

单词 结草



repay sb's kind acts [idiom.]

See also:

draft (of a document)

External sources (not reviewed)

执行局核可文件“执行局 2009 年第一届常会工作结草稿”, 该文件的定稿将载于 WFP/EB.1/2009/17 [...]
The Board
[...] endorsed the document “Draft Summary of the Work [...]
of the First Regular Session of the Executive Board, 2009”, the
final version of which would be embodied in the document WFP/EB.1/2009/17.
The idiom of "Knot Grass And Carry Rings--Jie [...]
Cao Xian Huan" was just from two stories about repaying someone for his kindness.
结草衔环 这个成语比喻感恩报德,至死不忘。
The idiom of "Knot Grass and Carry Rings--Jie [...]
Cao Xian Huan" refers to repaying someone for his kindness.
履行机构请主席编结论草案,包括一项供缔约方会议第 十五届会议通过的决定草案,以反映这一商定安排。
The SBI requested the Chair
[...] to prepare draft conclusions, including a draft [...]
decision for adoption by the COP at its fifteenth
session, to reflect this agreement.
行动:将请缔约方会议将这个分项目交由履行机构审议,并由履行机构作 为建议提出决定结论草案, 供缔约方会议第十七届会议通过。
Action: The COP will be invited to refer this sub-item to the SBI for
its consideration and for
[...] recommendation of draft decisions or conclusions for adoption by [...]
the COP at its seventeenth session.
在 2 月 26 日星期五下午第三次全体会议上,理事会/论坛主席提交了一份 关于部长级磋商就理事会/论坛第十一届特别会议上审议的每一项议题表示的意 见的结草案。
At the 3rd plenary meeting, on the afternoon of Friday, 26 February, the President of the Council/Forum presented a draft summary of the views expressed during the ministerial consultations on each theme considered during the eleventh special session of the Council/Forum.
工作组详细审查了报告草稿,评估了第二章所载的国家空间立法概览的结 构和正确性,全面分析了第四章中 结 论 草 案 , 还确定了工作组报告最后定稿 的程序。
The Working Group conducted a detailed review of the draft report by assessing the structure and validity of the overview of national space legislation contained in
chapter II, conducting a thorough
[...] analysis of the draft set of conclusions in chapter [...]
IV and determining the process of
finalizing the report of the Working Group.
妇女地位委员会主席根据非正式协商结果提交的商 结论 草稿 妇 女和女孩接受和参与教育、培训、科学技术,包括促进妇 [...]
Draft agreed conclusions submitted by [...]
the Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women on the basis of informal consultations
在该次会议上,工作组对其报告草稿作了详细的审查,评估了报告草稿第 二章所载的国家空间立法概览的结构和完妥程度,对第四章所载的整 结 论草 案进 行了彻底的分析,并确定了工作组报告最后定稿的程序(见 A/AC.105/ 990,附件三)。
At that meeting, the Working Group conducted a detailed review of its draft report by assessing the structure and validity of the overview of national space
legislation contained in
[...] chapter II of the draft report, undertaking a thorough analysis of the draft set of conclusions in chapter IV [...]
and determining the process
for finalizing the report (see A/AC.105/990, annex III).
根据委员会成立以来的经验,考虑到与缔约国代表的对 话、草结论性意见、其草案的翻译和被委员会全体会议通过所需的时间,委员 会在每次为期一周的届会期间大约可审议一个缔约国的报告。
In view of experience, since the establishment of the Committee, it is estimated that the Committee would review one State party report during each one-week session, considering the time required for dialogue with representatives of the State party, drafting of the concluding observations, translation of the draft and adoption by the Committee plenary.
在 11 月 29 日第 1 次会议上,根据会议议事规则第 46
[...] 条的规定,会议成立 了一个主要委员会,并将议程项目 8(b)“审议会结果文件草案” 分配给该委员 会。
At its 1st meeting, on 29 November, the Conference, in accordance with rule 46 of its rules of procedure, decided to establish a
Main Committee and to allocate to it agenda item 8 (b),
[...] “Consideration of the draft outcome document of [...]
the Conference”.
在同次会议上,经主席提议,并根据会议议事规则第 48 条的规定,委员会
[...] 成立了一个工作组,以便最后确定会 结 果 文 件 草 案 (A /CONF.212/3/Rev.1),并 决定只有在主要委员会闭会期间工作组才举行会议。
At the same meeting, on the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee, in accordance with rule 48 of the rules of procedure of the
Conference, established a Working
[...] Group to finalize the draft outcome document of [...]
the Conference (A/CONF.212/3/Rev.1) and
decided that the Working Group should meet only when the Main Committee was not in session.
为此原因,独立专家认为,她的任务是制定最终将导致形成 各国人民和个人国际结权利宣言草 案 的 准则和标准,这需要与各国、联合国和 [...]
For this reason the Independent Expert is of the belief that her task of developing norms and standards
for what will eventually lead to
[...] the formulation of a draft declaration of the right [...]
of peoples and individuals to international
