单词 | 结节 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 结节 adjective —Lumpy adj结节 —tubercle
今 后,中国电子学会和中国电子节能技术协会还将开展更多类 似的工作,以及时帮助企业总结节能 减 排技术,争取国家项 目以及民间资金的支持。 switch-china-sme.eu | In the further, more and more such kind of activities will be implemented in order to [...] help electrical and electronics enterprises with adoption of [...] advanced energy-saving and emission-reducing [...]technologies. switch-china-sme.eu |
影响CSF的免疫系统疾病,如Guillain-Barré 综合症和多发性结节病, 也能产生抗体并能在CSF中发现。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Immune diseases that affect the CNS, such as Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and multiple sclerosis can also produce antibodies that can be found in the CSF. labtestsonline.org.br |
其他症状包括眼睛发炎,皮肤结节或 肿 块。 cn.iherb.com | Other symptoms may include inflammation of [...] the eyes, nodules or lumps under the skin, and a general feeling of malaise. iherb.com |
红莲是一种多年生水生植物,因根茎遍 布 结节 , 所 以可于浅水中植根。 clarinsusa.com | The lotus is an aquatic perennial plant rooted in shallow water, thanks to rhizomes scattered with tubers. clarinsusa.com |
此病症亦称之为良性前列腺肥大,属前列腺 的 结节 增 生。 hsbc.com.hk | It is also known as benign prostatic [...] hypertrophy and as nodular hyperplasia of [...]the prostate. hsbc.com.hk |
颈部皮下可触 及到有疼痛感的、柔软的结节或肿块。 world-heart-federation.org | Painful and tender nodes or lumps develop under [...] the skin of the neck, which can be felt by touching. world-heart-federation.org |
Node 结节 树枝上的隆起,树叶生长的位置。 hesperian.org | Node a bump on a tree branch [...] where the leaves grow. hesperian.org |
圆丘是软白石灰(nummulitic)含有结节 , 并 占据一个位置,通常这样一个在巴勒斯坦,即床需要。 mb-soft.com | The knoll is of soft white limestone [...] (nummulitic) containing nodules, and occupies a [...]position normally required for such a bed in Palestine, viz. mb-soft.com |
手术和药物治疗:对于某些疾病,常常需要通过手术摘除全部或部分的甲状腺并进行放射治疗,比如毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿 、 结节 性 甲 状腺肿,或者甲状腺癌。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Surgical or medical treatment: Surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid and radiation therapy is often required in cases such as Graves’ disease, nodular goiter, or thyroid cancer. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
大部分患者首诊时,主要表现是甲状腺的无痛性硬 实 结节 , 局部淋巴结肿大。 asiancancer.com | The patients of this kind of thyroid cancer mainly [...] present the symptom of [...] painless and hard nodules in first consultation with a doctor, besides that, they also have the symptom of local swelling lymph nodes. asiancancer.com |
专用的检测引擎检查金凸点表面,看是否有坑 和 结节。 cn.camtek.co.il | Dedicated detection engines inspect gold bump [...] surface for pits and nodules. camtek.co.il |
大便器Lite会收集你的手指粪便样本,并预测下一次大便! 特点: - 四通多重扫描技术 - 许多人,包括结节凳子 类型日志和光滑的蛇:收集所有! 为什么升级? cn.moba-app.com | Stool Scanner Lite will collect a stool sample from your finger and predict your next stool! moba-app.com |
大多数甲状腺癌患者在发病初期没有明显的症状,主要表现为在甲状腺组织内触摸到质硬而高低不平的肿块 或 结节 , 部分患者可无明显肿块,而以颈、肋、骨骼的转移癌为突出表现。 asiancancer.com | Most thyroid cancer patients do not present [...] any obvious symptoms in early stage, but the hard and [...] uneven lumps or nodules can be touched [...]inside their thyroid tissues. asiancancer.com |
