

单词 统购统销

See also:


state purchasing monopoly
unified government purchase


state marketing monopoly

External sources (not reviewed)

早 在 19 世纪,一些农民和企业团体就开始组织起来, 进行集体销、购买和采购原材料并建立集体的银行 和保险统。
As early as the nineteenth century, groups of farmers and entrepreneurs started organizing
themselves to arrange
[...] for collective marketing, purchase and procurement of inputs and for collective banking and insurance systems.
这也反映出,许多联合国组织在许多市场上现购机票,其未公布票价比通过 全球航空公司销系统购买的 价格更便宜。
It also reflects the fact that many United Nations
organizations conduct spot buying in
[...] many markets, resulting in cheaper non-published airfares than those available through global airline distribution systems.
它是一家统的直接邮购销售商 ,包含了领先的技术,还成功结合了领先技术提供的竞争优势。
Digi-Key is an
[...] electronic component distributor that has embraced [...]
and successfully integrated the competitive advantages
that leading edge technology provides.
能源效率措施包 括:按建筑节能标准进行建筑、供暖、空调和照 明统的改造,购高效 产品,以及购买节油的 商用汽车。
Energy efficiency measures include: reconstruction and renovation of the buildings, heating,
air-conditioning, and
[...] lighting systems according to building energy efficiency standards, procurement of high-efficiency products, and purchase of fuel efficient [...]
business vehicles.
[...] X1零售价为2498元人民币(400美元),将通过步步高在线商店和苏宁 购销 售。
The BBK vivo X1 will retail for ¥ 2,498 ($400) and will be available through both the BBK online
[...] store and SuNing Yi purchase.
该科负责人是一名首席财产管理干事(P-4),该干事向综合支助事务处处 长报告,负责:管理和维护稳定团的电子资产控制 统 ; 管 理库存,降低库存量; 处置销资产 ;向独立会计单位提供关于库存管理和供应链管理方面的咨询;持 续审查稳定团内部各级仓库库存;实现仓储标准和做法的现代化;缩短库存处理 时间;收集、核对和分析库存持有量和库存消耗数据;维护数据库;对特遣队所 属设备进行到货、操作状态以及定期和任满回国检验和核查。
The Section would be headed by a Chief Property Management Officer (P-4), the incumbent of which would report to the Chief of Integrated Support
Services and would be
[...] responsible for: the management and maintenance of the Mission’s electronic assets control system; inventory management and the reduction of inventory levels; the disposal of written-off assets; the [...]
provision of specialist
inventory and supply-chain management advice to self-accounting units; the continual review of store-holder inventories at all levels within the Mission; the modernization of warehousing standards and practices; reduction of inventory processing times; the collection, collation and analysis of stock holdings and stock consumption data; maintaining databases; and conducting contingent-owned equipment arrival and operational readiness as well as periodical and repatriation inspections and verifications.
内部监督事务厅同意综合报告第 20 段
[...] (A/64/284,第 20 段)中关于目前使用不同的信息 技术统的看法,但购司并 没有接受事物厅提出 的下列建议:信息和通信的需求应当写入与采购业 [...]
务策略一致的一个战略计划中;建立一个用户代表 和通信技术工作人员组成的信息和通信技术委员 会。
The Office for Internal Oversight Services endorsed the observation on
disparate information technology systems made in paragraph 20 of the comprehensive report
[...] (A/64/284, para. 20), but the Procurement Division had not accepted [...]
its recommendation
that information and communication needs should be formalized in a strategic plan aligned with the operational procurement strategy and that an information and communications technology (ICT) committee composed of representatives of functional users and ICT staff should be established.
(d) 支持最不发达国家加强有效的销系 统 和 最 不发达国家小商品生产者 扶助框架。
(d) Support least developed countries in
[...] strengthening effective marketing systems and support frameworks [...]
for small commodity producers in least developed countries.
