




advancing wave upon wave
one falls, the next follows (idiom); stepping inthe breach to replace fallen comrades





External sources (not reviewed)

除了自身增长外,我们掘潜在的收购,并且 与营运商和服务供应商缔结策略性夥伴关系,藉此推动业务进一步扩展。
We will continue to explore potential [...]
acquisitions and strategic partnerships with operators and service providers to drive
expansion, alongside organic growth.
There were also views that Hong
[...] Kong should continue to attract [...]
experts as well as to develop its own talent for the ICT industry.
本人确认:(i)会就使用自动增值服务及 / 或个人八达通遵守本申请条款、自动增值协议及八达通发卡条款;(ii)知悉及同意於本申请获批核後,
本人之个人资料将连系至本人持有之八达通;(iii)已细阅、明白及同意自动增值协议条款第 33 至 40 关於个人资料(私隐)条例的通知;(iv) 同意及
[...] 授权恒生可将阁下於申请表所提供及留存於恒生其他纪录之个人资料披露予八达通卡有限公司;并同意此授权将於取消自动增值服务或八达通或 个人八达通效。
I confirm that I agree: (i) to be bound by the Terms of Application, the AAVS Agreement and the Conditions of Issue of Octopus in the use of the AAVS and/or the Personalised Octopus; (ii) acknowledge and agree that upon the approval of the Automatic Add Value Service, my personal data provided in this application will be associated with my Octopus; (iii) agree that I have read, understood and agreed with the notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance contained in clauses 33 to 40 of the AAVS Agreement; (iv) agreed and authorised Hang Seng to disclose the Octopus Cards Limited your personal data set out on the Application form and your data which Hang Seng may have from its other
records, and agreed that this authorization
[...] shall survive, and continueafter, the cancellation [...]
of the AAVS or cancellation of
the designated Octopus or Personalised Octopus.
董事亦认为,经修订条款属公平合理,且待医药公司不再为本公司附属公司而成 为本公司持有50%权益的合营公司後,本集医药公司提供有关财务资助及有关担保,符 合本集团及股东的整体利益。
The Directors also consider that the Revised Terms are fair and reasonable, and the continuous provision of the Relevant Financial Assistance and the Relevant Guarantees by the Group to GP Corp. after it ceasing to be the Company’s subsidiary but becoming its 50% owned joint venture company are in the interest of the Group and the Shareholders as a whole.
[...] 得超过贵用户针对先前产品所取得之授权总數,「具名使用者」使用先前的产品的除外,但不得转让 [...]
If you choose to use the Software and the previous product simultaneously, the aggregate number of licenses used to access the Software and the previous product may not exceed the aggregate number of licenses you acquired
for the previous product, except that a
[...] Named User may continue to use the [...]
previous product, but may not transfer or permit
any other person to use the previous product.
因此,业界切监察生产过程、找出可能引起问题的地方和 制订方法,以防止或减少食品在制造及贮存过程中产生氨基甲酸乙酯, [...]
It is therefore important for the
[...] industryto continueclosely monitor [...]
the manufacturing process, identify potentially problematic
conditions and develop methods that would prevent or reduce the formation of EC and maintain EC contamination at the lowest level possible during processing and storage.
(C) 准承让人须在本申请书所列的单位内居住(由非登记的家庭成员个案除外)。
(C) The proposed assignee(s) shall live in the property as stated in this application (except in inheritance by non authorized occupant(s) cases).
飞利浦将向合营公司授予一项於完成日期有效、非独家、不可转让、不可施加 产权负担、已缴足及免版税的许可使用权,但无权再授出许可专利权项下的再
[...] 仅供许可权承授人在许可地区内使用、出售或另行处置飞利浦品牌范围内产品 的权利除外),以使用许可专利权於(i)飞利浦品牌范围内产品及(ii)网络电 [...]
Philips will grant JVCo, effective as of the Completion Date, a non-exclusive, nontransferable, non-encumberable, fully paid-up and royalty-free license, without the right to grant sublicenses (other than the rights to have Philips-branded Scope Products made by a third party outside or inside the Territory solely for the use, sale or other disposal by Licensee of Philips-branded Scope Products
within the Territory), under the Licensed
[...] Patents, for the continued useof the [...]
Licensed Patents in (i) Philips-branded Scope
Products and (ii) the Net TV Portal, in each case limited to the Territory.
