

单词 统货

External sources (not reviewed)

它是生态统货币化效益分析的主导框 架。
It is the dominant framework for
[...] analysis of monetized benefits from ecosystems.
目前企业所使用的众多信息系统,诸如WMS仓库管理系统、TMS运输管理系统、SCM供应链管理 统 、 货 代 管理系统等等,无一例外的都叫做“管理系统”。
Many information systems currently used by the enterprise, such as WMS, TMS
transport management systems, warehouse
[...] management system SCM supply chain management, [...]
freight management system, and so on,
without exception are called " management system ".
总部位于巴黎的海外发行机构(IEOM)由法国政府于 1966 年特许成立并授权 在法属太平洋领土发统一货币。
The Institut d’émission d’outre-mer (IEOM), a Paris-based national public institution, was founded and chartered
by the Government of France in 1966 and empowered to
[...] issue a uniform currency in the French [...]
territories of the Pacific.
任职者将对所有非消耗性和消耗性资产进行充分的实 物核查,更新伽利略统货物进 出仓库的信息,比照系统数据核对所有货架库存, 并在发生盗窃时向宪兵报告差异。
The incumbent would perform full physical verifications of all non-expendable and
expendable assets, update
[...] the movement of goods in and out of the warehouse in the Galileo system, reconcile all [...]
inventories on the
shelf against the data in the system and initiate discrepancy and military police reports in the event of theft.
其次,许多统货物合 同如今采取了服务合同的形式——如租赁硬件 而不是购置硬件的信息技术合同,如果因为考虑哪种方法最有可能提供最大灵 [...]
Secondly, many traditional goods contracts now take [...]
the form of services — such as IT contracts in which the hardware is
leased, rather than purchased, and it would make little sense to allow procurement decisions to be potentially distorted by considerations of which method might offer the most flexibility.
一个代表团呼吁,在气候智能型货物和服务贸易自由化和不容许 歧视统货物之间达成平衡,该代表团还指出诸如绿色标签等一些低 碳政策不应成为非关税贸易壁垒。
One delegation called for a balance between the
liberalization of trade in
[...] “climate-smart” goods and services and the inadmissibility of discrimination against traditional goods.
飞机机身内的任何配置,如:空调系统(HVAC)、淡水与废水 统 、 货 物 系 统 、 或客舱内的行李架、座椅、服务车和档板等,都可以认为是内设。
Everything within the fuselage of an aircraft is considered part of the interior. It may be the HVAC system, the fresh / waste water system, the cargo system, or the bins, seats, service carts and bulkheads that make up the cabin.
论坛认为,秘书处针对运输中转、多式联运和物流诸领域开展的 培训活动帮助各成员国提高了那些 统 的 货 运 中 转商的技能,并使之成为 合格的多式联运营运商和物流服务商。
The Forum considered that the secretariat’s training activities in the field of freight forwarding, multimodal transport and logistics helped member countries upgrade traditional freight forwarders to fully-fledged multimodal transport operators and logistics services providers.
气候变化造成的不利影响、自然灾害、森林火灾、气载污染、不可持续的娱 乐用地、森林区块化、外来物种入侵、将森林转为农用以及没有财政和技术资源
[...] 进行可持续森林管理等众多压力,继续在威胁全世界森林的生物多样性,从而减 少了具有生物多样性的森林所能提供的各种生态 统 的 货 物 和 服务。
A number of pressures, including the negative impacts of climate change, natural disasters, forest fires, airborne pollution, unsustainable recreational use, forest fragmentation, invasive alien species, conversion of forests to agriculture and inoperative financial and technical resources for sustainable forest management implementation, continue to threaten the world’s
forest biodiversity, thus diminishing the
[...] full range of ecosystem goods and services [...]
that biologically diverse forests are able to provide.
[...] 域措施,并与世界银行密切合作,进一步研究这些非法流动使用的渠道,特别是 替代汇款统和货币服务提供者。
UNODC was tasked with providing a detailed overview of the existing regional initiatives on tracking the illicit financial flows linked to piracy, and to conducting further research in close cooperation with the World
Bank on the channels used by these illicit flows, in particular
[...] alternate remittance systems and money service [...]
但是,生态统服务的货币 价值并不是唯一的协商工具。
[...] the monetary value of ecosystem services is not [...]
the only negotiation tool.
