单词 | 绝妙的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 绝妙的 adjective—stunning adjSee also:绝妙—exquisite 绝妙 adj—ingenious adj 绝—extinct • by no means • vanish • cut short • disappear 妙—wonderful
绝妙的音效 所有 CI 700 系列扬声器均精心设计,能营造出最佳的声音弥散效果。 bowers-wilkins.cn | All of the CI 700 Series speakers have been carefully designed to create the optimum sound dispersion. bowers-wilkins.eu |
Provide Support 的在线支持软件提供了一种绝妙的新 方 式,让客户和潜在客户可以与我们联系,一有问题,立刻就能获得答复。 providesupport.cn | Provide Support's on-line chat software has opened up a great new way for customers and prospects to get in touch with us and have their questions answered right away. providesupport.com |
白色皮革表带与新奇有趣的表盘和绘画图案相映成趣,形 成 绝妙的 对 比 效果。 hk.ashford.com | The white leather strap serves as the perfect contrast to the playfully designed dial and features. ashford.com |
因为绝妙的创意 来自无拘无束、思想自由的人。 bootb.com | Because great ideas run free for people who run free and think free. bootb.com |
亿联的企业级 IP 电话系列将为使用 Brekeke 的商务用户和 Brekeke 电话服务的客户提供绝妙的 SIP 话机选择。 brekeke.com | Yealink’s enterprise IP phone series will add several excellent choices of office SIP phones for business users and customers of telephony services hosted by the Brekeke platform. brekeke.com |
(viii) 总之,魏兹曼科学研究院有这方面的能力,将拟建中心设在研究院不失为一 个绝 妙的选择。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (h) In summary, the Weizmann Institute of Science has the capacity and is an excellent choice to host the proposed Centre. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Oris与中国新锐艺术家刘勃麟,正着手展开一 项 绝妙的 新 计划,共同携手探索时间的概念。 oris.ch | Oris has worked on an exciting project exploring the concept of time with emerging Chinese artist LIU Bolin. oris.ch |
在通过 21 公里世界最具挑战性的赛道之一后,他评论道,时速达到 325 公里的 Superleggera “非常出色”,并称他“驾驶一部拥有超凡魅力的跑车在一条令人惊叹的赛道上完成了一 次 绝妙的 驾 驶 体验。 lamborghini.com | After 21kms of one of the world's most challenging circuits, he professed that the 325 km/h Superleggera was "superb" and that he'd had a "brilliant experience driving an amazing car on an amazing track. lamborghini.com |
在卡达亚诺伽区(Katajanokka)漫步,你可以看到奇形怪状的建筑 、 绝妙的 门 洞 ,偶尔还能一窥老式上漆楼梯的模样。 visitfinland.com | Walk the Katajanokka area where you'll see odd [...] creatures, fabulous entrances and occasional glimpses into the painted [...]staircases of old. visitfinland.com |
除了世界一流的教育体系,参与澳洲人日常生活的机会也数不胜数:不论文艺活动或运动,聚会或书友俱乐部 , 绝妙的 户 外 活动或在惬意的咖啡馆,您都会发现有许多方式加入其中,尽情享乐。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Apart from a world-class education system, the opportunities [...] to get involved in daily life are [...] endless: whether you're into the arts or sport, [...]partying or book clubs, the great outdoors [...]or cosy cafés, you’ll find many ways to join in and have fun. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
欢迎进入Oris奇妙的潜水世界,通过您的双眼来发 现 绝妙的 水 下 世界,和我们分享您对于Oris潜水世界的个人观点。 oris.ch | Plunge into our wonderful Oris World of Diving and discover through your eyes this marvellous aquatic environment. oris.ch |
Navisight是一个组合了灵活的导航条与迷你工具栏的控件,可以为你的应用程序带 来 绝妙的 用 户 导航体验。 evget.com | Navisight is a combination of a flexible navigation bar and a mini toolbar that, when combined, can give your application a great navigation user experience. evget.com |
您一定有过这样的经历,当您在网上发现一款让您尖叫的手表“哇噻,这真是一 款 绝妙的 / 超 酷 的/与众不同的/特别的/运动型/疯狂的(请代入相应的形容词)美表。 iontime.ch | You’ve [...] surely experienced the situation already, [...]where you discover a timepiece on a website and you think “Wow, this is [...]such an amazing/ cool/ different/ special/ sporty/ crazy (use word accordingly) beauty. iontime.ch |
这三个作品在形式构造上显示了高超的技巧 和 绝妙的 平 衡。 swatch.com | Masterfully balanced in terms of formal composition, these three works are an open invitation to explore the artist’s illustrated, animated and creative perspective on contemporary urban life. swatch.com |
