

单词 络绎不绝

See also:






in no way
absolutely not
not in the least

绝不 adv

never adv

External sources (not reviewed)

Hachey先生补充说:“在我们的展台、放置C系列飞机客舱演示器和驾驶舱的C系列飞机展区以及静态展示区,参观 络绎不绝。
We have had a tremendous volume of traffic in our chalet, the CSeries Dome that houses the CSeries aircraft cabin demonstrator and flight deck, and the static display.
布莱克(Allison Timberlake)即指出,「这几络绎不绝 的 买 家让我非常忙碌,如果满分是十分的话,我会给这场展会八分的评价。
Marketing Manager Allison Timberlake of LAI Games pointed out “the constant flow of buyers has kept me very busy during these few days.
虽然近年来制作者减少了,但是,因其结实耐用的品质以及独特的韵味,如今仍然拥有众多爱好者,求购 络绎不绝。
Although manufacturers have decreased in number recently, the practical strength of these products and
their deep, inner warmth have attracted
[...] many fans, with the result that people continue to actively [...]
purchase these products.
祭典活动期间,除了有继承着镰仓武士勇壮精神的流镝马(YABUSAME),还有寒河江八幡宫奴保存会所组织而成的奴行列游行等连日举行,来自县内外的观光 络绎不绝。
During the festival, events such as Yabusame (horseback archery) demonstrating martialness inherited from heroic warriors in the Kamakura era or a parade of servant clowns performed by the Society
for Preservation of Sagae Hachimangu Yakko are held everyday and attract locals
[...] and tourists from outside the prefecture.
同时位于Burrard Inlet东北侧的Belcarra公园,也非常受欢迎,这里的Sasamat湖是全大温地区水温最高的一个湖,每逢夏日,来此嬉水游玩的大人孩子狗狗们 络绎不绝。
At about 1.4 hectares in size, it is directly across the inlet from Rocky Point Park and is the northern end of Shoreline Trail.
同时位于Burrard Inlet东北侧的Belcarra公园,也非常受欢迎,这里的Sasamat湖是全大温地区水温最高的一个湖,每逢夏日,来此嬉水游玩的大人孩子狗狗们 络绎不绝。
Bert Flinn Park encompasses 138 hectares of largely undeveloped parkland on former industrial lands.
每晚,当夜幕降临主题公园,在可容纳5000人的露天阶梯剧场中,参观 络绎不绝 。 他们和迈克——热情洋溢而富有感染力的音乐主持,还有DJFX——顽皮烂漫的卡通人物,一起,踏声之海音之浪乐之波,恍若一跃而入心中的梦想世界,开始天马行空的探索,追寻蓝色音符,那令人梦寐以求的神秘之音。
Every night, before a 5,000-seat open-air amphitheatre at Futuroscope’s lake, Mike, an
exuberant DJ, and DJFX, a mischievous
[...] cartoon character, dive into the very heart of [...]
their own dream, sweeping visitors along
with them as they head off on a madcap adventure into a wonderland of soundwaves and music on their quest for the Blue Note – the mythical sound that every musician dreams of finding.
中国移动拥有全世界成长最快的Wi-Fi网络之一,而对每个旅游中国的人来说接入此 络 是 绝 对 必 要的,”iPass网络服务副总裁马尔修阿威力斯称道。
China Mobile has one of the fastest growing Wi-Fi networks in the world, and access to this network is essential for anyone traveling in China," said Evan Kaplan, president and CEO of iPass.
此 外,执行支助股深知,虽然该决定将为其开展额外活动提供机遇,但 绝不 应妨 碍其当前的优先事项,且欧盟需为任何额外的人力资源供资。
In addition, it was noted that the ISU was sensitive to the fact that while this is an
opportunity for the ISU to take on additional
[...] activity, it must not be a drain on [...]
existing ISU priorities and that any additional
human resource need would need to be funded by the EU.
这就是皇家橡树离岸系列,一个正在 绎 的 成 功故事的开始。该系列现在增加了颜色与 不 同 的 新表盘,拥有独有的自动上链Calibre 3126/3840。
The latter is now being enriched with new dials in unusual colours and appears equipped with the [...]
exclusive self-winding Calibre 3126/3840.
公路运输对内陆和短程运输非常重要,是铁路和航运络不发达 国家特别是内陆国的主要内部和区域运输手段。
Road transport is important for inland and short-ranged transport, as the main internal and
regional transport mean especially for land-locked countries, because
[...] rail and maritime networks are not fully developed.
还有一些代表团认为,不管是否有提供保护的责任,都 可从人权法绎出各国有不任意拒绝 帮 助 和允许同受灾者接触的义务。
