

单词 绕远儿

See also:


distant adj


son n

retroflex final
non-syllabic diminutive suffix

External sources (not reviewed)

斯雷布雷尼察的历史悲剧将远萦绕 在我们的心中”(A/54/549,第 503 段)。
The tragedy of
[...] Srebrenica will haunt our history forever.
在农村地区,学校远近和道路质量是教育完成率的主要决定因素, 而医远近,则是婴儿死亡 率和产妇死亡率的一个重要因素。
In rural areas, distance from schools and the quality of roads were major determinants in
education completion
[...] rates, whereas distance from a hospital was a significant factor in infant and child mortality, [...]
as well as maternal mortality.
但是Marie根据自己的经验和在该领域的专业能力,很快明白,如果要 远 改 变 这些 儿 的 生活,就必须采取截然不同的做法。
But with Marie's own personal experience and expertise in this field, she soon realized
that if she was ever going to make a long-term
[...] difference to these children's lives, a different [...]
approach would be needed.
在该项法规中,“婴儿床防撞护垫”是指“一块或多块无网 孔材料,可直接放置于儿床床 垫上, 绕 在 婴 儿 床 床 沿或 内侧,针对使用至婴儿可以抓物站立的年纪”,此处不包括 直立式护垫以及紧包各独立床轨或带网孔的衬垫。
In this regulation, “baby pumper pads” means “a pad or pads of non-mesh material resting directly above the mattress in a crib, running the circumference of the crib or along any of the interior sides of the crib, and intended to be used until the age that an infant pulls to stand” and does not include vertical bumpers that wrap tightly around each individual crib rail or mesh crib liners.
朝着这 一方向,扩大的基础教远景计 划――包 儿 童 早期发育、低级基础教育、高级 基础教育和非正规教育――构成本国提供教育服务的基础。
In this direction, the expanded vision of basic education – encompassing early childhood development, lower basic education, upper basic education and non-formal education – forms the basis of education service delivery in the country.
除所有这些活动以外,还绕有关儿 童 权 利的主题举行了额外的并行活 动,包括可能拟定一项《公约》任择议定书,一些艺术品展和摄影展以及三本书 [...]
All of those activities were supplemented by
additional side events on topics related to
[...] the rights of the child, including the possible [...]
elaboration of an optional protocol
to the Convention, a number of art and photographic exhibitions and the launching of three books.
报告认为应该为儿童年幼时提供更优越的条件,早期的正确教育将对人生产生 远 的 影 响,而 儿 童 不 应该受到出生环境的影响。
The report argues that children deserve the best possible
start in life, early experience can
[...] cast a long shadow, and children are not to be held responsible [...]
for the circumstances into which they are born.
绕儿 童保 护与儿童基金开展协作方面,取得了重要进展,与儿童基金内部的儿童保护 股开始了讨论,以及与儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表也开始了讨论,以加强协同 增效,并促进她的任务所涉及的领域内的补充性工作。
She has made significant inroads into collaborating with UNICEF on child protection, having initiated discussions with the child protection unit in UNICEF and the Special Representative for children and armed conflict to enhance synergies and promote complementary work in areas falling within her mandate.
(e) 评估儿童安置在远离家 庭的寄宿学校的根本原因,同时审查这些学 校的教育质量和照料情况,以预防此种学校不必要地妨碍儿童在家庭环境中生活 [...]
(e) Evaluating
[...] the root causes for child placement in residential [...]
schooling away from home while reviewing the quality of
education and care at these schools, with a view to preventing such schooling unnecessarily hindering the right of the child to a family environment; and providing for regular home visits for children in residential schools, to the greatest extent possible.
委 员会决定,就绕特别针对儿童的辐射影响与风险以及低剂量和低剂量率天然和 人工环境源对公众的照射的流行病学筹备实质性评估的益处和适合性展开一些 准备性调查工作。
It decided to conduct some preparatory investigations into the merits and appropriateness of preparing substantive assessments of radiation effects and risks specifically for children, and of the epidemiology of exposures of the public to natural and artificial environmental sources at low doses and low dose rates.
They enjoy sliding and
[...] tot swings that surround the child.
最近在术语方面取得的进展,例如委员会使用的 “街头境遇中儿童”和目前绕“ 街头联系”开展工作,均意味着可能通过新 的途径,在国际范围内就符合以权利为基础的整体方针的定义和术语达成一致意 见。
Recent advances in
[...] terminology, such “children in street situations,” used by the Committee and current work around “street connections,” [...]
suggest new
avenues for reaching international agreement on definitions and terminology consistent with a rights-based, holistic approach.
2006年美国卫生署署长报告报告指出,烟草烟雾是婴儿猝死综合症可以避免的主要风险因素之一,应尽可能的采取措施,使 儿远 离 二 手烟。
The 2006 U.S. Surgeon General's report states that tobacco smoke exposure is one of
the major preventable risk factors for SIDS and that all measures should be
[...] taken to protect infants from SHS exposure.
[...] 忽视、童工和其他所有形式剥削的伤害,尤其关注由非亲属和儿童以前不认识的 亲属提供的非正规照料,或远离儿 童 惯 常居住地的非正规照料。
States should devise special and appropriate measures designed to protect children in informal care from abuse, neglect, child labour and all other forms of exploitation, with particular attention to informal care provided by
non-relatives, or by relatives previously unknown to the
[...] children or living far from the children’s habitual [...]
place of residence.
委员会 鼓励缔约国利用移动登记单位接触到 远 地 区 的 儿 童 , 并免费提供出生登记及补 充登记。
The Committee encourages the State party to use mobile registration units to reach distant children and to provide for registration, including late registration, of births free of charge.
使有特殊需要的儿童、条件差的少数民 族和移民儿童、边远和孤 立的社区和城市贫民窟的儿童以及其他被排斥于学校之外的 儿童都被接纳入学必须成为在2015年之前实现普及初等教育的战略措施的组成部分。
The inclusion
