单词 | 经贸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 经贸 noun —trade nExamples:首都经贸大学—Capital University of Business and Economics, Beijing 对外经济贸易大学—University of International Business and Economics 国家经济贸易委员会—State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) See also:贸 n—trade n • commerce n
为与我司称重显示器并用的经贸易结 算认证的称重系统及称重平台提供相应的Welmec认证文件及图版套件。 diniargeo.cn | Kit of plates and Welmec form for the approval of the system [...] for legal for trade use, for each [...]provided platform/weighing system, connected to Dini Argeo indicator. diniargeo.com |
元首们主张进一步加强上合组织地区 经贸 和 投 资合作,包括发挥本组织观察 员国和对话伙伴的潜力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Heads of State have called for a [...] further increase in economic, trade and investment [...]cooperation in the SCO region, including [...]making use of the capacity of observer States and dialogue partners. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国将继续加强与其他国家互利共 赢的经贸合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | China would continue to enhance its [...] win-win brand of economic and trade cooperation with [...]other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
白俄罗斯-古巴经贸合作 委员会每年都举行会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Belarus-Cuba [...] Joint Commission on Trade and Economic Relations meets [...]each year. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种补贴以投资者和经贸部之 间的协议为基础, 只有在本年度中创造了新的就业岗位或者在指定 的投资明细中进行投资的企业才可以享受本不 贴。 paiz.gov.pl | This subsidy is granted on the basis of an agreement between the investor and the Minister of Economy. paiz.gov.pl |
在上述栏目中刊登和发表信息属博信欧 亚 经贸 中 心的免费服务项目, 国内外读者均可使用上述信息!竭诚欢迎来函表明您的愿望和刊登您 的信息广告。 maxicom.de | Maxicom provides the service of publishing these offers free of charge, even to newsletter readers at home and abroad. maxicom.de |
自1990年中国和新加坡建交以来,两国各领域合作快速发展 , 经贸 领 域 的合作取得了丰硕成果。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Since China and Singapore established diplomatic [...] relations in 1990, our cooperation in various fields has grown [...] rapidly, and our economic cooperation and trade have flourished. english.sccci.org.sg |
然而在过 去几年里,中国与柬埔寨的政治和 经贸 联 系日益加 强,中国政府高层对柬埔寨的水力发电项目计划也 [...] 表示支持。 banktrack.org | Over the past several years, however, [...] China’s political and economic ties with Cambodia [...]have strengthened and the Chinese government [...]has indicated high-level support for Cambodia’s hydropower plans. banktrack.org |
改善农业的方案将包括打击非法侵占土地行为、调整土 [...] 地使用权以使更多人能使用土地的方案、制定公共教育方案以推 广经 贸用语,使农民获得在国际市场上从事贸易的机会,调整农业扩展服 [...]务以满足自由贸易对农产品的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Agricultural improvement will include programmes to combat praedial larceny, restructuring land tenure practices to enable greater access [...] to land, developing public [...] education programmes for economic trade literacy, enabling [...]farmers to access business opportunities [...]on the global market, and restructuring agricultural extension services to service the demands of agriculture in the context of free trade. daccess-ods.un.org |
1997年至2006年,各民主党派中央在全国政协会议上作大会发言(包括书面发言)370余次(份),内容涉及改革、发展、稳定等一系列重大问题,如加快产业结构优化升级、大力推行循环经济发展、重视灾害的社会管理和加紧应急体系建设、维护和保障农民工的合法权益、完善社会保障体系、加强农村文化建设、保障教育特别是基础教育的投入、积极推进民办教育、加强公共卫生体系建设、坚决反对分裂和促进祖国统一、发展两 岸 经贸 交 流 等。 