









External sources (not reviewed)

本公司亦将於股东周年大会上按股东周年大会通告载列的条款,就授予董事发行授权 提呈普通决议案,以配发、发行及处理不超过本公司於有关决议案通过当日之已发行股本
[...] 本公司於授出购回授权後购回之股份面值总额之任何股份,加入将授予董事之发行授权 内:(a)本公司下届股东周年大;(b)细则或任何适用法例规定本公司须举行下届股 [...]
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any
time during the period ended on the
[...] earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual [...]
general meeting of the Company; (b)
the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
除了自身增长外,我们将继续发掘潜在的收购,并且 与营运商和服务供应商性夥伴关系,藉此推动业务进一步扩展。
We will continue to explore potential acquisitions and strategic partnerships with operators and service providers to drive expansion, alongside organic growth.
我/我们/本号〕现确认,在提交本投标表格时,除以下备注所指的豁免通讯外,〔我/我 们/本号〕并没有将建议缴纳的租金金额传达房屋署以外的任何人士、透过与任何其他人士的安 排 调 整 任 何 建 议 缴 纳 的 租 金 金 额 、 与 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 们 / 本号〕或该人应否提交投标表
格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式与任何其他人士串通;并承诺,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署
[...] 通 知 竞 投 者 招任 何 时 间 , [...]
除 以 下 备 注 所 指 的 豁 免 通 讯外,〔我/我们/本号〕不 会将建议缴纳的租金金额传达房屋署以外的任何人士、透过与任何其他人士的安排调整任何建
议 缴 纳 的 租 金 金 额 、 与 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 们 / 本 号 〕 或 该 人 应否竞投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式与任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting
of the above premises until the bidder is
[...] notified byHD ofthe outcome of the [...]
letting exercise and other than the Excepted
Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.
品质控制监工的资格和经验的最低要求,应 与《2009 年地盘监督作业守则》所订明的注程师工 作班子下 T3 职级适任技术人员的资格和经验的最低要求相 同。
The minimum qualifications and experience of the quality control supervisor are to be the same as grade T3 technically competent person (TCP) under the RSE’sstream, as stipulated in the Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009.
这项研究本港及国际社会同样具有价 值,不但可就本港市民日常食用的本地发酵食物氨基甲酸乙酯含量提供 第一手资料,而且可用作评估本港市民从膳食摄入的氨基甲酸乙酯量对 健康所带來的风险,还可列作污染物數据,提交专家委员会载入相关的 數据库。
The study would be of value to both the local and international community, for providing first-hand information on the level of contamination of EC in the commonly consumed local fermented foods in Hong Kong, for assessment of the associated health risk of dietary exposure to EC of the local population, and for submission of the EC contamination data to the JECFA database.
存於中国银行(香港)有限公司及中国银行股份有限公司(受托人的联属公司)的计息账户内的现 金存款。
The bank balance is the cash at bank held in interest bearing accounts with Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and Bank of China Limited, affiliate companies of the Trustee.
於最後可行日期,本集团任何成员公司概无涉及任何重大诉讼、仲裁或索偿,而据 董事所知,本集团任何成员公司亦概无任何尚未胁采取或面临威胁之重大诉讼 或索偿。
As at the Latest Practicable Date, no member of the Group was engaged in any litigation, arbitration or claims of material importance and, insofar as the Directors are aware, no litigation or claim of material importance is pending or threatened by or against any member of the Group.
4.50 本行可随时及毋须另行通知,动用阁下之任何户口及授权使用者(如适用)之任何户口(不 論以阁下或授权使用者之名义,或以阁下或授权使用者及任何其他人士之名义开立)中任 何货币之任何贷作为偿还阁下或授权使用者根据本条款及细则拖欠本行之任何债 项(不論以任何身分及属实际或或有债项,亦不論是阁下或授权使用者本身拖欠或是阁下 或授权使用者連同任何其他人士拖欠的债项)。
4.50 We may, at any time and without notice, apply any credit balance in any currency on any account of you and, where applicable, any account of the Authorized User, whether in the name of you or the Authorized User or in the names of you or the Authorized User and any other person, in or towards satisfaction of any indebtedness owed by you or the Authorized User to us under these Terms and Conditions in whatever capacity and whether actual or contingent or whether owed solely by you or the Authorized User or by you or the Authorized User and any other person.
