

单词 继而

继而 adverb ()

afterwards adv

See also:

follow after
go on with

External sources (not reviewed)

炉侧的钢材在 未经充分冷却的情况下会开始结垢, 并且会很快断裂继而造成严重的损 害。
The steel material starts scaling at the fireside, when it is not cooled sufficiently and will soon rupture with great damage as the consequence.
安全形势(第三和第四阶段)成为巴基斯坦在 2009 年面临的重要挑战,也会首先通过 推迟某些联合计划的最后敲定时间 继而 通 过 将捐助者的注意力转移到紧急人道主义援助, 而影响联合国国家计划的运作。
The key challenge, in 2009, in Pakistan, has been the security situation (Phases III and IV) which affected also the United Nations country programme operations initially by delaying the finalization of some of the joint programmes, later by directing donor attention to the urgent humanitarian needs.
尽管这个项目的侧重点是主要流域的水资 源分配政策,特别是要制订省际水资源配置的分配原则, 继而 考 虑 在省内水资源的分配,以 及在各行政区划范围内,行业间的水资源分配是否可行。
In particular, although the focus of the project is for water allocation policy in the major river basins, in particular the development of allocation principles for the allocation of water between provinces, the considerations will need to encompass how allocation is then practices at lower levels and whether the allocation between sectors is workable at all administrative levels.
为了减少供应商继而减少接口的数量,我们决定将整个“生产线总包”(PLP) [...]
的供应合同给予 Voith。
To reduce the
[...] number of suppliers and thus the interfaces, [...]
we decided to award the contract for the supply of the complete
Process Line Package (PLP) to Voith.
这套 丛书和相关的出版物都是为了提高对各个社会水资源发展历史的认识 继而 促 进 对水资源管 理方面的文化环境、有利条件和制约因素的相互理解。
The book series and related publications aim at raising awareness of the historicity of water resources development in all societies and thus facilitate the mutual understanding of cultural contexts, assets and constraints in dealing with and managing water.
2011年4月27 日,鉴于先前于2010年4月19 日提出的意见(
见上文7.1至 7.4段) ,缔约国重申了其立场,即应该停止对本申诉的审查,或者应以未用尽国
[...] 内补救措施为由宣布此申诉不可受理,因为在驱逐申诉人的决定失去时效之后, 他们现在可以向移民局提交新的庇护申请,还可以上诉移民法 继而 上 诉 移民上 诉法院。
On 27 April 2011, in the light of its previous submission of 19 April 2010 (see paras. 7.1-7.4 above), the State party reiterated its position that the examination of the present complaint should be discontinued or it should be declared inadmissible for failure to exhaust domestic remedies, since, after the decision on the complainants’ expulsion has become statute-barred, they have now the possibility of submitting new asylum applications to
the Migration Board with the possibility of an appeal to the
[...] Migration Court and further to the Migration Court of Appeal.
经社会似可考虑采用一种分阶段的循序渐进办法,首先在试行 基础上与常驻代表咨委会和/或其各工作组(诸如决议草案非正式工 作组等)共同举办省纸型会议继而逐 步 做到完全不使用纸页文件。
The Commission could consider piloting paper-lean meetings with the Advisory Committee and/or its working groups (such as the Informal Working Group on Draft Resolutions) through a phased approach in order to attain the goal of eliminating the use of hard copies.
根据根据经社会第 67/15 号决议的第 15 和 16
[...] 段、并根据常驻 代表咨委会第 337 次和第 338 次会议的决定,常驻代表咨委会设立 了一个非正式工作组,负责审议常驻代表咨委会的职权范围 继而 探讨 可酌情为常驻代表咨委会及其决议草案非正式工作组制订哪些 议事规则。
In accordance with paragraphs 15 and 16 of resolution 67/15, and as decided at the 337thand 338th sessions of the Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission, an informal working
group was established
[...] to review the terms of reference of the Advisory Committee and then to consider any possible rules of procedure [...]
for the Advisory
Committee and its Informal Working Group on Draft Resolutions.
泰国:在泰国中部,一位工人以社区和经济发展项目开始 继而 专 心 建造教会,带动了当地社区的转变。
Thailand: In central Thailand a worker
started with community and economic
[...] development and continued with intentional [...]
church planting, leading to the beginning of transformation in the local community.
这些中心的核心任务是发挥中枢作用,为促进知识获取、技术转让、促进 本土创新提供便利继而促进发展中国家和最不发达国家的当地创新。
