

单词 给...加边框

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最后,我们重申,有必要在具有国际合法性框 架下 ,采取与占领国以色列所犯暴行的严重程度相称 的具体和严厉的措施;强迫它停止充当杀人机器,并 停止其侵略行为和定居点建设活动;立即解除 加给 加沙的巴勒斯坦人民的残酷封锁;结束对阿拉伯领土 的占领并从那里撤回到 1967 年边界,以便能够建立 以圣城为首都的独立的巴勒斯坦国。
Finally, we reaffirm the need
[...] to take, in the framework of international legitimacy, concrete, serious steps commensurate with the atrocities perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power; to compel it to stop acting as a killing machine and cease its acts of aggression and settlement campaign; to lift immediately the cruel embargo imposed on the Palestinian people in Gaza; to put an end to its occupation of the Arab territories and to withdraw therefrom to the 1967 borders, so as to allow [...]
the establishment of
an independent Palestinian State, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
考虑进行的改革不仅涉及国际贸易、技术转让和金融治理的 具体领域,更重要的是需要在这些领域的改革 加 强 协 调一致性,以及与 边环 境协定等其他国际框架的协调一致性,并填补国际移徙等目前不存在 边框 架的 领域的空白。
The reforms to be considered not only refer to the specific areas of governance of international trade, technology transfer and finance, but importantly also reforms need to seek greater coherence across those areas,
as well as with
[...] other international frameworks, such as multilateral environmental agreements, and fill gaps in areas where multilateral frameworks are presently absent, such as in the area [...]
of international migration.
其他区域合作框架, 例如补充国际金融系统的金融和货币安排,可以有助 加 强 其成员之间的发展和 金融稳定,应该酌情与边框架保 持一致。
Other regional cooperation frameworks, such as financial and monetary arrangements that complement the international financial system, can be instrumental in
fostering development and
[...] financial stability among their members and should be in line with multilateral frameworks, as appropriate.
在重新调整教育方向,并通过下列重要行动在联合国可持续发展教育十年的框架内支持国家政 策和教育系统可持续发展的全球进程中,教科文组织继续发挥主导作用:建立一个参考资料组,为 可持续发展教育十年的实施提供建议;建立一个监测和评价专家小组;通过为会员国进行各种能力 建设和技术援助活动加强利益相关方的教育促进可持续发展能力(包括教师培训、社区领导、国 家讲习班或论坛以及各种教育促进可持续发展的资料);广泛传播教育促进可持续发展的师范教育 准则;将教科文组织可持续发展教育十年行动计划定稿;制订太平洋地区教育促进可持续发框 架,并提给建议实施框架的 太平洋地区各国教育部长。
UNESCO continued to lead the global process to reorient education in support of sustainable development in national policies and education systems under the framework of the United Nations DESD through the following key actions: creation of a reference group to provide advice on DESD implementation; establishment of a Monitoring
and Evaluation Expert
[...] Group (MEEG); strengthening of stakeholders’ ESD capacities through various capacity-building and technical assistance activities to Member States (including training of teachers, community leaders, national workshops or forums and production of different ESD materials); wide distribution of the ESD Teacher Education Guidelines; finalization of the draft of the UNESCO Action Plan for DESD; and a Pacific ESD Framework developed and presented to Pacific education ministers who recommended its [...]
在伙伴合框架内,提给险境 儿童的援助有了显著发展,有关中心已 经创办并得到了发展,儿童保护工作者数量也 加 了。
In the framework of the partnership, the assistance provided to children at risk has developed considerably, the relevant centres have been created and developed, and the number of child protection workers has been increased.
此外,我们还吁请我们的 发展伙伴建设性的参与制订一份接续行动纲领的工作,这一纲领除涉及过境贸易
[...] 如南南合作和三角合作;通过区域合作加强过境运输衔接;促进直接外资有助于 发展的流入;经济结构调整和专业重新分工援助、包括促进服务出口的援助;出 口多样化;减轻气候变化的影响;对内陆发展中国 加 入 世贸组织和进行 边贸 易给予的 支持、以及确保贸易援助计划给内陆发展中国家带来更多好处的措 施等等,不一而足。
Furthermore, we call on our development partners for a constructive engagement in the preparation of a successor action programme, which in addition to transit trade and trade facilitation problems, should also address issues of growing significance to the landlocked developing countries, such as South–South and triangular cooperation; enhanced transit transport connectivity through regional cooperation; the promotion of development-supportive FDI inflows; assistance for economic restructuring and respecialization, including the promotion of exportable services; export diversification; mitigating the effects of
climate change;
[...] support to the WTO accession of the landlocked developing countries and to the conduct of the multilateral trade negotiations, and measures to ensure [...]
more benefits for
the landlocked developing countries from the Aid for Trade initiative, to name but a few.
