单词 | 统一体 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 统一体 adjective —whole adj统一体 —single entitySee also:统一—unify • unite • integrate 统一 adj—unified adj • uniform adj 一体—all concerned • everybody • an integral whole 体统—decorum • propriety • arrangement or form (of piece of writing)
对理解暴力行为采取整体做法要求将暴力侵害妇 女现象置于连续统一体中,以便把握其各种不同的形式和变相的方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | A holistic approach to understanding violence requires violence against women to be situated along a continuum in order to capture its varied forms and incarnations. daccess-ods.un.org |
已开发了一个多语管理平台,提供数据和术语,开展计算机资料 系统/信息系统一体语言用户化和提高联机研究能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A multilingual content management platform providing data and terminology support, language customization and online search capability based on CDS/ISIS has been developed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
关于构成部分 [...] C,联合国系统行政首长协调理事会,有人要求澄清行政首 长理事会对联合国系统“一体工作 ”的看法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding component C, United Nations System Chief Executives [...] Board for Coordination, clarification was sought with respect to the CEB view of the [...] United Nations system “working as one”. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,举例而言,发展规划、特 [...] 别是农业生产和粮食安全方面的规划,已与救灾规划形成一 个 统一体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, for example, development [...] planning, especially with regard to agricultural production and food security, and disaster [...] planning become one and the same. daccess-ods.un.org |
反恐战略》在推动以“系统一体化”办法应对恐怖主 义方面有可能成为有益的工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Strategy has the potential to be a useful tool in promoting “whole system” responses to terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
定义业务协议所需的概念和定义可执行业务流程的所需的概念组成 了 统一体 , BP EL4WS 被设计成包括这个统一体。 huihoo.org | The concepts required for defining business protocols and [...] those required for defining executable business [...] processes form a continuum, and BPEL4WS is designed to cover this continuum. huihoo.org |
这项战略将包括减少各个部委在提供社会服务和福利方面的工作重叠;将资金归 入统一体制和 透明管理;制定机制,以便改进目前社会安全网的效率、服务范围 和影响;扩大和改进基本医疗服务的效率和质量。 daccess-ods.un.org | The strategy will include a reduction in overlap in the social services and benefits offered by different ministries; [...] consolidation of funds [...] under a single system and transparent management; the design of mechanisms [...]to improve the effectiveness, [...]coverage and impact of the current social security net; and the expansion and improvement of the efficiency and quality of basic health services. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果任何暴力行为处于这个连续 统一体 的 某处,或是针对妇女的,或 是由绝大多数成员是妇女的群体所经受的,那么,这种暴力行为就构成对妇女的 歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | If any violence that falls somewhere on this continuum is either directed at women or experienced by a group that is overwhelmingly female, then the violence constitutes discrimination against women. daccess-ods.un.org |
这笔资金将用于技术开发,以制定将上述数据仓和其他信息 技术系统(包括 Inspira、综管系统、银河系统和核心系 统)一体 化 的 框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | The funds would be used for the technical development of integration frameworks between the data warehouse and other information technology systems, including Inspira, IMIS, Galaxy and Nucleus. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了达到增强信息处理能力、方便地使用图书馆知识、 获得统计专家和其他信息专家的帮助这些预期目标,支持了(i) 在埃及开罗大学召开的 “WinIDAMS 入门”地区培训班(2004 年 5 月--6 月),13 个国家的 16 位国际通用资料分 析与管理软件包批发商的代表和埃及著名高校的 8 [...] 位信息专家参加;(ii) 卫星转播阿拉伯地 区 WinIDAMS 培训班,大约四百人参加;(iii) [...] 在安哥拉罗安达举办“使用计算机资料系统/ 信息系统一体的图 书馆自动化”培训课程,合作者有教科文组织国际教育规划研究所和法国 [...]外交部,43 位当地图书馆负责人参加。 