

单词 经费

经费 noun ()

funds pl


经纪费 n

brokerage n


personnel expenditure (accountancy)

经常费用 n

overhead n


business expense
business cost

External sources (not reviewed)

根据第 55/43 号决定(b)至(f)段,其中还包括申请示范项目编 经费 的 标 准,提 议采用类似的供资结构。
Criteria for requests for preparation funds for demonstration projects were also included in accordance with decision 55/43, paragraphs (b) to (f), with a similar funding structure being proposed.
代表强调,需要足够经费,以便粮农组织和世卫组织 能够应对越来越多的 科学建议的需求。
The Representative stressed the need for adequate funding in order to allow FAO and WHO to respond to the increasing number of requests for scientific advice.
阿波美监狱的两名副楼长收集来自男性被拘留者的食经 费,然 后在两座建筑物中的女性中分发。
The two chef-bâtiment adjointes at Abomey Prison went to collect the food provision from the male detainees, and then distributed it among the women in the two buildings.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第
63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011
[...] 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任 经费 多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some
$1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300
[...] more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 [...]
(see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
委员会将需要考虑:(一) 在项目的目标已经实现之后,有 关国家是否仍然有资格动用任何剩余 经费 , 同 时回顾,多年期协定的供资是以业绩为依 据;(二) 如果一个国家可以继续领经费,应 该规定何种水平的监测和报告;(三) 有关执 行机构是否应该继续进行财务监督和业绩核查,如果应该,但有关机构由于行政或法律障 碍而无法这样做,将产生何种后果。
The Committee would have to consider (i) whether a country continued to be eligible for any remaining funds once a project had achieved its targets, recalling that the funding of MYAs was performance-based; (ii) if a country could continue to receive funds, what would be the required level of monitoring and reporting; and (iii) whether the implementing agency should continue to exercise financial oversight and performance verification and, if so, what would be the consequences if an agency could not do so because of administrative or legal hurdles.
d) 可以研究将全国委员会法定四年一次的会议改为六年一次的可行性(这一安排正 好与《中期战略》的期限一致,以便将节省下来 经费 用 于 全国委员会确定的能 力培养优先事项。
(d) The feasibility of holding the statutory and quadrennial conferences of National Commissions every six instead of every four years could be examined (such a schedule would correspond to the period of the Medium-Term Strategy and allow the savings to be invested in capacity-building priorities identified by National Commissions).
将安排红十字国际委员会驻日内瓦的一名代表参加讨论会,对 联合国不涉经费问题
The participation of a Geneva-based representative of ICRC will be arranged without financial implications to the United Nations.
经费将用于本组织不具备、 超出系统集成合同范围之外,属于下列领域的专门知识:变化管理领 [...]
域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤、薪金、预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 供的项目管理服务。
The provision would provide for specialized [...]
expertise not available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems
integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and implementation, data warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator.
经费不足 和制度障碍,萨尔瓦多、尼日尔 和摩洛哥等国的调查工作延期。
Financial and institutional restrictions have led to delays in El Salvador, Niger and Morocco.
小组委员会要求当局提供更准确的资料,说明 每日膳经费的人均预算补贴,以及增加补贴的计划。
The SPT requests the authorities to
provide more precise information on the budgetary per capita allowance
[...] for daily food provision, and the plans [...]
to increase it.
这里不妨回顾指出,委员 会第四十八届会议通过该决定时,委员会秘书处曾非正式地向委员会通报其决定 所经费问题 ,但是没有提供文件说明需要这些概算费用,也没有任何正式说明 记录在案,这纯粹是由于时间局促。
It may be recalled that at the time of adoption of the decision by the Committee at its forty-eighth session, the Committee was informally advised by its Secretariat of the financial implications of its decision, but documentation to support the estimated costs, was not provided nor was there an official statement recorded, due purely to time constraints.
他转而谈到秘书长关于 2009 年 7 月 1 日至 2010 年 6 月 30
[...] 日期间联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定 团) 经费筹措安排的说明(A/64/728),说鉴于 [...]
2010 年 1 月 12 日海地发生破坏性地震,安理会在其第 1908(2010)号决议中赞同增加联海稳定团的兵力总
数,以支持近期恢复、重建和稳定工作,并决定联海 稳定团的构成如下:军事部分,各级官兵人数不超过 8 940 人;警察部分,警员人数不超过 3 711 人。
Turning to the Secretary-General’s note on the financing arrangements for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010
(A/64/728), he said that, in the light of the
[...] devastating earthquake on 12 January [...]
2010 in Haiti, the Security Council, in
its resolution 1908 (2010), had endorsed the increase in the overall force levels of MINUSTAH to support the immediate recovery, reconstruction and stability efforts, and had decided that MINUSTAH would consist of a military component of up to 8,940 troops of all ranks and a police component of up to 3,711 police.
如果粮农组织或世卫组织的总干事邀请专家以个人身份参加本委员会及其附属 机构的会议,他们的费用应从供本委员会工作之用的正常预 经费 中 支 付。
