单词 | 经络 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 经络 —energy channels (in Chinese medicine)Examples:神经网络—neural network
运用古老的推拿手法,作用于全身的 经络 、 穴 位,有助于恢复机体能量,达到解除疲劳,放松肌肉, 改善组织代谢。 horizonsanya.com | Using the ancient Chinese Tui Na massage on the whole body, helps to recover energy, release fatigue, relax muscles, and improve tissue circulation. horizonsanya.com |
SPA目录旨在通过脊柱养护和经络疏通,促进气血流通、增强人体活力。 sunislandclub.com | The Spa menu is designed to help you achieve good circulation and vitality through reconditioning the spine and unblocking the meridians. sunislandclub.com |
八个动作与经络和内 脏器官相关,如肝、胃、脾和心脏。 sunislandclub.com | Each of the eight movements is associated with the meridians and [...] inner organs, such as the liver, stomach, [...]spleen and heart. sunislandclub.com |
腕管综合症又称为迟发性正中神经麻痹,属于"累积性创伤失调"症,是指人体的正中神经进入手掌部 的 经络 中 , 受到压迫后产生的食指、中指疼痛、麻木和拇指肌肉无力感等症侯。 cn.iherb.com | The compression can cause tingling and numbness in parts of the hands. iherb.com |
使用中国传统独特的推拿技术加民间秘方中草药和天然香精植物油,直接作用于人体局部软组织肌肉、肌腱、韧带拉伤粘连或劳损僵硬部位,运用按摩使药效渗透到皮下组织入 循 经络 , 加 强促进损伤组织的修复,并改善血液淋巴循环、舒筋活络、解除痉挛萎缩。 horizonsanya.com | Uses Chinese traditional Tui Na massage combined with Chinese herbal and natural plant essential oil, to massage on muscle, ligaments or stiff and fatigue parts of the body, with Tui Na massage, the herbal and essential oil will infiltrate into skin effectively, and accelerate repair injured tissue, improve blood and lymph circulation, relieve muscle spasm and atrophy. horizonsanya.com |
北京中医疑难病研究中心专家门诊部脊椎科经过无数次的临床反复研究,探索出了一套独特 的 经络 点 穴 和骨科复位的特殊手法,使变形的的脊椎骨能在较短的时间里得到恢复。 business-china.com | Beijing Chinese medicine difficult sickness research center expert outpatient clinic vertebra branch process did not have several times clinical repeatedly studies, explores set of unique channels and collaterals holes and orthopedics replacement special technique, caused distortion spine could obtain restoration in shorter time. business-china.com |
豪华KTV、夜总会专为高品位人士打造欢笑、轻松、惬意和舒展歌喉的空间;设施完善的健身房提供自然、健康的氛围,集中式、泰式按摩为主的按摩房,为您疏 通 经络 , 调 和气血,拂去旅途的疲劳;热气腾腾的桑拿房,将唤醒身上的每一个细胞,尽情释放您心中的压力与劳累;您还可以畅游在那清澈见底的游泳池,躺在白色的沙滩椅上,呼吸那带着淡淡花香的空气,尽情享受阳光的沐浴 pachotel.com | Deluxe KTV, nightclubs designed to create high-quality people laughter, relaxed, comfortable and stretch the space of the voice; well-equipped gymnasium to provide natural, healthy atmosphere, [...] centralized, Thai massage-based massage room for you [...] to clear the meridians, to reconcile [...]blood, brushed the fatigue of the journey; [...]steaming sauna, will awaken every cell of the body, enjoy the release of stress and fatigue of your mind; you can also swim in the crystal clear swimming pool, lying on a white beach chair breathing that with the delicate fragrance of the air, enjoy the sun bathing! pachotel.com |
答: 针灸采用的针乃特别制造,通常针身只有0.2mm-0.3mm,比头发丝还要幼;加 上 经络 美 容 采用的针灸手法,施针只会落在皮肤表面上,所以施针时受针者几乎没有感觉,除非受针者本身神经紧张令肌肉收缩,才会有少许感觉。 webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk | Q: An acupuncture needle is specially made and it’s only 0.2mm-0.3mm in [...] diameter, thinner than human hair. Moreover, the [...] acupuncture meridian beauty practice [...]only applies needles to the surface of [...]the skin, so that patients barely feel anything except muscle contraction caused by the nerves. webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk |
公司正在使企业网络经理陷 入其内容分发网络的圈子,这样它们能够测量整个互联网上其应用的实施情况。 akamai.cn | The company is letting enterprise network managers tap into its content-delivery network so they can gauge how their applications are performing across the Internet. akamai.com |
