

单词 结他

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然作为逊尼派伊斯兰的结,他们 的 行动自由的象征荣幸再次受到严重限制。
Although once again
[...] honored as symbols of the unity of Sunni [...]
Islam, their freedom of action was severely limited.
作为结,他表示 《程序手册》为是否将齐帕特罗纳入优先列表提供了足够的指南,很多国家依赖JECFA [...]
He concluded that the Procedural [...]
Manual provided sufficient guidance for the inclusion of zilpaterol in the Priority List
and that several countries depended on JECFA evaluations to assess veterinary drugs.
路博润公司的James Sumiejski从润滑油工程师的视角对此次网络广播进行了 结 , 他 指 出 ,随着六速、七速、甚至九速自动变速器以及双离合变速器表现出令人瞩目的成绩,新一代无级变速器若想继续在注重总体效率的全球市场上竞争,就必须提高燃油效率和驾驶舒适性。
Wrapping up the webcast from the viewpoint of a lubricant engineer, James Sumiejski of Lubrizol pointed out that with six, seven and even nine-speed automatics as well as dual clutch transmissions all posting impressive figures, next-generation CVTs must demonstrate improved fuel efficiency and driver comfort if they are to continue to compete in a global market focused on overall efficiency.
他们成功,以带动大家关闭的走秀,但在Night Owl并没有想的比赛到结束这么快,因为他的成为著名为它,他的技巧的4他们到以为他们都希望自己的车,并 结他 们 在 假死状态。
They succeed to drive everyone off of the catwalk, but the Night Owl does not want the contest to end so quickly, as he’s becoming famous
for it, he tricks
[...] the four of them into thinking they all want the car for themselves, and freezes them in suspended [...]
(2006b, p.0813) 对 2004 年海啸后的死者管理问题进行结, 他 们 对 自然灾害的建议是:“处理尸体的血液 和体液时,应该遵循国际通用的预防措施,戴手套并常洗手。
(2006b, p. 0813) in reviewing the management of the dead after the 2004 tsunami recommended that, for natural disasters: ‘Body handlers should follow universal precautions for blood and body fluids, wear gloves, and wash their hands’.
你可以选择讨论或阅读本课的一部分,或者请小组成员 结他 们 所 认为的重点,查找针对 具体话题的部分或全部经文,回答在读资料的过程中所出现的问题等等。
You may choose to discuss or read a
portion of the text, or ask the group
[...] members to summarize what they feel are the [...]
main points, look up some or all the scriptures
dealing with a particular topic, answer questions that arose while reading the material etc. Be Creative!
移植:Bagges发现一只袋鼠怪物的骨头时的尤斯塔斯试图拍卖他们的发现者 他结 束 了 他 的 脊 椎扭。
The Transplant: The Bagges find
the bones of a kangaroo monster and when Eustace attempts to auction them to
[...] discoverers, he ends up twisting his spine.
左边的字母索引说明了庄园的各种结构,包括蒸煮室、蒸馏室、风车、铁匠铺、大宅以及 他结 构。
A lettered index at the left indicates the
various structures, which include the boiling house, still house, windmill, blacksmith’s
[...] shop, great house, and others.
在有珊瑚和海绵的区域发现的多数鱼 种也栖息在他结构性生境中。
Most fish species found in areas with corals and sponges
[...] also inhabit other structured habitats.
除了米示拿,此外,米德拉士(圣经halakic训诂学)和在较狭义Halakah成为传统和研究的课题,并分别保存在不同的集合作为是的tannaitic期间, 他结 果。
In addition to the Mishnah, furthermore, the Midrash (the halakic exegesis of the Bible) and the Halakah in the more restricted sense became the
subject of tradition and of
[...] study, and were preserved in different collections as being the other results of the tannaitic period.
同样,我们支持联合国几内亚湾海盗问题评估团 的结论,即,任何可行或持久的打击海盗行径的区域 战略,也必须包含旨在减少青年高失业率、社会中巨
[...] 大的收入差距、猖獗的腐败行为、非法武器的无管制 流通的措施以及他结构性措施(见 S/2012/45)。
Similarly, we support the conclusion of the United Nations assessment mission on piracy in the Gulf of Guinea to the effect that any viable or lasting regional strategy to combat piracy will also need to include measures to reduce high levels of youth unemployment, wide income disparities within society, the
prevalence of corruption, the uncontrolled circulation of
[...] illicit weapons, and other structural measures (see [...]
通过基础设施投资和他结构性 措施,可以在中期加强出口竞争力, 这样可以使中国和其他亚洲经济体有时间将经济结构调整至更加依靠国内需求, [...]
