单词 | 绕过 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 绕过 verb —avoid v绕过 —detour • wind around (of a road etc) See also:绕—by-pass • make a detour • perplex • move around • confuse • go round (an obstacle) • rotate around • coil (thread)
聘用咨询人没有绕过甄选 工作人员的既定标准和程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | The engagement of consultants does not circumvent the established criteria and procedures for selecting staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果泵送的材料绕过喉管填料,并 进入 TSL 储油罐,请更换填料。 graco.com | If pumped material bypasses the throat packings [...] and enters the TSL reservoir, replace the packings. graco.com |
它能够帮助你绕过防火 墙和访问一些受限制的资源(比如一些限制访问的网站)。 javakaiyuan.com | It can help you to bypass firewalls and access some restricted resources ( such as the number of restricted-access Web site ) . javakaiyuan.com |
正如过去已向安理会报告的那样,2007 [...] 年以来, 尼泊尔军队一直蔑视《武器监测协议》 , 绕过 监 察协 调委继续招兵。 daccess-ods.un.org | As has been reported to the Council in the past, the Nepal [...] Army has since 2007 continued to recruit personnel in defiance of the arms monitoring [...] agreement and bypassing the JMCC. daccess-ods.un.org |
不透明的、多变的和复杂的制度也会鼓励任人唯亲 的行为,因为只有那些能接触到决策者的人才 能绕 过困难重重的结构障碍,办成事情。 crisisgroup.org | Opaque, capricious and complicated rules also encourage cronyism, since only those with access to decision-makers are able to bypass the difficult institutional hurdles and get things done. crisisgroup.org |
与会者还提及了以道德操守为依据的艺 术品经销商行为守则和自我监督行为守则,据指出,贩运者十分熟悉如 何 绕过 限制其活动的法律。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reference was also made to codes of conduct for art dealers and self-monitoring, on the basis of ethics, and it was noted that traffickers were well informed about ways to circumvent laws restricting their activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
企图绕 过这个 过程有失审慎,不能持久解决驱动冲突的原 因。 daccess-ods.un.org | Efforts to circumvent this process are not prudent and cannot be expected to address the drivers of conflict on an enduring basis. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,大会部还开发了一个经过简化 [...] 的网上查阅功能,使用户可以在网址 http://undocs.org 之后加上联合国正式文件 的文号进行检索。例如,用户在网络浏览器上输入“undocs.org/A/62/793”,就 能 绕过与正式文件系统有关的其它一系列步骤,直接查到这份大会文件。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Department has developed simplified online access by making it possible to add a United Nations official document symbol to the URL http://undocs.org. For example, typing “undocs.org/A/62/793” in a Web [...] browser will allow [...] a user to bypass the additional ODS-related search steps, permitting immediate access to the specific General Assembly [...]document. daccess-ods.un.org |
行预咨委会还强调,标准化筹资模式不应用 来 绕过 既 定的 预算过程。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also stresses that the standardized funding model should not be used to circumvent the established budgetary process. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这种情况下,因 [...] 为这位行政干事早先已表示不同意核准这项未经合同委员会又超过 100 000 美元的合同,执 行办公室主任便绕过他, 请行政办公室的另一位工作人员在财务与预算系统上处理这一合 同。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Under these circumstances, the Administrative Officer having said earlier on that he would not validate this [...] contract over $100,000 [...] without going through the Contracts Committee, the Executive Officer bypassed him and asked [...]another member of [...]the Administrative Office to process the contract in FABS. unesdoc.unesco.org |
绕过双边 安排、通过该委员会向海地提供支助可加强海地政府实施其行动 计划的能力,并能自己掌握重建进程——“重建后更好”的一项关键成份。 daccess-ods.un.org | Channelling support [...] to Haiti through the Commission, rather than through bilateral arrangements, [...]strengthens the capacity [...]of the Government to fulfil its action plan and take ownership of the reconstruction process, a key ingredient for “building back better”. daccess-ods.un.org |