我们还可提供运送至大多数国家的国际 货 , 统 一 收费 59.95 美元。所有国际送货都使用 FedEx 或 UPS,均享受全额投保和国际优先服务。
We are also pleased to offer international shipping to most other countries for a flat fee of $59.95. All international shipments are fully insured and shipped International Priority via FedEx or UPS.
这些问题包括:授权性立法;信息共 享、数据保护和保密;组织问题;单一窗口设施运营人的赔偿责任;竞争法;
[...] 电子单证的使用;知识产权;数据保留和重新使用数据的限制,包括用于作证 目的;电子签名和数字签名的相互承认(包括通过身份管理 统 ) ;以 及 货 物权 利的电子转移。
Those issues included: enabling legislation; information sharing, data protection and confidentiality; organizational issues; liability of single window facility operators; competition law; use of electronic documents; intellectual property rights; data retention and limits on re-use of data, including for evidentiary purposes; mutual recognition of
electronic and digital signatures (including through
[...] identity management systems); and electronic transfer of rights in goods.
1991年至1994年间,Selkirk先生和Villeneuve先生在一家主要的加拿大投资经纪公司工作,研究和实施 统 化 期 货 交 易 策略以及资金管理和投资产品组合管理方面的技巧。
Between 1991 and 1994, the Mr. Selkirk and Mr. Villeneuve worked at a major
Canadian investment dealer researching
[...] and implementing systematic futures trading [...]
strategies as well as money management
and portfolio management techniques.
[...] ES/9000 IBM 大型机系统和在其上运行的公司内部开发 货物 管统。
With this feature, the modern thin client terminals
connect to the ES/9000 IBM mainframe system and the company’s own
[...] internally developed goods management system [...]
running on it.
其他区域合作框架, 例如补充国际金融统的金融和货币 安 排,可以有助于加强其成员之间的发展和 金融稳定,应该酌情与多边框架保持一致。
Other regional cooperation frameworks, such as financial and monetary arrangements that complement the international financial system, can be instrumental in fostering development and financial stability among their members and should be in line with multilateral frameworks, as appropriate.
提供所有来源的客观和高质量信息,包括来自公共和私营实体的信 息,如国统计机构、国货币基金组织(基金组织)、世界银行、联合国系统、 投资顾问和信用评级机构,对国内外潜在投资者作出明智的决定至关重要。
The provision of objective, high-quality information from all sources, including private
and public entities,
[...] such as national statistical agencies, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), [...]
the World Bank, the United
Nations system, investment advisers and credit-rating agencies, is vital for informed decisions by potential domestic and foreign investors alike.
(b) 成立战略出口管制司:依照《2004 年与核武器和生物武器及其运载统 有关的货物、 技术、材料和设备出口控制法》,在外交部设立了出口管制机构, 即战略出口管制司。
(b) Establishment of the Strategic Export Control
Division: Pursuant to the
[...] Export Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act, 2004, an [...]
export control authority,
namely the Strategic Export Control Division has been established in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
教科文组织实行一种中央集中管理资金的模式,主要使用欧元和美元两 货 币 统 一管 理资金和规避金融风险,为整个组织提供服务。
UNESCO operates a central treasury function, mostly in euros and United States dollars, providing services to the whole Organization by managing cash and reducing financial risks.
[...] 级磋商期间,环境部长和副部长们对由人类活动导 致的环境退化和广泛变化,以及自然进程和生态统服务和货物的丧失表示关注,这些都是实现国际 商定的发展目标和可持续发展的障碍所在。
During the ministerial consultations, environment ministers and deputy ministers had expressed concern that environmental degradation and widespread changes resulting from human activity,
together with natural processes
[...] and the loss of ecosystem services and goods, were barriers [...]
to the attainment of internationally
agreed development goals and sustainable development.
您要 评估逾期和延期交货的数量,并检验三个 货 中 心的 交 货 时 间 在 统 计 意 义上是 否有显著差异。
You want to assess the number of late and back
orders, and test whether the
[...] difference in delivery time among the three shipping centers is statistically significant.
如果再加上准统计出 各种货币投 入数字的复杂性,得出准确的数字就更难做到了。这些非货币投入包括像古巴 [...]
