

单词 绝对湿度

See also:

绝对 adv

definitely adv
entirely adv
totally adv

湿度 n

moisture n



External sources (not reviewed)

为获得需要的空气条件,温度及相对湿度需要被控制,相对 绝对湿度 而 言 ,空气的 温度与相对湿度相互影响,不可能对它们单独进行控制。
Since the temperature and relative humidity of the air interact in terms
[...] of the absolute moisture content of the [...]
air, it is not possible to control temperature
and relative humidity independently.
这里指的都是相湿度,不时 绝对湿度 , 相对 湿 度 很 容 易用仪器测得,所谓的一些 家用湿度阅读器,测试效果是不错的。
When handling motion-picture film in high relative humidities, it is much easier to prevent excessive moisture take-up than [...]
it is to remove it.
项目的主要目标是综合利用关于环境 绝对湿度 、 吸 收性气溶胶、降 雨量和土地覆盖等对撒哈拉以南非洲疫情影响的知识,开发一种决策支助工 具,并为当地的疫苗接种战略提供信息依据。
The primary objective of the project is to reduce the burden of epidemic meningococcal meningitis across Africa’s “meningitis belt” by integrating knowledge of environmental influences on outbreaks in sub-Saharan Africa, such as absolute humidity, absorbing aerosols, rainfall and land cover, to develop a decision-support tool and inform the current vaccination strategies.
任 何惰性系统应该带有适当的除湿设备, 以湿度维持在绝对极小值之内。
Any inerting system should have suitable
[...] devices to hold moisture to an absolute minimum.
WindPRO 为用户提供了设置特定场址的度、 湿度 和 压 力参数的选项 — 从而可对轮毂 高度可变的风电机组进行详细的空气密度描述。
The WindPRO model offers the option for the
[...] user to set site-specific temperatures, humidity and pressure parameters – thus enabling [...]
a detailed air density
description for turbines situated with very varying hubheights.
[...] 受高压电场、开关电流和幅值非常高的故障电流的冲击,这 些过程都会使断路器的度升高, 对绝 缘 材 料构成不利影 响。
These assets are frequently exposed to HV stresses,
switching currents and very high fault currents, which heat up the circuit
[...] breakers and impact on the insulation material.
现在, 一种更加精确的确定绝对盐度”的方法已经设计出来,并用于海水 热力学方程中。
Now, a more accurate way of
[...] identifying “Absolute Salinity” has been devised and incorporated into a Thermodynamic [...]
Equation of Seawater.
后来上游建造堤坝减少了水流、绝 了 维 系下 湿 地 的 洪水冲击并且增加了污 染度(2001 年和 2003 年,联合国环境规划署(环境署))。
Subsequent upstream dam construction diminished water flows,
eliminated the flood
[...] pulses that sustained wetlands in the lower basin and increased pollution concentrations (United Nations [...]
Environment Programme (UNEP), 2001 and 2003).
没有一个参与试点的组织真正执行了绩效薪金,各组织仍处在制定为工作人 员和管理层所信任的享有信誉的业绩评估制度的不同阶段,而这是委员会在启动试点项目时 确定的采用绩效薪金度的绝对前提 条件。
None of the pilot organizations had progressed to the point where performance payments were actually made and in all cases, the organizations were still at various stages of developing what the Commission had defined at the launch of the pilot as the absolute prerequisite for introducing a system of performance pay – a credible performance evaluation system that enjoyed the confidence of both staff and management.
测量类型:颗粒度/分子大小绝对 分 子量、ZETA电位、蛋白质迁移率以及微流变。
Measurement types:
[...] particle/molecular size, absolute molecular weight, zeta [...]
potential, protein mobility and microrheology.
通过附录B的增加使所能达到的 对湿度 值 从 0%RH~80%RH中的15个 湿 度 点 扩 展到0%RH~98.5% RH 中 绝 大 多 数湿度点,为操作人员提供了通过多种途径安全实现指定 对湿度 的 方 法。
With the addition of appendix B,
[...] range ability of relative humidity has been extended from 15 humidity values in 0%RH~80%RH to most of humidity values in 0%RH~98.5%RH, this provides more ways to implement relative humidity.
该处必绝缘和 安装符合要求的暖气、通风和空调系统,能够控制灰尘和其他污染物,让记录存 放处的温度恒定在摄氏 18-22 度之间,对湿度保持在 35-45%。
It must be insulated and installed with compliant heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems capable of controlling dust and other pollutants and keeping the records repository at a constant temperature of 18-22 degrees Celcius and 35-45 per cent relative humidity.
不过,其粘结度是绝对达不 到焊接强度的。
However, the strength of the bond will never reach the level of a welded bond.
其主要目标是测量海洋的含盐量,以确定长期的气 候模式,对研究 气候变化十分重要;该卫星还测 量大面积的地湿度,以 协助开发洪水和疫情预警 系统。