manchester.china-consulate.org | From 1997 to 2006, central committee representatives of the democratic parties spoke (including handing in written speeches) 370 times at meetings of the CPPCC National Committee, addressing a series of significant issues relating to reform, development and social stability, such as accelerating the optimization and upgrading of industrial structures, promoting the development of cyclic economy, paying due attention to the management of disasters and the establishment of an emergency response system, safeguarding and guaranteeing the legitimate rights of migrant workers, improving the social security system, strengthening cultural construction in rural areas, securing inputs into education, especially basic education, proactively promoting education run by private sectors, accelerating the construction of the public health system, [...] promoting reunification of the motherland and opposing secession, and [...] developing cross-Straits economic and trade exchanges. manchester.china-consulate.org |
出席开幕礼的还有中国驻意大利大使馆文化参赞张建达先生、欧共 体 经贸 事 务 香港特派代表柏志高先生、新加坡艺术馆的 Kwok Kian-chow [...] 先生、新加坡国家艺术理事会主席 Edmund Cheng 先生、理事长 Lee Suan-hiang [...]先生、澳门艺术博物馆的吳卫鸣先生、吳方洲先生、朱焯信先生、澳门艺术家呂泽強先生,以及多位来自香港艺术界的朋友,包括梁志和先生、黃志恆女士、Tobias Berger 先生、刘锦绫女士、艺发局行政总裁茹国烈先生。 venicebiennale.hk | Also joining the ceremony were Mr Zhang Jian-da, Cultural Attache of the People's Republic of China in Italy; Mr [...] Duncan Pescod, Special Representative [...] for Hong Kong, Economic and Trade Affairs to the European [...]Communities; Mr Kwok Kian-chow, [...]Director of Singapore Art Museum; Mr Edmund Cheng, Chairman of National Arts Council and its CEO, Mr Lee Suan-hiang; Mr Ung Vai-meng, Director of the Macao Museum of Art; Mr Ng Fong Chao and Mr James Chu of Macao Museum of Art; Mr Lui Chak-keong, artist of Macao Pavilion; Mr Louis Yu, Chief Executive of the ADC's Administrative Office and friends of the Hong Kong arts community, just to name a few, Mr Leung Chi-wo, Ms Sara Wong, Mr Tobias Berger and Ms Catherine Lau. venicebiennale.hk |
在外经贸部更 名为商务部(MOFCOM)后,王润生先生出任计财司副司长、规划财务司副司长、财务司副司长和对外援外司副司长,后在2007年离开商务部前往中国对外贸易中心任职,现任中国对外贸易中心副主任,中心(集团)总经理(正司级)。 hamburg-summit.com | Later, he joined the Ministry of [...] Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM), his posting included the Deputy Director [...]General of Department of Finance and Planning, Deputy Director General of Department of Finance and Deputy Director General of Department of Aid to Foreign Countries. hamburg-summit.com |
正如我上个月在北京说到的,中美 经贸 关 系 对两国乃至整个世界都有巨大的重要性。 embassyusa.cn | As I said last month in Beijing, [...] the U.S.-China economic and trade relationship is [...]of immense importance to both countries [...]and indeed to the entire world. eng.embassyusa.cn |
总商会为会员提供多种交流平台、以便分享丰富的资源和商机,并共同建设极具影响力的世界华商网络, 为 经贸 、 教育、文化和社会发展作出贡献。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | These members together provide vast resources and opportunities which enable the SCCCI to develop an influential global Chinese business network for business, education, culture and community development. english.sccci.org.sg |
单个称重平台的称重系统是经贸易结 算认证的。 diniargeo.cn | The weight of the [...] single platform is legal for trade. diniargeo.com |
澳大利亚中国工商业委员会新南威尔士州分会在这个澳大利亚经济最有活力的省州拥有200 多家会员企业,一直走在澳中经贸关 系 的最前沿。 australiachina.com.au | With over 200 members operating from the most economically vibrant state in Australia, the New South Wales (NSW) branch of the Australia China Business Council has been at the forefront of business relations with China. australiachina.com.au |
本 议程根据《阿克拉协议》第204 段制定,并于2010年7 月经贸易和发展理事会 第五十届执行会议批准。 daccess-ods.un.org | The agenda was prepared in accordance with [...] paragraph 204 of the Accra Accord and was [...] approved by the Trade and Development [...]Board at its fiftieth executive session, in July 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
值此机会, 我谨向澳大利亚中国工商业委员会和Roxby Media Australia致以衷心的感谢,感谢他们长期以来为促进中 澳 经贸 关 系 发展所做卓有成效的贡献。 australiachina.com.au | I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the Australia China Business Council and Roxby Media Australia for the longstanding and fruitful efforts and good contribution they have made in promoting China-Australia business relations. australiachina.com.au |
