

单词 给...安装有线电视

See also:


cable television

External sources (not reviewed)

安装在电动机 构位置发报轴上的一台转换器(旋转角度编码器)捕捉分接 位置并传给监视系统
The tap position is recorded by a
[...] (rotation angle sender) which is mounted on the position transmitter shaft of the motor-drive unit and is forwarded to the monitoring system.
我们第一次质量房(无双层床) ,与私人/公用浴室和24小时热水, 视 , 有线电视 的 客 厅,电话,无线上网服务 安 全 盒 ,叫醒和日常客房服务。
We have first quality bedrooms (no bunk beds), with private/shared bathrooms
and 24 hours hot
[...] water, TV, cable TV on living room, phone, wireless Internet, security boxes, wake up call and [...]
daily room service.
对于下游企业,该项目将对所有泡沫塑料分配器设备进行替换;安装一个安全系 统,进行包括安全控制盘、便于储存的通风系统、定 给 料 和 发泡区域在内的气体监测, 制定带传感器和报装置的泡沫线安 全 系 统、一个灭火系统、 有 设 备 的 电 气 接 地,以及 制定适当的安全程序;进行试验、培训和安全审计。
For the downstream enterprises the project will provide the replacement of all foam dispenser equipment; installation of a safety system and gas monitoring including safety control panel, ventilation
systems for the storage,
[...] dosing and foaming areas, safety systems for the foaming line with sensors and alarm devices, one fire extinguishing system, the electric grounding of all equipment and the development [...]
of proper
safety procedures; trials, training and safety audits.
布隆迪人之间要重建信任,就需要 做出更大的努力,来执行关于有武 器 的新法律, 解除平民装并监控配给国防和安 全 部 队人员的 武器。
If trust was to be rebuilt among Burundians, more vigorous efforts must be
made to enforce the new laws on
[...] weapons possession, disarm the civilian population and monitor weapons issued to members of the defence and security forces.
第 28 D 款(中央支助事务厅)项下经费增加 1 647 600 美元,主要原因是:(a) 需要增加数据 服务以支助新的永久广播设施;(b) 需要为视频会议、IP 视频会议有线电视软件 及新的 IP 视频会议系统获得新的软件许可;(c) 在翻修后的秘书处大楼综合会议室增加局域网端口;(d) 需要新的软件系统支持实安保功 能更强的联合国通行证。
The increase of $1,647,600 under section 28D, Office of Central Support Services, relates mainly to (a) additional data services required to support the new permanent broadcast facility, (b) new software licensing requirements for videoconference, IPVC and CATV
software and new IP videoconferencing
[...] systems, (c) additional LAN outlets for the consolidated conference rooms in the renovated Secretariat tower and (d) a new software system to support the implementation of the security enhanced United Nations laissez-passer.
我们统安排所有钢圈和轮胎的进货、并负责生产及 装 , 最 终交 给 客 户 ,确保上述流程与汽车制造工艺精准衔接。
We schedule and co-ordinate all inbound rims and tires as well as production and assembly and we manage delivery [...]
to the customer,
ensuring that these processes are exactly in sequence with the car manufacturing process.
该系统有易于操作的视化安装界 面 、完善的前台商品展示和户 线 购 物 车功能、强大的后台管理和维护功能模块简单易用、70,000人的官方社区用户和活跃的论坛、121,300家已经注册的在线商店的解决方案3,000个成熟的插件供你选择。
The system has easy-to- visual installation interface , improved front display and household goods online shopping cart functionality [...]
, strong management
background and maintenance function modules easy to use, the official community of 70,000 peopleAnd an active forum users , 121,300 homes have already registered online store solution 3,000 mature plug-in for your choice . osCommerce Open Source world with a variety of mainstream technology solutions , providing a set of free and open platform , including the powerful PHP web development language dynamic , stable Apache web server and MySQL database server speed class .
Goober 3.0包含许多更高级的服务,给消费者和企业带来了一种极为稳定的高质量的IP通信体验,其白标产 给 互 联网服务提供商 有线电视 运 营 商、互联网服务提供商、电信运营商和移动运营商)提供了一个全面的统一通信解决方案,作为提供给用户的增值服务。
Goober 3.0 includes many more advanced services that give consumers and businesses an incredibly stable, quality IP communications experience, and Internet Service Providers (cable, ISPs, telco and mobile) a complete UC solution as a value-add to their subscribers, with white-label branding.