unesdoc.unesco.org | To contribute to the attainment of the expected result of increased capacities of information handling and access to knowledge of libraries, statisticians and other information specialists, support was provided for (i) a regional training seminar on “Introduction to WinIDAMS” at Cairo University in Egypt (MayJune 2004) for 16 representatives of IDAMS distributors from 13 countries and eight information specialists from various Egyptian institutions; (ii) a satellite broadcasting of a [...] WinIDAMS training seminar in the Arab region [...] (April 2004) for an estimated 400 participants; [...](iii) a training course in library [...]automation using CDS/ISIS in Luanda, Angola, for 43 local librarians, in cooperation with the IIEP and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,为项目建立阶段获得系统一体 化 服 务正处 于核准阶段,秘书处采购和法律小组一旦确定承包条件,预计开发活动将于 [...] 2012 年第二季度开始。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, [...] the acquisition of systems integration services [...]for the build phase of the project was at the approval stage [...]and, once the contractual terms were finalized by the Secretariat’s procurement and legal teams, it was anticipated that development activities would commence in the second quarter of 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 2009 年,瑞士与联合国、经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)、世界银行和 北约一道作为召集方,举办了一次“3 C [...] 会议”,以推动在脆弱和受冲突影响的国 家采取更加一致、协调和互补的办法,推动各种政府 一 体 化 和 系 统一体 化 举 措。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) In 2009, Switzerland, together with the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World Bank and NATO as convenors, organized the “3C-conference” for a more coherent, coordinated and [...] complementary approach in fragile and conflict-affected States, [...] promoting wholegovernment and whole-system initiatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
当务之急是确保整个联合国系统一体 行 动 , 以确保国际资源和努力产生所期望的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is imperative that the entire United Nations system [...] work together as one so as to ensure [...]that international resources and energies [...]produce their desired results. daccess-ods.un.org |
整体做法强调公民、政治、经济、社会 和文化权利之间的互相依存性和不可分割性;将暴力侵害妇女置于一个连续 的统 一体中; 承认歧视的结构性方面和因素,其中包括结构性的和体制性的不平等; 并分析男女之间和妇女之间的社会和 daccess-ods.un.org | A holistic approach underscores the interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights; it [...] situates violence against [...] women on a continuum; it acknowledges the structural aspects and factors of discrimination, which includes structural and institutional inequalities; [...]and it analyzes social [...]and/or economic hierarchies between women and men and also among women. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个电子平台于 2011 年开始运营,将会作为货运运营和海关服务的 IT 系统一体化的界面。 hubstart-paris.com | Launching in 2011, this is an electronic platform that will [...] act as an all-in-one interface between the IT systems of cargo handlers [...]and that of the customs service. hubstart-paris.com |
整体性做法要求将权利看作是普遍的、互相依存 的和不可分割的;将暴力置于一种覆盖了个人之间的暴力和结构性暴力的连 续统 一体中;既追究个人的歧视责任,也追究结构性的歧视责任,包括结构性的和体 制性的不平等;和分析妇女中和男女之间,即,性别内和性别间,的社会和 daccess-ods.un.org | The holistic approach requires rights to be treated as universal, interdependent and indivisible; situating violence on a continuum that spans interpersonal and structural violence; accounting for both individual and structural discrimination, including structural and institutional inequalities; and analyzing social and/or economic hierarchies among women, and between women and men, i.e. both intra- and inter-gender. daccess-ods.un.org |
圣马力诺还提到议会2009年3 [...] 月通过的一份文件,该份文件规定社会福利 进行全面改革和圣马力诺福利国家系 统一体 化。 daccess-ods.un.org | San Marino also referred to a document, adopted by Parliament in March 2009, [...] providing for the overall reform of social benefits and the [...] integration of the systems of the San Marino [...]welfare State. daccess-ods.un.org |
把暴力现象置于连续统一体中就 能够恰当地分析暴力行为的来龙去脉,其 中,剥夺水、食物和其他人权就像家庭暴力一样恶劣和虚弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Situating violence along a continuum [...] allows for an appropriate contextualizing of violence in that [...]the deprivation of water, [...]food, and other human rights can be just as egregious and debilitating as family violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