俄罗斯代表团认为,绕过这个机制且 扩大对工作组任务的解释,以赋予其研究妇女参与政 [...] 治生活问题的额外职能,尤其是在执行相关决议的背 景下,是不被人接受的。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation considered it inadmissible for that [...] mechanism to be bypassed and for the [...]interpretation of the working group’s mandate [...]to be expanded to give it the additional function of looking at the participation of women in political life, particularly in the context of implementation of the resolution at issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,还提供了用于 完成或绕过每项任务的说明。 www.indsci.com | Instructions are provided for [...] completing or bypassing each task. www.indsci.com |
安德瑞纳.皮埃尔提着水,辗转地绕过 地 面 上残破的直升机和一道道晾衣绳,回到居住的帐篷。 unicef.org | Andremene Pierre carries water to her family’s tent, meandering around grounded helicopters and clothes lines strung up between the wings of airplanes and shelters. unicef.org |
绕过合同委员会而对头批合同的初始划分造成了安排 Navigant 公司存在的结果,随后 则被认为是必不可少的了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The initial fractioning of the first series of contracts, which had the effect of avoiding the standard screening by the Contracts Committee, effectively gave a foothold to Navigant, whose services were then deemed indispensable. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但在 展示时,如果进行故障排除或在某些其他情况下,有 时 绕过 电 涌保护直接连接到个人计 算机或通讯设备(例如,调制解调器)比较方便。 wavetronix.com | However, during demonstrations, troubleshooting and certain other situations, it is sometimes convenient to bypass surge protection and connect directly to a personal computer or communications device such as a modem. wavetronix.com |
(c) 很大一部分官方发展援助绕过了国家机制,包 括国家规划和预算进程等。另外,援助承付额和支付额之间的差距以及这一差距 的进一步扩大令人担忧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also, the gap between aid commitments and disbursements, and further widening of this gap, is a worrying matter. daccess-ods.un.org |
跃进――绕过人力 和固定投资的一些累积步骤――有可能缩小在生产率和产量 上区分工业化国家和发展中国家的差距。 daccess-ods.un.org | Leapfrogging – the bypassing of some of the accumulative [...] steps in human capabilities and fixed investment – makes it possible [...]to narrow gaps in productivity and output that separate industrialized and developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
一旦确定,则须衡量时间和风险因素以及可换来的实际 好处,决定是要清出穿过雷场的通道还是应另找一 条 绕过 雷 场 的路径。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once these are determined a time and risk calculus is balanced against potential operational gain to [...] determine whether lanes should [...] be cleared through the minefield or whether an alternate route that bypasses the minefield [...]should be found. daccess-ods.un.org |
它能看到并绕过障碍 ,经受风吹雨淋,遵照人的指示或自动根据预设的程序行进,始终背负重达50公斤的负荷。 tss.trelleborg.com | It can see and avoid obstacles, withstand blows and falls, follow a human leader on cue or autonomously stick to a preset course, all the while carrying upwards of 50 kilograms of payload. tss.trelleborg.com |
应当鼓励用户使用Wi-Fi在非高峰时段下载杂志、电视节目和电影等平板电脑内容;平板电脑和其他设 备间的数据备份可以通过蓝牙和Wi-Fi直连等短程网络发送 , 绕过 互 联 网26 ,同时也满足了连接需求。 deloittetmt.com | Users can and should be encouraged to download tablet content, such as magazines, TV programs and movies, during off-peak periods, ideally using Wi-Fi; data back-ups between tablets [...] and other devices [...] can be sent via short-range networks, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Direct, bypassing the Web altogether26 [...], yet still [...]satisfying the need for connectivity. deloittetmt.com |
例如,在某些情况下,如果在PDF格式的文件上面提到的属于该公司,和我的同事,有效的法律理由向不安全的PDF格式有任何方 式 绕过 P D F 的 限制呢? cn.anypdftools.com | In some cases, for example, if the PDF file mentioned above belongs to [...] the company, and my colleagues has the valid legal reason [...] to unsecure PDF, is there any ways to bypass PDF restrictions? resource.anypdftools.com |
