

单词 经验



with ample experience


past experience


medical expertise

External sources (not reviewed)

专家在平行活动中审查了无障碍性的深度和广 度,利用了缔约国和幸存者在无障碍性方面 经验 , 并 就执行《卡塔赫纳行动计 划》中涉及无障碍性的内容交流 经验。
At the parallel programme, experts reviewed the depth and breadth of what constitutes accessibility, benefited
from the
[...] States’ and survivors’ experiences as concerns accessibility and exchanged experiences on the application of the Cartagena [...]
Plan as concerns accessibility.
若干代表团赞扬秘书处纪录并促进各方交流了在以下诸领域的良好做 法和国经验:扩 大公共交通运输、实行绿色建筑、采用 [...]
3R 办法(减少、 再使用、再循环)战略、进行可持续的城市规划、实行固体废物管理、注重 供水、下水处理、以及以采用参与式办法实行城市管理、推动公私营伙伴关 系和市政金融等。
Several delegations commended the secretariat
for documenting and sharing good
[...] practices and country experiences in eco-city development, [...]
promotion of public transportation,
green buildings, 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) strategies, sustainable urban planning, solid waste management, water supply, sewerage, participatory approaches to urban management, promotion of public-private partnerships and municipal finance.
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一经验教训 是,无论合规督察干事的个人专业才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实经验都不 足以取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the
Secretary-General states that one of the
[...] lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
[...] 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分经验,以 在越南和世界范围更好地确保人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement effectively the universal periodic review
recommendations and would stand ready to
[...] discuss and share experience with all countries [...]
and international organizations to
better ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提
交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需的时间非常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特
[...] 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the
trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing
[...] and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
理事会应继续充当就各国与特别程序之间的合 作开展公开、透明和建设性讨论的论坛,使得能够查明并交流良好做法经 验教训
The Council should remain as a forum for open, constructive and transparent discussion on cooperation between States and special procedures, allowing for the identification and exchange of good practices and lessons learned.
这些努力包括鼓励大学提供空间 法方面的单元;为空间法方面的本科生和研究生教育提供研究金;协助制定国
家空间立法和政策框架;组织讲习班、研讨会和其他专业活动以促进加深理解 空间法;为法律研究提供财务和技术支助;编写空间法方面的专门研究报告、
[...] 文件和出版物;支助空间法模拟法庭竞赛;支助青年专业人员参加与空间法有 关的区域和国际会议;为积经验提 供 培训和其他机会;支助专门从事空间法 [...]
Those efforts included encouraging universities to offer modules on space law; providing fellowships for graduate and postgraduate education in space law; assisting in the development of national space legislation and policy frameworks; organizing workshops, seminars and other specialized activities to promote greater understanding of space law; providing financial and technical support for legal research; preparing dedicated studies, papers and publications on space law; supporting space law moot court competitions; supporting the participation of young professionals in regional and international meetings relating to space law;
providing for training and other
[...] opportunities to build experience; and supporting [...]
entities dedicated to the study of and
research relating to space law.
[...] 其服务质量的其他措施包括:在国家一级制订一套最低标准和行为守则、在 区域一级相互交流知识经验、以 及在国家、次区域和区域各级制订可持续 [...]
Other measures for enhancing the professionalism and competence of logistics service providers include the establishment of minimum standards and codes of
conduct at the national level, the sharing of
[...] knowledge and experiences at the regional [...]
level, and the establishment of sustainable
training and capacity-building programmes at the national, subregional and regional levels.
[...] 进技术的领域编制并执行氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,以及其他国家在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划方面 的趋势、替代技术和获得经验。
Selected local experts will be trained, as central human resources, for the HPMP preparation and implementation in the advanced technologies
areas in the service sector, trends and alternative
[...] technologies and experiences attained in other [...]
countries for the HPMP.
[...] 业的年轻女学生已通过在专业手工艺者和设计师处的实习,获得了专 经验 ( 拉 丁美洲、亚 洲)。
Skills training courses and introductions to management and marketing techniques have been part of the capacity-building efforts, and young women
students in crafts and design have
[...] gained professional experience through internships [...]
with professional artisans and designers (Latin America, Asia).
