

单词 经营场址

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 经过合理努力未能根据(a)或(b)项实 施递送时,递送到收件人最后已营 业 地址。
(c) at the addressee’s last-known place of business or address, if after reasonable efforts delivery cannot be effected in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b).
综上所述,现对第 2(1)(b)条的案文提出如下建议:“递送到惯常住所 营 业 地或 收件人为接收此种通知而指定的址 , 即 视为 经 收 到
All this leads to the following proposal for the text of article 2 (1) (b): “deemed to have been received if it is delivered at the
habitual residence,
[...] place of business or at an address designated by the addressee for the purpose of receiving such a notice.
经过合理努力未能根据第 1 款将通知送到的,该通知发到收件人最后 已营业地或地址,即视为经送到
If, after reasonable efforts, delivery of the notice under paragraph 1
failed, the notice is deemed to have been
[...] received if it is sent to the addressee’s last known place of business or address.
在欧经委会 区域, 含铅油漆和石棉等过去遗留的化学物以及有害废 场址 构 成进一步的问题。
In the ECE region, additional challenges were posed by legacy chemicals, such as lead paints and asbestos, and by hazardous waste sites.
由于我们经营历史 较短、财力资源有限、 场 认 可 度有限、市场竞争激烈以及在APDN呈送美国证券交易委员会的报告(包括2011年12月8日提交的10-K表年报和后续的10-Q表季报)中详细描述的各种其他因素,实际结果可能与前瞻性表述中预测的结果有实质性差异。
Actual results could differ materially from
[...] those projected due to our short operating history, limited financial resources, [...]
limited market acceptance, market competition and various
other factors detailed from time to time in APDN's SEC reports and filings, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed on December 8, 2011 and our subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. APDN undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements to reflect new information, events or circumstances after the date hereof to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
客户使用“与我们联系”或“加密网页”服务时,即表示同意其所传资料(即电邮地址,客户姓名,公司名称,产业别,电话号码,传真号, 址 以 及其 他 经营 资 料 IP 位 址 , 计 算机及其链接的信息,如浏览器型号和作业系统版本,活动分析,互动历史,统一资源定位符(URL)序列的完整路径,即到达Extend Vision网页,在此网页浏览及离开)可在广告, 场 调 查以及网络行为与偏好调查的目的下,为提升由Extend Vision提供的服务质量,Extend Vision可将这些资料置于资料库,以显示客户名称的方式无限期使用及处理。
By the use of “Contact Us" or "Password Protected Page" services, the service user expresses consent on the unlimited use and
processing the details
[...] provided, such as e-mail address, name, surname, company name, industry, telephone number, fax number, address and other exploitation details (IP address), information about the computer and connection, such as the type of browser and operating system version, Web analytics, interaction history, uniform resource locator (URL) in opening, exploring and closing Extend Vision Website, used to provide advertising services, the research on the market, behaviour and preferences, [...]
the results of which
will serve to improve the quality of services provided by Extend Vision and their entry into a data base maintained by Extend Vision in the form of non-anonymised details.
[...] 人民的生活质量,从事清除瓦砾、打通道路、重建桥 梁、疏通运河、为境内流离失所营 地 准 备 场址 、为 建造学校和孤儿院清除场地、挖井等项目。
Our engineers are working diligently every day to improve the quality of life for communities across Haiti on projects such as removing rubble, clearing roads,
rebuilding bridges, cleaning canals,
[...] preparing sites for IDP camps, clearing areas to rebuild [...]
schools and orphanages, digging wells, and so on.
发牌制度对私营骨灰龛在多方面作规管,包括 场经营 者 使 用处所的权利、符合法定规定及地契条款、龛场管理和顾客权益保障等。
The licensing scheme will impose appropriate regulation on private columbaria in various
aspects, including the right of the
[...] columbarium operator to use the premises, compliance [...]
with all statutory requirements
and land lease conditions, management of niches and consumer protection.
核查小组注意到,四家氟氯化碳工厂 场址 都 已 经 有 一 个 HFC-23 销毁设施在运作, 或者正寻求获得一个销毁设施,从而从清洁发展组织处获得资金。
The verification team noted that all four CFC plants have either already had an HFC-23 destruction facility in operation on their premises, or are in the process of obtaining one in order to access funds from the CDM.
场址的营运者 、承包者和管制人员迄今取得了优异的安全记录。
The site operator, contractors [...]
and regulators so far achieved an excellent safety record.
