

单词 给...引路

See also:


show the way

External sources (not reviewed)

若干代表团认识到由于路交通事故 给 公 共 健康和发展带来的负担, 并强调了继续倡导和执行与道路安全有关的举措的重要性。
Several delegations recognized the public health and development
[...] burden resulting from road crashes and stressed [...]
the importance of continuing advocacy
and implementing initiatives in relation to road safety.
The forums similarly provide the opportunity to discuss the projects,
activities and initiatives aimed at improving the human rights
[...] situation in the Sudan and attracting donor support to that end.
一旦完成司 法引渡程序,摩洛哥政府可发布一个政令,授权将 引 渡 给 俄 罗 斯当局。
Once the judicial extradition procedures are completed, the Government of Morocco can issue a decree
[...] authorizing his extradition to the Russian [...]
尽管此案例已被发现不可受理,但若 引 可以 给人启发,则仍可加以引用。
Although the case had been found inadmissible,
[...] it could still be cited if to do so would [...]
be enlightening.
[...] 求當局繼續改善經進一步修訂的《設計手冊》,包括提高公用 地方的最低照明度、在建築物內提 引路 徑 、 擴大殘疾人士廁 所的內部淨空間、加設適當標誌引領殘疾人士使用暢通易達的 [...]
入口和在主要入口安裝自動門、就不當使用殘疾人士設施採取 執法行動,以及容許殘疾人士使用客用升降機。
They strongly requested further improvements to the further revised DM, including raising the minimum
illumination level in common areas,
[...] provision of tactile guide paths in buildings, enlarging [...]
the internal clear space inside
toilets for PWDs, installation of proper signage leading to entrances accessible to PWDs and automatic doors at major entrances, taking enforcement actions against improper use of facilities for PWDs, and allowing PWDs to use passenger lifts.
目前,GTI 继续拓展业务范围,作为一个国际工作平台,在市场 宣传推广、技术发展、产路标等领 域 给 予 产 业和市场发展的极大推 动,有效实现了运营商产品需求和技术研发的结合,大力拉动了产业 和市场的发展。
At present, GTI continues to expand its business scope, and as
an international
[...] working platform, it gives big boost to the industry in terms of market promotion, technology development, product roadmap and other fields, [...]
effectively realizes
the combination of product demand of operators with technology research, and greatly drives the development of the industry and the market.
黃宏發議員維 持他曾 在交通事務委員會及工務 小組委員會會議席上表達 的意見 ,認為由於東行 連路 引 起 廣 泛 的 爭 議 ,因此 深港西部 通道工程計劃(759TH) 及 后海灣幹線工程計劃(736TH)應 分開表決。
Mr Andrew WONG maintained his view expressed at the Transport Panel meetings and PWSC meeting that the SWC project (759TH) and the DBL project (736TH) should be voted on separately in view of the strong controversy about the ELR.
儘管須為 P2 路預留足夠的土 地以應付日後全面發展,專家小組仍建議政府研究在 P2 路引進臨 時的交通平靜措施,以及在此期間綠化 P2 路預留用地。
While it may be necessary to reserve sufficient land
for the full-scale
[...] development of Road P2 over the longer term, the Government should explore introducing pro tempore traffic calming measures on Road P2 and greening [...]
the reserve area in the meantime.
(c) 2008 年《反贩运人口法》包括下列重要内容:(1) 加重对所有参与贩运 人口行为者的惩罚;(2)
[...] 受害者可以要求犯罪行为人对贩运人口行为 引 发 的给予补 偿;(3) 庇护和其他必要措施,包括向受害者提供物质、社会心理、法 [...]
律、教育和保健服务;(4) 向男性和女性提供保护,不论其国籍。
(c) The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act, 2008, includes the following key elements: (1) heavier penalties on all persons involved in human trafficking;
(2) compensation, which victims may claim from the
[...] offender for any damages caused by human trafficking; [...]
(3) shelter and
other necessities including physical, psychosocial, legal, educational and health care provided to victims; and (4) protection for both men and women and boys and girls regardless of their nationalities.
插头插入插座时,在回路阀门被打 开前就启动密封,因此无给回路 排气,并避免了回路流体遭受污染 的危险。
On insertion of the plug into the socket, sealing takes
place before the opening of the valves, which avoids the
[...] need to purge the circuits and prevents any [...]
contamination of fluid.
建材再利用不只是為了再利用,強行將材料加諸於建築物上,而是依循永續原則,取代原本要使用的新材料,還能夠 引路 人 注 意。
Material reuse clearly is not just a simple task of force-fitting a material into a building for the sake of reuse: it is a viable, sustainable