其实,就(h)项中提及的评审标准而言,此类采购的重点是放在 下述几个方面的:服务提供商执行特定任务 经验 、 对 所涉任务的理解程度以 及所提出的方法的质量、所推荐的关键人员的资质、知识转让(如果此种转让 与采购有关或者是任务说明的某一具体的部分),以及关键人员中本国国民参与 提供服务的程度(如果适用)。
Instead, in the context of evaluation criteria referred to in subparagraph (h), the emphasis in this type of procurement will be placed on the service-provider’s experience for the specific assignment, the quality of the understanding of the assignment under consideration and of the methodology proposed, the qualifications of the key staff proposed, transfer of knowledge, if such transfer is relevant to the procurement or is a specific part of the description of the assignment, and when applicable, the extent of participation by nationals among key staff in the performance of the services.
迄今采用的基准有:(a) 2008 年后通过的企业风险管理正 式政策;(b) 在协理署长主持下积极开展工作的企业风险管理委员会;(c) 开发 署开展企业风险管理的正式执行战略;(d) 为工作人员提供的企业风险管理政策 和工具包专项培训;(e) 有通过报告渠道确定、报告和逐级上报相关风险的明确 程序,以便将风险提交企业风险管理委员会审议;(f) 有监测和跟踪企业风险日
志的专项资源;(g) 为上报和审查局部和总体风险建立强有力的系统;(h) 逐步
[...] 整合了解风险和注重成果的部门工作规划和报告程序;(i) 按计划定期审查企业 风险管理政策和做法;以及(j) 在开发署企业风险管经验的基 础上促进机构经验交流和学习。
The benchmarks adopted so far include: (a) adoption of a formal ERM policy since 2008; (b) an active enterprise risk management committee chaired by the Associate Administrator; (c) a formal implementation strategy for the adoption of ERM in UNDP; (d) dedicated training of staff on the policies and toolkits for ERM (e) clear procedures for the identification, reporting and escalation of relevant risks through the reporting lines for consideration by the ERM committee; (f) dedicated resources for monitoring of and follow up on the corporate risks log; (f) an enabling system for the reporting and review of unit-level and corporate risk; (h) progressively integrated risk-informed and results-based unit work-planning and reporting processes; (i) a planned and periodic review of ERM policies and
practices; and (j) contributions to
[...] inter-agency experience exchange and learning based on the ERM experiences of UNDP.
各方代表发言之前的小组介绍为所有利益相关方提供了一个机会,让它们分享在推 动多方利益相关方参与国家和区域两级各种粮食安全和营养体制及机制方面的最 佳做法经验教训
The panel presentation, followed by contributions from the floor, provided an opportunity for all stakeholders to share their best practices and lessons learned in promoting multi-stakeholder participation in institutions and mechanisms for food security and nutrition at the national and regional level.
拟议编列 152 000 美元差旅费,用于参加与维和有关的研讨会、会议、讲
[...] 习班、与世界银行官员进行的协调会议(以便交流有关解除武装、复员和重返社 会经验)、解 除武装、复员和重返社会问题机构间工作组年度会议(目的是协调 [...]
洲联盟官员在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的协调会议(29 400 美元);秘书长的年度务虚会 以及在阿克拉的科菲·安南培训中心举行的讲习班(22 700 美元);关于警察参 与维和的不同方面以及有关支持国家当局和国际维持治安的研讨会和讲习班 (92 300 美元);关于少年司法的年度会议(7 600 美元)。
An amount of $152,000 is proposed for travel to participate in: peacekeepingrelated seminars, conferences, workshops and coordination
meetings with World Bank officials in order
[...] to exchange on lessons learned on disarmament, [...]
demobilization and reintegration,
the annual Inter-Agency Working Group on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, which seeks to coordinate and harmonize the efforts of all United Nations actors on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and coordination meetings with African Union officials in Addis Ababa ($29,400); the Secretary-General’s annual retreat and a workshop at the Kofi Annan Training Centre in Accra ($22,700); seminar and workshops related to the different aspects of the police involvement in peacekeeping, support to national authorities and international policing ($92,300); and the annual meeting on juvenile justice ($7,600).
泰国提出下述能力建设需求:通 经验 交 流 等进行发展中国家和捐助国之 间的双边援助;在执行《协定》和有关文书方面的技术援助;区域监测、控制和 [...]
监督讲习班,以及建立区域监测、控制和监督网络,包括技术转让;为小户渔民 和所有利益攸关方举办财务管理培训;种群评估和研究方面的培训;以及登船检
Thailand identified the following capacity-building needs: bilateral assistance between developing
States and donor States particularly through
[...] exchange of experience; technical [...]
assistance in implementing the Agreement and
relevant instruments; regional monitoring, control and surveillance workshops and establishment of regional monitoring, control and surveillance networks, including transfer of technology; financial management training for small-scale fishers and all stakeholders; training regarding stock assessment and research; and training programmes on boarding and inspection control and activities of flag States.
