这些措 施包括经常在工地洒 水、设置 车 轮清洗设施、遮 盖 泥头车上的物料和 使 用低噪音机 器 / 设 备 。 legco.gov.hk | These measures will include frequent watering of the site, provision of wheel-washing facilities, covering of materials on trucks and using silenced construction plant. legco.gov.hk |
支持图像预览,播放窗口大小调整,全屏播放模式,加载状态条提醒,支持鼠标滚轮播放进度/播放声音高低,自动重播,时间缓冲。 javakaiyuan.com | Support image preview, playback window resizing, full screen playback mode , load the status bar to remind , support mouse wheel play progress/playback sound level , auto replay , time buffer . javakaiyuan.com |
在偏远地区的碎石路上请使用四轮驱动汽车。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Use a four-wheel drive vehicle on unsealed roads in remote areas. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
我们不仅检查收到用于转配的钢圈和轮胎质量,而且检查装配后车轮的质量。 voith.com | We check the quality of the rims and tires we receive for assembly as well as the quality of the assembled wheels. voith.com |
大量道路交通死伤案件可通过消除主要起因加以预防,包括超速、不使用安 全带和儿童约束装置、酒后驾驶、两轮和三轮机动车驾驶员不带头盔、道路设计 欠佳和保养不当、基础设施和车辆不安全以及创伤护理不当。 daccess-ods.un.org | Significant numbers of road traffic fatalities and injuries can be prevented by addressing the leading causes, which include excess speed, lack of seat-belt and child restraint use, drinking and driving, lack of helmet use by riders on two-wheel and three-wheel motorized vehicles, poorly designed and inadequately maintained roads, unsafe infrastructure and vehicles, and inadequate trauma care. daccess-ods.un.org |
在施工阶段实施的纾减环境影响措施 包括使用 低噪音机 器 /设备 ;在工地竖 设 活动隔音屏障;在进行高噪音的建筑工程时, 限 制同时 操作的机器 /设备 和 器材的 数量;以及在工地设置车轮清洗 设施和定时在工地洒水。 legco.gov.hk | Mitigation measures during the construction stage include the use of quiet plant, on-site movable noise barriers, limits on the amount of plant and equipment operating concurrently for noisy construction activities, as well as provision of wheel washing facilities and regular watering of the site. legco.gov.hk |
底座上的调节控制器(小轮)必须调到“A”。 jabra.cn | The adjustment controller (small wheel) on the base must be set to A". jabra.com |
(e) 每间工厂应对运作或使用中的机器须加防护栅栏的部分加设坚固的保护 栏,例如(aa)原动机的各移动部件及与原动机相连的每个飞轮;(bb)每个水 车及水轮机的上水道及尾水道;(cc)车床头架突出的工料杆的任何部分;及 (dd)除非防护栅栏已安装就位或其防护栅栏之坚固程度可确保对工厂所雇 佣的每个工人的安全,否则下列机器须加装防护栅栏:(i)发电机、电动机 或旋转转换器的各部件;(ii)传动机器的各部件;及(iii)任何机器的危险部 件。 cre8ir.com | (e) In every factory the following shall be securely fenced by safeguards of substantial construction which shall be kept in position while the part of machinery required to be fenced are in motion or in use, namely (aa) every moving part of a prime mover, and every fly wheel connected to a prime mover; (bb) the head-race and tail-race of every water wheel and water turbine; (cc) any part of a stock-bar which projects beyond the head stock of a lathe; and (dd) unless they are in such position or of such construction as to be as safe to every person employed in the factory as they would be if they were securely fenced (i) every part of an electricity generator, a motor or rotary converter; (ii) every part of transmission machinery; and (iii) every dangerous part of any machinery. cre8ir.com |
为了确保您能够享受到最好的自行车岸上游,在我们的旅途上,您将使用由意大利领先自行车制造商Lombardo提供的自行车。 msccruises.com.cn | And to ensure you enjoy the best possible experience on two wheels, you’ll find state-of-the-art bikes, on all the tours, provided by market-leading Italian bike maker Lombardo. msccruises.com.au |