因此,拟出了文化旅游的衡量标准,通过提高 统 手 工 艺 销 售品 的质量等方式保护和开发这一资源。
Consequently, cultural tourism measures
were drawn up to preserve and develop this resource, for instance by improving
[...] the quality of traditional handicraft sales.
[...] 利比亚有关当局的情况交流,并酌情同小组、反恐怖主义执行局、国际民航组织、 联利支助团和国际伙伴进行情况交流,分享关于源于利比亚的武器弹药(包括便 携式防空统)的地点、销售、储存或扩散的资料,并与利比亚当局、联利支助 团和适当的国际及区域伙伴密切协作,对它们与利比亚之间共同边界的有力的边 界安保管理制度加以协调和复原。
Contributors to this working document would like to encourage States, particularly Libya’s neighbours and those of the region, to strengthen information exchange with the relevant Libyan authorities, as well as with the Panel, the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate, ICAO, UNSMIL and international partners, as
appropriate, on the location, the
[...] sale, the stockpiling or the proliferation of arms and ammunitions emanating from Libya, including man-portable air defence systems, and to collaborate [...]
closely with
the Libyan authorities, UNSMIL and appropriate international and regional partners in the coordination and the rehabilitation of a strong border security and management regime along their common borders with Libya.
将利 用这些资源来补充经常预算资源,以便向方案规划、预算和账务厅各司提供业务和应用支持:
[...] [...] 为综管系统各财务单元的日常运作提供服务台支助;就综管系统财务事项相关问题向总部以外 办事处提供支助;支助维持和平经费筹措司的部队费用和索偿 销 系 统 ; 维 护方案规划、预算 和账户厅使用的所有重要系统,如薪金系统、离职后健康保险系统、业务处理综合控制系统、 [...]
Insight 系统、所得税处理系统和普通会计 制度,并为外地薪金系统和会计系统提供协助。
The resources will be used to complement regular budget resources to provide operations and application support to all the divisions of the Office of Programme Planning Budget and Accounts: provide help desk services for support in the day-to-day functioning of IMIS finance modules;
support offices away from
[...] Headquarters on IMIS financerelated matters; support of the troop costs and claims reimbursement system targeted [...]
for supporting the
Peacekeeping Finance Division; and maintain critical systems used by the Office of Programme Planning Budget and Accounts such as payroll, After-Service Health Insurance, Operations Processing Integrated Control System, SWIFT, Chase Insight, income tax processing and the general accounting system, as well as assisting in field payroll and accounting systems.
俄罗斯已开 始研发性能更高的新工具,以探测地雷并使其失效,并建立了一个适用于地雷的 全国性技术要求统以及制订销毁 已淘汰地雷的计划。
The Russian Federation had started to develop new, improved tools for mine detection and disposal, had established a national system of technical requirements for landmines and had developed a plan for the destruction of obsolete mines.
非员额所需经费净额减少 831 400 美元,是由于: 2010-2012 年加强危机管理能力和成立信息管理科一次性经费中止而 减少了一般临时人员(1 263 700
美元),以及一般业务费用减少(191 700 美元),主要因为
[...] 2010-2012 年房舍租用维修改建一次性经费中止,并由以下方面部分 销 : 购 置 数 据处理和办 公室自动设备费用增加(63 700 美元),以及如下表 [...]
35.25 详细列示,本次级方案外勤活动所需
预算毛额项下按比例增加的份额(560 300 美元)。
The net decrease of $831,400 in non-post requirements results from the decrease under general temporary assistance due to discontinuation of one-time 2010-2011 provisions for strengthening of the crisis management capacity and the establishment of the Information Management Section ($1,263,700) and a decrease under general operating expenses ($191,700) resulting mostly from discontinuation of one-time 2010-2011 provisions for rental and maintenance of and
alterations to premises,
[...] partly offset by additional requirements for acquisition of data-processing [...]
and office automation
equipment ($63,700) and the proportional share ($560,300) of the increase under the gross budget requirements of the fieldrelated activities of the subprogramme as detailed in table 35.25 below.