给这些框架套上一层人的安全考量,乍看起来似乎不会产 生加值。
Adding a human
[...] security layer to those existing frameworks does not seem, at first glance, to provide added value.
讨论强调,迫切需要加 强发展中国家在一些关键国际决策机构的代表权;考虑如何加强 20 国集团与更 广泛的联合国会员国之间的互动具有重要意义;有必 加 强 联 合国在全球经济治 理中的作用;以及建立处理诸如国际金融监管、国际移徙和解决主权债务等关键 问题的有效的新边框架非常重要。
The discussions highlighted the pressing need to strengthen the representation of developing countries in several key international decision-making bodies; the importance of
considering ways of
[...] enhancing the engagement between the G20 and the wider United Nations membership; the need to strengthen the role of the United Nations in global economic governance; and the importance of having new, [...]
multilateral frameworks that deal with critical issues such as international financial regulation, international migration and sovereign debt workouts.
我们还应加强多边框架, 促使所有尚未批准 《全面禁止核试验条约》的国家尤其是附件 2 所列各 国迅速批准该条约,并立即谈判缔结一项裂变材料禁 [...]
We should also strengthen the multilateral framework, prompting all States [...]
that have not yet done so, especially annex 2
countries, to quickly ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and to negotiate immediately a fissile material cut-off treaty.
当应用程序打开,在不同的浏览器上打开PHP脚本 给 消 息 框 添 加 一 个 值,然后单击提交。
With the application open, open the PHP script in a different web browser.
给多边法律框架中 的谈判提供补充,2009年1月,作为视障者倡议的一部分,WIPO建立了一个利益攸关者平台,为盲人组织、出版商、图书馆和其他各方探求实际措施提供便利,以制定运作安排,在国际上改善视障者用无障碍格式的供应情况。
To complement
[...] negotiations on a multilateral legal framework, in January 2009 [...]
WIPO established a stakeholders’ platform
as part of its Visually Impaired Persons Initiative, intended to facilitate practical steps by blind organizations, publishers, libraries and others to develop operational arrangements to improve international availability of accessible formats for VIPs.
最后,他重申中国承诺加强最不发达国家和内 陆发展中国家,包括在南南合框架 内 给 予 加 强。
Lastly, he reaffirmed China’s commitment to
strengthening the least developed and
[...] landlocked developed countries, including within the framework of South-South cooperation.
空间活动应当需要得到国家主管机关的批准;对于相关主管机关和程 序以及关于许可、修改、暂停和取消批准的先决条件,应 加 以 明 确规 定,以便建立一个可预见的并且可靠的监 框 架 ;对 于 给 空 间 活动运营方 发放许可证以及对批准具体项目和方案,各国必须分别使用单独的程序。
Space activities should require authorization by a competent national authority; the authorities and procedures, as well as the conditions, for granting, modifying, suspending and
revoking the authorization should be set out
[...] clearly to establish a predictable and reliable regulatory framework; States might employ separate procedures for the licensing [...]
of operators conducting space activities and
for the authorization of specific projects and programmes
但是,政府必须提供 一个政框架,其中给生产 者和消费者提出明确的讯号和信息,并用有效、公开 和透明的法律和行政结构来支持这些讯号和信息。
However, Governments need to
[...] provide a policy framework that gives clear signals and [...]
information to both producers and consumers,
and support them with effective, open and transparent legal and administrative structures.
邀请捐助国考虑到对具体国家的债务可持续性分析,继续努力 加给发 展中国家的边赠款 ,因为这种赠款有助于实现中长期债务可持续性,并认识到 [...]