Should experts be invited by the Directors-General of FAO or WHO to attend sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies in their individual capacity, their expenses shall be borne out of the regular budgetary funds available for the work of the Commission.
副秘书长米歇尔·巴切莱特领导的联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署 (妇女署)和一个非政府组织 5WCW
[...] 都将使全球重新认识这个新的超级机构和这次 会议,提高认识,加大媒体报道力度,并为二者增 经费。
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), headed by Under-Secretary-General Michelle Bachelet, and a non-governmental organization, 5WCW, will generate renewed global
awareness of both this new super-agency and the conference, raise consciousness and increase media
[...] coverage and funds for both.
大会第 64/243 号决议第 67
[...] 段强调各方案主管机构和通过方案预算第 2 款提经费的各 工作地点在使用大会事务和会议管理部提供的服务时须有成本效益 [...]
和效率,尤其是加强会议服务全球管理的有效运作,并请秘书长制订旨在加强这 方面问责制的各种机制。
In paragraph 67 of its resolution 64/243, the General Assembly stressed the need for programme managers, and duty stations
resourced through section 2 of the
[...] programme budget, to be cost-effective and efficient [...]
in the use of services from the Department
for General Assembly and Conference Management, in particular with respect to the effective functioning of the global management of conference services and requested the Secretary-General to develop mechanisms that would enhance accountability in that regard.
在我收到足以支付国际委员会全部工作所 经费 的 自 愿捐款后,将立即就委 员会开始运作的日期作出决定。
I shall decide upon a date for the international commission to commence its operations once I have received sufficient voluntary contributions to cover the work of the commission in its entirety.
就研究而言,不只经 费通常 由国民负责,而且其利益也可能限于国民享受,这也是可以理解的。
Not only is research funding often tied to nationals, perhaps understandably, but also the benefits of such research may be restricted to nationals.
后勤基地 2010 年 7 月 1 日至 2011 年 6 月 30 日 期间的拟议预算为 72 017 800 美元(A/64/698),比 2009/10 年度的核定资源高出 24.3%,说明工作人员 人数增加了,这主要是为了加强常备警察能力、建立 司法和惩戒常备能力、以及外地中央审查理事会秘书 处搬迁;建筑服务追经费用于 :为通信和信息技术 处以及数据中心和网络通讯中心建立设备用房和办 公用地;更新布林迪西电子系统;为设在巴伦西亚的 二级运行状态通信设施购买通信和信息技术设备。
The proposed budget of the Logistics Base for the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 (A/64/698) was $72,017,800, which was 24.3 per cent higher than the resources approved for 2009/10, reflecting an increase in staffing, mainly to strengthen the Standing Police Capacity, establish a Justice and Corrections Standing Capacity and relocate the Field Central Review Board secretariat; additional requirements for construction services to create equipment room and office space for Communications and Information Technology Services and the data centre and network communications centre and to upgrade the electrical system at the Logistics Base; and additional requirements to acquire communications and information technology equipment for the secondary telecommunications facility at Valencia.
除上述 650 000 美元以外,2002 年举行的第十二次缔约国会议作为例外,为
法庭周转基金核准了 500 000 美元(2001 年会计期间的部分节余)的批款,以便在
[...] 资金出现临时性短缺的情况下为法庭提供必要的资金,以审理所需支出无法通过 审案相关费用或通过在各经费之间 调拨资金来解决的案件(SPLOS/L.28)。
In addition to the $650,000 referred to above, the twelfth Meeting of States Parties, held in 2002, approved, on an exceptional basis, the appropriation of $500,000 (being part of the savings from the financial period 2001) to the Working Capital Fund of the Tribunal, in order to provide the Tribunal with the necessary financial means, in the event of temporary shortfalls in
funds, to deal with cases
[...] whenever the cost could not be met from case-related costs or from the transfer [...]
of funds between appropriation sections (SPLOS/L.28).
各项主要差异包括:(a) 通过经常 预算从联合国妇女署中所得到部 经费 的 补充数额;(b) 关于按照执行主任发布 的准则(第 1801 条)计算业务准备金数额的提案;(c) 关于澄清执行主任对委派 的责任仍需负责的修订案(第 202 条);(d) 在世界粮食署的财务条例和细则的财 务报表方面以条例 12.1 为依据,因为迄今只有该机构实施了国际公共部门会计 准则。
The main areas of deviation include: (a) additions to reflect the partial funding of UN-Women from assessed contributions through the regular budget; (b) a proposal for the level of operational reserves to be calculated in accordance with guidelines issued by the Executive Director (rule 1801); (c) amendments to clarify that the Executive Director would retain all accountability for delegated responsibilities (rule 202); and (d) the sourcing of regulation 12.1 in respect of financial statements from the Financial Regulations and Rules of the World Food Programme (WFP), the only entity to have implemented IPSAS to date.
对于博士生来说,一般由学校(通过助研助教或者培 经费 等形 式)或者学生的雇主提供财政资助。
For doctoral students, financial support is generally provided by or through the institution (assistantships, traineeships) or by the student’s employer.
在 2010-2011 两年期里,新委员会将共举行三届会议,即 2010 年在日内瓦
[...] 年在纽约举行两届,在扣除已为国际税务合作专家委员会两届会 议编列的 845 500 美经费后,所需会议服经费将增加 501 200 美元,分别为 2010-2011 两年期方案预算第 [...]
2 款(大会和经济及社会理事会事务和会议管理)的