The central mandate of TISCs is to boost domestic innovation in developing countries and LDCs by serving as nodal hubs for facilitating access to knowledge, technology transfer and promotion of home-grown innovation.
如果理事继而修订 了指南和模式,则秘书处应暂时适用经修 订的指南和模式。
If the Board subsequently revises the guidelines and modalities, then the secretariat shall apply the revised guidelines and modalities on an interim basis.
因此,依赖共同财产资源的小农、农民、牧民、土著居民、渔民及其 他边缘群体流离失所继而引发 了资源冲突,粮食主权也受到了极大的威胁。
Thus, small farmers, peasants, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, fishers and other marginalized communities that depend on common property resources are displaced, creating resource conflicts and greater threat to food sovereignty.
但是,即便是在从Facebook得到正面评价的病例中,孩子们仍然无法建立真正面对面的沟通 继而 病 态 地依赖于同伴之间变幻无常的评价。
But even in the case of getting positive affirmation from Facebook, kids are still not establishing real face-to-face interactions and come to rely unhealthily on the fickle nature of peer evaluation.
继而谈到 妇女的权利,为了回应智利和哥伦比 亚提出的问题,她提及了设立两性平等新机制的第 63/311 号决议,她对此表示坚决的支持。
Turning to the rights of women, in response to the questions of the representatives of Chile and Colombia, she referred to General Assembly resolution 63/311, which supported the establishment of a new entity for gender equality and which she strongly supported.
2009 年执行局决定要求“编写和提供管理当局对所有评价报告的反应”,并 且最近在各个国家办事处审查评价工作的管理情况 继而 评 价 办公室经过一番协 商,制订了关于管理当局对评价工作做出反应的新指示。
Following the 2009 Executive Board decision requesting “preparation and availability of management responses for all evaluation reports” and the recent audit of the management of evaluations in country offices, the Evaluation Office developed, through a consultative process, new guidance on management response to evaluation.
诗中表达出诗人不求回报的暗恋所带来的痛苦,他暗恋的女性浑然不知是自已激发了诗人的情感;接下来是对时间和历史的冥想,诗人感到哀伤,徘徊在生存与死亡、现实与虚无之间,倍感疏离和孤独 继而 回 望 过往的荣光,缅怀逝去的童年(《盛宴的夜晚》)。
The pain of unrequited love for a woman, unaware that she is the cause of the poet’s feelings, is expressed; this is followed by a meditation on time and history that leads the distressed poet, in his isolation and loneliness, on the border between life and death, reality and nothingness, to contemplate the glories of past ages and experience nostalgia for his childhood (Sera del giorno festivo).
它考虑到世界各地的青年组 织和活跃团体的经验和需求继而提 出 本联盟支持争取全球环境稳定的综合办 法。
The document takes into consideration the experiences and needs of youth organizations and activist groups worldwide, thus presenting a holistic approach to the Union’s contribution to the struggle for worldwide environmental stability.
下一步从逻辑上讲应该是 鼓励私营部门投资开采海洋矿床,并 继而 进 行 开采的可行性进行初步经济评 价,同时加快采集系统测试相关活动的速度。
The next step would logically be to encourage private-sector investment in the exploitation of marine mineral deposits and to undertake a preliminary economic evaluation of the feasibility of proceeding to exploitation, in addition to increasing the pace of activity related to the testing of collector systems.
因此,我们呼吁国际社会 谴责摧毁巴勒斯坦人的家继而使一个又一个家庭流离失所的做法,并采取必要 行动迫使占领国停止这种残酷无情的做法。
We thus call on the international community to condemn the destruction of Palestinian homes and the subsequent displacement of entire families and to take the necessary actions to compel the occupying Power to halt this ruthless and cruel practice.
不得 违背有关女性的意而继续实 施这种保护措施。
Such protective measures
[...] shall not be continued against the [...]
will of the woman concerned.
与此同时,由于继承的法律性质,并运用在保留时所使用的相同逻辑,非 新独立国家的继承国如果在国家统一或分离时条约依然有效,这不能视为有能力
[...] 就国家继承之日之前提出的保留提出反对,除非为被继承国规定的提出反对的期 限尚未结束而继承国 在这一期限内提出了反对。
At the same time, owing to the ipso jure nature of succession and applying the same logic used in the case of reservations, a successor State other than a newly independent State, for which the treaty remained in force following a uniting or separating of States, could not be considered to enjoy the capacity to formulate an objection to a reservation formulated prior to the date of the succession of States unless on that date the time period prescribed for the formulation of an