alternative to incorporating newly created materials, and can be done so in
[...] ways that are attractive and appealing to passersby.
该项服务包括查勘部署地点、给路 线 和 机场的地雷 和未爆装置情况,以及清除这种装置;通过每月与国家当局、国际和国家非政府 [...]
组织、承包商、联合国机构、基金和方案举行协调会议,确保该国排雷行动协调 一致,倡导《禁止使用杀伤人员地雷条约》的执行;开展雷险教育宣传运动,办
法是通过当地电台和霍加皮电台的广播和发表通讯;就国家地雷行动结构的发展 和颁布国家地雷行动立法向刚果民主共和国政府提供咨询,并培训国家地雷行动 高级管理小组。
The services would include the survey of
[...] deployment sites, supply routes and airfields for [...]
mines and unexploded devices and their
clearance of such devices, ensuring the coherence of mine-action activities in the country through monthly coordination meetings with national authorities, international and national non-governmental organizations, contractors and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes advocating the implementation of the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Treaty, conducting a public information campaign on mine risk education through broadcasts on local radio stations and Radio Okapi and the publication of newsletters, advising the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the development of a national mine-action structure and on the promulgation of national legislation on mine action and training of a national mineaction senior management team.
罗礼廉先生会向您阐释试点内容并就新税法改革可 引 发 的问 题 给 予 建 议,以帮助您适应新法。
To lead you through that change Mr. Peter Law will explain the contents of the reform and advise you on the problems and possibilities arising from this tax reform.
引渡给本国 当局的决定是在尊重法律 和人权基本原则,即摩洛哥所批准协定的核心内容的情况下作出的,因此摩洛哥 当局不能接受申诉人反对将引渡给 俄 罗斯当局的上诉。
The decision to extradite him to the authorities in his country was made in the context of respect for the law and for the fundamental principles of human rights, which are at the core of the agreements that Morocco has ratified, and consequently the Moroccan authorities are unwilling to accept the author’s appeal against his extradition to the Russian authorities.
关岛因在陡坡上修筑主要路,引起 土 壤侵蚀, 所造成的沉积导致了岸礁珊瑚群的死亡。
In Guam, major road building on steep slopes has caused erosion [...]
and the resulting sedimentation has killed coral colonies on fringing reefs.
B. 举行巴勒斯坦和以色列媒体人员会议 1.
继秘书处为执行局上届会议拟订了关于巴勒斯坦领土教育和文化机构地位的文件(文 件 166
[...] EX/40)之后,2003 年 4 月 30 日发布了 Quartet’s 路线图,这给中东 带来了新的希 望,对话重又进行了,巴勒斯坦与以列色之间的和解已指日可待。
Following the preparation by the Secretariat of the document on the Status of Educational and Cultural Institutions in the Palestinian Territories for the last session of the
Executive Board (166
[...] EX/40), the Quartet’s Road Map, released on 30 April 2003, gave rise to [...]
fresh hope in the Middle East
as dialogue was revived and reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis again became a real prospect.
尽管如此,《宣言》第 14 条规定,国家有义务将被指
[...] 控犯下强迫失踪罪行的人“送交该国民政主管当局进行起诉和审判,除非 已按有关的国际现行规定将引渡给 希 望 行使管辖的另一国审理。
Regardless, under article 14 of the Declaration, the State has an obligation to bring any person alleged to have perpetrated an enforced disappearance “before the competent civil authorities of that State for
the purpose of prosecution and trial
[...] unless he has been extradited to another State [...]
wishing to exercise jurisdiction in accordance
with the relevant international agreements in force.
巴勒斯坦犹太法典是普给予的论文 引 用 , 章节页和列后,威尼斯和克拉科夫版本,大多也行,由J(= [...]
The Palestinian
[...] Talmud is generally cited by giving the treatise, [...]
chapter, page, and column after the Venetian and Cracow
editions, mostly also the line, indicated by j (=jerus.) or pal.
直到第四世纪中叶出现,但出现了一个拉丁之父为受教育者的拉丁基督教精神读书,这是自然的stichometry,编辑(也许是半官方)根据教宗利比里奥对于书商的价格控制 给 出 了 圣塞 路 斯 工 程以及拉丁圣经的书籍。
Until the middle of the fourth century there had appeared but one Latin Father for the spiritual reading of the educated Latin Christian, and it is natural that the stichometry, edited (perhaps semi-officially) under Pope