Its main objective was to measure the salinity of seas and oceans in order to establish longterm climate models, which were vitally important to the study of climate change; it also measured largescale ground humidity to aid in the development of early warning systems for flooding and epidemics.
迷你通用型 MATE-N-LOK 连接器系统还可采用防溅设计,允许使用在 湿度 、 存在液体间歇泼溅 或存在泡沫应用中,以满足对具有 更强电气性能的密封连接器的要求。
The Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK Connector System also offers a splash-proof design allowing for use in areas where high humidity, intermittent liquid splashing, or foam-in applications require a sealed connector for improved electrical performance.
对专门在受控环境中使用的分析设备(气相色谱-质谱仪和 傅里叶变换红外分光仪)则有特定的例外之处,即温度须限制在 5 至 30°C 的范 围之内,对湿度的幅度则为 5 至 95%。
for analytical equipment designed to be used within controlled environments (GC-MS and FTIR instruments), where the temperature limits are from 5 to 30°C and the relative humidity is 5 to 95%.
比模量”系指在温度为 296±2K(23±2 摄氏度) 和对湿度为 5 0±5%的条件下测量的杨氏模量(N/m2)除以比重 (N/m3)。
specific modulus' is the Young's modulus in N/m2 divided by the specific weight in N/m3 , measured at a temperature of (296 ± 2)K ((23 ± 2)°C) and a relative humidity of (50 ± 5)%.
如果在 EO 消毒过程中使用记录仪进行对湿度 监 视 ,则可能需要频繁更换或重新校准 对湿度 传感 器(取决于型号和传感器)。
When a Logger is used for RH monitoring during EO sterilization, the RH sensor may need to be replaced [...]
or re-calibrated frequently (model and sensor dependant).
仅在三天前,就在本会议厅(见 S/PV.6710),阿 拉伯国家联盟呼吁安理会支持它面对叙利亚政权拒 绝接受规劝以及这一绝态度对整个 区域造成的影 响而采取的行动。
Only three days ago in this very Chamber (see S/PV.6710), the League of Arab States called on the Council to support
its action in the face of
[...] the Syrian regime’s refusal to listen and the implications of that refusal for the entire region.
使用虚拟主机有很多原因你可以选择要申请虚拟主机,在您的新安装WordPress的web server local例如,你可以有/ sites同一台计算机上运行多个blogs
or你可以选择(像我did),以改变WordPress的文件夹位置出的XAMPP ³
[...] htdocs中文件夹(请参阅移动WordPress的本地文件夹到一个更好的地方);更多:你只是想避免 绝对 / 可 湿 性 粉 剂在你的网页相对路径冲突…它就像可湿性粉剂不喜欢看的相对多尤其是图像路径。
There are many reasons why you could choose to apply for virtual hosts, on your freshly installed local WordPress web server, for example, you could have multiple blogs/sites running on the same computer or you could have chosen (like I did) to alter WordPress folder location out of the xampp³ folder (see Moving WordPress local folder to a
better place); more: you simply wish to
[...] avoid conflicts with absolute/relative paths in [...]
your WP webpages… it looks like WP doesn’t
like much relative paths particularly with images.
当样品被分离并从色谱柱洗脱时,可通过单个浓度检测器进行表征,使用“传统校正”得到相对分子量;附加的 度 可 通过使用“普适纠正”得出真实的分子量及结构信息;而增加光散射的“三重检测”法,不需要色谱柱校正,得 绝对 分 子量及分子分布。
As the sample is separated and elutes from the
column, it can be
[...] characterized by a single concentration detector, using ‘Conventional calibration’, to give a relative molecular weight, the addition of viscosity enables the use of ‘Universal calibration’ to give true molecular weight and structural information, and ‘Triple Detection’, which adds light scattering to eliminate column calibration to give absolute molecular weight and [...]
然而许多组织指出,由于 扫盲是一绝对优先 事项,最好是能够增加全民基础教育的预算。
Many nevertheless pointed to the desirability of increasing the budget for basic education for all, as the eradication of illiteracy would constitute an absolute priority.
其每单位面积拥有高硬度,低重量,不受天气影响,不会腐烂,在低温状态下也可抗冲击 对湿度 影 响 不敏感,尺寸稳定,不会膨胀或增加重量,可抵抗施工工地上的所有化学品,以实现高质量的混凝土表面。
It possesses high rigidity with a low weight per unit area, is weather-resistant and does not rot, remains resistant to impacts
even at low temperatures, is insensitive to
[...] the effects of moisture and dimensionally [...]
stable, doesn’t swell or gain in weight,
is resistant to all the chemicals encountered on construction sites and achieves a high quality of concrete surface.
整个系统的报应末世通过天堂与地狱从来没有在承担了犹太教信仰的教条的性格,和塔木德犹太教大胆地转移到了天上以后的判决在审判现场,当天在每年年初( 对湿度 1 6 B 条见新的一年)。
