

单词 给...打分

See also:


give a mark


divide (and give to others)

External sources (not reviewed)

用于此项加权的程序同前面介绍过的对有关现象进行 加权 (表 IV.5)的程序非常类似,但在这里,是根据用户群对预测的关注程度 给 预 测模 式 打分 的。
It is stable because there is an inevitable trade-off between speed of delivery, latency, and the ability to carry out the most detailed quality control, or process the most difficult data types.
客户调查回复率为 89%。这些调查显示,经审计的 部门和办事给该司工作质量打分 平 均为 3.1 分(1 分为劣,4 分为优)。
The client survey, with a response rate of 89 per cent, revealed that
audited departments
[...] and offices gave an average rating of 3.1 (where 1 is poor and 4 is excellent) for the quality of the work performed by the Division.
得到的反馈普遍是积极的,80% 以上的参加给培训班的举办水打分为优或良。
Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with more that 80 per cent of the participants rating the organization of the courses as either excellent or very good.
人口基金利用其“生殖健康商品安全图表”,监测全球在生殖 健康商品安全方面取得的进展给各 国在主要类别方面取得的总体进 打分。
UNFPA used its “RHCS Dashboard” tool to monitor global progress towards Reproductive Health Commodity Security, giving countries scores that measure their overall progress in key categories.
自 2008
[...] 年以来,该国所有地区都开通了一条童工问题热线,儿童及家长的 权利如果受到侵犯,可随打电话给 这 条 热线。
Since 2008, in all regions of the country a “hotline”
operates on child labour issues, which the children and their
[...] parents can call at any time, if their rights [...]
have been violated.
你应阅读热门杂志,如果各位编辑的姓名没有刊登,请主 给 杂 志 打 电 话 ,询问你想 联系的那位编辑的姓名和电话号码或电子邮箱。
You need to read the magazine in question and if the
[...] editors’ names aren’t printed, don’t be afraid [...]
to phone the magazine and ask for the name and phone
number or e-mail address of the person with whom you want to get in touch.
根据这项措施,不将货币结算帐户中的金额 列入杂项收入来确定分给会员 国的金额。
Under the scheme, amounts in the currency
clearing account are netted against miscellaneous income to determine the amounts
[...] available for distribution to Member States.
这一章内容介绍了打印机配置以及各可用的配置菜单(可用的菜单取决于 给打 印机 安装的仿真语言)。
This chapter provides an introduction to configuring the
printer and includes the configuration menus available (depending on which emulation
[...] you have installed in the printer).
[...] 委员会制定并纳入商品法典标准的微生物分析和采样方法,不需要提 给分 析 和 采样方 法委员会认可。
Microbiological methods of analysis and sampling elaborated by the Committee on Food Hygiene for inclusion in Codex commodity standards for the purpose of
verifying hygiene provisions need not be referred to the Committee
[...] on Methods of Analysis and Sampling [...]
for endorsement.
第二,选择最能对任何选定的定量结果作出恰如其分的评 估的定性指标,这需要考虑充分收集信息的现实可行性,以便能 给 指 标赋予某种值(如 按照 1-10 分的打分制, “有关利益方有切实意义的参与”,或者“提供的培训的质量”= 8)。
Secondly, the selection of qualitative indicators to best assess any selected qualitative results needs to consider the practical feasibility of collecting
sufficient information to
[...] allow for the assignment of some kind of value to the indicator (for instance, “very significant involvement of stakeholders”, or “quality of training provided = 8, on a scale from 1 to 10).
与会者对新的计划管理周期现采用自上而下和自下而上的互动做法表示满意,预计这 种做法给地区 办事处和全国委员会在拟定下一个计划与预算时以更多的职责,同时一致强 调指出,为编写文件 C/5 或为被视为教科文组织中主要工作组成 分 的 任 何事项能举行的多 国磋商和地区磋商都不应由参与计划,而应由正常计划项下的其它资源提供资金(参见附件 III 中所附磋商会议通过的决议)。
While expressing their satisfaction that the new programme management cycle now allows not only a top-down but also a bottom-up interaction which is expected to give a more important role to field offices and National Commissions in the design of the next programmes and budgets, participants unanimously stressed that cluster and regional consultations for the purpose of the preparation of the C/5 document or for any issue considered to be part and parcel of UNESCO’s core business shall not be funded from the Participation Programme but from other sources under the regular programme (see resolution adopted by the Consultation which is attached as Annex III).