参加此次论坛的除了有来自中国经济体制改革研究会、国家发展与改革委员会、国务院研究室、国家行政学院、中国行政体制改革研究会、中国社会科学院、中央财经大学、首 都 经贸 大 学 以及中国劳动关系学院的代表,还有部分省市研究机构和大学的代表。 norway.org.cn | Forum participants included persons from: China Society of Economic Reform; National Development and Reform Commission; Research Office of the State Council; Chinese Academy of Governance; China Society of Administrative Reform; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Central University of Finance and Economics; Capital University of Economics and Business; China Institute of Industrial Relations. norway.cn |
2003 年《大陆与香港关于建立更紧密经贸 关 系 的安排》(CEPA) 是中国大陆与香港共同努力,加强 [...] 经济联系的重要推动因素;加强合作的领域包括对原产地为香港的货物实行免关税贸易、向在中国大陆各个 行业中的香港服务提供商提供特惠待遇,以及为其贸易和投资提供方便。 euccc.com.cn | CEPA, the "Mainland and [...] Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" [...]of 2003 is a central pillar of the combined effort [...]of mainland China and Hong Kong to strengthen economic ties, including tariff-free trade in goods of Hong Kong origin, preferential treatment of Hong Kong-based service providers in mainland China for various industries as well as trade and investment facilitation. euccc.com.cn |
通过电子政务系统的建设,促进各级质检机关向管理服务型转变,提高质量监督检验检疫执法的透明度,形成全国统一的质检大网络,促进质检系统执法电子化、信息化,为生产企业和 外 经贸 企 业带来更大的方便与效益,加大打击假冒伪劣的力度,更有效地规范市场经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展。 surekam.com | The construction of an e-government system will facilitate the transformation of quality inspection authorities at all levels into management-oriented service institutions, make quality supervision, inspection and quarantine enforcement more transparent, build a nationwide unified quality inspection network, enable electronic and IT-based enforcement in quality inspection authorities, provide more convenience and benefits [...] for producers and enterprises [...] engaged in foreign trade and economic cooperation, intensify [...]the fight against fake and forged [...]commodities, better regulate the order of market economy and boost the development of socialist market economy. surekam.com |
其他与会嘉宾包括永丰银行董事长邱正雄、中国投资公司监事长金立群、清华大学经管学院Freeman 讲席教授李稻葵、中国原外经贸部副 部长龙永图,以及泰丰资本创始人兼首席执行官史若天。 deloitte.com | Other panel speakers were Chairman of SinoPac Paul Chiu, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of China Investment Corporation Jing Liqun, Professor of Tsinghua University Li Daokui, Former Vice Minister of MOFTEC Long Yongtu, and Founder & CEO of Terra Firma Tim Pryce. deloitte.com |
中国工 博会自1999年创办以来,历经十三年发展创新,通过市场化、专业化、国际化、品牌化运作,已发展成为通过UFI认 证、中国装备制造业最具影响力的国际工业品牌展,是我国工业领域面向世界的一个重要窗口 和 经贸 交 流 合作平台。 par-anoia.net | Started since 1999,CIIF became a leading event of equipment manufacturing industry in China which approved by UFI and also an important vehicles and cooperative platform between China’s Industrial insides and global magnates. par-anoia.net |
冠亚名表城(上海)贸易有限公司亚洲销售经理杨明强(Kinson Eav)先生、东方新天地东方经贸城及公寓租务及业务发展总经理蒋领峰先生、故宫博物院副院长陈丽华女士、中国钟表协会副主席汪孟晋先生以及瑞士驻华使馆的代表也作为嘉宾出席了当天的活动。 vacheron-constantin.com | Among the many personalities invited to the ceremony were Mr Kinson Eav, [...] Executive Director of Asia [...] Commercial Time City (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd, Mr Tom Cheung, Leasing and Business Development General Manager of the Malls [...]Tower Offices and [...]Apartments, Mrs Chen Lihua, Deputy Director of the Palace Museum, Mr Wang Mengjin, Vice Chairman of the China Horologe Association, and representatives of the Swiss embassy in China. vacheron-constantin.com |