我相信该行为守则事关有国家 ,考虑到这一国际进程涉及 装 冲 突 中保护 平民,而且给安全理事会的相关报告(S/2010/579)第 28 段中有述及 ,我恳 请阁下将本信及其附件作为题为“1949 年日内瓦四公约关于保护武装冲突受难者 的附加议定书的现况”的大会两年期议程项目的文件和安全理事会文件分发。
I trust that the code of conduct will be of interest to all States, and should be grateful if you would have the present letter and its annex circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under the biennial agenda item entitled “Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts”, and of the Security Council, as the international process is related to the question of protection of civilians in armed conflicts and was mentioned in paragraph 28 of the report to the Security Council on this topic (S/2010/579).
鉴于基本建设总计划时间表安排紧凑,而且基本建设总计划时间表 上的任何延误都会产生连带费用,所以秘书长提议从 2009 年 7 月 1 日起 租用一个商业数据中心设施,并雇用国 电 子 计 算中心,由它在这个现 成可用的设施安装新的 信息和通信技术(信通技术)设备,将 有 系统搬迁到新的二级数据中心,并管理新的二级数据中心的一些业务(见 A/63/743)。
In view of the strict time schedule and the associated costs attached to any delay in the schedule of the capital master plan, the Secretary-General proposed to lease a commercial data centre facility, starting on 1 July 2009, and to engage the
services of the
[...] International Computing Centre to install new information and communications technology (ICT) equipment in this readyto-use facility, migrate all systems to the new [...]
secondary data
centre and manage some of the operations of the new secondary data centre (see A/63/743).
已经开始执行一个着眼于在警安装 闭 路 电视 的 方 案,将因此加强警察队 伍的问责性和透明度。
A programme aimed at the installation of closed-circuit televisions in police stations [...]
had commenced, and it would enhance
the accountability and transparency of the police ranks.
到目前为 止,老挝政府从来没有采取任何措施来干预任何无线电广播或电视,包括国有 线电视频道,或屏蔽互联网网站。
Thus far, the Government had never taken any measures to interfere with any radio or television broadcasting, including international cable channels, or to block Internet sites.
而有关相片亦将于同日香港时间2230 (GMT 1430) 起上载于邵逸夫奖网站www.shawprize.org 。 有 关 卫 星发放 安 排 详 见附录。邵逸夫奖颁奖礼 视 特 辑将于9月22日香港时间2300–2330及9月24日香港时间1835–1900分别在 线电视 翡 翠台和明珠台播出。
Photographs will be uploaded the same day at Hong Kong
[...] time 2230 (GMT 1430) on the website www.shawprize.org. The ceremony program will be broadcast on HKTVB Jade and Pearl Channels on 22 September at Hong Kong time 2300–2330 and on 24 September at Hong [...]
time 1835–1900 respectively.
2009 年 4 月 10 日,美有线电视新闻网公布于当月 3 日至 5 日进行的 [...]
一项调查,64%的受访者支持解除对古巴的旅行限制,71%赞成两国恢复 外交关系。
[...] to the results of a CNN poll conducted from [...]
3 to 5 April 2009, published on 10 April 2009, 64 per cent of those
surveyed felt that the restrictions on travel to Cuba should be lifted, while 71 per cent supported the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
自1990年至今,《勇闯天涯系列》凭借其新颖独特的主持风格、独具匠心的路 线 安 排 以 及浓郁厚重的历史文化内涵,在国际上屡获重要奖项――如《旅行家杂志》“最佳电视节目银奖”、世界戏剧节“独立摄像银奖”及美 有线电视 杰 出奖“休闲与娱乐类特别金奖”、“最佳主持人奖”等等,并迅速成为美国公共广播公司(PBS)、美国探索(DISCOVERY)频道、英国BBC广播公司、英国旅游频道、法国游记频道、日本JHK频道、欧洲旅游频道及香港亚洲电视台、中国旅游卫视台等国际知名频道最受欢迎的旅游节目。
Since 1990, Globe Trekker series have won numerous international awards, such as Wanderlust Readers’ Award Best TV Travel Show - Silver Award, Worldfest, Houston International Film Festival Silver Award for Individual On-camera Talent, Cableace Award, USA Recreation and Leisure, Special or Series and Magazine Host for Ian Wright. The series have become one of the most popular travel programs in all kinds of famous channels such as PBS and Discovery Channel in US, BBC and Travel Channel in the UK, Voyage France, JHK in Japan, Europe Travel Channel, Asia TV in Hong Kong and The Travel Channel in China.