它还呼吁政府考虑加强努力打击暴力侵害妇女,包 括家庭暴力和人口贩运,特别是贩运妇女和儿童现象,特别是要确保 分 执 行 有 关的法律和规定,并继续提供充足的资金,建立一套监督机制。
It also called on the Government to
consider strengthening
[...] efforts to combat violence against women, including domestic violence and trafficking in persons, especially women and children by, inter alia, ensuring the full implementation [...]
of related laws and
legislation, and also through the continued provision of adequate funding and the creation of a monitoring mechanism.
气象组织秘书处为每一个风险事件的风险数 打分 提 供了进一步的细节,并 正在考虑推出第四个风险类别以提高对最重要的风险的关注程度。
The IMO secretariat provided additional detail
[...] for the numerical scoring of the risk for each [...]
risk event and is considering introducing
a fourth risk category to allow a greater degree of focus on the most significant risks.
马来西亚-越南联合提交的文件实质上将南海南 分给 了这两个国家,而菲律宾也称对该地区部分区域拥有主 [...]
The Malaysia-Vietnam joint
[...] submission effectively split the southern section [...]
of the South China Sea between the two nations,
an area also claimed in part by the Philippines and in large part by China.
我立打电话给盖莱 总统询问这一事项,并表示认为,“如果的确存在 边界问题,这一问题可以通过双边方式解决,无需诉诸第三方”。
I promptly called President Guelleh to enquire about the matter and to express my belief that “if there was indeed a border problem, the matter could have been resolved bilaterally without resorting to third parties”.
通过为制冷行业提供技术援助的建议,过去根据原有制冷剂管理计划分配的回收/ 再循环设备,将重分给为商用和工业制冷次级行业服务的维修店。
Through the proposed technical assistance programme for the refrigeration sector the
recovery/recycling equipment
[...] previously distributed within the original RMP will be redistributed among [...]
service workshops addressing
the commercial and industrial refrigeration sub-sectors.
政府之所以实 施改革,是因为担心该计划申请人数过多,这一计划是学生签证过渡到澳大利亚永久居留(PR)签证之间的重要步骤,因此从2010年2月起,DIAC暂停受
[...] 理约2万份潜在的GSM移民申请,缩减该计划的技术移民职业清单(SOL),并推行更严格 打分 测 试
Brought about due to government concerns regarding the oversubscribed program – one of the central links between student visas and Australian Permanent Residency (PR) – from February 2010, DIAC ceased about 20,000 perspective GSM
migrants’ applications, reduced the program’s Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and instituted
[...] a more difficult Points Test.
正泰太阳能经各种渠道与 利益相关方沟通后将其关心的议题进行汇总,并由各相关单位对各类议题的受关注程度及其重大 分 别 打分、 综合考量决定各议题的优先性,将优先议题纳入年度工作事项或目标。
Astronergy summarizes the topics mostly focused on through all channels and after communication with stakeholders, and relevant units score the focus degree of the topics and their materiality, decide their priority via comprehensive consideration, and put priority topics into annual working items or targets.
从这个经过删节的表(完整的清单见表 IV.1 和 IV.2)可以看 出按照用户群对它们感兴趣的程度进 打分 的 情 况(“2”表示直接感兴趣,“1”表示重要但只是间 接或部分感兴趣)。
The real-time data and model products can also be checked after first use for up-grading and additional quality control to ensure that all relevant data are preserved for final archival.
移除 Jabra PRO 9450 底座上的盖子然后用耳机拨打电话,比 打给 同 事
Remove the cover from the base of the Jabra PRO 9450 and make a call with the headset, to a colleague for example.
在所述项目第二个组成分“打击对妇女的家庭暴 力行为”中,拟定了“2007-2010年打击对妇女的家庭暴力行为国家行动计划” ,并经负责妇女和家庭事务的国务部长批准后生效。
In the second component of the said project which is “Combating Domestic Violence against Women”, “National Action Plan for Combating Domestic Violence [...]