尽管严重受伤的半月板或其他关节结 构 ,是否膝或其他关节的治疗方法,帮助病人减少损失,甚至在损伤恢复功能丧失。 institutododelta.com.br | Despite the severe injuries to the meniscus [...] or other joint structures, whether the [...]knee or other joints, there treatments [...]that assist the patient to minimize damage or even restore function lost during the injury. institutododelta.com.br |
本节结尾表五.8 按支出用途汇总为各区域委员 会请批的资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | The resources requested for the regional commissions, by object of [...] expenditure, are summarized in table V.8 [...]at the end of the present section. daccess-ods.un.org |
杰里米是可以修复的导航系统,使他的朋友家,之后,他创建的副本Lyoko从数据XANA的猜测,偷的Aelita的记忆中的第二个 季 节结 局。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Jeremy is able to repair the navigation system and bring his friends home, after which he [...] surmises that the replica of Lyoko was created from the data XANA stole from Aelita’s memories in [...] the second season finale. seekcartoon.com |
调解人应 向会议口头报告工作开展情况和调 节结 果。 codexalimentarius.org | The facilitator should orally report on the activity undertaken and the outcome of the facilitation to the plenary. codexalimentarius.org |
讲座由上海双年展办公室公共教育部张琍莉女士主持,两位主讲人轮流发言后以观众互动 环 节结 束。 shanghaibiennale.org | The lecture was presided over by Zhang Lili from the Biennale Office’s Department of Public [...] Education, and after the two lecturers had taken [...] turns speaking, they concluded with an interactive [...]segment with the audience. shanghaibiennale.org |
没想到,每个环节结束的 当儿,在坐的各位都非常踊跃地发问。 4tern.com | When each of the session ended, there were pouring questions from the crowd! 4tern.com |
几次在你的肌肉或关节结构受到物理治疗受伤的运动员普遍受到影响。 institutododelta.com.br | Athletes in general are affected by several times of injuries in your [...] muscles or joint structures being subject [...]to physical therapy. institutododelta.com.br |
2010/2011 年游轮季节结束时,共有 40 542 名到访的旅客。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 2010/2011 cruise season closed with a total of 40,542 passenger arrivals. daccess-ods.un.org |
实际上,经济全球化已经打破二十世纪社会 调 节结 构 的基础之一--市场经济空间与民主 [...] 和政治空间几近重叠。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Economic globalization has in fact shattered one of the foundations of [...] the regulatory structure of twentieth [...]century societies, the approximate superimposition [...]of the sphere of the market economy on the sphere of democracy and politics. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这个秋季,在印度尼西亚的松巴岛开始对庄臣生产的蚊香对疟疾感 [...] 染率的影响进行了现场试验, 这一试验持续到疟疾传播季节结束。 scjohnson.com | Field-testing in Sumba, indonesia, of an SC Johnsonmanufactured [...] mosquito coil’s effect on infection rates begins this fall and runs through the end of the [...] malaria transmission season. scjohnson.com |
每次调节结束 应按要求给锁定螺母加力以避免螺母松 动及外泄漏。 sauer-danfoss.com | Re-torque the sealing lock nut after every adjustment to prevent an unexpected changes and external leakage. sauer-danfoss.com |
本次辩论恰逢印度洋季风季节结束和 海盗作案 高峰期开始。 daccess-ods.un.org | This debate coincides with the end of the monsoon season in the Indian Ocean and the beginning of the piracy season. daccess-ods.un.org |
Joaquin Panelo 为伯爵马球队赢得唯一一分,因此第一 小 节结 束 时 伯爵队以2比1落后1分。 piaget.com.cn | Joaquin Panelo got Piaget polo team on the scoreboard with a single goal and the first chukker ended with Piaget trailing, 2-1. piaget.com |
鲱鱼市场就在鲱鱼 捕捞季节结束的时候。 visithelsinki.fi | The market also [...] coincided with the end of the herring fishing season. visithelsinki.fi |