小岛屿发展中国家根据采矿部经验 , 已确定了下述优先行动领域:(a) 提 高制定政策、谈判、评价和执行的国家能力;(b) [...]
确保对潜在矿址进行全面成本 效益分析和环境影响评估;(c) 建立公平和透明的赔偿制度,以减少自然资源损 失、环境破坏并降低社会经济成本;(d)
立法、管理和执行国家矿业政策框架和 环境管理计划;(e) 发展关于采矿权保有问题、公司选择、关闭和体制弱点的机 构能力;(f) 评估资源和开发矿产数据库;(g) 增大利益攸关方参与。
Based on their experience in the mining sector, [...]
small island developing States have identified the following areas for priority
action: (a) improve national capacity for policy formulation, negotiations, evaluation and enforcement; (b) ensure that full cost-benefit analysis and environmental impact assessment of potential mining sites are undertaken; (c) establish fair and transparent compensation systems to mitigate natural resource loss, environmental damage, and socio-economic costs; (d) legislate, manage and enforce national mineral policy frameworks and environmental management plans; (e) develop institutional capacity on mining tenement issues, company selection, closure, and institutional weaknesses; (f) assess resources and develop mineral databases; and (g) increase stakeholder participation.
泰国代表团还指出,亚太城市论坛所开展的讨论以及提出的行动 建议十分有用,应予切实执行,以期推进本区域的可持续城市发展, 并为此特别请秘书处把以下三项工作列为优先重点:第一,着手制订 城市分类的标准和基准,诸如“可持续的城市”、“生态城市”、以 及“绿色工业城市”等,以便在区域和次区域两级为确定可持续城市
发展的基准提供准则;第二,在区域和次区域两级建立数据库和网 络,以便融入城市和农村人口统计数据、以及经济、社会和自然诸领 域的数据,包括环境和地理-气候方面的数据;第三,在各成员国之
[...] 间举办关于城市气候变化问题的座谈会,以便相互交流在努力实现可 持续的城市发展方面经验和最 佳做法。
The delegation of Thailand also noted that the discussions and recommendations for action from the Asia-Pacific Urban Forum were very useful and should be implemented to promote sustainable urban development in the region, and particularly requested the secretariat to prioritize three areas of work: firstly, to develop criteria and standards for city classification, such as “sustainable city”, “eco-city”, and “green industrial city” to provide a guideline for benchmarking sustainable urban development at the regional and subregional levels; secondly, to develop databases and networks at the regional and subregional levels that would include urban and rural population statistics and economic, social and physical data, including environment and geo-climatic data; and thirdly, to hold a symposium on urban
climate change among member States in
[...] order to exchange experiences and best practices [...]
towards achieving sustainable city development.
缅甸地处一个充满活力的地区的中心 地带,融入该地区将使它有机会赶上邻国的经济发 展,并借鉴它们的成经验和失 败教训。
It sits in the middle of a vibrant region and in integrating with it has the opportunity to catch-up to its neighbours, as well as learn from their successes and failures.
在这方面,会议指 出,厄立特里亚还不妨接触国际排雷行动操作者或顾问,以便利用最新的调查方 法、设备和核证土地无雷经验教训,并接触更多的国际资金来源。
In this context, the Meeting noted that Eritrea might benefit from outreach to international mine action operators or advisors in order to take advantage of the latest survey methods, equipment and lessons learned on land release as well as to access additional sources of international funding.
在这个项目的框架内,开展了一项调查,以摸清雇主对两性平等的认识, 对两性平等问题和对私营部门执行两性平等法规的态度;以了解欧盟成员国的私 营部门为了落实男女待遇平等原则,为了促进两性平等所用的准则、方法和措施
的概况;拟订爱沙尼亚私营部门工人的准则,特别是拟订工资计算和工作评价标 准的准则,以消除男女之间的工资差距;以加深私营部门对有关法规的认识,增
[...] 进私营部门利用有关方式方法促进两性平等的知识和技能,以创建一个私营部门 雇主和感兴趣团体的网络,传播有关促进两性平等的信息 经验 和 最 佳做法。
Within the framework of the project, a survey is carried out to find out the awareness of employers about gender equality, attitudes to the issue and implementation of gender equality legislation in the private sector; to receive an overview of the guidelines, methods and measures used in the private sector of the EU member states to implement the principle of equal treatment of women and men and to promote gender equality; to draw up guidelines for the private sector workers in Estonia, inter alia for drafting the basic principles of wage calculation and criteria of work evaluation to eliminate the wage gap between women and men; to increase the private sector awareness of the relevant legislation and to improve their knowledge and skills in using the means and methods for promoting gender equality, and to create a network of private
sector employers and interest groups to
[...] mediate information, experience and best practices [...]
on promoting gender equality.