against Women in 2007–2010”
was drawn up and put into force with the approval of the State Minister Responsible for Women and Family.
提問者通常會要求被訪者想像一個攝氏溫度計,0度表示冰冷,100度表示沸騰,50度表示不冷不熱,然後要求被訪 打分 形 容其對某人的感覺。
The interviewer would normally ask the respondent to imagine a
Celsius thermometer, with 0 degree as the freezing point, 100
[...] degree as the boiling point, and 50 [...]
degree as half and half.
其他人认 为,社会科学及人文科学部门和传播与信息部门在 31 C/5 和 32 C/5 中的拨款相对少,在 33
[...] C/5 中,这两个部门以及文化部门应增加资金,并应提 分给 各 部门的资金百分比。
Others felt that the Social and Human Sciences and the Communication and Information Sectors – both of which had received comparatively lower allocations in documents 31 C/5 and 32 C/5 – as well as the Culture Sector
should benefit from increased funding in document 33 C/5 and an
[...] improved percentage distribution of resources [...]
by sector.
在对人权事务委员会第 24 号一般性意见的评论中,联合王国也对排除保留所涉的条约 分给 予一 定支持:“联合王国坚信在分割中,需要分割的包括保留及其涉及的条约部分两方面。
In its observations on general comment No. 24 of the Human Rights
Committee, the United
[...] Kingdom also gave some weight to the exclusion of the parties to the treaty to which a reservation relates: “[t]he United Kingdom is absolutely clear that severability would entail [...]
excising both the reservation
and the parts of the treaty to which it applies.
我们打算补充提给各部 门助理总干事及总部外各办事处的信息,主要是通过定期出版带有各种财务指数的《财 务报表》,以便帮助他们制定各自权利范围内的机构运行及管理法规。
It is envisaged to supplement this information to sector ADGs and field directors through the issuance of regular financial indicator ‘dashboards’ which will assist them in determining the status of controls existing within their operations.
目的是避免文件的这一分给 人过 于静态的企业集团印象,事实上,如文件所确认,公司集团是一个很有活 力的经济活动领域(在第 [...]
9 至 18 段某处提及第 20 和 21 段就足够了)。
The aim is to
[...] prevent this part of the document from giving an overly [...]
static impression of enterprise groups, which in fact
constitute, as the document affirms, an area of vigorous economic activity (a reference to paragraphs 20 and 21 at some point or points in paragraphs 9 to 18 might suffice).
印度代表团建议将规定草案交给分 析 和抽样方法法典委员会进一步审议,因为 特定方法的使用引起了诸多关切并对各国政府影响较大;另外,规定草案仅经过一次会 议就予以敲定,而一些国家却未能参加上届会议。
The Delegation of India proposed to refer the draft provisions back to the CCMAS for further consideration, as the use of proprietary methods raised several concerns and had important implications for governments, and the draft had been finalized in only one session, while some countries could not attend the last session.
19. 在 2009 年 3 月 6 日第 11
次会议上,主席简单介绍了在议程项目 3 下同 特别程序任务负责人进行互动对话的模 式 如 下:任务负责人介绍主要报告
[...] 10 分 钟;每提出一项新的报告给 2 分钟;相关国家和理事会成员国发言 [...]
5 分钟;非 理事会成员国观察员和其他观察员,包括联合国各实体、专门机构和相关组织、
政 府 间 组织和其他实体、各国人权机构和非政府 组织的观察员发言 3 分 钟;任务 负责人作总 结发言 5 分钟 。
2 minutes to present each additional report, 5 minutes for
concerned countries, if any, and States
[...] members of the Council, 3 minutes for statements [...]
by observers for non-member States
of the Council and other observers, including United Nations entities, specialized agencies and related organizations, intergovernmental organizations and other entities, national human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations, and 5 minutes for concluding remarks by the mandate-holder.
根據這 項 安 排 , 內 地 便 制 訂了兩種發 出 單 程證的 做 法:享 有 居 留 權的人  ─   主 要 是 港 人的子 女   ─   是 無 須計分 的,即 沒 有打 分 制 ”
Under this arrangement, the mainland authorities formulated two policies for the issuance of OWPs: those who have the right of abode — mainly children of Hong Kong residents — are no longer subject to a points system.




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