朱巴联合国之家的第 2 阶段施工将继续为文职人员提供住宿和办公空间,而有地点 将作为军事基地,容纳扩大后的后勤基地,为通过南部 给线 运 送 更多 货物和特遣队所装备提供支助。
The construction of phase 2 of United Nations House in Juba will make it possible to continue to provide accommodation and office space for civilian personnel, while the existing
site will serve as the
[...] military base and house an expanded logistics base to support the increased movement of goods and contingent-owned equipment through the southern supply route.
找到房子以后,徐婷又帮助我们把孩子入学,我入读英文班,家安装有线电视 和 上 网,甚至安装家具,等等琐事都安排妥当。
After finding the right place, Tyra helped us to
register my son to school and my ESL
[...] classes, arrange cable and internet installment, and even [...]
install our new furnitures.
They had not
[...] given probable cause to believe that they were to be regarded as refugees [...]
or as aliens otherwise in need of
protection and therefore entitled to asylum.
公司充分利用凭借丰富经验开拓的专业技能和高技术提供广泛的服务,除了用电缆船提供服务外,还提供在日本近 安装 地 震 探测系统、用AE2000自主水下机器人调查海缆埋设情况和鲸鱼习性、选择最佳海 电 缆 铺设 路 线 等 服 务。
By making the best use of the expertise and high technologies cultivated through the rich experience, KCS
offers a wide range of
[...] services such as installation of earthquake detection systems in nearby seas in Japan, a survey on cable burial conditions and whale behavior using the autonomous underwater robot, AE2000, and the best route selection for submarine cable laying, in addition to the services using the cable ships.
军事服务是指与军事行动有关的专业服务,包括战略规划、情报、调查、 陆地、海洋或空中侦察、各类有人或无人飞行业务、卫星 视 、 任何 具 有 军 事用 途的知识转让、向装部队 提供材料和技术支持以及其他相关活动,而安全服务 指装守卫 或保护建筑物、设施、财产和人员, 有安 全 和 警务用途的任何类型 的知识转让,制定和实施信息安全措施以及其他相关活动。
Military services refers to specialized services related to military action, including strategic planning, intelligence, investigation, land, sea or air reconnaissance, flight operations of any
type, manned or
[...] unmanned, satellite surveillance, any kind of knowledge transfer with military applications, material and technical support to armed forces and other related activities while security services refers to armed guarding or protection of buildings, installations, property and people, any kind of knowledge transfer with security and policing [...]
applications, development
and implementation of informational security measures and other related activities.
为使国家决策者以及信息和传播技术界意识到信息和传播技术对于消除贫 困的作用,编写了关于消除贫困以及与千年发展目标有关的其他目标的内容,并利用当地创新渠道 进行传播:在线网络、当有线电视 网 络、非网络方法以及全国电视网络。
To sensitize policy-makers at the national level and ICT communities to the role of ICTs in poverty reduction, content on poverty reduction and other MDG-related goals was developed and distributed
using innovative local
[...] channels: online networks, local cable television networks, offline methods and national television networks.
本集团也谴责违反 有关国际法,在装冲突中招募和使用青年的做法; 对这种做给有关青 年造成的负面后果表示遗憾;并 呼吁会员国同联合国各实体合作,采取具体措施和继 续支持有关方案,以确保复员青年切实重返社会,重 新融入经济及恢复正常生活。
The Group also condemns the recruitment and use of
[...] young people in armed conflict, in contravention of relevant international law; deplores its negative consequences on the young people concerned; [...]
and calls on Member
States, in cooperation with United Nations entities, to take concrete measures and continue to support programmes to ensure the effective social and economic reintegration and rehabilitation of demobilized young people.
