

单词 结存

External sources (not reviewed)

据联合国发展集团(发展集团)伊拉克信托基金报告,捐助方过 结存 总 额为 13.5 亿美元,其中 12.9 亿美元已获核定并移交给 [...]
176 个项目使用。
The United Nations Development Group (UNDG) Iraq Trust Fund
[...] reported past donor deposits of $1.35 billion, [...]
with $1.29 billion approved and transferred for a total of 176 projects.
在上一个双年度的报告中,外聘审计员建议教科文组织“建立一套制度,以确保在财 务期结束时账面结存的债 务只是有效债务,并且保证这些债务能以实时方式动态地确认其 效力和数额”。
In her report on the last biennium, the External Auditor recommended that UNESCO should “implement mechanisms to ensure that only valid obligations remain in the accounts at the end of the financial period and these obligations should be assessed on an ongoing basis as to validity and amounts”.
题为 ‘2002 年12 月 31 日终了年度的收入和支出及基结存 ’ 的 财务报表 载于表 1(经常资源和其他资源)以及表 2(按类型划分的其他资源)当中。
The statements ‘Income and Expenditures and Fund Balances for the year ended 31 December 2002’ are provided in Table 1 for regular and other resources and Table 2 for other resources by category.
这一工具还使得管理人员能够审查数据 质量、处理方面的问题、人员配置水平、合同何时到期、现 结存 和 收费情况, 项目中心、业务中心、区域办事处以及总部每月和每季度对这些情况进行一次审 查。
It also makes it possible for managers to review data quality, processing issues, staffing levels, contract expiry, cash balances and fees, which are reviewed on a monthly and quarterly basis at the project centre, operations centre, regional office and headquarters levels.
如 我 将 保 证 基 金 的 基 金 单 位 转 换 至 其 他 基 金 , 我 是 否 仍 然 可 获 得 保结 存 ?
Will I be entitled to the guaranteed balance if I switch my fund units in the Guaranteed Fund to other funds?
同一份秘书长公报第 46 段规定,“当一个信托基金关闭时,任何剩 结存将 以符合该基金宗旨的方式进行处理”。
Paragraph 46 of the same Secretary-General’s bulletin further states that any balance remaining at the time a Trust Fund is closed will be disposed of in a manner consistent with the purposes of the Fund.
有人要求提供更多信息,介绍组织 风险、儿童基金会的现结存和年 终未动用资金、金融危机和货币波动对儿童基 金会未来几年收支情况的潜在影响。
Requests were made for more information on organizational risks, UNICEF cash balances and year-end unexpended funds, and the potential impact of the financial crisis and currency fluctuations on UNICEF income and expenditure in the coming years.
最后,不应继续推迟审 议已结束的维持和平特派团的账户中所保留的现结存问题
Lastly, it was inappropriate to continue deferring the issue of cash balances retained in the accounts of closed peacekeeping missions.
他们对若干问题提出关切:提交已审计财务报表的国家办事处数目少、内部 审计建议的执行率比前一个两年期下降、现 结存 和 投 资金额增加、用来追踪预 算成果的指标质量差以及每项成果未列出预算估计数、各国家办事处几次出现竞 标程序不符合标准程序的情况,以及对推迟交付采购物品未规定惩罚条款,以及 儿基会存在大量空缺职位。
They raised concerns about several issues: the low number of country offices submitting audited financial statements; the decrease from the last biennium in the rate of implementation of internal audit recommendations; the level of cash balances and investments built up; the low quality of indicators used to track results in the budget and lack of budget estimates for each result; the fact that in several instances in country offices competitive bidding procedures did not comply with standard procedures as well as the lack of penalty clauses for delayed delivery of procured items; and the high number of vacant posts in UNICEF, which, they said, could hinder humanitarian response and work in emergency clusters.
接下来每个月出粮让公司进账OC,然后再按需要分别转账至SM及RM,只要RM每个 结存 保 持 比上个 结存 哪 怕只多$0.10,都可以享有4.05%年利息。
After that, allocate a certain portion to SM and RM. If RM increases compare to last month, even just NZD 0.10, you are still eligible for a 4.05% annual interest rate.
根据联合国秘书处海洋事务和海洋法司提供的资料,大不列颠 及北爱尔兰联合王国政府和芬兰政府为信托基金捐了款,信托基金财务报表显 示,2009 年 12 月 31 日基结存 140 997.74 美元。
According to information provided by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the United Nations Secretariat, contributions to the trust fund were made by the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Finland, and financial statements of the trust fund showed a balance of $140,997.74 as at 31 December 2009.
许多代表团特别欢迎管理层对开发署报告建议 11 的回应,即针对一项长期的关 切事宜,对执行方案方面的现结存 进 行 审查;它们呼吁继续采取审慎做法,避 免出现现结存。
Many delegations specifically welcomed the management response to recommendation 11 of the
UNDP report, that a
[...] review of cash balances in programme delivery was undertaken, responding to a long-time concern; they called for continued prudence to avoid cash balances.
根 据 一 般 规 例 第 162 (1) (c) 条 的 规 定 提 取 小结 存 ( 即 成 员 的 强 积 金 账 户 内 只 有 港 币 5,000 元 或 以 下 的 小 额 结 余 , 而 提 出 申 索 当 日 与 须 向 任 何 注 册 计 划 作 出 强 制 性 供 款 的 最 近 一 个 供 款 期 的 供 款 日 相 距 最 少 12 个 月 , 亦 没 有 于 任 何 其 他 注 册 计 划 内 拥 有 累 算 权 益 , 以 及 无 意 在 可 见 将 来 成 为 受 雇 或 自 雇 人 士 。