保密信息"是指所有的数据(用户隐私声明的条款中定义的)存储使用的服务,包括但不限于计算机源代码,文件中包含的内容(例如,源代码,任何业务计划,概念,理念,诀窍,工艺,技术,方案,设计,公式,算法或工作正在进行中,任何工程,制造,营销,技术,财务,数据,或销售信息,定价或商业信息,以及任何其他信息或材料,无论是书面或图形,或任何其他形式),票发行,wiki内容,或任何其他专有信息,通过使用该服务,但不包括您的姓名,公司名称和/或标志,可用于网 经 理 拟 用于 场营 销 目 的的用户隐私声明的条款。
Confidential Information" means all of your Data (as defined in the Terms of User & Privacy Statement) stored using the Services including but not limited to computer source code, files and content contained within (e.g. source code, any business plan, concept, idea, know-how, process, technique, program, design, formula, algorithm or work-in-progress, any engineering, manufacturing, marketing, technical, financial, data, or sales information, pricing or business information, and any other information or materials, whether written, or graphic, or any other form), issue tickets, wiki content, or any other proprietary information created through use of the Services but
excluding your name, company and/or logo which may be used by
[...] Net-Managers.com for marketing purposes as contemplated by the
北京联通经营分析系统(ODS)处于商务管理层,依托于业务管理层的计费账务系统、业务管理系统、客户服务系统、结算系统和商务管理层的财务系统等系统,将客服、营业、财务、市场等多个系统提供的数据整合到统一的信息库,对庞大的数据量进行加载/清洗/转换、整合,对外提供查询、数据交互等功能,实现数据标准的统一和系统间的数据共享,为管理者提供 场 、 经营 等 全面的分析信息,是企业管理和决策强的有力依据。
    Beijing Unicom’s ODS system is at the business management layer (BML), which, on strength of the billing system, service management system, client service system and settlement system at the service management layer (SML), and financial system at BML,
integrates data from client service,
[...] sales, financial and marketing systems to a [...]
central information bank, loads/cleans/transforms
and integrates the massive data, and provides query and data interaction functions.
您不得在星巴经营场所或周围宣传 任何政治言论或个人观点或信仰(包括张贴或散发传单或其他资料),此外,您不得 [...]
You must not promote
[...] any political or personal views or beliefs [...]
(including by posting or distributing notices or other materials)
on or around Starbucks premises, and you may not indicate or suggest that you speak for Starbucks or that the company supports your views.
西经济和货币联盟(西经货联 盟)的次区域条例协调了成员国有关消耗臭氧层物质进 口、场营销、 使用和再出口的条例以及有关淘汰使用消耗臭氧层物质包括氟氯烃的设备 和氟氯烃设备的条例,进而控制了这些国家之间的流动。
The sub-regional regulation for
[...] the “Union Economique et Monétaire de l’Ouest Africain” (UEMOA) harmonizes the regulations of member countries concerning the importation, marketing, use and re-export [...]
of substances that
deplete the ozone layer and elimination of equipment using ODS, including HCFCs and HCFC-based equipment, thereby controlling movement among these countries.
2010: 成为瓦克全球涂料场经理, 同时负责 场营 销 与 发展战略。
2010: Became global coatings market manager and is currently responsible for strategic marketing development.
这在目前的档案资料转移功能-指针位置,从立案到缓冲区指针的位置,然后更新档案文件办理有效期从某个先前公开或创 经营 缓冲区地址,以及长度字节.
This function transfers data at the current file-pointer position from the file into the buffer and then updates
the file pointer position for a given valid file handle from a previous open
[...] or create operation, a buffer address, and a length in bytes.
零售业 巨头 Heiß 在全港拥有七家场,经营自主设计的商品和日韩 知名品牌,受到引领时尚人士的特别垂青。
And, with seven stores throughout the city, the fashion retail giant Heiß, which sells self-designed products and famous Korean and Japanese brands, is a must visit for those who want to stay ahead of trends.
(b) 采取最佳做法,避免或尽量减少危险废物的产生,并减少其毒性, 诸如采用更为清洁的生产方法或办法; (c) 提经批准 的属于以无害环境方式对废物,特别是危险废物实行管 理场址或设施。
(b) Best practice approach to avoid or minimize
[...] the generation of hazardous wastes and reduce their toxicity, such as the use of cleaner production methods or approaches
经过合 理努力之后,事实证明由于递送地 址不存在、原定收件人不在该地址、或者无法确认 收件人营业地 或住址,无法成功递送通知,可以 使用最后已知的邮寄址、营业地 或住址。
If, after reasonable effort, it had proven impossible to deliver a notice successfully because the
[...] [...] delivery address did not exist, the intended recipient was not at that location, or the recipient’s place of business or habitual residence could not be identified, the last known mailing address, place of business or habitual residence could be used.