本集团用此利好环境及自置物 业买家需求增加之市况,於本地物业市场物 [...]
The Group will continue toseek development [...]
opportunities in the local property market capitalising on this favourable environment
and strengthening demand from home buyers.
(m) 就任何年期的任何土地与(不论其上是否全部或部分已有建筑),或任何宅院或物业 单位,或任何土地与、宅院或物业单位的任何产业权或权益,按本公司认为合适的 金额、利率及条款与条件,以贷款方式垫款,尤其是向承办本公司将给予垫款或同意垫款或 拥有权益的任何物业的加建或发展或修缮工程的任何一位或多位人士、公司或法团,贷出资 金。
(m) To advance money by way of loan on
[...] any land orhereditament ofany tenure, whether the same shall be wholly or partly built on or not, or on any messuages or tenements, or any estate or interest in any landor hereditaments, messuages [...]
or tenements, at such
amount and at such rate of interest and upon such terms and conditions as the Company shall think fit and in particular to lend money to any person or persons, company or corporation undertaking to build on, or to develop or improve any property upon which this Company shall advance, or agree to advance money or in which it is interested.
(C) 在不违反上述(B)项规定之前提下,当任何联名帐户持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他丧失行为能 力、或发生无力偿债事件,吾等将会将所有帐户中持有的贷方余额以及吾等在任何交易及服务下 应向联名帐户持有人支付的所有款项及资产交予联名帐户持有人的生存者(若所有联名帐户持有 人全部身故,则应当交予最後生存的联名帐户持有人的遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付应当被视为已完全地、绝对地解除吾等针对所有联名帐户持有人的负值 (包括已身故的联名帐户持有人及),前提是吾等会要求提供身故证明文件及/或身故者 遗产的相关法律受让文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
(D) 如替任董事之委任人因任何原因不再担任董事一职,替任董事 将因此事实而不再担任替任董事,惟如任何董事在任何会议上轮换卸任但在同一会 议上获重选,则紧接该董事卸任前根据有效之本细则作出之任何委任效, 犹如该董事并无卸任。
(D) An alternate Director shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Director if his appointor ceases for any reason to be a Director provided that, if at any meeting any Director retires by rotation or otherwise but is re-elected at the same meeting, any appointment made by him pursuant to this Article which was in force immediately before his retirement shall remain in force as though he had not retired.
(d) 以信托方式作为全球任何地方的任何人士或多名人士、公司、法团或任 何慈善或其他机构(不论是否注册成立)的受托人或代名人持有,并管理、
[...] 权证、债权股证、票据、证券、期权、保单、账面负债、索偿及据法权 产、土地、楼宇、、商务及业务、按揭、质押、年金、专利、 [...]
执 照、任何房地产或私人财产的权益,以及就该财产或任何人士、商号 或 法团提出的任何索偿。
(d) To hold in trust as trustees or nominees of any person or persons, company, corporation, or any charitable or other institution in any part of the world and whether incorporated or not and to manage, deal with and turn to account, any real and personal property of any kind, and in particular, shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, notes, securities, options, policies, book
debts, claims and choses-in-action, lands,
[...] buildings, hereditaments, business [...]
concerns and undertakings, mortgages, charges,
annuities, patents, licences, and any interest in any real or personal property, and any claims against such property or against any person, firm or corporation.
由於重新安排的发射日期未能提供充足时间 ,於一旦首次发射未能成功时
[...] ,可以重新建造 及再次发射卫星 ,本公讨各种方案 ,以确保对客户提供的服务不会间断 。
As this rescheduled launch date may not provide sufficient time for such a re-build and re-launch in
the event of an unsuccessful first launch,
[...] the Company continues toexplore [...]
options to ensure the continuity of service to its customers.
(2) 努力做好中药材、大宗原辅料、包装材料和进口物资的统一采购供应工作,加强本 集团内工商企业的合作,进本集团内部资源整合的进程,从而扩大本集团 产品的市场份额。
(2) To continuously expedite the progress of internal resource integration through enhancing the integrated purchase and supply of Chinese medicine, raw materials in bulk, packaging materials and import stuffs, and strengthening the cooperation between the inter-group industrial and commercial enterprises, so as to enlarge the market share of products of the Group.