Still other delegations were of the view that a State’s duty not to reject an offer of help arbitrarily and to allow access to victims could be deduced from human rights law, irrespective of any responsibility to protect.
他还指出有必要促 进建立各种络,不仅在 青年人自己间建立网络,而且在各部委与各公共机构之 [...]
He also noted the need to promote the
[...] creation of networks not only among [...]
young people themselves but also between ministries
and public bodies, even beyond the national level.
也有评论通过排除确立管辖权的其他依据对其进行 绎 定 义 ,认为普遍管辖权意 味着根据公认国际法确定管辖权归属的一种标准,各国根据这种标准可以起诉某 些国际罪行,不必证 明与以下因素的司法关联:(a) 发生罪行的领土,犯罪人 或受害人的国籍;或(b) 无论罪行在何处发生,受害人或犯罪人的国籍,或罪行 对行使管辖权国家的影响。
It was also defined deductively by excluding the other bases for establishing jurisdiction, in which case universal jurisdiction implied a criterion for the attribution of jurisdiction that was recognized by international law whereby States may prosecute certain international crimes without having to prove a jurisdictional link, either (a) to the territory where the crime was committed, the nationality of the perpetrator or the nationality of the victims; or (b) regardless of the location in which the offence took place, the nationality of either the victim or the perpetrator, or the effect of the crime on the State exercising jurisdiction.
台湾精品推出第一支天气查询APP,以不同的台湾精品产品 绎不 同 天 气视觉,各种天气都由不同产品所组合而成。
This is the first weather report mobile app launched by Taiwan Excellence.
如在《宣言》的序言中所阐明,发生被强迫失踪的事件,即政 不 同 部不同级 别的官员,或一些代表政府行事或得到政府直接或间接支持、同意或默许 的有组织团体或个人,违反有关人员本人的意愿而将其逮捕、拘留或绑架或剥夺 他们的自由,随后又绝透露 有关人员的命运或下落,或 绝 承 认剥夺了他们的 自由,结果将这些人置于法律保护之外。
As defined in the preamble of the Declaration, enforced disappearances occur when persons are arrested, detained or abducted against their will or otherwise deprived of their liberty by officials of different branches or levels of Government or by organized groups or private individuals acting on behalf of, or with the support, direct or indirect, consent or acquiescence of the Government, followed by a refusal to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of their liberty, which places such persons outside the protection of the law.
目前,中国已初步建立起中央、省、 地、县四级音像市场管理络,绝大 多 数地区还建立了包括音像市场在内的文化市场稽查队 伍,认真履行音像市场监管职责。
China has implemented a supervision network for the audio-visual products market at four levels: central government, province, prefecture and county, and in most areas teams of inspectors for culture markets including audio-visual products markets have also been formed to carry out audiovisual products market supervision in earnest.
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目, 哪怕在预算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差,尽管绝 对值 意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽 不 计。
For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give
a large deviation in the
[...] “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a deviation is negligible in absolute terms.
对非显而易见性的要求意 味着保证对真正的创造发明成果授予专 利,不是授予那些按该领域的一般技 术人员来看能轻易从已有的东西中绎 出来的东西。
The nonobviousness requirement is meant to ensure that patents are only granted in respect of truly creative and inventive achievements, and not to developments that a person with ordinary skill in the field could easily deduce from what already exists.
你们也把歌曲改编为中文版不同的语言也能很好 绎歌 曲吗?
You also sang in Mandarin, was it harder to convey the songs in a different language?
Rockstar联盟(以下简称“Rockstar”)今天宣布,美国司法部设定的审核Rockstar收购前北电 络绝 大 部 分专利组合的等待期已经期满,联盟可以自由地完成收购。
Rockstar Consortium (Rockstar) today announced that the US Department of Justice waiting period for review of Rockstar's
acquisition of a substantial majority of the