香港交易有限公司及香港联合交易所有限公司对本通函之内容概不负责,对其准 [...]
确性或完整性亦不发表任何声明,并明确表示,概不就因本通函全部或任何部份内容而产 生或因倚赖该等内容而引致之任何损失承担任何责任。
Hong Kong
[...] Exchanges and Clearing Limited and [...]
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents
of this circular, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.
审核员通知我们有关您的上诉的当,您也会收到我们发出的书面通知,详细说明希望终止计 划为您承保服务的原因。
By the end of the day the reviewers informed us of your appeal, and you will also get a written notice from us that explains in detail our reasons for ending our coverage for your services.
(b) 宣布或议决派付任何類别股份股息或其他分 派的任何决议案(无論是本公司於股东大会 作出的决议案或董事会决议案),可订明於 指定日期的营业时须向登记为有关 股份持有人的人士支付或作出该等股息或分 派,尽管指定日期可能早於决议案通过当 日;及须按照上述人士各自登记的持股量支 付或作出股息或其他分派,但不会影响任何 该等股份的转让人与承让人之间就有关享有 股息的权利。
(b) Any resolution declaring or resolving upon the payment of a dividend or other distribution on shares of any class, whether a resolution of the Company in general meeting or a resolution of the Board, may specify that the same shall be payable or made to the persons registered as the holders of such shares at the close of business on a particular date, notwithstanding that it may be a date prior to that on which the resolution is passed, and thereupon the dividend or other distribution shall be payable or made to them in accordance with their respective holdings so registered, but without prejudice to the rights inter se in respect of such dividend of transferors and transferees of any such shares.
[...] 贷款及应收款项(包括贸易及其他应收账款、收购一间附属公司之已付按金、已抵押银行存款及 银现金)均按采用实际利率法计算之已摊销成本减任何已识别减值亏损入账(见下文有 [...]
Subsequent to initial recognition, loans and receivables (including trade and other receivables, deposit paid for
acquisition of a subsidiary, pledged bank
[...] deposits and bank balances and cash) are [...]
carried at amortised cost using the effective
interest method, less any identified impairment losses (see accounting policy on impairment loss on financial assets below).
核数师已将其对所选择的样本根据协定程序进行的事董事局 报告。
The auditors have reported their factual findingson the selected samples based on the agreed procedures to the Board of Directors.
(d) 有条件或无条件地认购、包销、获委托发行或其他方式取得、持有、处理及转换所有类型的股 额、股份及证券,及就分享溢利、互惠特许或与任何人士或公司合作或任何安排,及 发起或协助发起设立、组成或创办任何类型的任何公司、联合组织或合夥,以取得及承担本公 司的任何财产及负债或直接或间接推动本公司的宗旨或为达成本公司认为合宜的任何其他目 的。
(d) To subscribe for, conditionally or unconditionally, to underwrite, issue on commission or otherwise, take, hold, deal in and convert stocks, shares and securities of all kinds and to enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, reciprocal concessions or cooperation with any person or company and to promote and aid in promoting, to constitute, form or organise any company, syndicate or partnership of any kind, for the purpose of acquiring and undertaking any property and liabilities of the Company or of advancing, directly or indirectly, the objects of the Company or for any other purpose which the Company may think expedient.
4.9 第二阶段反对期到期後,申请人会收到通知相电子邮件。
4.9 After the expiry of the Second Stage Objection Period, Applicants will
[...] be notifiedof the results by email.