30 如股份(非缴足股款的股份)涉及任何已催缴或於规定时间应缴付的款项 (不论是否现时应缴付),公司就该款项对该股份拥有首要留置权;本公司 亦就股东或其财产或遗产欠本公司的所有债务与负债而对登记於该股东名下 (不论单独或与他人联名)的全部股份(缴足股款股份除外)拥有首要留置 权及抵押权,而不论有关债务与负债是否於通知本公司任何人士(该股东除 外)的任何衡平权益或其他权益之前或之後产生,以及不论有关债务与负债 的付款或解除期间是否已实际到临,即使有关债务与负债为该股东或其任何其他人士(不论该人士是否为本公司股东)的共同债务或负债。
30 The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share (not being a fully paid up share) for all moneys, whether presently payable or not, called or payable at a fixed time in respect of such share; and the Company shall also have a first and paramount lien and charge on all shares (other than fully paid up shares) standing registered in the name of a member (whether solely or jointly with others) for all the debts and liabilities of such member or his estate to the Company and whether the same shall have been incurred before or after notice to the Company of any equitable or other interest of any person other than such member, and whether the period for the payment or discharge of the same shall have actually arrived or not, and notwithstanding that the same are joint debts or liabilities of such member or his estate and any other person, whether such person is a member of the Company or not.
我们的团队在亚洲建立具盈利的业务方面有良好往绩,而我们行我们的业务计划,以确保 我们所有业务能在将来持续发展。
Our team has a proven track record of building profitable businesses in Asia and we will continueto execute our business plan to position all our businesses for sustained growth into the future.
不管本协议在那日开始生效,如果在本协议签订之日之後条例被废除或 有任何修改 (除按照政府於 2007 年 12 月 17 日发出的立法会环境事务小 组编号 CB(1) 418/07-08(07)文件(“立法建议”)中建议修改条例以设置污 染物的排放上限及便利使用排放交易),或任何指明工序牌照有任何更新
或更改(对初始上限所作的更改或按照立法建议而作的更改除外),从而 对此机制或港灯的排放表现或遵守所有污染物的总许可排放量的情况造 成重大影响,则此机制不适用於
[...] 该适用年度及之後各适用年度,直至港 灯与政府达成协议,对本附表作必要的修改以令机效爲止。
Notwithstanding the date on which the Agreement comes into effect, if from the date of this Agreement there is any repeal or amendment to the APCO (other than pursuant to the Government’s proposal to amend the APCO to cap the emissions of the Pollutants and to facilitate the use of emissions trading as described in a Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs Paper reference CB(1) 418/07-08(07) dated 17 December 2007 (“Legislative Proposal”)) or any renewal of or change to any Specified Process Licence (other than to the amount of the Initial Cap or pursuant to the Legislative Proposal), which has a material effect on the Mechanism or HEC’s emissions performance or compliance with the Total Permissible Emissions, the Mechanism shall not apply to that Applicable Year and any subsequent Applicable Years until HEC and the Government
have reached agreement as to the amendments to this Schedule that are
[...] required to give continued effect to the [...]
(d) 进行建造及建筑承包商、室内及室外装饰商、以及土地与、宅院或物业单位及其各 自之内任何产业权或权益拥有人的业务;管理屋村及物业;接受及徵收租金;以及按本公司 认为适当的条款与条件,就土地与、宅院或物业单位及其各自之内的任何产业权或 权益,为任何一位或多位人士、公司或法团,担任代理人或代理商及进行各类代理及佣金业 务,以收取佣金或对价。
(d) To carry on the business of construction and building contractors, interior and exterior decorators, and owners of land andhereditaments,messuages and tenements and any estate or interest therein Hong Kong Stamp Duty $20.00 5-8-65 — 2 — respectively, to manage estates and properties, to receive and collect rents, and to act as attorneys or factors and transact all kinds of agency and commission business so far as regards lands and hereditaments, messuages and tenements, and any estate or interest therein respectively for any person or persons, company or corporation for such commission or consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the Company shall think fit.
(3) 在董事会会议上不再担任董事的任何董事,在如无其他董事反对下及否则 出席董事未达法定人数的情况下,席及作为董事行事以及计入法定人数之 内,直至该董事会会议终止。
(3) Any Director who ceases to be a Director at a Board meeting may continue to be present and to act as a Director and be counted in the quorum until the termination of such Board meeting if no other Director objects and if otherwise a quorum of Directors would not be present.