这些步骤包 括:维持和平行动部(维和部)和人道主义事务厅委托 进行独立研究;维和部散发“行动构想”及“关经 验教训 的说明”文件;经常性地将保护平民任务纳入 联合国维持和平行动的任务规定;在秘书长报告中更 加连贯一致而有系统地考虑保护平民问题;将关于保 护平民问题的若干段落显著地列入维持和平行动特 别委员会的 2010 年建议中(见 A/64/19),包括制定全 特派团保护战略的战略框架;编制关于保护平民的培 训单元;评估执行保护任务所需的资源。
These include the independent study commissioned by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; the operational concept and the lessons learned note circulated by DPKO; and the regular inclusion of protection of civilians tasks in the mandates of United Nations peacekeeping operations; the more consistent and systemic consideration of protection of civilians issues in the Secretary-General’s reports; the significant inclusion of several paragraphs on the protection of civilians in the 2010 recommendations of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (see A/64/19), including the development of a strategic framework for mission-wide protection strategies; the elaboration of protection of civilians training modules; and an assessment of the resource requirements for implementing protection mandates.
认识到区域合作和分享知识经验的 重要性,会议恳请粮农组织推动制定一 项区域战略,将农业领域的气候变化减缓和适应行动主流化,并建立区域合作机制 [...]
Recognizing the importance of regional collaboration and sharing of
[...] knowledge and experiences, the Conference [...]
requested FAO to facilitate the formulation
of a regional strategy for mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation activities in the agricultural sectors, and the establishment of regional cooperation mechanisms and networks, taking due consideration of differing sub-regional needs and conditions.
在尚未对 31 C/5 和 32 C/5
[...] 期间进行的各种横向专题项目所取得 经验 和 结 果进行全面 评估之前,总干事的建议是:在 [...]
33 C/5 期间,只继续保留一些正在进行的为数不多的、特别 是在总部外办事处实施的以及采用创新形式和方法的、并已经明显取得有效成果的几个横向
Pending a full
[...] evaluation of the experience gained with [...]
and the results attained by the various CCT projects carried out
during the 31 C/5 and 32 C/5, the Director-General recommends to continue during the 33 C/5 only a limited number of ongoing CCT projects which have demonstrably shown effectiveness and results in particular at the field level as well as the use of innovative modalities and approaches, but not to add new CCT projects.
鉴于已取得的进展、得到经验教训 、以及本报告和三次区域审查会议所 强调的执行《毛里求斯战略》的制约因素,会员国不妨考虑将重点放在以下四个 最需要集中行动的领域,以进一步解决脆弱性且支持小岛屿发展中国家可持续发 展:(a) 加大支持国家可持续发展战略和国家发展规划进程;(b) 支持能源可持 续发展的举措;(c) 增强脆弱生态系统抵御气候变化影响的应变能力;(d) 支持 进一步执行《行动纲领》的伙伴关系行动倡议。
In the light of the progress made, the lessons learned and the constraints on implementation of the Mauritius Strategy highlighted in the present report and in the three regional review meetings, Member States may wish to consider concentrating on the following four areas, where focused actions are needed most to further address the vulnerabilities and support the sustainable development of small island developing States: (a) strengthening support for national sustainable development strategies and national development planning processes; (b) supporting initiatives towards sustainable energy development; (c) strengthening the resilience of fragile ecosystems to the impacts of climate change; and (d) supporting partnership initiatives for action in the further implementation of the Programme of Action.
融力量及其往往十分广泛的技能,办法包括:为监测和情况分析提供支助;加强 促进儿童权利的主要机构的能力;倡导有利于儿童和对性别问题有敏感认识的各
[...] 项政策、法律和预算;加强儿童伙伴关系;促进交流知识 经验 ; 更 加关注差异、 排斥和歧视等依然存在的主要问题。
In middle-income countries, UNICEF will seek to leverage the financial capacity, and often-extensive technical skills, of national partners for children and women, including through: support to monitoring and situation analysis; strengthening capacities in key institutions promoting children’s rights; advocating for pro-child and gender-sensitive policies, laws and budgets; enhancing partnerships
for children; facilitating the exchange of
[...] knowledge and experience; and promoting [...]
attention to disparities, exclusion and
discrimination, where these remain major issues.
