单词 | 绝食 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 绝食 —go on a hunger strikeExamples:绝食抗议—hunger strike See also:绝—extinct • by no means • vanish • cut short • disappear
至于食物,向申诉人提供了特制的素食,但除了 苹果汁以外他拒绝食用其他食物。 daccess-ods.un.org | As to food, the complainant was [...] offered special vegetarian meals but other than apple juice he refused to accept [...]anything. daccess-ods.un.org |
可删除倒 [...] 数第二句,从而解决对“取决于特定环境”的质疑 以及关于罢工或绝食的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The penultimate sentence could be deleted, which would resolve the [...] questions about the phrase “depending on the particular circumstances” and about the [...] issue of strikes or hunger strikes. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这期间,他没有受到讯问,但是在他试图进 行 绝食 抗 议时被打过一顿。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this period, he was not interrogated, but was beaten once when [...] he tried to go on a hunger strike. daccess-ods.un.org |
日,六名政治囚犯在监狱医院里又开始 了 绝食 , 要 求改进医疗照 顾和减刑权。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 10 November, another hunger strike was started [...] by six political prisoners in the prison hospital calling for improved [...]medical care and the right to sentence reductions. daccess-ods.un.org |
若将“绝食”改 为 “为抗议而暂时中断正常活动”,则对判例的提及 [...] 就会不知所云,该段也将偏离主题而混入第 22 条的 范畴。 daccess-ods.un.org | If “hunger strike” was changed [...] to “strike”, the reference to jurisprudence would be lost, and the paragraph would wander [...]into realms which came under article 22. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此方面,占领军再次未经起诉拘留了曾长 期 绝食的 Hana Shalabi,虽然他 最近获释,但其他 12 名巴勒斯坦人仍在绝食,抗议以色列的任意拘留行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, while Hana Shalabi, who was once again detained by the occupying forces without [...] charge and had been [...] on a prolonged hunger strike, was recently released from detention, 12 other Palestinians remain on hunger strike in protest [...]of their arbitrary detention by Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
该公司的拟议镍矿开采项目将占地 11 [...] 218 公顷并横跨 4 个城镇,其中包 括流域地区和得到合法承认的曼吉安土著民族的祖传领地。28 [...] 曼吉安族抗议者及 其支持者在 2009 年底进行绝食抗议 ,直到环境和自然资源部吊销了早先时候向 [...] 因特克斯资源公司颁发的用于大型采矿的环保达标证书。 daccess-ods.un.org | The company’s proposed nickel mining project would cover 11,218 hectares and span four towns, including watershed areas and the legally recognized ancestral domain of the Mangyan indigenous [...] peoples.28 Mangyan protesters and their [...] advocates went on a hunger strike in late [...]2009 until the Department of Environment [...]and Natural Resources revoked the environmental compliance certificate for large-scale mining issued earlier to Intex Resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
一年前,他上次绝食期间 ,司法当局也作过类似承诺,解释说他的案件 “在政治上敏感”,他们无权决定审理与否。 daccess-ods.un.org | A year ago, [...] during his last hunger strike, the judicial [...]authorities also made the same promise explaining that his case [...]was “politically sensitive” and that they did not have the power to decide to hear his case. daccess-ods.un.org |
在绝食 32 天之后,Haidar 女士的案件得到解决,她被允许返回在阿尤恩的家中 [...] (见下文第 64 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The case of Ms. Haidar was resolved [...] after a 32-day hunger strike, when [...]she was allowed to return to her family in Laayoune (see para. 64 below). daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,他还指出,由于委员会作出决定,再有众多的 [...] 抗议,包括巴斯克族民冒着从法国被驱逐到西班牙的 危险举行绝食抗议,法国当局已停止将这类人士交给 [...] 西班牙当局,而是让他们自由返回西班牙。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, he stated that since the [...] Committee’s decision and numerous protests, [...] including hunger strikes by Basque nationals [...]under threat of expulsion from France [...]to Spain, the French authorities have stopped handing over such individuals to the Spanish authorities but return them freely to Spain. daccess-ods.un.org |
在撰写本报告时,据报至少有 15 名囚犯在绝食,其中有些人的健康状 况危急。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the time of writing at least 15 prisoners were [...] reported to be on a hunger strike, some [...]of whom were in critical condition. daccess-ods.un.org |