5.1 2009 年 10 月 9 日,缔约国向委员会移交了一份附加报告书,在其中询问了 提交给委员会的一系列个人来文是否 绕过 程 序 ,旨在向委员会提交一个整体的历 史问题,委员会对其原因和背景都不了解。 daccess-ods.un.org | 5.1 On 9 October 2009, the State party transmitted a further memorandum to the Committee in which it raises the question of whether the submission of a series of individual communications to the Committee might not actually be an abuse of procedure aimed at bringing before the Committee a broad historical issue involving causes and circumstances of which the Committee is unaware. daccess-ods.un.org |
继续使用“报警功能”和“标定”按钮, 可打印或绕过打印每个插接仪器。 www.indsci.com | Continue to use the BUMP and CALIBRATE [...] buttons to print or bypass the printing [...]for each docked instrument. www.indsci.com |
与此同时,在被占领的叙利亚 戈兰地区,以色列正在破坏环境和叙利亚公民的生 计,并使水体改道绕过这一 地区,给当地的经济活 动造成严重影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meanwhile, in the occupied Syrian Golan, Israel was damaging the environment and the means of livelihood of Syrian citizens, and had begun diverting water from the Territory, with serious consequences for economic activities in the area. daccess-ods.un.org |
公民也不会面临两阶段的过程:先是剥夺国 籍,然后应用第13 条所设想的驱逐外国人的程序。委员会在关于Stewart 诉加拿 大案3 的意见中,在提及这一剥夺国籍问题后,指出了不应被允许的 为 绕过第 12条第4 款的保护而篡改国籍法的其他类型的做法,例如,“自己国籍的国家 被并入或转到另一个国家实体而国籍被否认的人”的情况,和可能是“被任意剥 夺了获得所居住的国家的国籍的权利的无国籍人士”的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its Views in Stewart v. Canada,3 after mentioning this problem of denationalization, the Committee identified other types of manipulation of nationality law that should not be permitted to circumvent the protection of article 12, paragraph 4, such as cases “of individuals whose country of nationality has been incorporated into or transferred to another national entity whose nationality is being denied them,” and possibly “stateless persons arbitrarily deprived of the right to acquire the nationality of the country of such residence. daccess-ods.un.org |
(A/64/640) 中所阐明的程序,已经到位,但并不透明。检查专员接受这种 说法,即,任何程序,不管是总部的、实地的、或是其他高级职位,现在是并且 将来还会是充满政治不定性的,但不能以此作为借口 来 绕过 对 这些个人的甄选和 任命程序的透明性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Inspectors accept that any process, be it for Headquarters-based, field-based, or other senior positions, is and will be fraught with political volatility, but that cannot be used as an excuse to bypass transparency in the selection and appointment process of these individuals. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过绕过操作系统(OS)堆栈,高性能网络(HPN)为高频交易(HFT)或网络安全等应用奠定了坚实基础——这些应用需要极高的性能来确保最出色的性能,而且有些情况下这是政府要求的。 emulex.com | By circumventing the operating [...] system (OS) stack, a High Performance Network (HPN) is the critical foundation for applications, [...]such as High Frequency Trading (HFT) or cyber/network security, where extreme performance is required for optimum, and in some cases, government-regulated performance. emulex.com |
一份 LICENSE 只能恢复一个数据库中的数据,同时 LICENSE 有 30 天的使用期限,这是为 了避免误用 ODU,绕过 Orac le 直接获取 Oracle 数据库中的敏感数据,以保证数据安全。 oracleodu.com | One license can only recover the data in one database, while the [...] license also has [...] 30-day expiration period, which is to avoid the misuse of ODU to directly access the sensitive data in the Oracle database [...]to ensure data security. oracleodu.com |
Equinix 提供与 Amazon Web Services(亚马逊网络服务公司,AWS)等大量公共云服务提供商的直接连接 , 绕过 了 公共互联网,为基于云的游戏提供卓越的性能和可观的成本节约。 equinix.cn | Equinix offers a direct connection, to a number of public cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), that bypasses the public Internet and provides significant performance and cost savings for cloud-based gaming. equinix.nl |