有关由在地域文化上是一个和谐 统一体 的 多 个国家结成高效网络的问题,值得一提的 是覆盖 21 个国家与地区的金斯敦办事处提出的倡议,即为加勒比地区制订“2002—2007 年 教育计划框架”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In terms of efficient networking out of a cluster covering a geoculturally coherent ensemble, it is worth referring to the initiative launched by the Kingston Office, which covers 21 countries and territories, to elaborate an “Education programme framework 2002-2007” for the Caribbean that was circulated among Member States, UNESCO Offices, Headquarters and external stakeholders. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(X.31.)号裁决中确定:“人类的生命和人类的尊严构成一个不可分割 的 统一体, 它比其他任何东西都具有更大价值。 daccess-ods.un.org | (X.31.) on the abolition of capital punishment the Constitutional Court established that “human life and human dignity form an inseparable unity and have a greater value than anything else. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个单子应被看作是一个连续统一体 的 一部分,因为最佳做法不久将在人 权理事会第十七届会议上审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The list should be seen as part of a continuum, since best practices was soon to be considered by the Human Rights Council during its seventeenth session. daccess-ods.un.org |
在统一体的一端是短期变革项目,由经验丰富的、积极主动的、团结有力的变革团队领导, 得到高管支持, 并且在易于接受变革的部门执行,额外付出较少。 12manage.com | And implemented in a department that is receptive for the change and has to put in very little additional effort. 12manage.com |
是一家西班牙系统一体化的主要 公司,通过其Softec终端从桑坦 德为重要客户提供网上服务。 gruposodercan.es | Through its subsidiary, Softec, specialised in solutions for the Internet, it serves important customers from its base in Santander. gruposodercan.es |
对“一体行动”试点活动的独立评价也指出,全面实现联合国 系 统一体 行动 的潜在挑战在于国家、区域和总部各级工作人员主要是对具体机构负责。 daccess-ods.un.org | The independent evaluation of the “Delivering as one” pilot has also pointed out that an underlying challenge to the full realization of the United Nations system delivering as one is the predominance of agency-specific accountabilities of staff at the country, regional and headquarters levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
联东综合团属综合性特派团,继续在涵盖所有任务领域的综合战略框架内采 取“联合国系统一体化”作法。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNMIT is an integrated mission, which [...] continues to apply a “one United Nations system” [...]approach within an integrated strategic [...]framework covering all mandated areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
计算机资料系统/信息系统一体(CDS/ISIS)得到 供资伙伴的大力支持,他们参加了一个为期两天的计算机资料系统/信息 系 统一体 磋 商 会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to FOSS solutions to oceanographic and maritime research and applications, technical consultations were organized with partners such as IAMSLIC and a prototype system was established for Africa. unesdoc.unesco.org |
暴力的连续统一体观念 有助于说明对妇女和女孩产生负面影响的不同类型 的暴力,以及它是如何推动剥夺公民的权利和义务,以及公民、劳工和政治参与 的权利的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The violence continuum helps to make explicit the different types of violence that can adversely affect women and girls, and how this facilitates the deprivation of citizenship, as well as civil, labour and political engagement rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
将人权作为普遍的、互相依存的和不可分割的整体看待;(b) 把暴力侵害妇 女现象置于连续统一体中; (c) 承认歧视的结构性方面和要素,其中包括结构性 和体制性的不平等现象;和 daccess-ods.un.org | Original: English violence against women on a continuum; (c) acknowledging the structural aspects and factors of discrimination, which include structural and institutional inequalities; and (d) analyzing social and/or economic hierarchies between women and men and also among women. daccess-ods.un.org |
在统一体的另一端是长期的综合的变革项目,由缺少经验、积极性不高、没有凝聚力的变革团队领导, 没有任何高管支持,并且所选择的部门又不愿变革,额外付出较多。 12manage.com | Without any top-level sponsors and aimed at a function that does not like the change and has to spend a lot of extra work. 12manage.com |