solidarity, calls for dialogue with States, United Nations and other international agencies, and as many stakeholders as possible.
此外,执行局第一八六届会议要求“总干事结合其一八六届会议的讨论情况和与各地 区组的磋结果,尽快草基金 《章程》修正案,以提交一八七届会议审议”(第 186 EX/6 号文件--第 V 部分第 7 段和第 186 EX/39 号决定第 7 段)。
In addition, the Executive Board at its 186th session requested “the Director-General to prepare and submit, as soon as possible, amendments to the Statutes of the Fund for consideration at its 187th session, taking into account the discussions at its 186th session and following consultation of the regional groups” (186 EX/Decision 6-V para. 7 and 186 EX/Decision 39 para. 7).
公约》缔约方会议第8/CP.15 号决定请附属履行机构第三十二届会议继续
[...] 审议能力建设框架执行情况第二次全面审查工作,以便编写一项关于此次审结 果的决定草案, 供《公约》缔约方会议第十六届会议通过。
The COP, by its decision 8/CP.15, requested the SBI to continue its consideration of the second comprehensive review of the implementation of the capacity-building framework at its
thirty-second session, with a view
[...] to preparing a draft decision on the outcome of [...]
this review for adoption by the COP at its sixteenth session.
建议敦促北极各国和产业开发商改进影响评估和与驯鹿牧民达成的协议中 所使用的标准,考虑到游牧民族结 构 和 知识 草 场 使 用的文化基础,尽早在这 个过程中纳入牧民,避免冲突。
It is recommended that Arctic States and industrial developers be urged to improve the standards used in impact assessments and agreements with
reindeer herders so that they take into
[...] account the structure and knowledge of nomadic societies [...]
and the cultural base for pasture
use and to include herders in the process as early as possible to avoid conflicts.
但是食典委强调, 这意味着草案的一般结构已经推进,只能对文本提出专门建议,不再对范围进行一般 性辩论。
The Commission emphasized however that this meant
[...] that the general structure of the draft had well advanced [...]
and only specific proposals on the
text should be made and no general debate on the scope reopened.
2006 年,理事会第十二届会议决定分别制订关于富钴铁 结 壳 的条 例草 案和关于多金属硫化物的条例草案,并将前者交给该委员会,由该委员会参考理 事会 2005 年和 2006 年的讨论情况和可能获得的任何新技术资料或经更新的技术 资料,予以进一步更加详细审议。
The former were to be remitted to the Commission for further and more detailed consideration in the light of the discussions that had taken place in the Council in 2005 and 2006, as well as any new or updated technical information that may have become available.
[...] 出,特设工作组未能就将该决定草案转交缔约方会议通过一事达成协商一致,但 他希望缔约方在审议了案文之后将能通过全面的德班结果,其中包括关于特设工 作组工结果的决定草案。
He further noted that the AWG-LCA was not able to reach consensus on forwarding this draft decision to the COP for its adoption but he hoped that Parties, following consideration of
the text, would be able to adopt the comprehensive Durban
[...] outcome, including the draft decision on the AWG-LCA outcome.
该决草案反映出结盟国 家运动对于单方面 胁迫性措施及其对于实现所有人权、特别是发展权 [...]
The draft resolution reflected the Movement’s [...]
opinion on unilateral coercive measures and their negative impact on the realization
of all human rights, particularly the right to development.
总之,她对第二次半年期审查结论 和建 议草 案获 得通过表示欢迎,并重申塞拉利昂政府致力于 积极追求民族团结和党派间对话,加快执行真相与 [...]
和解委员会的建议,尤其是宪法审查进程,精简政 府的援助协调过程并恢复发展伙伴委员会的会议。
In conclusion, she welcomed the adoption of the draft conclusions and [...]
recommendations of the second biannual review and
reiterated her Government’s commitments to vigorously pursue national unity and inter-party dialogue, to step up the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s recommendations, particularly the constitutional review process, to streamline the Government’s aid coordination process and to resume Development Partnership Committee meetings.
(d) 利用现有机构的权威;也就是说,在 草结 论 时 ,附属机构参考适应 委员会的报告,这些结论然后可列入缔约方会议的决定之中。
(d) Making use of the authority of existing bodies; that is, the subsidiary bodies
would draw from reports of the
[...] Adaptation Committee in drafting their conclusions, [...]
which could then be included in decisions by the COP.
特别报告员在这 个问题上采用的办法在委员会内引起的误解,已在 A/CN.4/617 号文件中得到解 决;该文件综合了委员会成员在全体辩论中表达的各种关切,调整了第 8 条至第 15 条草案的结构, 并增加了一个新的条款草案,将这些条款草案的适用范围扩大 到过境国。
The misunderstanding that had arisen in the Commission as a result of the approach taken by the Special Rapporteur in this connection was dispelled in document A/CN.4/617, which constitutes an attempt to incorporate various concerns expressed by members of the Commission during the plenary debates, and restructures the linkage of draft articles 8 to 15 while adding a new draft article extending the application of those draft articles to the State of transit.