你可於网上查询你的归但请注意你最终获享的权益,将视乎雇主汇报的离 职理由、任何长期服务金或遣散费抵销或其他扣减,以及在支付或转移权益时之基金单位价 格而定。
You may enquire your vested balance online, but please be noted that your final benefit entitlement will be subject to the reason of termination of employment reported by your employer, any offset of long service payment or severance payment or other deduction as well as the unit prices of funds at the time the payment or transfer of benefits is processed.
假如分示有关的新鲜水果含有防腐 剂,当局便会采取执法行动。
Enforcement action would be taken out if analysis revealed that the fresh fruit contained preservative.
待股东於股东周年大会上批准上述建议後,一般授权及购回授权将於(i)本公司下届股东 周年大;或(ii)任何适用法律或组织章程细则规定本公司须举行下届股东周年大会之 [...]
限期届满时;或(iii)股东在股东大会上通过普通决议案撤销或修订(以最早发生者为准)时失 效。
Subject to the approval of the above proposals by the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the General Mandate and the
Repurchase Mandate will expire at the
[...] earliest of:(i) the conclusion of thenext annual [...]
general meeting of the Company; or
(ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by any applicable laws or the Articles of Association to be held; or (iii) the revocation or variation by an ordinary resolution of the Shareholders in a general meeting.
(c) 按中华人民共和国(「中国」,就本报告而言,不包括香港、澳门及台湾)之规则及法规之规定,本公司於中国成立之附属公司须提取
[...] 其税後溢利(经对销往年亏损後)之10%作为一般储备金,直至储备至其注册股本之50%为止,其後,可自愿作出进一步拨 [...]
(c) As stipulated by the rules and regulations in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”, for the purpose of this report does not include Hong Kong, macau and Taiwan), the subsidiaries of the Company established in the PRC are required to appropriate 10% of their after-tax profit (after offsetting prior years’ losses)
to a general reserve fund until the balance
[...] of the fund reaches 50%of their [...]
registered capital thereafter any further appropriation
is optional and is determinable by the companies’ boards of directors.
(b) 如果反对与第二阶段公布有关,则应在第二阶段反对期在第二阶段公布之日後的七 (7)日内)收妥。
(b) in the case of Objections relating to the Second Stage Announcement, by the end of the Second Stage Objection Period (being seven (7) days commencing on the day after the Second Stage Announcements).
[...] 零零八年一月一日至二零零八年十二月三十一日期 间的核數检讨仍应在该期间个月内,根据 本协议附表三 D 部的规定进行。
The Auditing Review in respect of the period commencing
from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008
[...] shall remainto be conducted within3months [...]
after expiry of that period in accordance
with Section D of Schedule 3 of this Agreement.
股份购回授 权将於下列日期(以最早者为准)失效:a)本公司下届股东周年大日;b) 按百慕达法例或本公司之公司细则规定本公司召开下届股东周年大会之期限届满 之日;及c)股东以普通决议案撤销或修订该决议案之授权之日。
The Share Repurchase Mandate will expire at the earliest of: a) theconclusion ofthe next annual general meeting of the Company; b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the laws of Bermuda or the Company’s Bye-laws to be held; and c) the date on which the authority given under the ordinary resolution is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution of Shareholders.
倘董事全权认为(aa)(1)购股权承授人(不包括合资格雇员)或其 联系人违反本身与本集团或任何所投资公司订立的任何合约;或(2)承 授人经已破产、无力偿债或面清盘或同类法律程序,或与全体 债权人订立任何偿债安排或协议;或(3)承授人因终止与本集团的合作 关系或其他任何理由而不再对本集团的增长及发展作出贡献;及(bb)承 授人根据购股权计划获授的购股权失效,则该承授人的购股权将自动 失效,及将在任何情况下於董事所厘订之日期或之後不得再行使。
If the Directors shall at their absolute discretion determine that (aa) (1) the grantee of any option (other than an Eligible Employee) or his associate has committed any breach of any contract entered into between the grantee or his associate on the one part and the Group or anyInvested Entity on the other part; or (2) that the grantee has committed any act of bankruptcy or has become insolvent or is subject to any winding-up, liquidation or analogous proceedings or has made any arrangement or composition with his creditors generally; or (3) the grantee could no longer make any contribution to the growth and development of the Group by reason of the cessation of its relations with the Group or by other reason whatsoever; and (bb) the option granted to the grantee under the Share Option scheme shall lapse, his option will lapse automatically and will not in any event be exercisable on or after the date on which the Directors have so determined.