项目简介: 一个类似ruby on rails的java web快速开发脚手架,本着不重复发明轮子的原则,框架只是将零散的struts(struts2)+spring+hibernate各个组件组装好在一起,并对struts及struts2进行改造,提供零配置编程,并内置一个强大的代码生成器及模板文件,可以生成java的hibernat model,dao,manager,struts+struts2 action类,可以生成jsp的增删改查及列表页面。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Ruby on rails a similar rapid development of java web scaffolding , in line with the principle of not reinventing the wheel , but the fragmented frame struts (struts2) spring hibernate components assembled together , and the struts and struts2 transformation , providing zero configuration program , and built a powerful code generator and template files , you can generate the java hibernat model, dao, manager, struts struts2 action class , you can generate the CRUD and jsp list page . javakaiyuan.com |
(i) 就起重机及所有其他起重机械(吊车及升降机除外)而言,任何工厂内(aa) 其中每一部分(包括固定或不固定的工作装备、绳索及链条及锚及固定装 置)须为(i)结构良好、材质坚实及具足够强度;(ii)妥善保养;(iii)由主管人 员至少每十二个月彻底检验一次,且须保存载有每次检验规定详情的登记 册;(bb)该等机器的负荷不得超出其上清楚标示的安全工作负荷;及(cc)倘 任何人士受雇在起重机轮道或接近轮道的地方工作,因而可能受到起重机 碰伤,须采取有效措施以确保起重机无法到达该地方的二十英尺之内。 cre8ir.com | (i) In respect of cranes and all other lifting machinery, other than hoists and lifts, in any factory (aa) every part thereof, including the working gear, whether fixedor movable, ropes and chains and anchoring and fixing appliances shall be (i) of good construction, sound material and adequate strength; (ii) properly maintained; (iii) thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in every period of twelve months, and a register shall be kept containing the prescribed particularsofevery such examination; (bb) no such machinery shall be loaded beyond the safe working load which shall be plainly marked thereon; and (cc) while any person is employed or working on or near the wheel-tract of a travelling crane in any place wherehe would be liable to be struck by the crane, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the crane does not approach within twenty feet of that place. cre8ir.com |
目前燃料中的能源只有44%被传输到车轮。 voith.com | Only 44% of the energy present in the fuel reaches the wheels. voith.com |
产品长度、系统参数、运行状态都可以通过人机界面BTV04输入或监控,人机界面(BTV04)具有9个固定功能键和7个用户可编程按钮,用户可自由编写界面程序或引用标准界面程序,通过S485直接与伺服通讯进行操作;DKC21.3智能伺服驱动器可自动获取伺服电机参数进行最优化配置,每个驱动器标配一个外部测量轮接口和一个伺服电机编码器接口,同时还具有两路高速中断输入口,16个输入点和12个输出点以及强大的数控指令和高速处理能力。 rollforming-cn.com | The length of products, system parameters, running through the man-machine interface can be BTV04 input or monitoring, human-computer interface (BTV04) with nine fixed-function keys and seven user-programmable Button, the user interface procedures are free to prepare or use interface standard procedures, S485 through direct communication with the servo operation; DKC21.3 intelligent servo drives can automatically obtain servo The electrical parameters of the most optimal allocation of each drive an external standard interface and a measuring wheel servo motor encoder interface, and also offers two-way high-speed interrupt input, 16 Enter points and 12 points output and a strong command of the NC and high-speed processing capability. rollforming-cn.com |
如果被拖的汽車的全部車輪均接触地面, 被拖的汽車须由持有合适驾驶执照的人掌管,并能操作其 刹車掣及驾驶盘。 legco.gov.hk | If all the wheels of the vehicle being towed are in contact with the ground, the vehicle shall be in the charge of a person holding an appropriate driving licence who can control its brakes and steering wheel. legco.gov.hk |
令人愉悦的外形,线条流畅的导航轮将为您提供音乐和专辑互动式体验的快感,并以优雅的方式在屏幕呈现封面艺术和音乐信息。 bang-olufsen.com | The pleasant smooth navigation wheel gives you a sensation of interacting seamlessly with your songs and albums, where cover art and music information are displayed elegantly on the beautiful screen. bang-olufsen.com |