(p) 矿物的国际买家、加工厂和消费者应支持刚果民主共和国东部的矿业逐步
[...] 实现非军事化,继续在刚果民主共和国和区域 场经营 , 同 时进行供应链尽职调查。
(p) International buyers, processors and consumers of minerals should support the progressive demilitarization of the mining sector in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo by
remaining engaged in the Democratic Republic of the
[...] Congo and regional markets while implementing [...]
supply chain due diligence.
塞尔维亚共和国的经济体制是基 于场经济、开放和自由的场、创 业自由 营 业 实 体独立及私营与其他类型的 资产平等。
The economic system in the Republic of Serbia is based on market economy, open and free market, freedom of entrepreneurship, independence of business entities and equality of private and other types of assets.
此书不仅面向设计工程师,还面向工 经 理 、 技术人员、系统设计师以及 场营 销 与 销售人员,通过超长的数学分析强调一般应用概念。
Written not only for design engineers but also for engineering managers, technicians, system designers and marketing and sales personnel, the book emphasizes general application concepts over lengthy mathematical analyses.
原子能机构仍在等待伊朗就原子能机构提出的提供与其宣布建造 10 座新铀 浓缩设施有关的进一步资料的要求作出实质性答复,这 10 座新浓缩设施的情况 是:据伊朗称,其中五座设施场址 已 经 确 定,其中一座设施将在当前伊朗年结 束(2011 年 3 月 20 日)或下一年开始前开始建造。
The Agency is still awaiting a substantive response from Iran to Agency requests for further information in relation to announcements made by Iran concerning the construction of ten new uranium enrichment facilities, the sites for five of which, according to Iran, have been decided, and the construction of one of which will begin by the end of the current Iranian year (20 March 2011) or the start of the next year.19,20 23.
牲畜市场销售和贸易也提供了就业机会,为 场经营者 和 相关行业经营者提供了收入,同时为当地行政当局和城市带来重要收入。
Livestock marketing and trade also provide employment and incomes for market operators and associated industry operators, while generating important revenues for local administrations and municipalities.
若纳税人业经营地址不止 一处,且在每处所雇用的员工超过三个月,则必须按各处所雇用员工的薪 酬的比例将其征税基础按各地区之间进行分配。
Taxpayers carrying out business activities in more than one region by employing personnel in each region for more than 3 months must apportion their taxable base between the regions on the basis of the remuneration paid to personnel employed in each region.
发布会上公布,由德国政府共同开发编制的DGNB覆盖绿色生态、建筑经济、建筑功能与社会文化等建筑全产业链,对建筑的生态 经 济 、 技术、过程 场址 及 社 会与功能等六大方面进行全面评估。
The press conference stated that DGNB, developed with the support of the German government, covered the overall building industry chain involving green ecology, building economy, building function and social culture and was intended to comprehensively
assess the six aspects of buildings such
[...] as ecology, economy, technology, process, site as well as society [...]
and function.
地理信息系统中心还正在使用光学和雷达 卫星图像,查明潜在的地表水资源,支持联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团的业 务需要,营地选址开展 复杂的地形分析(联合国南苏丹特派团),并为通信 塔选址(联合国利比亚支助团)。
The GIS Centre is also using optical and radar satellite images to identify potential groundwater resources to support the operational needs of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara,
perform complex
[...] terrain analysis for campsite selection (United Nations Mission in South Sudan) and selection of sites for [...]
telecommunication towers
(United Nations Support Mission in Libya).
根据上述的196/2003法令第7条,内容如下,您有权对您的数据进行访问、获取,并进行即时更新或取消任何违反法律的处理,有权反对将您的数据作为商业或广告用途,并可以申请得到数据处理负责人的完整列表,获得此列表可致信给Util Industries S.p.A - 市场营销处,地址为意大利,维拉诺瓦阿斯蒂市(阿斯蒂省),乔万尼二十三号大街, 邮编14019,或发送邮件至 info@util.it。
In accordance with Art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 as specified above, which is reported in full below, you have the right to access your data, obtain, without delay, updates or cancellation for any handling which breaches the law, object to the handling of your data for commercial or advertising purposes and request a complete and updated list of all the Data Managers, by writing to Util Industries S.p.A. - Sales & Marketing Office, Via Giovanni XXIII 14019 Villanova d’Asti (AT - Asti) Italy, or by sending an email to info@util.it.




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