[...] investment and other structural measures would [...]
underpin strengthened export competitiveness over the medium
run, giving time for China and other Asian economies to rebalance towards greater reliance on domestic demand growth and smaller trade surpluses.
人权高专办鼓励进一步交流国家一级利用统计和 他结 构、过程和结果指标的经验,以促进实施和监测经济、社会和文化权利。
OHCHR has encouraged further exchanges
on country level experiences in using
[...] statistical and other structural, process [...]
and outcome indicators to foster the implementation
and monitoring of economic, social and cultural rights.
由于减少所有的重要资源(CPU、内存、线程、计时器、处理器等)的使用,自动处理所有与通信有关的对象,灵活的远程函数(接收任何结构的参数和返回任何 他结 构 的结果),自动的会话处理(在会话时间内的超时处理)等等这些使得使用RealThinClient组件编写的服务器和客户端更加稳定。
Combined with reduced need for all important resources (CPU, Memory, Threads, Timers, Handles, etc), automatic handling of all communication-related objects, flexible remote functions (accept any structure for parameters and return any other structure as a result), automatic session handling (integrated time-out with variable life time) and a lot more, makes writing stable and performant Servers and Clients very easy with RealThinClient components.
本次级方案下的特别方案的目的,是帮助内陆发展中国家减轻其不利 地理条件造成的不良经济后果,包括:(a) 支持作出决策以提高生产能力和健全
地走向经济专门化;(b) 帮助小岛屿发展中国家提高承受外来震荡的复原能力, 并使它们大多数能够稳步取得社会经济进展;(c) 在整个贸发会议范围内造成一
[...] 种风气去系统地注意《阿克拉协议》第 10 段所述他结构薄弱的、脆弱的和小 规模的经济体的问题。
The special programme under the subprogramme is aimed at helping landlocked developing countries to mitigate the adverse economic consequences of their geographical disadvantage through: (a) support for policymaking with a view to enhanced productive capacities and sound economic specialization; (b) helping small island developing States to enhance their resilience to external shocks and making steady socio-economic progress possible for most of them; and (c) instilling throughout UNCTAD a practice
of devoting systematic attention to
[...] the problems of other structurally weak, vulnerable [...]
and small economies, as referred to
in paragraph 10 of the Accra Accord.
他结合此 次磋商谈到 了本组织正在进行的各项改革,尤其是计划编制方法方面的改革,并强调最近对计划管理周 [...]
期所进行的修订,是为了更具有战略眼光和更有助于决策,而且有助于在总部和总部外之 间,以及各地区和多国办事处之间更合理地分配计划资源。
He put the Consultation also [...]
in the context of the ongoing reform process of the Organization, in particular with regard
to programming, and highlighted the recent revisions of the programme management cycle designed to ensure a more strategic and policy-focused approach and to facilitate a more rational allocation of programme resources between Headquarters and the field as well as between the various regions and clusters.
委员会在该报告第 129 段中建议联合国系统同非洲发展新
[...] 伙伴关系规划和协调机构(作为非洲联盟的技术机构)和非洲联盟委员会和新伙 伴关系的他结构密 切协作,以便进一步加强非洲联盟/非洲发展新伙伴关系 [...]
2010-2015 年非洲行动计划的实施。
In paragraph 129 of the same report, the Committee recommended that the United Nations system coordinate closely with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Planning and Coordinating
Agency, as the technical body of the
[...] African Union, and other structures of the African [...]
Union Commission and the Partnership
in order to further strengthen the implementation of the African Union/New Partnership for Africa’s Development African Action Plan 2010-2015.
名成员进行了协商并达成了一致。 检查专员说他结合贸 发会议的历史背景对大量各种信息进行了广泛研究和分 析,而后得出审查结果。
The Inspector said that the outcomes of his review were the result of extensive research and analysis of a broad range of information sources related to UNCTAD’s historical background.
政府在多数情况下屈服于示威者的要求,加上缺乏 他结 构 性 控 诉渠道,这使得有些人将罢工和暴力威胁作为得到政府回应的主要和最有效的手 段。
The fact that the Government in most cases gives in to the demands of protestors, combined with the lack of structured alternative avenues to raise grievances, perpetuates the imposition of bandhs and threat of violence as the primary and most effective means to obtain a reaction from Government.
TADASHI SHOJI 成功的秘诀在他结合了 缜密的管理、独到的设计和对于顾客的需求的高度重视。
In 2007, Tadashi launched the Tadashi Shoji Runway collection for Fall 2007 during New York Fashion Week to rave reviews.