先生的律师向以色列最高法院提出上诉,但在法庭准备听证之前几分钟, 达成了协议,Adnan 先生停止绝食,以 色列同意缩短他的监禁时间,从逮捕之日 起计算刑期,而不是判决行政拘留之日。 daccess-ods.un.org | After an appeal to a military tribunal was rejected, on the basis of secret evidence, Mr. Adnan’s lawyers appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court, but only minutes before court was scheduled to hear arguments, an agreement was reached in which Mr. Adnan ended his strike and Israel agreed to shorten his period of detention by calculating the duration of his term on the basis of the day of arrest rather than the day that his administrative detention was decreed. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些交流包括:2011 年 6 月 1 [...] 日与酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待 [...] 遇或处罚问题特别报告员以及促进和保护意见和言论自由权问题特别报告员关 于永盛监狱政治犯绝食问题 的紧急行动联名信;2011 年 7 [...] 月 21 日与任意拘留问 题工作组主席兼报告员、意见和言论自由权问题特别报告员、人权维护者状况特 [...] 别报告员、酷刑问题特别报告员和暴力侵害妇女行为及其因果问题特别报告员关 于 Hnin May Aung 案件的紧急行动联名信。 daccess-ods.un.org | These communications include a joint urgent action letter with the Special Rapporteurs on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and on the promotion and protection of the right to [...] freedom of opinion and expression, [...] regarding the hunger strike by political [...]prisoners in Insein prison, on 1 June 2011; and a [...]joint urgent action letter with the Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteurs on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, on the situation of human rights defenders, on torture and on violence against women, its causes and consequences, on the case of Hnin May Aung, on 21 July 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
5 月 23 日,一名撒哈拉妇 女在廷杜夫难民营内联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)的一座小院里宣 布绝食。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 23 May, a Saharan woman declared a hunger strike inside a small compound of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) within the Tindouf refugee camps. daccess-ods.un.org |
讲这段历史,是为了给绝食斗争提供一个政治背景,是巴勒 斯坦改变策略大布局的一个部分,从武装抵抗转向各种非暴力行动,结合民众的 [...] 反抗。 daccess-ods.un.org | This background is mentioned to give a political context to [...] the use of hunger strikes as part of [...]the broader Palestinian shift in tactics [...]from armed resistance to an array of non-violent tactics associated with popular resistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
绝食者勇 敢 地呼吁关注以色列的一切非法和滥权行径以及非法的行政拘留做法,并敦促国际 [...] 社会采取行动,迫使占领国以色列停止这些令人悲叹的做法并释放数以千计被非 人道地关押在监狱和拘留中心的巴勒斯坦平民,包括儿童、妇女和民选官员,由 于以色列日夜不停的逮捕行动,他们的人数每一天都在增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | The hunger strikers are bravely [...] aiming to call attention to all of these illegal, abusive Israeli practices along with the [...]illegal practice of administrative detention and to urge the international community to take action to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to cease these deplorable practices and to release the thousands of Palestinian civilians, including children, women and elected officials, that it is inhumanely holding in captivity in its prisons and detention centres, and to whose ranks Israel continues to add every single day with its ongoing arrest campaign. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们看 到许多国家国内的绝食行动会引起群众起义,对和平 与安全造成了破坏性的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, in many countries, we [...] have seen hunger strikes degenerate into popular uprisings [...]with destabilizing effects on peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
早在 1994 年,有 46 名被拘留人首次威胁绝食,指 责中心的条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | As early as 1994, 46 inmates led the first hunger strike to protest against conditions at the Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列长期实行这一政策并蓄意强化该政策,而且 以色列国防部长最近在回应终止采用侮辱性措施的要求时说,巴勒斯坦 [...] 囚犯在以色列监狱中没有权利,这一切导致至少 20 所以色列监狱和拘 留中心的巴勒斯坦囚犯开始绝食。 daccess-ods.un.org | The persistence of this Israeli policy and its deliberate intensification, as well as recent comments by the Israeli Defense Minister that Palestinian prisoners have no rights in Israeli jails in response to demands to end [...] humiliating measures, has led Palestinian [...] prisoners to begin a hunger strike in at least [...]20 Israeli prisons and detention centres. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国应保证对在被剥夺自由期间进 行 绝食 的 人 士提供适当的监测和医疗。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should guarantee appropriate monitoring and medical treatment of persons deprived of [...] their liberty who go on hunger strike. daccess-ods.un.org |
大坝引起了许多大规 [...] 模的社会动乱,比如大规模的示威、堵塞施工场地 、 绝食 罢 工、打官司等各种形 式的冲突。 banktrack.org | Dams have triggered many large-scale social [...] mobilizations, with huge demonstrations, the blockade of [...] construction sites, hunger strikes, court [...]cases and other forms of conflict. banktrack.org |
被捕时他会绝食,而英国人亦忧虑他会因此出意 外并导致其追随者反扑,而被迫与其妥协。 peaceoneday.org | He would starve himself when arrested, and force the British to give in through fear of his followers if anything happened to him. peaceoneday.org |