提供的友好援助、地方上在后勤支持、补贴、动员活动、教材印刷、提供伙食、通信、广告 宣传、交通、补充教材等等方面的投入。
Adding to the complication of coming up with an
[...] accurate estimate are non-monetary factors such as the [...]
solidarity contributions of Cuba as
well as the local investment in terms of logistics, bonuses, mobilization, reproduction of material, food, communications, publicity, transportation, complementary materials, etc.
澳大利亚采用澳元及澳分的十进货 币 系 统 ,1 澳元等于 100 澳分。
Australia uses a dollars
[...] and cents system of decimal currency with 100 [...]
cents in a dollar.
(a) 通过国家管制清单:依照《2004 年与核武器和生物武器及其运载统有 关的货物、 技术、材料和设备出口控制法》,巴基斯坦政府于 2005 年 10 月公布 了国家与核武器和生物武器及其运载 统 有 关 的 货 物 、 技术、材料和设备管制清 单,列出受严格出口管制的物品。
(a) Adoption of national control lists:
Pursuant to the Export
[...] Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act, 2004, in October 2005, the Government of Pakistan notified national control lists of goods, technologies, materials and equipment related to nuclear and biological weapons and their delivery systems, which are [...]
subject to strict export controls.
欧洲经委会与欧盟协作的历史悠久,特别是在危 货 物 运输 、 统 一 车辆管理 及关于公路货运和客运的规则和条例、过境便利化和环境领域。
There is a long history of collaboration between ECE and the European Union,
particularly in the areas of transport
[...] of dangerous goods, harmonization of vehicle regulations, [...]
rules and regulations on road
freight and passenger transport, bordercrossing facilitation and the environment.
除其他外, 此类战略应包括土地使用规划、城市和农村地区非机动化公共运输选择规划货 物联运系统相关 基础设施、资金上可行的运营和维护商业模式、影响行为模式的 通信和拓展信息、以及可实现能源效率和低排放的清洁技术等。
Such an approach should include, inter alia, land-use
planning, the planning
[...] of non-motorized and public transport options in both urban and rural areas, infrastructure for intermodal freight systems, business models [...]
aimed at financially
viable operations and maintenance, communications and outreach messages designed to influence behavioural patterns, and clean technologies with a view to achieving energy efficiency and low emissions.
[...] 管理,将货舱连接到货车装载调整区,实现供货发送完全由自动化的大货 舱储存系统完成
In order to simplify warehousing, which is often very time and space consuming when done manually, and to integrate the storage management into the automatic product flow, the delivery
range is completed by a fully automatic high bay storage system with a
[...] connected commissioning sector for truck loading.
第三:金融和经济危机在每个国家的范围、深度和后果,大体上将取决于其 金融货币系统的健 全程度、国家贷款机构的累积资本和资金流动状况以及它们 对外国和企业银行系统的依赖程度,同时也取决于其黄金和外汇储备量以及偿还 外国贷款的能力,而最终则取决于其经济的稳定性、多样性和竞争力。
Third: the scope, depth and consequences of the financial and economic crisis within each individual country will largely depend on the soundness of its financial and monetary system, the capitalization and liquidity of its national lending institutions and the extent of their reliance on foreign and corporate banking institutions, and also on the volume of its gold and currency reserves, its ability to pay back foreign loans and ultimately the stability, diversity and competitiveness of its economy.
基于一个新的海关经纪人,2011年6月3日登记证书№0353/00 “TIS”经营作为一个海关代表没有任何限制,在该地区的活动,类型 货 物 下 的 统 一 命 名的外国经济活动的海关联盟,俄罗斯,运输方式和类型的海关业务。
According to the Certificate of Inclusion into Register of Customs Brokers dated 03 June 2011 № 0353/00, TIS-Broker Ltd is a customs representative without any
restrictions on region, types of transport,
[...] customs operations and goods according to the Foreign [...]
Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature (Russia).
[...] 要我们去开展工作,如企业需要我们的帮助去协调因各 国政策差异带来的业务受阻;解决回 货 问 题 ; 统 一单 证;信用担保;责任保险;跨区域信息化建设;铁路业 [...]
While working with you in the past few years, I have found that there are many things we need to work on in many areas, for example, enterprises need our help to coordinate operational interruption due to policy
differences of various countries, solve the
[...] issue of return cargo, unify documents, provide [...]
credit guarantee, take out liability
insurance, build crossregional information system, and change the railway operational process that does not suit international multimodal transportation.




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