之二 继续就保险业监管框架和保险业对国内资源调动的影响,向特别
[...] 容易遭受灾害风险的发展中国家,特别是非洲国家,以及 他结 构 脆 弱、易受冲 击的小经济体提供政策分析和能力建设。
(o)bis Continue to provide policy analysis and capacity-building on insurance regulatory frameworks and on the impact of the insurance industry on domestic resource mobilization for developing countries that are particularly
vulnerable to catastrophic risks, especially countries
[...] in Africa and other structurally weak, vulnerable [...]
and small economies.
我想 [Leigh]
[...] 在威尼斯太贪心了:他的开支和野心完全失控,只顾妄想有人会 他结 账。
I think at Venice [Leigh] got too greedy: his expenses, his ambitions were out
[...] of control and he just dreamt someone [...]
would pick up the bill.
制宪改革的目的是建立超 越所有他结构的 强有力的代议制国家结构。
The purpose of constitutional reform is to establish strong and representative State
[...] structures that supersede all other structures.
重点 应该是为成功评估教科文组织在大型预算外项目和计划中的价值创造条件,办法是确保在项 目文件中明确预期影响和他结果, 并为跟踪检查制定相应的指标和数据系统。
The main effort should be to set the stage for successful evaluations of UNESCO’s value added in large EXB projects and programmes by ensuring that
the requirement for evaluation and the
[...] expected impacts and other results are clearly [...]
identified in project documents, and
there are appropriate indicators and data systems to track them.
对Jeong 等人诉 大韩民国和Atasoy和Sarkut 诉土耳其的案件的决定进行分析无法得出 他结 论:“依良心拒服兵役的权利属于思想、良心和宗教自由权的一部分。
No other conclusion can be drawn from an analysis of the decisions in the cases of Jeong et al. v. the Republic of Korea and Atasoy and Sarkut v. Turkey: ―The right to conscientious objection to military service inheres in the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
阿克拉协议》(第 146 段)指出:“贸发会议的投资工作应继续协助为所
有发展中国家、尤其是最不发达国家和有特殊需要的国家设计和执行促进提高生 产能力和国际竞争力的积极政策……贸发会议在这方面的活动尤应着重解决最不
[...] 发达国家的需要以及内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家和 他结 构 薄 弱、脆弱 和小型经济体的具体需要和问题。
The Accra Accord (para. 146) states: “UNCTAD’s work on investment should continue to assist all developing countries, in particular least developed counties (LDCs) and countries with special needs, in designing and implementing active policies to boost productive capacities and international competitiveness… UNCTAD’s activities in this area should address in particular the needs of LDCs, as well as the specific needs and problems of landlocked
developing countries (LLDCs), small island developing States
[...] (SIDS) and other structurally weak, vulnerable [...]
and small economies.
工作组第五十九届会议还请秘书处汇报在执行对贸发会议专门为最不发达国 家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家和 他结 构 薄弱、易受冲击的小经济体 开展的技术合作活动进行的独立外部评价所提的建议方面取得的进一步进展情况 (TD/B/WP/235, TD/B/WP/223, TD/B/WP(56)/CRP.1) 。
At its fifty-ninth session, the Working Party also requested the secretariat to report back on further progress made in the implementation of the recommendations from the independent external evaluation of UNCTAD’s technical cooperation activities dedicated to least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies (TD/B/WP/235, TD/B/WP/223, TD/B/WP(56)/CRP.1).
[...] 需要的国家,尤其是非洲国家、内陆发展中国家、过境发展中国家、小岛屿发展 中国家和他结构薄 弱、易受冲击的小经济体,包括在联合国系统与贸易和发展 [...]
UNCTAD should also continue to devote attention to other groups of countries with special needs, in particular in
Africa, LLDCs, transit developing
[...] countries, SIDS and other structurally weak and vulnerable [...]
and small economies, including
in the context of trade and development-related processes in the United Nations.
[...] 害战略系统的伙伴机构,由世界银行代表参与的捐助伙伴和 他结 成 伙 伴的利益 攸关方管理,是支持执行《兵库行动框架》的一个重要举措
with the work carried out by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, a partnership of the Strategy system managed by the
World Bank on behalf of the participating
[...] donor partners and other partnering stakeholders, [...]
as a significant initiative to support
the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action
在这方面,包括在 联合国系统的各种发展相关进程范围内,一个需要继续关注的关键领域是许多发
[...] 展中国家的脆弱性,特别是最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和 他结 构 薄 弱、处 于弱势和规模较小的经济体。
In this connection, a key area that needs continued attention, including in the context of the various development-related processes in the United Nations system, is the vulnerability of many developing countries, in
particular the LDCs, landlocked developing
[...] countries (LLDCs) and other structurally weak, vulnerable [...]
and small economies.




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