(5) 根据上述第(4)段罢免董事而产生的董事会空缺,可以通过股东在罢 免董事的大会上的选举或委任予以填补;在该大会上,被罢免的董事仍应履行其 职责,直到下一次委任董事或获选出或委任为止;对於在股东大会上未 有进行选举或委任的情况,可以授权董事会填补任何尚未填补的空缺。
(5) A vacancy on the Board created by the removal of a Director under the provisions of subparagraph (4) above may be filled by the election or appointment by the Members at the meeting at which such Director is removed to hold office until the next appointment of Directors or until their successors are elected or appointed or, in the absence of such election or appointment such general meeting may authorise the Board to fill any vacancy in the number left unfilled.
我们相信透过把握有利的市场前景,南联地产的优质资产组合租户 质素、租金收益及出租率方面提供可持续的回报。
We are confident that by capitalising on the positive market outlook, our quality asset portfolio willcontinue toprovide sustainable returns in terms of quality tenant mix, rental yields and occupancy levels.
资於应予最优先发展的增长市场,尤其投资 [...]
於前线员工,并透过推行有利於改善我们成本效 益比率的环球业务模式,达致可持续节省成本。
Wecontinued to fundinvestment [...]
in high priority growth markets, particularly in front line staff, from sustainable cost
savings achieved through the implementation of our global business model which have contributed to an improved cost efficiency ratio.
如果您未能遵守此截止期限,并决定在计划出院日期院,您可能须支付计划出院日期後 的所有医院护理费用。
If you do not meet this deadline, and you decide to stay in the hospital after your planned discharge date, you may have to pay all of the costs for hospital care you receive after your planned discharge date.
未 来,本 集 团 将 持 续 审 慎 发 展、开 拓 销 售 网 络 及 扩 大 产 能,持 稳 健 的 财 务 政 策,为 客 户 及 市 民 缔 造 优 质、方 便 和 健 康 之 生 活 环 境。
In the future, while maintaining its prudent fiscal policies, the Group will continueto develop its business cautiously, broaden its distribution network and expand its production capacity with a view to building a quality, convenient and healthy living environment for its customers and the people.
即使董事会有任何空缺任的各董事或单任的一位董事仍可行 事,但如果及只要董事人数减至少於根据或依照此等细则厘定的最少人数,则即使董事 人数少於根据或依照此等细则厘定的法定人数或只有一位董留任任的各 董事或一位董事可就填补董事会空缺或召开本公司股东大会的目的行事,但不得就任何 其他目的行事。
The continuing Directors or a sole continuing Director may act notwithstanding any vacancy inthe Board but, if and so long as the number of Directors is reduced below the minimum number fixed by or in accordance with these Bye-laws, the continuing Directors or Director, notwithstanding that the number of Directors [...]
is below the number fixed by or in
accordance with these Bye-laws as the quorum or that there is only one continuing Director, may act for the purpose of filling vacancies in the Board or of summoning general meetings of the Company but not for any other purpose.
豁免方」是指个别和所有原告及 [Lufthansa ] 全体和解团体成员,代表自身以及透过他们提 出索赔的任何个人或实体,包、管理员、遗赠受益人、前任、接任、母公司、子公 司、任何形式的代表、股东、合作夥伴、董事、任何形式的所有者、附属机构、受托人、代 理商、雇员、承包人、律师或保险商;以及和解团体律师,代表自身以及透过他们提出索赔 的任何个人或实体,包、管理员、遗赠受益人、前任、接任、母公司、子公司、任 何形式的代表、股东、合作夥伴、董事、任何形式的所有者、附属机构、受托人、代理商、 雇员、承包人、律师或保险商。
Releasing Parties” shall refer individually and collectively, to Plaintiffs and all [Lufthansa] Settlement Class Members, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as anheir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer, and to Settlement Class Counsel, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer.
(f) 按其认为适宜的条款借款予该等人士或公司,尤其是与本公司有业务 往来的客户及其他人士,并担保该等任何人士或公司履约,及╱或按所
[...] 安排的条款就任何年期或概况的土地、楼宇、及物业、股份、 证券、商品及其他财产作抵押的垫款及借款,尤其是使任何贷款(包括 [...]
(f) To lend money to such persons or companies and on such terms as may seem expedient, and in particular to customers and others having dealings with the Company, and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any such persons or companies, and/or to
advance and lend money on the security of land,
[...] buildings, hereditaments andpremises [...]
of any tenure or description, shares, securities,
merchandise and other property upon such terms as may be arranged, and in particular so that any loan including interest thereon may by made repayable by monthly or quarterly instalments or otherwise.




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