铭记从第一次地球问题首脑会议上汲取 经验 教训 ,即将举行的会议必须促进持续、公平和包容 性全球经济增长,特别是在发展中国家;找到解决 各种环境问题的直接和可持续的办法;将各种决议、 宣言和计划转化成具体可执行的行动;以及改进当 前可持续发展体制框架,以便促进纳入可持续发展 的三个支柱。
Bearing in mind the lessons learned from the first Earth Summit, the upcoming Conference must promote sustained, equitable and inclusive global economic growth, especially in the developing countries; find an immediate and sustainable solution to the environmental problems; translate resolutions, declarations and plans into concrete implementable actions; and improve the current sustainable development institutional framework in order to promote the integration of the three pillars of sustainable development.
举 例而言,这可包括以下领域经验: 国内严重和复杂罪行的辩护,如恐怖主义、 杀人、非预谋杀人、贩运和复杂的白领罪行等罪案;涉及国际层面的案子的辩经验,诸 如国际司法协助、复杂的移民案、超国家的罪行;以及战争罪、灭绝种 族罪和危害人类罪的辩经验。
For example, this may include experience in the following areas: the defence of those charged with serious and complex crimes at the domestic level, such as terrorism, homicide, manslaughter, trafficking and complex white-collar crimes; the defence of cases with international dimensions, such as those involving international judicial [...]
assistance, complex
immigration issues or supranational crime; and the defence of those charged with war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
一些代表团强调在发展中国家召开食典会议的重要性,这样可以让共同主办的国 家获得更多食典工经验,还可以促进相关区域内国家出席会议;因此应在经常性基础 [...]
Some delegations highlighted the importance of convening Codex sessions in developing
countries as this allowed the co-hosting country
[...] to gain more experience with Codex [...]
work, and could also facilitate attendance
of the countries in the region concerned, and therefore this mechanism should be used on a regular basis.
又请秘书长鉴于自第一项关于白盔倡议的第 49/139 B 号决议通过以来 白盔获得了丰富的国际工经验并一 直得到大会的承认,而且考虑到同联合国儿 童基金会、世界粮食计划署、联合国粮食及农业组织、秘书处人道主义事务协调 厅、联合国开发计划署和联合国志愿人员方案等组织机构协调开展的活动获得成 功,提出措施,将白盔倡议进一步融入联合国系统的工作,并在提交大会第六十 七届会议有关加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调的年度报告中专节说明。
Also invites the Secretary-General, on the basis of the extensive international work experience acquired by the White Helmets, as recognized by the General Assembly since the adoption of its resolution 49/139 B, the first resolution on the White Helmets initiative, and in view of the success of coordinated actions carried out with, inter alia, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the World Food Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Volunteers, to suggest measures to enhance the integration of the White Helmets initiative into the work of the United Nations system and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session in a separate section of the annual report on the strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations.
在与伊拉克各利益攸关方进一步协商后,工发组织代表说,原则上,伊拉克不反对 使用碳氢化合物为替代制冷剂,但条件是应确保:该技术在技术上是可行的,即可以得到 这些产品所需要的构件和原材料;最后产品价格与使用 HFC-134a
的产品价格相当;该项 目制造和维修方面的安全因素得到解决;使用碳氢化合物的产品性能与使用 HFC-134a 的
[...] 产品性能相似,必须铭记,巴格达夏季气温可轻易达到摄氏 50 度;提 供关于多边基金资助 的商用制冷转换碳氢化合物技术项目类 经验 的 信 息。
Following further consultations with stakeholders in Iraq, the representative of UNIDO said that in principle, Iraq did not object to using hydrocarbon as the replacing refrigerant, subject to ensuring that: the technology was technically feasible in terms of the availability of components and raw materials for such products; the final product price was comparable to HFC-134a products; safety considerations were fulfilled within the project, covering both manufacturing and servicing aspects; the performance of hydrocarbon-based products was similar to that of HFC-134a products, keeping in mind that the temperature in Baghdad could easily reach 50 degrees Celsius in the
summertime; and information was
[...] provided on similar experience with projects funded by the Multilateral [...]
Fund for shifting commercial
refrigeration to hydrocarbon technology.




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