

单词 统筹兼顾

See also:


an overall plan
plan an entire project as a whole


balance (career and family, family and education etc)
attend simultaneously to two or more things

External sources (not reviewed)

对多数与会者来说,目前的危机局势突出了教 科文组织及统筹兼顾的方针应发挥的独特作用,作为联合国系统“道德良知”的代表,教科文组织可以审时 度势,化危机为契机,避免出现“各自为政”现象以及文化与文明冲突的危险。
For many of them, this difficult set of circumstances underscored the particular relevance of UNESCO and its holistic approach, as the “moral conscience” of the United Nations system, to transforming the crisis into an opportunity, and averting the risks of withdrawal and isolation and a clash of civilizations or cultures.
特别委员会认识到从新设维和特派团之初就提 统筹兼顾 、 连 贯一致的法 治援助以协助东道国的重要性,并在这方面敦请秘书处实施各项措施,确保在特 派团整个任期内提供联合国工作人员,,全面执行有关法治的任务,同时考虑到 大会第 63/250 号和第 61/279 号决议的有关规定。
The Special Committee recognizes the importance of holistic and integrated rule of law assistance being provided to host countries from the very outset of the establishment of new peacekeeping missions and, in this regard, urges the Secretariat to implement measures to ensure that United Nations staff are made available to implement fully mandates related to the rule of law throughout the life of the mission, taking into account the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolutions 63/250 and 61/279.
驻非洲的两个区域主任 小组和联合国发展集团向国家工作队和驻地协调员提供支助,以求在国家一级业务 的各个方面促进和加强全系统 统筹兼顾 、 协调和综合一致。
The UNCTs and the Resident Coordinators are supported by the two Regional Directors Teams (RDTs) for Africa and UNDG, with a view to facilitating and enhancing system-wide coherence, coordination and integration of operational aspects at the country level.
这实际上为理事会提供了一 统筹兼顾 的 实质性方式,以按 照大会第 61/16 号决议的设想,审查各次会议和首脑会议成果的执行情况及后续 进程,并评估其对实现各次会议和首脑会议目标和指标的影响。
This is, in effect, an integrated and substantive way in which the Council can review progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of those conferences and summits and their follow-up processes and assess its impact on the achievement of the goals and targets of the conferences and summits, as envisaged by the General Assembly in its resolution 61/16.
特别委员会重申需要确保联合国所有相关行动体之间进行合作与协调,包括通过 法治协调和资源小组采取行动,以确保联合国对法治采 统筹兼顾 、 连 贯一致的 方法。
The Special Committee reiterates the need to ensure cooperation and coordination among all relevant United Nations actors, including through the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group, in order to ensure a holistic and coherent United Nations approach to the rule of law.
我们呼吁为实现千年发展目标采 统筹兼顾 、 多部门协同和促进两性 平等的作法,所有部门进行强有力的协调与合作。
We call for integrated, comprehensive, multisectoral and genderresponsive approaches to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, which are based on strong coordination and cooperation across all sectors.
最后,为了做统筹兼顾,同 时考虑到各代表团 今天提出的意见,安理会现在不妨考虑设立一个专门 的特设工作组,专门负责在进行开放式、透明和包容 各方的磋商以及对联合国维和历史和以前任务授权 进行详尽审查之后,草拟一份工作文件,阐述与维和 行动进驻、过渡和撤离有关的一般性计划、方案、活 动与战略,为此可采取订立规则和条例的形式。
Finally, to put everything in place, in the light of the inputs put forward today by delegations, the Security Council may now consider the creation of a special ad hoc working group exclusively tasked with preparing — after open-ended, transparent and inclusive consultations and a thorough review of the history of United Nations peacekeeping and previous mandates — a working paper on general plans, programmes, activities and strategies, which may be in the form of rules and regulations, on the entry, transition and exit of peacekeeping operations.
我们支持联合国采统筹兼顾、协 调一致的方法 来应对索马里所面临的种种挑战,并欢迎秘书长打算 采取进一步步骤,以便在索马里建立一 统筹兼顾的 联合国存在。
We lend our support to an integrated, coherent United Nations approach to the challenges confronting Somalia, and welcome the Secretary-General’s intention to take further steps towards establishing an integrated United Nations presence in Somalia.
它通统筹兼顾的方 式工作,特别重视维持和平人员在实地的安全保障,并在为维持和平行动 配置工作人员时,审慎考虑性别平衡和地域分配均衡问题。