从 2008
[...] 年开始,由第三方,主要是 通过日本国际协力机构提供资金,马来西亚还提供农 业、购、宏观经济统计等 领域的专门技术。
Commencing in 2008, with third-party funding, mainly through the Japan International Cooperation Agency,
Malaysia has also provided technical expertise in the fields
[...] of agriculture, procurement, macroeconomics and statistics.
为确定业务做法方面的改善情况以增强联合国系统的业务效力,2010 年 3 月/4 月和 7 月组织了派往马拉维、莫桑比克、越南和阿尔巴尼亚的联合国发展集 团/管理问题高级别委员会联合特派团;联合特派团建议执行各项计划,以巩固 在信息和通信技术、购、现金转 统 一 办 法和基本共同事务等领域所取得的统 一和简化成果。
Joint United Nations Development Group/High-Level Committee on Management missions to Malawi, Mozambique, Viet Nam and Albania organized in March/April and July 2010 to identify improvements in business practices for enhanced operational effectiveness of the United Nations system,
recommended the
[...] consolidation of gains in harmonization and simplification in the areas of information and communications technology (ICT), procurement, Harmonized Approach [...]
to Cash Transfers
and basic common services, with implementation plans.
我们的专业知识与技术使我们能提供在 购 、 销 售 、 供应链 (VMI)、分配和账单流程方面的实时数据交换。
Our expertise allows us to offer real-time
[...] data exchange in procurement, sales, supply chain (VMI), [...]
distribution and billing processes.
小组评估了期初存货、生产、再循 环、采购、国外购、销售、 样品和年底期末存货的损失。
The team assessed opening stocks, production,
[...] recycling, purchase, purchase from abroad, sales, samples, and [...]
losses to arrive at a closing stock at the end of the year.
用此种方式通盘考虑购系统,将 有助于发展 购 系 统 的 运 作能力——这 是一个重要问题,因为《示范法》预期采购官员在整个采购过程中行使的裁量 权将非常有限,无论是资格、响应性和评审标准的制定,还是采购方法(以及 [...]
Addressing the procurement system in such a holistic manner will assist [...]
in developing the capacity to operate it, an important
issue as the Model Law envisages that procurement officials will exercise limited discretion throughout the procurement process, such as in designing qualification, responsiveness and evaluation criteria and in selecting the procurement method (and manner of solicitation in some cases).
能够使管理层意识到并信服专业化的 购 、 销 售 活 动必需采取哪些方法步骤。
Can be used to convince management that certain steps have to be taken to
[...] professionalize the purchasing or sales function.
从理论的角度出发,这种结论是合理 的,因为公司在低收入市场低价销售,在高收入市场高价销售要比在全 统 一 价 格 销 售获 利更大。
This correlation is expected on theoretical grounds because companies should be able to make more profits by charging low prices in low income markets and high prices in high income markets (known as differential pricing), than by charging a uniform global price.
它还汇编了全联合国系统可持续采购良好做法,并制订了可持续采购初步指 标,载于《2008 年联合国年度购统计报告》。
It has also prepared a collection of good practices on sustainable procurement across the United Nations system and developed initial
sustainable procurement indicators that were included in the United
[...] Nations Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 2008.
它通过在编译状态下对它们进行缓存以提高PHP脚本的性能,所以那些 统 开 销 在 编 译时几乎可以被消除。
It is compiled by the state in the cache for them to improve the performance of PHP scripts , so that almost at compile time overhead can be eliminated.
西 门子与毒品和犯罪问题办公室将合作支助三个关键领域内的反腐败努力:减少 公共购系统的脆 弱性;依照《反腐败公约》制定法律激励办法,以鼓励企业 [...]
廉正和合作;就腐败的真实代价和遵守《公约》如何能够有助于保护公益和企 业利益对当前及今后的企业和公共领导人进行教育。
Siemens’ partnership with UNODC will support anti-corruption efforts in
three crucial areas: reducing
[...] vulnerabilities in public procurement systems; creating legal [...]
incentives in line with the Convention