抗议活动”指一个或一群公民( 不举行游行) ,通过包括绝食在内的手 段,使用或不使用海报、标语或其他材料,就任何问题公开表达其公共或政 治、集体或个人以及其他利益或举行抗议的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | a “picket” is a public expression by a citizen or by a group of citizens of public and political, group or individual and other interests or the protest (without a procession), including by hunger strike, on any issues, with or without the use of posters, banners and other materials. daccess-ods.un.org |
被囚禁的数千名巴勒斯坦人——他们目前被囚 禁在 22 [...] 座以色列监狱和羁押设施中,于 9 月 27 日发 起了绝食抗议——提醒世人,这是巴勒斯坦人遭受的 [...]众多不公正待遇之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | The imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians, who are being held in 22 Israeli [...] prisons and detention facilities and who [...] launched a general hunger strike on 27 [...]September, remind the world of one of the many [...]injustices against the Palestinian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中最著名的便是梅奥郡(County Mayo)的克罗帕特里克山峰(Croagh [...] Patrick)[www.croagh-patrick.com ],公元441年圣帕特里克曾在那 里 绝食 了 四 十天。今天,每年七月的最后一个星期日都会有朝圣者来爬这座山。圣帕特里克的遗体被认为埋葬在邓恩郡的邓恩帕特里克大教堂内。 discoverireland.com | One of the best known is Croagh Patrick in County Mayo, [...] where Patrick fasted for 40 days in [...]441AD. Saint Patrick’s remains are believed [...]to be buried in the grounds of Downpatrick Cathedral, County Down. discoverireland.com |
提高农业生产力能够直接增加依靠农业的大 多数贫困人口的经济收入和就业水平,也有助于为城乡的贫困人口(相对 或 绝 对 地 )降低 粮食价格。 iprcommission.org | Raising productivity in agriculture can directly increase the incomes and employment levels of the majority of poor people dependent on agriculture. iprcommission.org |
(b) 立即终止所有对本国人民,特别是对和平示威者、妇女、儿童和老人 的攻击;确保停止所有违反《公约》的行为;停止普遍、严重、持续的侵犯其管 辖下全体人员人权的行为,尤其是有些地区一贯 拒 绝 提 供 食 物 、水和医疗等人类 生活基本需求的行为 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Put an immediate end to all attacks against its population, especially peaceful demonstrators, women, children and the elderly; ensure that all acts in violation of the Convention are brought to a halt; and cease widespread, gross and continued human rights violations of all persons under its [...] jurisdiction, especially the [...] systematic denial, in some areas, of the basic requirements of human life, such as food, water and medical care daccess-ods.un.org |
根 据 使 用 者 输 入 的 资 [...] 料 , 计 算 器 会 以 列 表 形 式 拟 备 营 养 标 签 , 并 且 (i) 以 每 100 克 或 每 100 毫 升 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ; (ii) 以 每 个 包 装 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ( 克 或 毫 升 ) ( 如 包 装 内 只 含 一 个 食 用 分 量 ), 或 以 每 一 食 用 分 量 食 物 所 含 的 绝 对 量 ( 克 或 毫 升 ) ( 如 包 装 内 含 多 个 食 用 分 量 ); (iii) 综 合 上 述 两 项 格 式 ; [...]以 及 (iv) 综 合 上 述 格 式 及 [...]相 对 《 修 订 条 例 》 附 表 7 内 营 养 素 参 考 值 ( 如 有 提 供 有 关 数 值 ) 之 含 量 百 分 比 (即 "中 国 营 养 素 参 考 值 百 分 比 "), 去 标 示 各 营 养 素 含 量 。 cfs.gov.hk | Basing on contents provided by the user, the NLC can prepare a nutrition label in tabular [...] format [...] showing nutrient contents in (i) absolute amount per 100 gram (g) or per 100 millilitre (ml) of food; (ii) absolute amount per package (in g or in ml) of food for food products with a single serving, or per serving (in g or in ml) of food for food products [...]with more than one serving; (iii) [...]a combination of the above; or (iv) a combination of the above with relative amount expression as a percentage of nutrient reference value stipulated in Schedule 7 of the Amendment Regulation (if such value is available). cfs.gov.hk |
正所谓民以食为天,在这样欢庆的庆典上 美 食绝 对 是 不可或缺的主角之一,主办当局贴心的在中秋园游会中设立了许多食品摊位,当晚,最受落的道地著名炒粿条以及‘asam [...] laksa’聚满了老饕们,满足了他们的口腹之欲。 systematic.edu.my | The festive atmosphere was not just a feast [...] for the eyes but also to the palate, [...] as there were many food vendors selling delicious [...]local food. Needless to say, the [...]famous fried ‘koey teow’ and ‘asam laksa’ were huge hits that night. systematic.edu.my |
当粮食酿酒及淀粉加工行业采用超音速汽爆法替代蒸煮法时,粮食及淀粉在摄氏200度左右的温度下,以超过音速的速度从2 [...] Mpa弹射进大气压,此时摄氏200度左右的饱和水蒸气在巨大的压力差下,在0.00875秒内对 粮 食 及 淀 粉进 行 绝 热 膨 胀做功,不存在初喷、中喷、末喷过程,全部物料处理结果高度一致,全部物料均在0.00875秒内从摄氏200度降至摄氏30度左右,完成粮食及淀粉的熟化过程。 gentle-st.com | When the starch processing industry, food wine and steam blasting method using supersonic alternative cooking method, food and starch in about 200 degrees Celsius temperature to exceed the speed of sound from 2 Mpa ejected into the atmosphere, about 200 degrees Celsius at this time saturated water [...] vapor pressure difference [...] in the great, the food in 0.00875 seconds and starch within the adiabatic expansion work [...]done, there is the beginning [...]of spraying, the spray, spray the end of the process, all material handling highly consistent results, all materials are from within in 0.00875 seconds 200 degrees Celsius down to 30 degrees Celsius, to complete the process of ripening grain and starch. gentle-st.com |