Liberius for the control of
[...] booksellers' prices, gives the works of St. Cyprian as well [...]
as the books of the Latin Bible.
1979 年 10 月 26 日晚 20 时 30 分左右,三名着制服的警察(至少其中一人有 武装)在博萨诺先生回路上叫住他 给 他 戴上手铐送往警局。
On the evening of 26 October 1979, at about 8.30 p.m., three plain-clothes policemen, at least one of whom was armed, stopped Mr. Bozano as he was returning home, handcuffed him and drove him to police headquarters.
注意:具备多种效果而不被认为是 引 或 故意 给儿童 使用的产品,可能被作为诸如组合类等 其它类型测试。
NOTE: Items having multiple effects that are not considered appealing to or intended for use by children may be tested as another AFSL category such as Combinations, etc.
虽然这四个部分的内容分析路莎 米没 有 给 整 个 作品的结构足够的想法,它将为显示几个部分之间的差异方面都以它们的长度和对简单的解释,他们的扩增米示拿。
Although this analysis of the contents of
[...] four parts of Yerushalmi gives no adequate idea of [...]
the structure of the entire work,
it will serve to show the difference between its several parts in regard both to their length and to their amplifications of the simple explanations of the Mishnah.
鉴于为增进和保护人权所作的一切努力,布隆迪要求人权理事 给 予塞 浦路斯全力支持。
In view of all the efforts undertaken to promote and protect human rights, Burundi asked the Human Rights Council to give Cyprus its full support.
通过从卢旺达到 Runyoni 的给路线, M23 不仅获得 大量武器和弹药,还收到食品、帐篷、燃料、油、塑料布和药品。
Through the supply routes going from Rwanda [...]
to Runyoni, M23 have received not only large numbers of weapons and ammunition,
but also food, tents, fuel, oil, plastic sheets, and medicines.
8 时 30 分,一个武装恐怖团体在 Jisr al-Shughur-Ariha 公路引爆了 爆炸 装置,并向执法人员发射火箭榴弹,导致三名人员受伤。
At 0830 hours, an armed
[...] terrorist group detonated an explosive device and launched rocket-propelled grenades at law enforcement personnel on the Jisr al-Shughur-Ariha [...]
road, wounding three officers.
許多原先未購買卡特彼勒引擎的車隊,現在指定要購買ACERT產品,因為ACERT技術和競爭產品相比,在節約燃料和可靠性方面更具優勢,」卡特彼勒 路引 擎 營 銷部主管 Steve Brown 說道。
Many fleets that traditionally haven't bought Cat engines are now specifying ACERT for its fuel economy and
reliability advantage over competing engines," said Steve Brown, director of marketing
[...] for Caterpillar On-Highway Engines.
2007 年 3
[...] 月,国际刑警组织对克莱因发出了一道国际逮捕令,此人随后于 2007 年 8 月在莫斯科机场被捕并被羁押,直至将其移 给 提 出 了 引 渡 要 求的哥伦比 亚。
In March 2007, Interpol issued an international arrest warrant for Y. Klein, who was subsequently arrested in
August 2007 at the airport in Moscow and placed in
[...] custody until his transfer to Colombia, which had requested extradition.
10. 在先符合该条例、本章程、本公司在股东大会 给 予 的 任何 引 及 上 市规则(如 适用)的规定并且不影响附加于任何股份或任何类别股份的任何特殊权利或限制 [...]
下,本公司的未发行股份(不论是否组成原来资本或任何增加资本的一部分)应 由董事会处置,董事会可根据董事会按其绝对酌情决定的人、时间、代价、条件
及条款,发售、分配、授予选择权或以其他方式处理或处置它们,但任何类别的 股份均不得以折让发行,除非根据该条例的规定而进行。
Subject to the provisions of the
[...] Ordinance, these Articles, any direction that may be [...]
given by the Company in general meeting
and, where applicable, the Listing Rules and without prejudice to any special rights or restrictions for the time being attached to any shares or any class of shares, the unissued shares of the Company (whether forming part of the original or any increased capital) shall be at the disposal of the Board, which may offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise deal with or dispose of them to such persons, at such times and for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the Board may in its absolute discretion determine, but so that no shares of any class shall be issued at a discount except in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance.
更多 信息可见危机组织报告,《缅甸报告:少数民族政治》和《缅 甸:通向大选路》,引用如前;Win Min,Zaw Oo,《评价 [...]
For more information see Crisis Group Reports, Myanmar Backgrounder: Ethnic Minority Politics and
[...] Myanmar: Towards the Elections, both op. cit.




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