透过研习与实验标准,小孩可学习依 据因果关系來系统說明并验证预测区分观推論的不同,执行多个试验 來测试其预测并且依据一系列书面指令來进行科学研究。
Through the investigation and experimentation standards, children learn to formulate and justify predictions on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships, differentiate observation from inference, conduct multiple trials to test their predictions, and follow a set of written instructions for a scientific investigation.
(c) 在下列情况下「「生」有权决定是否提供「信用,若(i)在有关期间内并无任何进支及自上一份「信用後「信用卡 户口」、「赛马团体户口」及「合股人户口」(视乎何种情况而定)亦未有任何未偿或(ii)「「生」或「会员」因任何理由 已取消或终止之「信用卡」或「赛马团体」或「合股人」经已解散,但「信用卡户口」或「赛马团体户口」或「合股人户口」(视 乎何种情况而定)出现逾期未付借方余额而「「生」认为逾期日子不能接受。
(c) Hang Seng will have the discretion whether to supply a CardAccount Statement if (i) there are no entries covering the relevant statement period and no outstanding balance on the CreditCardAccount,the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as [...]
the case may be) since the last Card
Account Statement or (ii) where the Card has been cancelled or terminated by Hang Seng or the Cardmember for whatever reason or where the Syndicate or the Partnership has been dissolved and there is a debit balance in the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the case may be) overdue for such period considered by Hang Seng to be unacceptable.
该 等 前 瞻 性 陈 述 乃 反 映 中 芯 国 际 高 级 管 理 层 根 据 最 佳 判 断 作 出 的 估 计,存 在 重 大 已 知 及 未 知 的 风 险、 不确定性以及其他可能导致中芯国际实际业绩、财务状况或经前瞻性陈述所载资料有重大差异的因素, 包 括(但 不 限 於)与 半 导 体 行 业 周 期 及 市 况 有 关 风 险、激 烈 竞 争、中 芯 国 际 客 户 能 否 及 时 接 收 晶 圆 产 品、能 否 及 时 引 进 新 技 术、中 芯 国 际 量 产 新 产 品 的 能 力、半 导 体 代 工 服 务 供 求 情 况、行 业 产 能 过 剩、设 备、零 件 及 原 材 料 短 缺、制 造 产 能 供 给 和 终 端市 场 的金 融 情况 是 否稳 定。
These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions in the semiconductor industry, intense competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new technologies, SMIC’s ability to ramp new products into volume, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, availability of manufacturing capacity, and financial stability in end markets.
亦 同 时 每 年 对 公 司 高 级 管 理 人 员 进 行 年 度 绩 效 考 核,并 根 据 绩 效 考高 级 管 理 人 员 的 薪 酬 进 行 确 定。
It also conducts annual performance appraisals in respect of each senior management personnel of the Company and determines the remuneration of such senior management personnel based onthe results of such appraisals.
一开始的清纯花果香,在飘散的瞬间扑鼻而来的是由洋梨、香橘与甜桃皮组成的前调,如同摇滚乐瞬间节奏的开场;渐入香调的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉与荷花,带来清新与诱惑的味道,就像旋律由内心释放出来,引领听者到更高的境界;而在香调的一连串音符谱出摇滚的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所组成,雪松木、琥珀与香草,让这首摇滚旋律散发能量,并以最温暖的味让香味自己谱出一曲摇滚乐,让聆听者随着乐曲的律动,感受ANNA SUI摇滚天后的摇滚魅力。
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.




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