objection had not elapsed for the
[...] predecessor State and the successor State formulated [...]
its objection within that period.
我们将会秉承这个理念,继续响应政府的号召,与其他社团和商家合作,开展更多促进种族和谐的活动,为维护一个公正、平等、和平的新加 而继 续 耕 耘。
We will continue to heed the government’s call to cooperate with other community groups and companies to bring forward even more community engagement projects in the bid to uphold a fair, equitable and harmonious Singapore.
冈比亚还报告称,继 续开 展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育 而 且 拥 有一支训练有素、装备 完善的人道主义排雷队,时刻准备应对任何紧急情况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in [...]
the affected areas and has a well
trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.
以色列非但没有对各种和平努力和姿态——其 中包括巴勒斯坦领导人对实现和平以及对落实以 1967 年以前边界为基础的两国解决方案所作的明确 承诺(最初是 20 多年前的《巴勒斯坦独立宣言》);
[...] 利斯作出的承诺;八年多前的《阿拉伯和平倡议》、 中东和平路线图和《四方声明》;美利坚合众国和所 有其他有关国家的外交努力——作出对等的回应,而继续只是在口头上说要追求和平,其所作所为实际 上是在破坏任何实现和平的机会。
Rather than reciprocate the efforts and gestures made for peace — from the explicit commitment to peace and the two-State solution based on the pre-1967 borders made by the Palestinian leadership, beginning with the Palestinian Declaration of Independence over 20 years ago; to the Madrid, Oslo, Taba, Sharm el-Sheikh and Annapolis commitments; the Arab Peace Initiative over eight years ago; the road map to Mideast peace and the Quartet Statement; the diplomatic efforts of the United States of America and
all other concerned
[...] nations — Israel continues to pay only lip-service to the pursuit of peace, while its actions [...]
are actually destroying
any chance for the realization of peace.
尽管做出了迅速的国际努 力,以恢复和平进程,但以色列政府非但没有做出 相应,而继续其 非人道的做法,向手无寸铁的巴 勒斯坦人民、他们的家园和基础设施开动其军事机 [...]
器,关闭边界过境点,限制迁徙和运输自由,并实 施封锁和集体惩罚。
Despite all the fast-paced international efforts to revive
the peace process, the Israeli
[...] Government, rather than responding, continued its inhuman practices, [...]
pitting its military
machine against the unarmed Palestinian people, their homes and their infrastructure, closing border crossing-points, limiting freedom of movement and transportation, and engaging in blockades and collective punishment.
大会还在同一项决议中强调,方案和协调委员会应完全按照其在协调问题上 向经济及社会理事会和大会提供协助的任务规定,通过改善与行政首长协调会秘
[...] 书处和联合检查组的协调,加强协调作用,以提高规划效率和实效, 而继 续确 保及时实施本组织行动,防止重复和重叠。
In the same resolution, the Assembly also emphasized that, in full accordance with its mandate to assist the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly on coordination, the Committee on Programme and Coordination should enhance its coordination role, through improved cooperation with the CEB secretariat and the Joint Inspection Unit, in order to
increase planning efficiency and
[...] effectiveness so as to continue to ensure the timeliness [...]
of the implementation of, and
prevent duplication and redundancy in, the action of the Organization.
以色列政 府缺乏诚意导致局势的恶化,它没有认真参加和平进 程,而继续没 收更多的巴勒斯坦土地,建造非法定 居点,以此在实地制造新的现状,杀害和非法驱逐巴 勒斯坦人,并没收其土地和财产。
What exacerbates the situation is the lack of good faith on the part
of the Israeli
[...] Government, which, instead of seriously engaging in the peace process, continues to confiscate [...]
more Palestinian territory,
to build illegal settlements, thereby creating new realities on the ground, to kill and unlawfully evict Palestinians, and to confiscate their land and property.
她的声音将回荡在每次宣读的誓言中,她的火焰将在每次点燃火炬时亮起,她的伟大遗产将通过世界上每天举办的每次竞赛和每位运动 而继 续 存在并发扬光大。
Her voice will echo each time the oath is recited, her fire will burn each time the flame is lit and her legacy will live and grow through every athlete in every competition, daily, around the world.




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