将绝妙的设计 风格和卓越的音质结合在一起 jabra.cn | Combine great design style with sublime sound quality jabra.com |
这些拼贴作品好似一个绝妙的笑话 ,蔬菜这种有机的材质会逐渐干枯腐烂,把这些图片中蕴藏的谎 [...] 言——永恒的青春、美丽和欲求——公之于众。 heidivoet.net | The resulting collage is a subtle pictorial joke, [...] whereby the organic material will age and rot over time to reveal the [...]lie— enduring youth, beauty and desirability- inherent in these images. heidivoet.net |
而同样来自HATESPHERE乐队的前任主唱Jonathan Albrechtsen也以不凡的演唱实力在这张作品中描画出了 最 绝妙的 点 睛 之笔。 painkillermag.com | Scarred by Beauty consists of active and dedicated musicians, and harbors former singer in Hatesphere Jonathan Albrechtsen, who recently left Hate-sphere to focus on Scarred by Beauty. painkillermag.com |
Navisight有一个简单却完整的特性集,这些特性组合提供 了 绝妙的 用 户 导航体验所需的一切。 evget.com | Navisight has a simple yet comprehensive [...] set of features which, combined, give you all you need to configure the perfect navigation experience. evget.com |
绝妙的木制 和玻璃珠串使伊比莎充满了浓厚的节日气息。 minnetonkamoccasin.cn | Show your festive flavor with the stunning wood and glass beading of the Ibiza. minnetonkamoccasin.com |
凭借其高级女装的影响力,该表款置身于时光与重力之外,仿佛是一 场 绝妙的 时 装 秀。 hautehorlogerie.org | With its Haute Couture influence, it is set outside of time and gravity, like on a divine catwalk show. hautehorlogerie.org |
Gerald Genta 手表系列以绝妙的复杂 运行和与其他高端奢侈手表不同的醒目色彩而著称。 hk.ashford.com | The Gerald Genta Watch collections are known for their fabulously intricate [...] displays done in eye catching color unusual for high end luxury watches. ashford.com |
它只能让你更加喜欢画面的效果,因为你会理解 Carmel 显然最先去过那里,有时需要背着沉重的设备翻山越岭到达那里;你会理解那 些 绝妙的 风 景 是她花费数小时的时间从数以千计凌乱无章的画面中拍摄到的最完美的一张;理解她按下中幅面数字相机的快门后,又在 MacBook Pro 上使用 Aperture 孜孜不倦地对图像进行数字调整。 apple.com.cn | It only sharpens your appreciation of the effect to understand that obviously Carmel got there first, sometimes on cross-country skis, carrying heavy gear; that she spent hours looking to catch a perfect image from among a thousand messier choices; or that she digitally adjusted the image in Aperture on a MacBook Pro after the shutter closed on her medium format digital camera. apple.com |
作为与美国甲骨文赛队在欧洲的首次合作活动,豪雅邀请50位嘉宾参加此次揭幕仪式,观看AC45双体船在神秘的“大运河”中竞赛,体 验 绝妙的 威 尼 斯旅程。 tagheuer.com | For its first major event in Europe with ORACLE TEAM USA, TAG Heuer invited 50 guests to attend this unveiling and to live a stunning experience in Venice, watching AC45 boats competing within the mythical ‘Grand Canal’! tagheuer.com |
利用在世界上某些最好录音棚中采用的相同 Bowers & Wilkins 技术,CI 600 系列定制安装扬声器可让您的房间萦 绕 绝妙 、 逼 真 的 三 维 音效。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Harnessing the same Bowers & Wilkins technologies that are used in some of the [...] world's best recording [...] studios, the CI 600 Series of custom installation loudspeakers fill a room with stunning, lifelike, [...]three dimensional sound. bowers-wilkins.eu |
餐厅还供应品种丰富的当地甜点,包括芒果布丁配白巧克力和中国橄榄、暖栗子巧克力汤配香草冰淇淋,定能为您带 来 绝妙 难 忘 的 用 餐 体验。 cn.sandscotaicentral.com | Finish off an unforgettable meal with local desserts, ranging from Mango Pudding with White Chocolate Chantilly and Chinese Olives to Warm Chestnut and Chocolate Soup with Vanilla Ice Cream. sandscotaicentral.com |
早前,有Nick Fraser以作者的视角为Condé Nast Traveller UK2010年7月版撰文描写越南和柬埔寨 的绝妙 美 景。 ba-repsasia.com | Writer Nick Fraser finds himself pleasantly surprised by the unmeasured beauty and elegance of Vietnam and Cambodia for the July 2010 issue of Condé Nast Traveller UK. ba-repsasia.com |
您可以通过触摸来感受厨房的美妙绝 伦 , 而不仅仅是通过眼睛来欣赏。 scavolini.cn | A kitchen that can be enjoyed through the touch and not just savoured with the eyes. scavolini.us |