[...] former Nortel Networks patent portfolio, [...]
has expired and the company is free to consummate the acquisition.
OpenNMS是你管理络的绝好工 具,它能够显示你网络中各中终端和服务器的状态和配置,为你方便地管理网络提供有效的信息。
OpenNMS is an excellent tool for you to manage the network , it can display in your terminal and the network server status and configuration easy for you to provide effective information management network .
斯特鲁加尔审判厅判定,在以下情况下, 这种犯罪要素成立:(1)对显然被确定 为或被视为专用于宗教事业的公共机构建
[...] 筑进行损坏或破坏;(2)在做出这种行 为时该财产未用于军事目的,绝不 在军 事目标周围;以及(3)肇事者的行为带 [...]
The Strugar Trial Chamber held that the elements of this crime are satisfied if: (1) the damage or destruction has been committed to institutions which may clearly be identified or regarded as dedicated to religion; (2) the property was
not used for military purposes at the time
[...] of the acts and must not have been [...]
in the immediate vicinity of military objectives;
and (3) the perpetrator acted with the intent to destroy the property.
这些批评者还进一步指出,我们应该 绝 或 至 少淡化历史上曾经是核心的离散自动机与“存储程序计算机”的概念,这些模型中的交互最多也就是与被动的存储带或存储器交互而已;而代之以一整套更生动的新模型:异步交互能动体 〖agent〗 、动态络、不用表 征的机器人、甚至是基于戏剧的模型。
And so, the critics
[...] continue, we should reject—or at least downplay—the historically central notions of discrete automata and “stored program computers” interacting (at best) with passive tapes and memories, and instead take up a suite of more lively alternatives: asynchronous interacting agents, dynamic networks, non-representational [...]
robots—even models based on the theatre.
埃塞俄比亚一直采取措施打击一切形式恐怖主义,破坏国家和区域两级的 恐怖主义络并杜绝其资金来源,最终将导致实现第 1540(2004)号决议所载目 [...]
Ethiopia has been taking measures to
fight terrorism in all its forms by
[...] dismantling terrorist networks both at the national [...]
and regional levels and drying up
their sources of finance, which will ultimately lead to achieving the objectives outlined in resolution 1540 (2004) in a manner that prevents the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by non-State actors.
他们的存在为许多地方 提供了迫切需要的秩序、稳定和希望,我 绝不 应忘记这些士兵、警察、顾问和援助人员所作出的牺牲和 提供的服务,他们在远离我们今天所在的这个会议厅 的地方辛勤劳作,面临危险。
Their presence has provided much-needed order, stability and hope in so many places, and we should never forget the sacrifices and service of these soldiers, police officers, advisers and aid workers who do the hard work and face the danger far from this Chamber that we are in today.
这款非凡珍品表款搭载40P超薄手动上链机械机芯,具备小时与分钟显示功能,完美 绎 腕 表 的光芒与轻盈,更将伯爵的无限创意与对珠宝制作 不 灭 热 情诠释得淋漓尽致。
The full measure of Piaget’s creative and jewelrymaking passion has been expressed in an astonishingly light and airy manner on this exceptional piece, thanks to the slenderness of the 40P ultra-thin mechanical hand-wound movement driving the hour and minute functions.
整个 世界,特别是“四方机制”,已经看到巴勒斯坦权力 机构为了获得不可剥 夺的合法权利,其中最主要的 是建立一个独立和有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国,一再做 出的让步,即使本组织内的国际情势 绎 变 化 ,也是 如此。
The whole world, and the Quartet in particular, has seen the Palestinian Authority make repeated concessions in its efforts to attain its inalienable and legitimate rights, chief among them the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian State, even as the international situation evolves within this Organization.
将必须解决一般性的方法问题:对国家实践进行实证研究以及 绎推 理 ,国际法院和法庭的一些案例法说明了这一点。
It will be necessary to address general questions of methodology: empirical research into State practice as well as deductive reasoning, as illustrated by some case-law of international courts and tribunals.




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