(in the event that an account balance is HKD5,000 or less, and provided that as at the date of the claim application, at least 12 months have elapsed since the contribution day in respect of the latest contribution period for which a mandatory contribution is required to be made to any registered scheme, and the member does not have any accrued benefits kept in any other registered scheme, and does not intend to become employed or self-employed within the foreseeable future.
欧洲联盟深感遗憾的是,连续第七年,对退还已 结束的维持和平行动的账户中保留的现 结存 的问 题,仍未达成协议。
The European Union was deeply disappointed that, for the seventh consecutive year, no agreement had been reached on the return of cash balances retained in the accounts of closed peacekeeping operations.
由于最后的规则节点 (F) 并没有添加到 margin
[...] 结构,我们需要上溯规则树,直至找到在先前节点插入中计算过的 存结 构 ,然后使用该结构。
Since the last rule node(F) doesn't add to
the margin struct, we can go up the tree
[...] until we find a cached struct computed [...]
in a previous node insertion and use it.
这一想法假定底层节点没有提供结构的定义,则可使用上层节点中的 存结 构。
The idea is that if the bottom node didn't supply a definition
[...] for a struct, a cached struct in an upper [...]
node can be used.
内部单位包括Harvard缓存结构(8KB+8 KB),基于TLB的MMU提供虚拟内存,调试单元,定时器单元,数字信号处理乘法器,32位输入中断控制器和电源管理。
Internal units
[...] include Harvard cache architecture (8KB+8KB), TLB based MMU to provide virtual memory, debug unit, [...]
timer unit, DSP MAC,
32-input interrupt controller and power management.
通过使用中间存储结晶进料,可以对单一 阶段的结晶器离心机和刮刀进行维修,而无需关闭整个联合装置。
It has been possible to maintain the centrifuges and scraper blades
[...] in individual crystallizer stages without [...]
shutting down the complex using intermediate
tankage to store crystallization unit feed.
私营 部门筹资和伙伴关系预算的未存结 余 应 在财政年度终了时作废。
The unreserved balance of the PFP budget shall lapse at the end of the financial year.
这两个组织呼吁刚果政结束普遍存 在 的 任意拘留和逮 捕以及酷刑做法,改善警所牢房中的恶劣条件,并惩治负有责任者。
Both bodies called upon the Government to bring to an end the common practice of arbitrary detention and arrests, torture and deplorable conditions in prisons in police stations, and to punish the perpetrators.
可以存结果以备将来查询或 导出以便做进一步分析。
Results can be saved for future queries [...]
or exported for further analysis.
2009 年底,四氯化碳生产商拥有从 2004 年存结转的 48 ODP 吨四氯化碳,它们 在 2004 [...]
年已经被报告为消费量,但却没有使用;因此,非原料用户可使用这部分库存, 但不构成消费。
At the end of 2009, the producers of
CTC had a quantity of 48 ODP tonnes
[...] remaining from a 2004 stockpile, which in 2004 had [...]
already been reported as consumption
but had not been used; consequently, a non-feedstock user could use this quantity without it constituting consumption.
一旦存储器容量用完,分析 仪将开始冲掉存结果。
Once storage capacity is reached, analyzer will begin to overwrite stored results.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组结论和 面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册存 在 的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates
for further assessment
[...] by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations [...]
for positions
in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
在Norte Chico的一些地存在玉米的结论性 的证据让考古学家思考玉米农业是否帮助刺激了在大约公元前3000年到公元前1800年间沿秘鲁太平洋沿海出现的重大文化发展,玉米是哥伦布到来之前的这个大陆的重要谷物。
Inconclusive evidence of the presence of maize, an [...]
important cereal crop throughout the pre-Columbian world, at Norte Chico
sites has led archaeologists to speculate whether maize agriculture helped spur major cultural advances that occurred along the Pacific coast of Peru from roughly 3000 to 1800 B.C.
餐厅服务处对其位于 Fontenoy 的存货定期进行实物盘存,并利用 Salamandre
[...] 系统对杂 货(即所谓的“长期易变质物品”)、酒窖、一次性物资和清洁产品的 存结 果 形 成报告。
Physical inventories of URS stores at the Fontenoy site are taken regularly and their results in regard to “long-life
perishable” foodstuffs, the cellar, disposable materials and cleaning
[...] products are recorded in the Salamandre application.
因此,秘书处在认可核查员提供的资料 时,从对四氯化碳数量的监测中去掉了从 2004 年存结转的 48 ODP 吨四氯化碳,因为 这对履约不会造成任何影响。
As a result, in concurrence with the information provided by the verifiers, the Secretariat has removed the 48 ODP tonnes of CTC remaining from the 2004 consumption from the monitoring of CTC quantities, and since this does not have any impact on compliance.
例如在也门,改善水资源管理的尝试遭到抵制,因为“在 存结 构 性缺水的条件 下,社会生态边缘化的人群认为最后的结果只是有益于富裕和强势人群”。
Attempts to improve water management in the Yemen, for example, were
rejected as there was “such an
[...] element of structural scarcity in existence that the efforts [...]
may be perceived by the ecologically
marginalized people to be only to the benefit of the rich and powerful.




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