高刚性与高韧性同时要求的零件,如 脚踏车刹车把手、溜冰鞋底座、脚踏 车轮框。 npc.com.tw | For example, brake lever of bicycle, road roller frame, wheel frame, etc. npc.com.tw |
最后,摩洛哥皇家陆军通过在限制区建 造一座新的飞机场进行战术增援;沿护堤修筑维护性石墙,并两度增加护堤高度; 在三个不同地区使用多用途轮式 Atlas 车辆以及用中远型重型坦克(M-48 型)取 代若干轻型坦克,也违反了第一号军事协定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, the tactical reinforcement of the Royal Moroccan Army through the construction of a new airfield in the restricted area; the building of supportive stone walls along the berm, in two cases raising the height of the berm; the introduction of multi-purpose wheeled Atlas vehicles in three areas; and the replacement of a number of light tanks by heavier, longer-range ones (M-48) also contravene military agreement No. 1. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果驱动轮 (27)松弛和 / 或开始打滑,则用通 用扳手拧紧固定螺丝 (211)。 graco.com | If drive wheel (27) becomes loose and/or starts to slip, use allen wrench to tighten set screw (211). graco.com |
本配套产品按照国标 GB/T15361-94 的有关条款及起重机安全规程“每台起重设备应具有明显接地装置”的要求, 可作为轨道移动设备的滑动接地装置, 由于支架与接地有较好的绝缘性(6-10kv),可为雷电安全引至地面轨道的接地极, 替代国外同类产品,从而克服了原来接地依靠结构件和车轮接地, 当遇雷击时整机电位升高而使电器设备损坏。 ez.zpmc.com | The complementary products in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national standard GB/T15361-94 and crane safety regulations "each lifting equipment grounding should be obvious"requirements, as the sliding earth orbit mobile devices, due to better support and grounding Insulation (6-10kv), can lead to ground lightning safety grounding the track, alternative of similar foreign products, thereby overcoming the original structure and the wheels ground to rely on ground, when the case of lightning strike, electrical equipment due to the rising potential machine Damage. ez.zpmc.com |
层共挤PVDC高阻隔吹塑薄膜成型设备由7台GET-60-30S挤出机,GET-500-7 7层共挤低型体螺旋式IBC模头,专利的AutoKu-500全自动双风唇风环,IBC内冷控制,自动膜厚控制系统,GET-1400BC导辊式稳泡架,碳纤维辊式电动调节人字板,专利的齿轮旋转水平牵引装置,带自动张力控制的二级牵引装置,GET-2300SCW全自动高速中心/表面收卷机,称重料斗控制每层物料比例,整线中心电脑控制iPC。 cn.industrysourcing.com | Seven-layer co-extrusion blown-film line for high barrier PVDC film , is consists of 7 model GET-60-30S extruders, GET-500-7 7-layer low-profile die design with spiral mandrel, patented AutoKu 500 auto-profile air ring, IBC control system, auto-profile control system, GET-1400BC guide-roll bubble cage, carbon fiber roller collapsing, patented wheel horizontal hall-off, Auto-tension control Secondary -NIP, GET-2300SCW Full automatic surface-center winder, gravimetric hopper for extruder throughput control, iPC computer system for line. us.industrysourcing.com |
在统一车辆规章 方面,1958 年《关于对轮式车辆、可安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件采用 统一技术规定以及对等承认根据这些规定所作批准的条件的协定》和1998年《关 于对轮式车辆、可安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件制订全球性技术规章的 协定》分别有46个和32个缔约国,汽车工业大国大多已包含在内。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the area of harmonizing vehicle regulations, the 1958 Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted to and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the 1998 Agreement concerning the Establishing of Global Technical Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles had 46 and 32 contracting parties, respectively, covering most of the countries with a major automotive industry. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国俄亥俄州阿克伦城的Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems(MABS)公司将负责CSeries客机的机轮、机电驱动碳素制动片和制动控制系统的设计、开发和制造。 tipschina.gov.cn | Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems (MABS) of Akron, Ohio, USA will be responsible for the design, development and manufacture of the wheels, electro-mechanically actuated carbon brakes, and the brake control system for the CSeries aircraft. tipschina.gov.cn |