各国需要在维持债务可持续性的同时,有能力促进就业和生产性投资,以及除其 他外投资于卫生和教育
Invites donor countries, taking into account country-specific debt
sustainability analyses, to
[...] continue their efforts to increase bilateral grants to developing [...]
countries, which could contribute
to debt sustainability in the medium to long term, and recognizes the need for countries to be able to promote employment and productive investment and to invest in, inter alia, health and education while maintaining debt sustainability
如果用户希望在TRW Automotive的网站加入一 个链接,可根据本协议或任何未来TRW Automotive网络访问和使用协议的条款和条件进行操作,但是:用户不得使用或复制TRW Automotive内容;不得为TRW Automotive内容创建浏览器、边界环境 边框 ; 不 得暗示TRW Automotive认可用户或用户的产品或服务;不得曲解用户与TRW Automotive的关系;不得提供TRW Automotive产品或服务的虚假信息,并且,用户链接的网站不得包含可被认为是冒犯、无礼或争议性的内容,不得包含不适合所有年龄、种族、宗教或其他受法律保护团体的内容,或者TRW Automotive认为不可接受的内容。
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(a) 各国政府应采取步骤,争取建立一个 边框 架 ,为管理移民流动奠定基 础,同时准确界定在过境国和东道国对移民产生影响的权利和义务,并应提倡采 取措施加强移 徙产生的正面发展影响和尽量减少其负面影响
(a) Governments should take steps
[...] towards creating a multilateral framework to lay the foundations for regulating migration flows, with a precise definition of rights and obligations affecting migrants in transit and in host countries, and should promote of measures to enhance the positive [...]
developmental impacts
of migration and minimize its negative effects
(c) 该区域的各国政府应给予其边境管 制官员清晰的指示,用以处理携 带外交护照或其他赋予法定认可官员特权和豁免权的公务旅行证件的人员。
(c) Governments of the region
[...] should provide their border control officials [...]
with clear instructions to deal with persons
travelling with diplomatic passports or other official travel documentation affording the privileges and immunities accorded to legally accredited officials.
严重关切特别是加沙地带的社会经济和人道主义状况持续恶化,包括以色列 采取军事行动并实行封锁、长时间关 边 境 过境点、严重限制所有人员和货物流 动所致的状况给加沙地 带平民尤其是妇女儿童生活的方方面面造成不利影响
Gravely concerned, in particular, about the continuing deterioration in the socio-economic and humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, including that resulting from the Israeli military operations and the imposition
of a blockade
[...] consisting of the prolonged closure of border crossings and severe restrictions on the movement of all persons and goods, [...]
which has detrimentally
affected every aspect of the lives of the civilian population, especially women and children, in the Gaza Strip
教育领域的活动主要集中在以下领域:a) 作为对《暴力侵害儿童问题世界报告》 (2006 年)所载的建议的后续行动的暴力侵害儿童的行为,新增重点包括此种暴力行为的 性别因素、宗教和文化在防止此类暴力方面的作用以及对非暴力、参与性的做法和支助服务 的推广;b) 全纳教育,旨在促进建立一个满足多样化学生群体需求的、对遭到排挤和 边缘 化的群给予特 别关注的教育体系;c) 治理和不平等,研究教育领域的善治如何在减少基于 财富、地点、种族、性别及其他原因的不平等方面发挥作用;d) 对教材进行修订以推广以和 平为导向的方法,同时兼顾与质量有关的新的教育挑战。
In the context of education, activities focus on the following areas: (a) violence against children as a follow-up to the recommendations contained in the World Report on the Violence against Children (2006), with an added emphasis on gender dimensions of such violence, the role of religion and culture in its prevention, and the promotion of non-violent, participatory practices and support services; (b) inclusive education, with the aim of promoting an educational system that answers the needs of a diverse group of pupils, paying particular attention to the excluded and marginalized; (c) governance and inequality, looking at how good governance in education can reduce disparities based on wealth, location, ethnicity, gender and other grounds; (d) textbook revision to promote peace-oriented approaches taking into account new education challenges related to quality.
根据上述立场,各位部长重申,打击世界范围内的贩毒问题是一项需要共 同分担的责任,这需要在边框架内解决,只有通过开展积极的国际合作才能 有效解决该问题,并且需要采取统一、平衡的解决方法,解决该问题还应充分 [...]
