 国。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clear that the prevailing sentiment in the Arab world is one of deep frustration following the failure of this Council earlier this year to express itself on the critical issue of Israeli settlements, even though the draft resolution (S/2011/24) that my delegation had presented to the Council had been sponsored by an unprecedented number of States. daccess-ods.un.org |
已经开发了一个预防犯罪联合评估工具,还有关于城市地区警务 的联合技术援助工具,将于 2010 年初准备就绪。 daccess-ods.un.org | A joint crime prevention assessment tool has been developed, as well as a joint technical assistance tool on policing in urban spaces, which will be ready in early 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
在巴拉卡的 Nsabimana 中校立即命 令所有下属部队返回镇上,因为他对专家组说,刚果(金)武装部队内“反卢旺达” 的情绪升级。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nsabimana, based in Baraka, immediately ordered all of his units to return to the town, owing to what he stated to the Group as an escalation of “anti-Rwandophone” sentiments within FARDC. daccess-ods.un.org |
精神上无行为能力的证人可由其他人陪同下在法庭上作 供,以缓和减少他们的恐惧情绪。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mentally incapacitated witnesses can also be accompanied by other persons when giving testimony in court to ease their fear. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过游戏,儿童理解彼此间的社会交往和对物理环境的参与可能会引起疼痛和不确定 [...] 性,所以“为了把不适看做‘背景噪音’而抑制他们的 情 绪 权 重” (Pellis and Pellis2006: [...] 265); 如果在游戏中,儿童伤到了他们自己或被其他儿童伤到了,尽管疼痛是“真实”的,但是它 [...] 可能没有在非游戏性环境中严重,以为毕竟,“我们只是在进行游戏”。 ipaworld.org | Through playing, children appreciate that social interaction and engagement with each other and the physical environment may [...] involve some pain and uncertainty, and so [...] ‘dampen their emotional weighting in [...]order for that discomfort to be regarded as [...]“background noise”’ (Pellis and Pellis 2006: 265); if a child hurts themselves or gets hurt by others in play, while the pain is ‘real’ it may matter less than in nonplay contexts as, after all, ‘we were just playing’. ipaworld.org |
对风险的感觉具有技术和情绪内容, 风险交流应当处理这两方面的问题。 fao.org | Perception of risk has both technical and emotional dimensions, and risk communication should address both these aspects. fao.org |
委员会敦促缔约国采取措施检查内罗毕贫民窟的过度拥挤状况,尽可能减少政界 [...] 人士的政治纲领中利用贫民窟状况的可能性,并做出与该问题规模相当的努力, 以应对贫民窟的族裔紧张情绪。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee urges the State party to take measures to check the overcrowding of the slums of Nairobi and minimize the possibility of the situation in the slums being exploited in the political platforms of [...] politicians, and to invest in efforts commensurate with the scale of the [...] problems in order to address ethnic [...]tensions in the slums. daccess-ods.un.org |
只能通过正式的政治进程实现和平;但是, 为了持久,我们必须把人当作个人、社区和真实的人 来对待,他们有伤痛、情绪和怒气,但也有希望、善 心和感情。 daccess-ods.un.org | It can be achieved through a formal political process; but, to be sustained, we have to deal with human beings as individuals, communities and real people with traumas, emotions and anger, but also with hopes, with hearts and feelings. daccess-ods.un.org |
提交人还回顾指出,她的家庭生活迄今一直以财政无保障和 情 绪 不 稳 为标 志,孩子们无法上学,从而剥夺了他们根据《公约》第十七条和第二十三条第1 [...] 款应该享有的受教育的权利以及家庭权利受到保护的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author also recalls that her family life has to date been marked by [...] financial and emotional uncertainty, [...]and that the children have been prevented [...]from attending school, thereby denying them their right to education, and their family rights protected under article 17 and article 23, paragraph 1, of the Covenant. daccess-ods.un.org |
完成扫描后,您的电子邮件软件应用程序将会打开并显示您 所扫描的附件,以及准备就绪从您 的电子邮件帐户发送到电子邮件地址。 graphics.kodak.com | When the scan is complete, your email software application will be opened with your scanned attachment and be ready to send to an email address from your email account. graphics.kodak.com |
在这种情况下,与家人失散或无人照看的儿童必须得到适当的照顾,一切相关措施都应准备 就 绪 , 以 帮助他们与亲人团聚。 unicef.org | In situations such as these, separated or unaccompanied children must be given proper care, and all measures should be put in place for them to be reunited with their relatives. unicef.org |
虽然迄今为止当中国政府采取具体行动时都还 能够约束民族主义情绪,但 群情激愤的国内环境仍 然制约了政府政策抉择及其应付问题的能力。 crisisgroup.org | While Beijing has been able to rein in nationalist sentiment over the South China Sea when it adopts a specific policy, this heated environment still limits its policy options and its ability to manage the issue. crisisgroup.org |
在逐步平伏情绪后, Diane必须兼顾忙碌的工作与家庭责任,腾出时间照顾儿子,包括带他看医生、动手术、以及接受物理治疗和运动疗法。 clarinsusa.com | After the initial shock, Diane had to juggle her career aspirations and family responsibilities with taking care of her son, which involved many doctor appointments, operations, physiotherapy and ergo therapy treatments. clarinsusa.com |
人民权利监察员办公室的主要工作目标是,扭转那些侵权行为受害者的失 望和不满情绪,依 据《宪法》和其他法律规定,力所能及地通过多方途径满足人 们对司法的需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Office’s principle aim is to alleviate the desperation and discontent of those whose rights have been violated and to seek, by all the means available to it, to comply with what is provided under the Constitution and by law with regard to demands for justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的局势依然极其危急,因为占领 国以色列继续违反包括人道主义法和人权法在内的国际法,导致方方面面的局势 [...] 持续恶化,包括以色列占领下的巴勒斯坦人民继续遭受苦难,并进一步加深绝望 情绪,加剧紧张局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | The situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, remains extremely critical as Israel, the occupying Power, persists with its violations of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, causing the continued deterioration of the situation in all aspects, including the continued [...] suffering of the Palestinian people under its occupation, and further [...] deepening despair and inflaming heightened tensions. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文件概述了《2010 年亚洲及太平洋经济社会概览》的各项主要研究结 果。《2010 年概览》中探讨了目前这一复杂的环境,并为避免上述 V 型反弹致 使我们滋生盲目自满情绪,扼 要阐述了连贯划一的区域政策议程的各项内容。 daccess-ods.un.org | This document summarizes the key findings of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2010 which explores that complex environment and—lest the V-shaped rebound induce complacency—outlines the elements of a coherent regional policy agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
该计划至少在三年前就应当准备就绪 , 确 定 了一定时间段中的气体排放总限额、每个气 体排放者各自分得的限额,以及分配限额时 所依照的准则。 paiz.gov.pl | The Plan establishes the total number of allowances to be granted during a given time period, the number of allowances granted to each gas emitter, along with the criteria to be used in allocating the allowances. paiz.gov.pl |