另外,安装车轮时,也请先将车轮固定在前叉上,再盖连接器盖。 techdocs.shimano.com | Furthermore, when installing the wheel, first secure the wheel to the front forks and then connect the connector cover. techdocs.shimano.com |
但不包括偶发 故障或事故维修。这个服务时间表的最低要求包括定期可靠地提供以下备件:起落 架轮胎、轮毂轴承、火花塞、灯泡、灯、电池、过滤器、刹车片、机油和氧气。 daccess-ods.un.org | Minimum requirements for this service schedule include a regular and reliable supply of spare parts: landing gear tyres, wheel bearings, spark plugs, bulbs, lights, batteries, filters, brake pads, oil and oxygen. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些先进的汽车诊断设备和维修保养技术包括:用于发动机问题诊断的博世发动机综合分析仪FSA740、有利于更换轮胎时精准定位的博世最新3D四轮定位仪、对底盘悬挂系统和制动系统进行全面分析的博世SDL系列安全检测线等。 bosch.com.cn | Examples of these advanced auto repair and maintenance technology and diagnostic equipments include the Bosch FSA740 Engine Analyzer for engine analysis, the latest Bosch 3D wheel alignment equipment for the most accurate tire placement, the Bosch Service Diagnose Line (SDL) for comprehensive brake and suspension analysis, etc. All technologies enable service professionals to obtain an accurate and detailed diagnosis data about each vehicle while allowing also a highly efficient and outmost reliable workshop process. bosch.com.cn |
联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处协助残疾人的努力包括:向 76 个 人提供现金援助;将 21 个残疾人包括在出国培训机会中;以技术专业知识和人 力资源支助,支持了 6 个基于社区的康复中心(有 134 名短期工);为 822 人提供 特殊教育服务;向近 2 000 人提供轮椅、助行器、拐杖、空气床垫等设备;开展 儿童增强信心的活动,譬如通过节日和纪念日庆祝;对截肢或受其他伤的人进行 医疗随访;以及支持在加沙专门从事各种治疗的 17 个医疗服务设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNRWA’s effort to assist persons with disabilities includes the provision of cash assistance to 76 individuals; the inclusion of 21 disabled persons in training opportunities abroad; supporting six community-based rehabilitation centres with technical expertise and human resource assistance (134 short-term workers); special educational services for 822 persons; equipment, such as wheel chairs, walkers, crutches, air mattresses, etc. for nearly 2,000 people; morale-boosting activities for children, such as festivals and days of recognition; medical follow up for amputees or persons otherwise wounded; and support for 17 health-care facilities in Gaza that specialize in various treatments. daccess-ods.un.org |
在危急关头,透过後轮的制动传动装置,扭力导航煞车器(Torque Vectoring Brakes)能於数秒间引发纵轴旋转,减少内侧後轮於入弯时的旋转速度。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | In critical conditions the Torque Vectoring Brakes produce a defined rotational movement of the vehicle about the vertical axis in fractions of seconds through selective brake actuation at the rear wheel on the inside of the bend. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
带叉垃圾桶符号指在欧盟国家内,标有这一 符号的产品和增强附件任何都不得作为未分 类垃圾进行处理,必须在使用寿命到期时独 立收集。 sonimtech.com | The symbol of the crossed-out wheeled bin indicates that within the countries in the European Union, this product, and any enhancements marked with this symbol, can not be disposed as unsorted waste but must be taken to separate collection at their end- of-life. sonimtech.com |
配有适合抽吸铝质、钢质和 PVC 碎 屑得抗静电过滤器、用于过滤器清洁的震动自动系统(不包括 MG8-T)和安装在轮上的快速脱接 收集箱,以便快速处置抽吸出的材料。 emmegi.com | They are equipped with anti-static filter suitable for aluminium, steel and PVC swarf exhaustion, automatic vibrating filter cleaning system (MG8-T excluded) and quick release collection tank mounted on wheels for quick and easy disposal of exhausted material. emmegi.com |