Working in an integrated manner, special attention will be given to the safety and security of peacekeepers in the field, and careful consideration will be given to gender and geographical balance in the staffing of peacekeeping operations.
人的安全之友”商定,提倡用“人 的安全”的方法,即以人为本 统筹兼顾 的 方法处理 联合国议程,包括千年发展目标(千年目标)、建设和 平、气候变化、人道主义援助、保护妇女与儿童等问 题。
The Friends of Human Security agreed to promote the human security approach — a human-centred and integrated approach — in addressing United Nations agendas including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), peacebuilding, climate change, humanitarian assistance and protection of women and children, among others.
因此,国际基础科学计划可以将针对各地区的具体行动 (“国际基础科学计划地区网站”)作为满足该地区各国愿望和需求 统筹兼顾 的基 本活动,从而避免地区活动过于分散,增强投资效益。
Bearing this in mind, the IBSP may design regionspecific actions (“regional IBSP Webs”) as the basic integral elements, oriented to meet the expectations and needs of countries in the regions, avoiding a fragmentation of regional activity and helping to enhance the returns on investments made.
建设和平委员会正致力于继续推动制订反应更灵 敏、更协调一致及更统筹兼顾的联合国建设和平议 程。
The PBC is committed to continue to champion the cause for a more responsive, coherent and integrated United Nations peacebuilding agenda.
活动评估应说明 这种包含方法,特别是针对可持续发展有关问题的这种方法是 统筹兼顾 了 与 人在环境变化 中的责任有关的所有重大的政策、科学和伦理问题。
The evaluation of activities will need to assess whether this comprehensive approach, in particular when it involves questions relating to sustainable development, covers all the political, scientific and ethical issues relating to human responsibility for environmental change.
再次承诺统筹兼顾的方 式促进普惠平等的区域发展,同时考虑到必须确保 给予脆弱的小型经济体及内容和岛屿发展中国家优惠待遇
Renewing our commitment to integrated regional development which should be inclusive and equitable, taking into account the importance of ensuring favorable treatment for the small vulnerable economies and land-locked and island developing states.
迎接现代维持和平行动不断 变化的复杂挑战,需统筹兼顾,酌 情需要联合国系统内,外部维持和平伙伴,包括国际金融机 构和区域组织的的支持,加强国际社会维持和平和安全的能力。
Meeting the complex and evolving challenges of modern peacekeeping requires an integrated approach and greater coordination and, as appropriate and mandated, support within the United Nations system and with external peacekeeping partners, including international financial institutions and regional organizations, to enhance the ability of the international community to maintain peace and security.
因此,我们必须采取一种更 统筹兼顾 的 方法, 继续研究和加强旨在保护海洋生物多样性免遭人为 或自然出现的气候变化影响的措施。
resources is an issue of great importance, and thus we must follow a more integrated method to continue to examine and strengthen measures that aim to conserve marine biodiversity from the effects of climate change, whether caused by humans or occurring naturally.
我们呼吁为实现千年发展目标采 统筹兼顾 、 多部门协同和促进两性 平等的作法,所有部门进行强有力的协调与合作。
We commit ourselves to taking the necessary steps to achieve all the internationally agreed development goals, in particular the Millennium Development Goals, by 2015.
(c) 《2007-2011 年第三个国家残疾人生活质量发展计划 统筹兼顾 , 是 针 对所有有关部门的残疾人发展指南; (d) 2008 年《心理健康法》旨在保护有心理健康问题者的权利,例如向他们 提供保健服务,使他们能够全面参与社会生活。
(d) The Mental Health Act, 2008, aims to protect the rights of persons with mental health conditions, for example by providing them access to health care and enabling them to participate in society with their full capacity.
我们承诺根据《宪章》规定的任务加强经济及社会理事会,使之成为对联合 国在经济、社会、环境和相关领域所有重大会议和首脑会议的成果文件采取综合 协调一致后续行动的主要机关,并认识到理事会对 统筹兼顾 可 持 续发展的三个 层面具有关键作用。
We commit to strengthen the Economic and Social Council within its mandate under the Charter, as a principal organ in the integrated and coordinated follow-up of the outcomes of all major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social, environmental and related fields, and recognize its key role in achieving a balanced integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development.
建设和平和缔造和平需要采用一 统筹兼顾的 方式,并顾及发展、经济繁荣、建立法治以及促进司 法公正。