[...] 持主要是通过三合一式多边南南支持架构提供的:全球南南发展研究所,帮助合 作伙伴系统、共同地查明、记录和分享南方的发展解决方案;年度全球南南发展 博览会,使合作伙伴能够定期展示成功和可推广的发展解决方案;以及南南全球 技术产权交易所,让合作伙伴特别是私营部门合作伙 有 机 会列出解决方案给 供需搭桥线,以 及协作推广经验,方法包括寻找融资方案。
In addition to its policy, advocacy and system-wide coordination work, the operational support of the Special Unit to Member States and the United Nations system has been provided mainly through its three-in-one multilateral South-South support architecture: the Global South-South Development Academy, which helps partners to systematically and jointly identify, document and share southern development solutions; the annual Global South-South Development Expo, which has enabled partners to regularly showcase successful and scalable development solutions; and the South-South Global Assets and
Technology Exchange
[...] (SS-GATE), which has provided partners, especially private sector partners, with the opportunity to list solutions, match supply and demand and [...]
collaborate for scaling
up, including through finding financing options.
安全理事会在第 2023(2011)号决议中谴责厄立特里亚政府利用侨民税破坏 非洲之角的稳定或违反相关决议,包括用于采购武器和相关物资,转 给 武 装反 对 派团体,或直接或间接地向这些团体提供服务或资金。
In its resolution
[...] 2023 (2011) the Security Council condemned the use of the diaspora tax by the Eritrean Government to destabilize the Horn of Africa region or violate relevant resolutions, including for purposes such as procuring arms and related materiel for transfer to armed opposition [...]
groups or providing any services or financial transfers
directly or indirectly to such groups.
开发署驻索马里和肯尼亚国家办事处将 继续为联索政治处提供支助服务,包括提 安 全 无 线电 室 ,签发索马里 身份证,进行安保和安全培训,提供联合国在摩加迪沙、哈尔格萨和加 罗韦的医疗诊所的服务,提供与东道国事 有 关 的 服务以及在东道国当 局进行车辆登记(A/64/349/Add.3,第 87 段)。
The country offices of UNDP for
[...] Somalia and Kenya would continue to provide support services to UNPOS with respect to security radio rooms, the issuance of identification cards for Somalia, security and safety training, access to United Nations dispensaries [...]
in Mogadishu, Hargeisa and Garowe,
the servicing of host country matters and the registration of motor vehicles with the host countries (A/64/349/Add.3, para. 87).
这一项目资助的举措包括:公众对安全部门的看 法调查;对规范私营保安公司的支持;对政府应对复杂紧急情况能力的评估;对 安全国务秘书处设立早期预警机制的支持;由总统主办的关于安全部门改革的系 列讲座;安全部门关键人员的培训;对国家消防部 装 备 作业能力的评估;关 于修复线电通信设备的培训;国家和国际顾问在重要国家机构中 安 置。
Initiatives funded under the project included the following: a survey on public perception of the security sector; support for the regulation of private security companies; an assessment of the capacity of the Government to respond to complex emergencies; support for early warning mechanisms to be established by the Secretariat of State for Security; a lecture series on security sector reform hosted
by the
[...] President; training for key security sector personnel; an assessment of the operational capacity of national fire service equipment; training on the rehabilitation of radio communication equipment; and placement [...]
of national
and international advisers in key State institutions.
TS®100 PRO 在电信、三重播放/声音、数据视频 专 业方面使用,它还为用户提供了一个内置的音频发生器, 有 五 种 不同的音频和获取专利的可准确识别线对的 SmartTone®,可在任意两根线、电话 线 、 安 全 线 或同轴电缆的一端报告交流/直流电压。
Used by telecommunications,
[...] triple-play/voice, data, and video professionals, the TS®100 PRO also gives users a built-in toner with five different tones and patented SmartTone® for exact pair identification and reports AC/DC voltage from just one end of any two conductor wires, telephone wires, security wires or coax cables.
[...] 力确保行动的四个“特大营地”和二个大型市区营地得到必要的基础设施支持, 包括计算机、中央不间断供电、电缆铺设 电线安装 及 光 纤技术。
In addition, work will continue to ensure that the Operation’s four “super camps” and two large, city-site camps are supported with the requisite
infrastructure, including computers, central uninterrupted power
[...] supply (UPS), cabling and wiring, and fibre-optic [...]




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