The whole eschatological system of retribution through paradise and hell never assumed in Judaism the character of a dogmatic belief, and Talmudic Judaism boldly transferred the scene of the
heavenly judgment from the
[...] hereafter to the annual Day of Judgment at the beginning of the year (RH 16b; see [...]
具体讨论了维修家用和商用制冷系统所使用的 CFC 的数量,仍在运行的安装了使用 CFC 的汽车空调机的车辆数目;根据国家气候情况 湿度 相 对 高 ) 和国家公路网状况不佳 的情况对安装了使用 CFC 的汽车空调机的估计寿命;以及武装部队使用的制冷系统各类 CFC 的消费量。
Specifically, the amounts of CFCs used during servicing domestic and commercial refrigeration systems, the number of vehicles with a CFC-based MAC unit still in operation; the estimated life-time of the CFC-based MAC units taking into account the climatic conditions in the country (high relative humidity) and the bad condition of the national road network; and the consumption of CFCs in refrigeration systems used by the Armed Forces.
该产品可同对露点/湿度、压 力和温度三个参数进行高精度的测量,希尔思仪表为本款产品注入了多项人性化的革新,如用户友好界面,触摸屏,高分辨率的彩色屏幕显示图形或数字信息,数据记录功能(内置的SD卡可记录1亿个数据),业内首创的通过蓝牙实现现场的无线便携式打印,通过USB或SD卡对数据进行转存,并利用希尔思仪表的与高品质传感器设计相结合的软件进行数据分析和报告。
The DP 500 / DP 520 can measure highly accurately three vital parameters dew point / humidity , pressure [...]
and temperature, and CS
Instruments implemented a number of  user-friendly innovations such as the touch screen operation, high resolution color screen display for graphics or digital information,data logging capability (100 Mio values on  a SD card), wireless portable printing on site via Blue tooth, data transfer via USB/SD for data analysis with the advanced analysis & reporting software solutions of CS Instruments combined with high quality sensor design.
近日,我司自主研发生产的组合式空调机组、医院洁净手术室用空调机组、双冷源 湿度 独 立 控制新风机组等AAHM系列末端设备系列产品顺利通过德国TÜV南德认证机构的欧盟高标准认证,此次欧盟标准认证 对 空 气 处理机组产品性能的认证主要包括EN60204-1/A1:2009、EN1886:2007和EN13053/A1:2011认证,分别对产品的电气安全、机械特性和整机性能进行测试。
Recently, modular air conditioning units of the Division I
independent R & D and
[...] production, the hospital clean operating room air conditioning units, double the cold source temperature and humidity independent control of the new air handling unit AAHM series of terminal equipment [...]
series passed
the German TÜV SÜD certification body, the EU high standards of certificationthe EU standard certification for the certification of air handling unit performance including EN60204-1/A1: 2009, EN1886: 2007 and EN13053/A1: 2011 certification, electrical safety, mechanical properties and performance of the whole test.
[...] 哪怕在预算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差,尽管绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽略不计。
For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give
a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a
[...] deviation is negligible in absolute terms.
此外入有负责西撒哈拉问题的秘书长个人特使的咨询人所需资源, 显示 2010 年计划中的磋商和谈判有所增加(76 400 美元);以及秘书长 防止灭绝种族罪行问题特别顾问的咨询人所需资源,因为计划在 2010 年 开展培训活动以加强该办公室在提 对 灭 绝 种 族 罪行的认识方面的工作 (90 200 美元)。
Resources for consultants are also included for the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara, reflecting the increase in consultations and negotiations planned for 2010 ($76,400), and the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, as a result of the planned training activities for 2010 to intensify the efforts of the office on genocide awareness ($90,200).
[...] 所公共监察员、执法人员、安全官员、村卫队成员以及监狱和移民官员在内 的所有官员都充分了解《公约》中的各项规定 绝对 禁 止 实施酷刑的原则, 以及如果有任何违反《公约》的行为,将会被追究责任。
The State party should further develop and strengthen ongoing educational programmes to ensure that all officials, including judges and prosecutors, public inspectors of places of detention, law enforcement personnel, security officers, members of the Village Guards and prison and immigration officials, are fully aware of the
provisions of the
[...] Convention, the absolute prohibition of torture and that they will be held liable for [...]
any actions in contravention of the Convention.




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