Consistent with the said position, the Ministers reiterated that the fight against the world drug problem is a common and
shared responsibility that
[...] should be tackled in a multilateral framework and that can only [...]
be dealt with effectively through
meaningful international cooperation, and, it demands an integrated and balanced approach and should be carried out in full conformity with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and other provisions of international law, in particular the respect for national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of States, the principle of non-intervention in their internal affairs; and based on the principles of equal rights and mutual respect.
她重申了自由、公正、透明 选举对国家和平的重要性,欢迎边 和 双 边 伙 伴给 予政 治和经济支持,鼓励他们维持承诺,并呼吁捐 助方为该国政府的财政预算多做贡献,并支持私营 [...]
部门,这样私营部门就能够在经济复苏、创造就业 机会方面发挥关键作用。
She reiterated the importance to peace in the country of free, fair and transparent elections, welcomed
the political and economic
[...] support of multilateral and bilateral partners, encouraged them to maintain [...]
their commitment and
called upon donors to contribute significantly to the Government’s budget and to support the private sector so that it could play a key role in economy recovery and job creation.
影像处理是指允许您自动调整各个影像以改善所产生影像的扫描仪功能 (例如,纠正已送进文档的任何偏斜、剪切影像的边缘以去除任何不需要边框,或清除影像上多余的 “ 噪音 ”)。
Image processing refers to features of the scanner that allow you to automatically adjust each image that may improve the resulting images (i.e., correcting any
skew in the fed document,
[...] cutting the edges of the image off to remove unneeded borders or cleaning [...]
up extraneous “noise” on the image).
[...] 规则和政策的问题;将要修改本协定的任何条款的改变;分 给 单 独的 双边 或执 行机构的不同付款的年度供资金额;以及,现行已核可年度执行计划中 [...]
未包括的方案或活动的资金的提供,或已自年度执行计划中删除的某一活 动,其费用大于付款总费用的 30%或以上的重新分配。
Major changes would relate to issues potentially concerning the rules and policies of the Multilateral
Fund; changes which would modify any clause of this Agreement; changes in the annual levels of funding
[...] allocated to individual bilateral or implementing agencies [...]
for the different
tranches; and provision of funding for programmes or activities not included in the current endorsed annual implementation plan, or removal of an activity in the annual implementation plan, with a cost greater than 30 per cent of the total cost of the tranche
5 月 23 日至 27 日在巴 厘举行的不结盟运动第十六届部长级会议的最后文 件以及大会第 63/281 号决议都强调,《联合国气候变
[...] 化框架公约》(《气候公约》)是处理气候变化所有方 面问题的主要文书和核心边框架, 并且是根据《公 约》所载原则审议气候变化问题的相关风险并为解决 [...]
The final document of the Sixteenth Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, held in Bali from 23 to 27 May, and General Assembly resolution 63/281 both stress that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) is the key
[...] instrument and central multilateral framework for addressing all [...]
aspects of climate change, and
the primary forum for considering the risks associated with and the actions needed to address climate change, in accordance with the principles enshrined in the Convention.
[...] 生产行业计划中可供使用的多边基金供资资助(通过使用以往年度方案的部分未分配余 额),一部分给予中国的边捐款 资助。
The CCC including some staff costs, operating costs and purchase of the building, which will be partially supported with MLF funding available from the CFC Production Sector Plan, by using some of the not yet
allocated balances from previous years’ annual programs and also
[...] partially supported by bilateral contributions to China.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析 加 强 基 层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk
analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex
[...] Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant [...]
pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
一大批具体的建议已提给对话 的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会, 加 用 欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the
coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue
[...] among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving [...]
professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政框架;(b)加强 国 内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 [...]
合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing
[...] legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity [...]
of domestic institutions,
in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
2009 年公布的简框架指南 给予联 合国国家工作队较大的灵活性,使他们能够较好地调整方案拟定进程,使 这些进程与国家发展规划周期吻合,符合国家现实和期望,与此同时,还提高了 一致性加强了结果问责。
The simplified framework guidance released in 2009 has proved to offer much greater flexibility for United Nations country teams and empowers them to better align their programming processes to the national development planning cycle and realities and expectations while enhancing coherence and [...]
accountability for results.




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