[...] of children with special needs, from disadvantaged ethnic minorities and migrant populations, from remote and isolated communities [...]
and from urban
slums, and others excluded from education, must be an integral part of strategies to achieve UPE by 2015.
委员会建议,缔约国应采取一切必要措施,对出生在 远 地 区 的儿 童特别是少数民族儿童出生情况进行登记,并向他们提供出生证明。
The Committee recommends that the State party take all the necessary measures to register the births
of children, in particular those from
[...] minorities, born in remote parts of the country [...]
and provide them with birth certificates.
在这种情况下,提供照 料的地点应尽可能远离儿童家 庭,由父母一方或儿童认识的照顾者陪伴,并制 定明确的返回计划。
In that case, this should be as close as possible to their home, they should be accompanied by a parent or caregiver known to them, and a clear return plan should be established.
按照高端高保真电器的标准,CT8 XO 具备了中音/低音/低音炮分频过滤功能 远 程 控制 环 绕 弥 散 模式功能以及高频和低频调整功能,还配备了三个参数均衡器,确保低频扬声器/房间界面效果相辅相成。
Designed to the standards of high-end audiophile electronics, the CT8 XO
incorporates midrange/bass/subwoofer
[...] crossover filtering, remote control of surround dispersion mode, [...]
high- and low-frequency level
adjustment, and three parametric equalisers to enable compensation for low-frequency speaker/room interface effects.
童工 供应商将抵制有害童工, 并将保儿童远离危 险工作或可能损害其健康或教育的工作。
Suppliers will oppose harmful child labor and will protect children from work that is dangerous or that might harm their health or education.
在与主要赞助者(会员国、联合国和学术界) 绕 编 制 一 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要做大量的 工作,上游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 需要制定实际的政策工具。
In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change, it became clear that significant work is needed on the upstream clarification of basic ethical principles, including but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools.
(25) 讨论还绕编制 文件 33 C/5 应考虑的其他一些问题进行:因特网时代的言论自由;记者的安 全;制订利用信息的指导原则;关于公有信息的政策;图书馆和档案馆在建设知识社会中的作用 (还建议将其作为部门间合作的新专题);继续把世界记忆计划作为旗舰活动;关于使用开放源软 件的思考和指导原则;传播和信息的能力建设以及媒体专业人员的培训;公共广播事业;发展社区 多媒体中心;开发多种多样的和多语言的本地内容。
(25) The debate also highlighted other themes which should be taken into account in the preparation of document 33 C/5: freedom of expression in the Internet age; safety of journalists; development of guidelines for access to information; policies on public domain information; the role of libraries and archives in building knowledge societies (also proposed as a theme for new intersectoral cooperation); continuation of the Memory of the World Programme as a flagship activity; reflection and guidelines on the use of open source software; capacity-building in communication and information and training of media professionals; public service broadcasting; development of community multimedia centres; and development of diverse and multilingual local content.
联合国系统投入大量资源,绕儿童 的 解除武装、复员和重返社会 制订共同标准和做法。
The United Nations system has invested
significant resources in forging common standards and
[...] practice around disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of children.
伴们发誓要加倍努力,在 2015 年之前实现千年发展目标 4 和 5,在
[...] 2035 年之前 将所有国家的五岁以下儿童死亡率降至每 1 000 名活产婴儿死亡 20 人以下,并 承诺作出更大努力,帮助每个国家的最弱 儿 童 和最 偏 远 地 区 的 儿 童。
By pledging to support the goals contained in “Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed”, partners vow to redouble efforts to achieve Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 by 2015, to reduce under-five mortality in all countries to 20 or fewer under-five deaths per 1,000 live births
by 2035, and to focus greater
[...] effort on reaching the most disadvantaged and hardest-to-reach children in every [...]
由 于新上任的执行主任明确阐明了公平实现千年发展目标并以更有针对性的方式 减少差异远景,因此儿童基 金会能否使其工作人员的能力更符合组织的需要, [...]
With a new Executive Director in place who is clearly articulating a vision to achieve the Millennium Development Goals with equity and
reduce disparities in a more targeted
[...] manner, the ability of UNICEF to match the competencies [...]
and capabilities of its people
to the needs of the organization is more critical than ever.
民主重建应绕如下 方面:(a) 尊重科特迪瓦民族多样性的包容的政治多元 化;(b) 制定一个对政治生活伦理原则有共识的民主宪章;(c) 建立具备人力物 力的独立制度和机制,以保障基本的民主活动的客观性和公正性,如选举、资助 其他政党、公平地获得信息和交流技术和尊重基本自由。
Rebuilding democracy should focus on (a) achieving inclusive political pluralism that respects the diversity of the Ivorian people; (b) drafting a consensual democratic charter on ethical principles in politics; and (c) establishing independent institutions and mechanisms with the necessary human and material resources to guarantee the objectivity and impartiality of basic features of democracy such as elections, financing of political parties, equal access to information and communication, and respect for basic freedoms.
秘书长在预算文件第 13.9 段表示,由于启动
[...] 改革管理进程,国贸中心调整重点, 绕 下 列 五个核心业务领域开展活 动:㈠ [...]
出口战略;㈡ 工商和贸易政策;㈢ 强化贸易支助机构;㈣ 贸 易信息;㈤ 出口商竞争力。
In paragraph 13.9 of the budget document, the Secretary-General indicates that, as a result of the change
management process, ITC has refocused its
[...] activities around the following [...]
five core business lines: (i) export strategy;
(ii) business and trade policy; (iii) strengthening of trade support institutions; (iv) trade intelligence; and (v) exporter competitiveness.




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