

单词 统汉字

See also:

the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
Han ethnic group
Chinese (language)

External sources (not reviewed)

用户只要安装一个免费的PDF阅读软件,就可以在windows 98上阅读由苹果机操作系统创建的PDF,也可以在纯英文版的操作 统 下 打印 含 汉字 的 PD F文件。
Users to install a free PDF reader software, you can read in the windows 98 operating systems from Apple to create
the PDF, can also be in a pure English version of the operating system
[...] print PDF documents containing Chinese characters.
行动的重点在于统媒体和数字媒体、图书馆和档案馆的巩固或重组,以及这一环境下 的在线教育服务。
Action focused
[...] not only on traditional and digital media, but [...]
also on the consolidation or restructuring of libraries and
archives as well as online-based educational services in this environment.
适用国际 Typesets (如:中文,日文,日汉字,泰 文,俄文...) 像其它字体和打印或输出标签,表格和报告在所有支持的平台上使用任意字符组。
Use international typesets (e.g.
[...] Chinese, Japanese, Kanji, Thai, Russian, ...) like any other font and print [...]
or export labels, forms
and reports using arbitrary character sets on all supported platforms.
清”是一系列带有积极含义汉字之 一 ,这些字词出现于许多品牌名称中。
Clear” is one of a select number of Chinese words that carry unusually positive connotations, and that find their way into many brands’ names.
[...] 系列和独有的N7000H 高分辨率系列,其可再现所汉字中 微 妙复杂的字形和细微差别。
The family of printers includes: the N7000 Cartridge and the exclusive N7000H High Resolution Cartridge
Series which reproduces all of the complexities and
[...] nuances of elaborate character shapes found in [...]
the Chinese language.
We strongly condemn the assassination of former President Burhanuddin Rabbani, head of the Afghanistan High Peace Council.
是海汉数控系统的特 性之一。 现 在,PC计算机软件“virtualTNC”允许 TNC数控系统用作安装在外部计算机中的 机床仿真软件(虚拟机床)的控制组件。
The PC software “virtualTNC” now makes it possible to use the TNC as control component for machine-simulation applications (virtual machines) on external computer systems.
小组委员会认为,在 2011-2012 两年期应继续开展下列领域的工作:不敏感 爆炸物和氧化性固体的分类;与灰尘爆炸危害有关的问题;腐蚀性标准(审议点 蚀问题以及 C.1 检验对固体的适用性);进一步调整《全 统 一 制度》的标准以 使其与《示范条例》的标准相一致;对涉及皮肤腐蚀/刺激的章节进行 字 修 订 ; 水引发毒性的评估;执行问题;进一步改进《全 统 一 制 度》附件 1、2 和 3;编 制小包装标签的进一步指导。
The Subcommittee considered that the work in the following areas should be continued in the biennium 2011-2012: classification of desensitized explosives and oxidizing solids; issues related to dust explosion hazards; corrosivity criteria (consideration of pitting corrosion and suitability of tests C.1 for solids); further
alignment of the criteria
[...] in the Globally Harmonized System with that of the Model Regulations; editorial revision of the chapters addressing skin corrosion/irritation; assessment of water-activated toxicity; implementation issues; further improvement of annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Globally Harmonized System; and development [...]
of additional
guidance for the labelling of small packagings.
另外,意义重大的政府会议将妇女排除在外,如2011 年 9 月在阿富汗和平委员会主席、前统 布 尔 汉 努 丁 ·拉巴尼遇刺后召开的紧急 会议。
Furthermore, women were not included in crucial Government meetings, such as the emergency meeting called following the assassination of the Head of the Peace Council, former President Burhanuddin Rabbani, in September 2011.
目前,柬埔寨还 没 有无家 可归个人和家庭 的真统计 数 字 ; 因 此,王国 政府正在努力收集这方面的准确数据,以 便 制 订 战 略 和实际方案 , 为 所 有 无 家 可 [...]
Currently, there
[...] is not real figure about the number of people and homeless families in Cambodia; therefore, [...]
the Royal Government
is working so hard to research for accurate data about this in order that to prepare strategies and actual programmes to provide all of them proper residences.
最终可能会采用一种电子字系 统,以便为此目的而最终完全取消此方面的纸张使用。
Eventually, an electronic signature system may be implemented to eliminate the use of paper for this purpose.
N7000H 系列具有高分辨率打印质量并保 汉字 的 精 准细节。
The N7000H High Resolution Cartridge Series delivers high resolution print quality and precise
[...] detail for Chinese character sets.
U-CG 星汉字幕系统提供全新的播控字幕及网络字幕模式,其中播控字幕机涵盖了编辑和播出功能,支持边播出边新建或修改字幕内容,通常以单机的机形式用于电视台播出线及后期制作;网络字幕将各个制作控制端、数据服务器及播出服务端通过网络整合在一起组成字幕编播网,拥有更强大的集中管理 、素材模板资源共享、预期节目单编排、工程文件互用、远程控制等功能,为全台的字幕网络化播出、字幕制作和播出分离、全天侯字幕自动播出提供有力保障。
U-CG provides a new broadcast control character and network character mode, where the character broadcast control server contains the functions of editing and broadcast and supports character content editing and new content adding in broadcasting, which is applied in the broadcast line in TV station and after effect making in single server; the network character integrates the create and control ends, data servers and broadcast servers as character broadcast network through network framework, which obtains stronger functions of central management, template resource share, scheduled program list arranging, project file share and remote control, providing powerful guarantee to the character network broadcast, character create and broadcast separating and 24-hour character automatic broadcast.
驱车从沪闵高架往北朝徐家汇方向开,霓虹灯牌巨大的十字标和两 汉字 “ 拜 耳”在夜色中清晰可见,为这个上海地标性区域勾勒出一道新的天际线。
The imposing cross, together