Peacebuilding and peacemaking require an integrated and comprehensive approach that takes into account development, economic prosperity, the establishment of the rule of law and the promotion of justice.
联合国系统各实体认为,该报告本可对联合国在这方面支助 统筹兼顾 问题 以及联合国系统如何能够促进各国在减贫战略中的自主权提出评论意见。
The United Nations system entities were of the view that the report could have commented on the coherence of United Nations support in that respect and how the United Nations system could promote national ownership of poverty reduction strategies.
报告审查了在支持非洲发展方面发挥作用 的现有协调机构的任务和活动,并通过各项建议,提出了加强区域、次区域和国 家三级的协调统筹兼顾的措施。
The report reviews the mandates and activities of the existing coordinating bodies that play a role in supporting African development and, through its recommendations, propose measures to enhance coordination and coherence at the regional, subregional and country levels.
禁毒办在 其外地特派团和其他方案活动中便采取了这 统筹 兼顾的方法。
UNODC has developed such an integrated approach in its field missions and other programme activities.
因此,联海 稳定团应继续其至关重要的工作,并与当地联合国其 他机构一道采统筹兼顾的方法,加大其对机构巩固 及经济和社会发展的支持力度。
Consequently, MINUSTAH should continue its essential work and take an integrated approach, together with other United Nations bodies in the field, by reinforcing its support to institutional consolidation and economic and social development.
建议 15 秘书长和联合国系统其他组织行政首长应确保非洲国家方案的规划、方案拟 定和预算周期与次区域和区域方案相互配合,以加强协调 统筹兼顾。
The Secretary-General and the executive heads of the other United Nations system organizations should ensure that the planning, programming and budget cycles of the country programmes in Africa
are aligned with
[...] those of the regional and subregional programmes, in order to achieve increased coordination and coherence.
我们 为合作伙伴争取到资源,以确保处理性健康和生殖健康及权利和艾滋病毒/艾滋 病的对策做统筹兼顾、彼 此关联,以更好地满足贫穷、弱势和被边缘化者的需 求,提高援助实效。
We have leveraged resources for partners to ensure that responses to SRH&R and HIV/AIDS are integrated and linked to better meet the needs of poor, vulnerable and marginalized people and increase aid effectiveness.
自 2005 年世界首脑会议以来,人们已经认识到, 发展与安全之间存在联系,因此,我们必需采统 筹兼顾的办 法来应对这些挑战,特别是在萨赫勒地 区,这个地区正在承受广泛和源头不一的问题,国 际社会必须投入资源,特别是投入财政资源来解决 这些问题。
Summit that there is a link between development and security, and we therefore need a comprehensive and integrated approach to meeting these challenges, in particular in the Sahel region, which suffers problems of such scope and origins that the international community is compelled to dedicate the resources — in particular, the financial resources — necessary to resolving them.
99. 鉴于目前正在开展的改革进程以及为加强联合国系统在国家一级支助工作统筹兼顾、实 效和效率而开展的众多的审查和评价工作,联检组的这次评估56以检 查专员认为显然值得注意的一些选定的问题为重点。
Given the ongoing reform processes and the numerous reviews and evaluations conducted with a view to enhancing the coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of United Nations system support at the country level,56 this JIU evaluation focuses on some selected issues which, in the Inspectors’ view, appear noteworthy.
在联合国改革的背景下,教科文组织在跨部门工作方面可以大有作为,因为在这场改 革中,如有能统筹兼顾地处 理问题,在谋求实现各国商定的本组织的全球目标、承诺和原 则时就能如虎添翼。
Intersectoral work holds particular promise for UNESCO in the context of the United Nations reform where the capacity to approach an issue in an integrated manner can add value when pursuing the Organization’s global goals, commitments and principles, agreed at country level.
(c) 2007 年:环境、发展和冲突预统筹兼顾 — — 欧洲和国家,柏林(3 月);德国轮值主席国会议——非正式综合产品政策网络,柏林(6 月);病媒传 染的疾病的防治办法和挑战:气候变化对病媒和啮齿目动物存量的影响,柏林(9 月);(d) 2008 年:“环境、冲突与和平建设”——与环境共同一道举行的专家
(c) In 2007: integrating environment, development and conflict prevention — European and national, Berlin (March); German presidency meeting — informal integrated product policy network, Berlin, (June); Approaches and challenges to vector-borne diseases: impact of climate change on vectors and rodent reservoirs, Berlin (September)




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