against Corruption to encourage corporate integrity and cooperation; and educating current and future business and public leaders about the true costs of corruption and how compliance with the Convention can help to protect both the public good and business interests.
为进一步提高经营和管理效率,降低企业运营成本,以获取更大的企业效益,电信企业对网络资源管理及运营机制提出了新的要求,即需要一个能够全面提升电信运营管理水平的综合网络资源管理系统,有效解决电信运营商的资源数据及资料维护,支撑各类电信业务所需的动态资源调度、数据与应用同 销 业 务 系 统 等 (如客户资源管理系统、电信97、专线系统、故障处理系统等)等基于工作流的互联互通、资源的使用分析与优化以至决策支持等。
To further increase operations and management efficiencies and reduce corporate operating costs for better corporate effectiveness, telecommunications corporations set new requirements for network resources management and operating systems; in other words, they need a comprehensive network resources management system, which can generally raise the level of telecommunications operations and management, to effectively dispose of resources data and documentation maintenance for telecommunications carriers and give support to dynamic resources dispatching, workflow-based interconnections
and interchanges like those between
[...] data/applications and marketing business systems [...]
(such as client resources management system,
Telecom 97, leased-line system and troubleshooting system), analysis and optimization of resources usage and even decision support, as required for various types of telecommunications business.
Elemica云端解决方案允许客户与他们的用户、供应商和物流提供商合作,更有效、更可靠地 购 、 销 售 和分销他们的产品。
Elemica's cloud-based solutions allow clients to collaborate
with their customers, suppliers and
[...] logistics providers to procure, sell and distribute [...]
their products more efficiently and reliably.
项 目利用世界银行向库尔德斯坦地区卫生部提供的资金,取得了以下成果:(a) 修
[...] 建、修复并装备了血库和应急协调中心;(b) 建立了区域无线电统;(c) 采购 了 1 2 辆救护车;(d) 培训了 500 多名辅助医务人员、救护车司机和无线电操作 [...]
With funding provided by the World Bank to the Kurdistan Region Ministry of Health, the project resulted in: (a) the construction, rehabilitation and equipping of blood banks and emergency coordination centres;
(b) the establishment of a
[...] region-wide radio system; (c) the procurement of 12 ambulances; [...]
and (d) the training of more than
500 paramedics, ambulance drivers and radio operators to provide immediate assistance for citizens in health emergencies.
西 门子诚信倡议资助了三个反腐败项目,旨在减少公共 购 系 统 的 腐败漏洞,建 立法律激励系统以鼓励企业诚信与合作,包括报告内部的腐败事件,并对当代 [...]
The Siemens Integrity Initiative finances three anti-corruption projects aimed at
reducing vulnerability to
[...] corruption in public procurement systems, creating [...]
systems of legal incentives to encourage corporate
integrity and cooperation, including reporting of internal incidents of corruption, and educating present and future generations of business and public leaders about the Convention.
专家组关切地注意到,前统巴博政 府 销 毁 了 几乎所有部委的各种记录,显 然意图销毁挪用公款的所有证据,这些记录原本可以协助专家组确定挪用公共资 源违反武器禁运行为的性质。
The Group notes with concern how, in an apparent deliberate effort to destroy all evidence of financial embezzlement, the former Government of President Gbagbo destroyed, at almost every ministerial agency, multiple records that may have assisted the Group in determining the nature of the diversion of public funds and their use in violation of the arms embargo.
一线以外城市的崛起、奢侈品在线交易的爆炸式增长、新消费群体和 统购 买 群 体不同的消费者期望以及其他消费趋势都让奢侈品行业在新到来的一年中成为吸引各方焦点的热点市场。
The rise of lower tier cities, the explosion of luxury e-commerce, the
de-coupling of customer expectations between new
[...] consumers and traditional buyers and [...]
many other trends will make luxury a hot market
to observe in the year to come.




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