[...] with the Chinese characters for “Bayer”, [...]
has become a new mainstay on the Shanghai skyline,
and can be clearly seen illuminated at night when driving along the Humin Elevated Road traveling northwards towards Xujiahui.
黎巴嫩谴责暗杀高级和平委员会主席、阿富汗前统布尔汉努丁·拉巴尼的行为,这一行为旨在破坏 [...]
委员会为实现阿富汗社会各界对话与和解所作的努 力。
Lebanon condemns the assassination of Mr. Burhanuddin Rabbani, former President and Chair of the
High Peace Council (HPC), which was
[...] intended to undermine the efforts made by the [...]
Council to achieve dialogue and reconciliation
among all components of Afghan society.
Each character is a collection [...]
of drawings that can carry meanings all their own.
部长们和与会者大力提议在第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议上把知识 产权组织的下列交付成果提交各国部长审议和批准:(a)
知识产权与创新政策和 战略;(b) 增强人的技能;(c)
[...] 改进获取知识的途径和加强知识基础设施;(d) 建 立技术与创新支持中心;(e) 从战略上使用品牌;(f) 根据需求评估国家能力建 设;(g) 更大地支持文件字化以及传统知 识、 传 统 文 化 表达方式和遗传资源等 知识产权资产的保护和商业化。
The ministers and participants strongly recommended that the following WIPO deliverables should be presented at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries for consideration and approval by ministers: (a) intellectual property and innovation policies and strategies; (b) enhanced human technical skills; (c) improved access to knowledge and strengthened knowledge infrastructure; (d) establishment of technology and innovation support centres; (e) strategic use of branding; (f) national capacity-building based on needs assessment; and (g)
enhanced support for
[...] documentation digitization, protection and commercialization of IP assets, including Traditional Knowledge, [...]
Traditional Cultural
Expressions and Genetic Resources.
引入隐喻,采用完全的面向对象设计,构思先进。高效率:在PIII 1G内存个人机器上,1秒可准确分词100 万 汉字。
The introduction of metaphor , a fully object-oriented design , advanced the
idea of ​​High Efficiency: PIII 1G memory on individual machines , one second accurate
[...] word 1 million Chinese characters .
委员会还建议缔约国在下一次定期报告中提供有关政府官员和私人所犯种族 歧视行为采取的法律行动和处罚的资料 统 计 数 字。
The Committee also recommends that the State party provide in its next periodic report information and statistics on legal actions and penalties for acts of racial discrimination committed by both public officials and private individuals.
[...] 关于蓄意杀人趋势及非洲犯罪和受害情况 统 计 数 字 和 分 析中得出的初步结果, 并且涉及从关于腐败性质和规模的系列调查中得出的结论。
The document provides information on preliminary results from the Twelfth United Nations Survey
of Crime Trends and Operations of
[...] Criminal Justice Systems, statistics and analysis [...]
on trends in intentional homicide and
on crime and victimization in Africa and findings from a series of surveys on the nature and extent of corruption.
统计数字表明 ,摩尔多瓦大部分土地都非常肥沃,因此必须充分 考虑到上述问题的存在,将农用土地变更为非农用土地(即城市用地)的情况并不 [...]
Taking into account the above mentioned, in accordance with the
[...] official data the majority of the [...]
land in Moldova is a very fertile one, transformation
of the land into non-agricultural use, i.e. urban use being very limited.
委 员会促请缔约国于下次定期报告提供关于各类形式家庭暴力泛滥情况 统 计 数字 和各分类数据。
The Committee urges the State party
to provide, in its next
[...] periodic report, statistics and disaggregated data on trends in [...]
the prevalence of various forms of domestic violence.
所请求的一类重要支持是协助评估现有反腐败框架 和措施的有效性,以及协助收集和生成判断腐败影响程度 统 计 数 字。
An important type of support requested was assistance in assessing the effectiveness of existing
anti-corruption frameworks and measures and in gathering
[...] and generating statistics to measure the [...]
impact of corruption.
就在一个多星期 前,与阿富汗和平为敌的人杀害了高级和平委员会主 席、阿富汗前统布尔汉努丁 ·拉巴尼。
A little over a week ago, the enemies of peace in Afghanistan martyred the Chairman of the High Peace Council, former Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani.
六、本通告所使用的计量单位为国际标准计量单位,并用符号和英文字母代汉字:度 (°)、分(′)、 秒(″)、海里(M)、千米(km)、米(m)。
The unit in the Notices complies with the international
standard unit of measurement, with
[...] the Chinese characters replaced by symbol and alphabet, such as [...]
degrees(°), minutes(′)
and seconds(″), meters(m), kilometers(km) or nautical miles(M).
前者利用汉字字族文 集中识字法”教学,培养学生利用汉 语进行交际的语用能力;后者通过民间文化、节日、科技、历史、艺术等领域的知识,帮助学生理解中国语言和文化。
The former curriculum emphasises the pragmatic aspect of language as a communication medium by using the "family of characters approach to learning Chinese".
按照经修订的编写定期报告的准则( CERD/C/2007/1)第10至12 段,委员
[...] 会建议缔约国向委员会提供资料,说明其人口结构,资料应按民族血统和族 裔分裂,并提供不同群体经济情况 统 计 数 字 , 据 以评估他们的经济、社会 和文化状况以及其权利得到保护的程度。
In accordance with paragraphs 10 to 12 of its revised reporting guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1), the Committee recommends that the State party provide information on the composition of its population,
disaggregated by national and ethnic origin, as
[...] well as statistical data on the socio-economic [...]
situation of the various groups, to
enable the Committee to evaluate their situation in economic, social and cultural terms and the level of protection of their rights.




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