本次奖项由顾问小组监督,小组成员包括香 港 经贸 办 事处 (HKETO)处长 Agnes Allcock、英中贸易协会 [...] (CBBC) 主席 David Brewer 先生、香港协会主席 Baroness Dunn、汇丰银行集团主席 Douglas [...]Flint、英国贸易投资署(UKTI)首席执行官 Nick Baird、国泰航空首席执行官 John Slosar 以及英国韦鸣恩勋爵阁下。 bsigroup.cn | The awards are overseen by an advisory panel which [...] includes Agnes Allcock, Director [...] General of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO), [...]Sir David Brewer, Chairman of the [...]China Britain Business Council (CBBC), Baroness Dunn, Chairman of The Hong Kong Association, Douglas Flint, Group Chairman of HSBC, Nick Baird, Chief Executive of UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), John Slosar, Chief Executive of Cathay Pacific and The Right Honourable Lord Wei of Shoreditch. bsigroup.ca |
中国国际贸易促进委员会建筑材料行业分会是我国建材行业对外开展贸易促进的权威机构,始终致力于推动中外企业之间的交流与合作,具有成熟的***渠道及良好的国际声誉,与世界100多个国家和地区的工商企业界建立了广泛 的 经贸 联 系 渠道;中国石材协会是我国最具权威和话语权的专业石材机构,涵盖石材矿山、石材加工、石材应用护理、石材贸易与流通、科研、石材专业检测等方面,在政府和企业之间发挥着重要的桥梁和纽带作用;北京华港展览有限公司作为专业的展览主办,拥有丰富的海内外展览资源和推广途径。 kunlunslate.com | China Council for the promotion of International Trade Building Materials Industry Association China's building materials industry authority for developing foreign trade promotion, has always been committed to promoting exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and foreign companies, with a mature * * * channels and a good [...] international reputation, to establish a [...] wide range of economic and trade channels of communication [...]with the world more than [...]100 countries and areas of the business community; China Stone Association is a professional stone institutions of China's most authoritative and discourse right, covering the stone mining, stone processing, the application of nursing, stone stone trade and circulation, scientific research, stone professional detection etc., play an important bridge and link between the government and enterprises; the Ciec Exhibition Company Limited as a professional organizer, with overseas exhibition and promotion of rich resources. kunlunslate.com |
会议将由以下人士共同主持:龙永图先生,国际资本峰会联合主席;原中国 外 经贸 副 部长;中国入世谈判的首席谈判代表;博鳌亚洲论坛前秘书长;参议员让-皮埃尔•拉法兰(Jean-Pierre Raffarin)先生,国际资本峰会联合主席;法国参议院副议长;法国前总理;柳传志先生,国际资本峰会联合主席;联想控股有限公司董事长,联想集团创始人和名誉董事长;中国企业家俱乐部(CEC)理事长。 internationalca...lconference.com | The conference will Co-Chaired by Mr Long Yongtu, Co-Chairman, ICC; former Vice Minister of Commerce, China; Chief Negotiator for China's WTO accession; Former Secretary General, Boao Forum For Asia; Senator Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Co-Chairman, ICC; Vice President, French Senate; former Prime Minister, France and Mr Liu Chuan Zhi, Co-Chairman, ICC; Chairman, Legend Holdings Ltd; Founder & Honorary Chairman, Lenovo; Chairman, China Entrepreneur Club (CEC). internationalca...lconference.com |
8月13日,上海——历经四个多月的激烈角逐,来自成都电子科技大学的"智能插线板"项目、对 外 经贸 大 学的"快停100"手机App项目,以及北京大学的"答题捐赠"微公益项目在2012"博世创新挑战赛"中胜出,分别获得了"科技创新"、"商业创新"、"慈善创新"三个组别的大奖。 bosch.com.cn | August 13th, Shanghai – After series of fierce competitions over four months, three innovative champion teams stood out in the final of Bosch "Thinking Ahead" Innovation Competition 2012: "Smart Socket" from Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology, "Quick Parking 100" App from University of International Business and Economics and "Donation by Answering" from Peking University won the awards respectively for "Technology Innovations", "Business Innovations" and "Charity Innovations". bosch.com.cn |
刘方先生于2002年获得对外经贸大学 MBA学位,同年8月加入中国家乐福并任家乐福大北区百货采购总监,负责黄河以北所有门店百货的采购工作(百货在家乐福里叫BAZAAR [...] DIVISION)。 luxury-outlook.com | Mr. Liu Fang graduated from University of China [...] International Business and Economics with an MBA degree [...]in 2002 and during the same year, he [...]joined Carrefour China as the Purchasing Director of Northern China with BAZAAR Division. luxury-outlook.com |