最后,由秘书长和总部外办事处主任组成的一个非正式小组起草了关于全 国委员会与总部外办事处关系的指 草 本 ,将在这一轮全国委员会磋商会 结 束 时 最后定 稿。
Lastly, a draft guide of relations between National Commissions and field offices has been elaborated by an informal group of secretaries-general and directors of field offices and will be finalized at the end of the present cycle of National Commission consultations.
[...] 别鉴定;设立了总统下属的国家妇女、家庭和性别发展问题委员会;在吉尔吉斯 共和国议会形成了必须获得《法草 案 性 别鉴 结 论 》的惯例;推广了使用按性 别划分的统计信息的惯例;建立了监测和评估妇女地位的国家体系;根据《北京 [...]
行动纲要》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和《千年发展目标》制订了相应 的性别指标。
The results: there has been an institutional and normative strengthening of procedures and mechanisms for the assessment of draft laws and regulations from a gender perspective; a methodological basis for such assessments has been created; the Constitution, a number of codes, laws and legislation are now subject to assessment from a gender perspective; the President’s national council on questions relating to women, the family and gender mainstreaming is now functioning; it has become the practice of the Parliament to receive an assessment of proposed legislation from
a gender perspective; the use of
[...] gender-disaggregated statistics has grown; a system [...]
of national mechanisms has been set
up to monitor and evaluate the status of women; and standardized gender indicators have been produced on the basis of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Millennium Development Goals.
大家希望委员会第六十二届会议在这个问题上取得更多进展,还建议委员会 讨论对审议的问题应抱什么态度,包括正在 草 的 条 款 草 案 的 结 构 , 以及委员会 工作可能的结果。
While the hope expressed was that the Commission would make further progress on the topic during its sixty-second session, it was also suggested that discussions should take place within the Commission concerning the attitude to be taken to the
topic under consideration,
[...] including the structure of the draft articles that were being [...]
elaborated, as well as the possible
outcome of the Commission’s work.
一旦执行局 对 33 C/5 的预算最高限额提出了建议,总干事将就第 IV
[...] 篇可能做出的调整和编排,就可否 在有关的预算最高额内设立应急储备金的问题以及关于 33 C/5 计划与预草案结构的其他建 议做出详细说明。
Once the budget ceiling for document 33 C/5 is recommended by the Executive Board, the Director-General will elaborate on the possible restructuring and presentation of Part IV and the possibility of a contingency reserve within
the given budget ceiling, together with other
[...] proposals on the structure of document 33 C/5 Draft Programme and Budget.
支助人 权事务中心活动信托基金项下现有预算外资源估计为 8 386 000 美元,这对于确保支持以下工
[...] 作至关重要:各条约机构和联合国援助酷刑受害者自愿基金的工作(即服务和组织条约机构和 自愿基金的会议及其他相关会议); 草结 论 性 意见、决定、一般性意见,筹备特派任务和编 写有关报告。
Extrabudgetary resources available under the Trust Fund for Support of the Activities of the Centre for Human Rights, estimated at $8,386,000, have been crucial to ensuring support to: the work of the treaty bodies and United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (i.e., servicing and organizing meetings of treaty
bodies, the Voluntary Fund and other
[...] related meetings); the drafting of concluding observations, [...]
decisions, general comments, preparation
of missions and reports thereon.
虽然印度代表团欢迎日本提出的决议草案,但印 度代表团仍认为,在管理和保护含水层方面仍缺乏足
[...] 够的科学知识,各国需要得到更多的帮助,使助其了 解所涉及的复杂问题,之后才可就条 草 案 的 结 果作 出决定。
While his delegation welcomed the draft resolution presented by Japan, it still believed that there was a lack of adequate scientific knowledge on the management and protection of aquifers and that States needed more assistance to
help them understand the complex issues involved before they could make a
[...] decision on the outcome of the draft articles.
[...] 第十六届会议结果可采取的形式,并且,缔约方认为特设工作组应当努力争取形 成一套政治上均衡的决草案,作为 结 果 提交缔约方会议第十六届会议通过。
The Chair informed delegates that these consultations had contributed to better understanding among Parties regarding the form that the outcome at COP 16 might take, and that there was a sense among Parties that the AWG-LCA
should work towards a politically
[...] balanced set of draft decisions as an outcome to [...]
be presented to the COP for adoption at its sixteenth session.




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