481 200 美元和第 28 D 款(中央支助事务厅其他支助事务)的 20 000 美元。
For the three sessions of the meetings of the new committee to be held in the biennium 2010-2011, that is, one session in Geneva in 2010 and two sessions to be held in New York in 2011, additional conference-servicing requirements of $501,200 would arise,
comprising of $481,200 under
[...] section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs [...]
and conference management, and
$20,000 under section 28D, Office of Central Support Services, for other support services, of the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, after deducting the existing provision of $845,500 provided to the two sessions of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters.
为了尽量减少这些增加,又在仔细评估可能可以提高效率的基础上,提议减 少某些预算项目经费,如 会议临时助理人员、A 编“经常性支出”下一般临时 人员费用和加班费、杂项服务及收费(包括银行手续费)、特别服务费(外部审计)、 及外部印刷和装订费(见第 26、60、75、77、78、90、92 和 96 段)。
In order to minimize these increases and on the basis of a careful assessment of possible ways to optimize efficiency, decreases are proposed in certain budget lines, such as temporary assistance for meetings, general temporary assistance and overtime under Part A, “Recurrent expenditure”, miscellaneous services and charges (including bank charges), special services (external audit) and external printing and binding (see paras. 26, 60, 75, 77, 78, 90, 92 and 96).
但委员会关注的 是,此种增加不足以消除贫困和不平等现象,而且由于缺乏前后一贯的预算分析
[...] 和儿童权利影响评估,因此难以确定为缔约国各地的儿童拨出了多 经费 , 也 难 以确定这种情况能否切实执行对儿童有影响的政策和立法。
Nevertheless, the Committee is concerned that the increases are not sufficient to eradicate poverty and tackle inequalities and that the lack of consistent budgetary analysis and child rights
impact assessment makes it difficult to
[...] identify how much expenditure is allocated [...]
to children across the State party and whether
this serves to effectively implement policies and legislation affecting them.
在某些情况下未能完全执行计划是因为上 经费 缩 减,以及一些市的官僚障 碍和预算赤字――这些地方需要开展合作,才能成功执行该计划。
Incomplete implementation of the plan in some cases is due to the aforementioned cutbacks, as well as bureaucratic barriers and budget deficits in some of the municipalities where cooperation is required for the successful implementation of the plan.
本报告是应财务委员会在国际海底管理局第十七届会议上提出的请秘书长 提供一份关于采用国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则)的利弊的报告,包 括其所经费问题 ,以及采用计划的要求(见 ISBA/17/A/3-ISBA/17/C/3,第 11 段)编写的。
The present report has been prepared in response to the request of the Finance Committee at the seventeenth session of the International Seabed Authority for a report on the advantages and disadvantages for the Authority of adopting the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), including the financial implications of adoption and an implementation plan (see ISBA/17/A/3ISBA/17/C/3, para. 11).
大会在第 63/248 号决议第四节第 12 段中请秘书长加紧努力解决同一节第 10
[...] [...] 段所述问题,特别是大会第六十二届会议期间第五委员会续会第二期会议审议的 文件所遇到的问题,包括召开为研究此事成立的工作队会议,提出有关维持和经费筹措文件的临时报告,通过会议委员会 2009 年组织会议向大会报告为解决 该问题举行的协商和采取的行动的结果,以便第五委员会续会第二期会议审议该 [...] [...]
In section IV, paragraph 12, of its resolution 63/248, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to enhance his efforts to address the problem cited in paragraph 10 of the same section, particularly as experienced with documentation considered at the second resumed session of the Fifth Committee during the sixtysecond session of the General Assembly, including convening the task force
formed to study the
[...] matter, to provide an interim report on documentation concerning peacekeeping financing, to report [...]
on the results of
those consultations and actions taken to solve the problem to the General Assembly, through the Committee on Conferences at its organizational session for 2009, in order for the Fifth Committee to consider the report at its second resumed session, and to provide a comprehensive report to the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session through the Committee on Conferences.
缔约国应考虑按照《巴黎原则》( 大会第48/134 号决议) 设立一个具有广泛人权职 责的国家人权机构,使其在落实人权政策和各条约机构的建议方面起到协调作 用,并向其提供运行必需经费和人 力资源。
The State party should consider establishing a national human rights institution, with broad competence in the area of human rights and equipped to play a role in the coordination and implementation of human rights policies and the implementation of recommendations by treaty bodies, and providing it with the necessary financial and human resources to enable it to work in accordance with the Paris Principles (General Assembly resolution 48/134).
经费渠道 的项目因为同一项目有不同 经费 来 源 ,在列出时标明了各自的多 渠道项目号、项目名称和不经费来 源 的总金额。
Multifund projects, where various funding sources exist for the same project, are listed with their respective multiple project numbers, the project title and the total amounts from various funding sources.




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