该网络经更新的网站(www.imcsnet.org/)将协助渔业执法官员进行国际联络,获得并交换信 息。 daccess-ods.un.org | The updated website of the Network (www.imcsnet.org) [...] would assist fisheries law enforcement officers in making international [...]contacts and obtaining and exchanging information. daccess-ods.un.org |
这包括参与多捐助方对苏丹南部预防冲突和建设和平工作的评 价,和共同主持评价小组一次由三个主要评价网络(人道主义行动问责和绩效动 态学习网络、经济合 作与发展组织发展援助委员会(经合组织发援会)评价网络和 联合国/评价小组海地地震反应评价)参加的会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | This included participating in the multi-donor Southern Sudan evaluation of conflict prevention and peacebuilding and co-chairing an Evaluation Group meeting of three main evaluation networks: the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC) Evaluation Network, and the United Nations/Evaluation Group Haiti earthquake response evaluations. daccess-ods.un.org |
借助这一网络,经济研 究工作得到了协调和/或合作开展。 wipo.int | WIPO also [...] coordinates a network of IP office economists, through which economic research [...]work is coordinated and/or collaboratively conducted. wipo.int |
/ 商业协会网络、投资促进机构网络、国际会计和报告 准则网络、经营技 术网络、决策者网络( 知识产权) 以及公司治理――环境、社会 [...] 和治理问题网络。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the area of investment and enterprise, UNCTAD has developed the online and interactive World Investment Network, which now includes more than 7,000 individual [...] contacts, and consists of nine [...] professional networks of experts, namely the IIA network, [...]the Investment Statistics Network, [...]the Investment Academic Network, the TNC/Business Association Network, the IPAs Network, the ISAR Network, the Empretec Network, the Policymaker Network (IPR), and the Corporate Governance–ESG Network. daccess-ods.un.org |
自2004年底流媒体平台建成以来,(原)北京网通本地 IP 网 络经 历 了 几次大的调整与改造,使得依托于其上的CDN网络就近选择状况发生很大变化,对流媒体业务的分发质量产生了很大的影响,因此迫切需要CDN网络随之进行适应性调整与改造;其次,在宽带接入用户数量迅猛增长的背景下,流媒体业务随之迅速发展,特别是直播业务的大量开展和新业务的不断涌现,流媒体系统对直播业务的支撑能力表现不足,对新业务的支持能力灵活性不够;流媒体业务发展带来了业务种类的激增,对于业务管理及管理自动化提出了更高的要求,使得系统管理功能需要进一步优化与增强;另外,为配合集团SCDN网的部署,需要进一步发展完善流媒体平台中心节点。 surekam.com | Since the streaming media platform was established at the end of 2004, [...] the local IP network of former China [...]Netcom Beijing has undergone several big [...]adjustments and upgrading, to make CDN network relying on it change a lot for near selection conditions, greatly affecting distribution quality of streaming media services, thus it is urgently required to carry out adaptability adjustment and reconstruction for CDN network. surekam.com |
亮点: 灵活,可靠的集群无线网络 经过验证的可靠性 成本效益 高效网络 - 决策最大限度地利用无线电频谱 模块化设计 - 便于扩展 邮电部1327范围广泛的集群功能 [...] 开放式集群协议 - 不是私有 概述 一个可靠,高性能通信系统是非常重要的业务,无论您的员工都在动,在一个城市之间或国家工作地点分散或沟通。 china-environmental.com | Highlights: Flexible, dependable [...] trunked radio networks Proven reliability Cost-effective Efficient networks - making [...]maximum use of radio spectrum [...]Modular design - easily expandable Wide range of MPT 1327 trunked features Open trunked protocol - not proprietary Overview A reliable, high-performance communications system is vital to your business, whether your staff are on the move, communicating between worksites or scattered across a city or country. china-environmental.com |
2008-2009 两年期期间,该部的当前贷款为 21 637 [...] 笔,未清余额共计 1 930 万美元,由 17 个分支机构组成的网络经管。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the biennium 2008-2009, the Department maintained a portfolio of 21,637 active [...] loans, with an outstanding portfolio of $19.3 million, which were [...] administered through its network of 17 branch offices. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于FastSMP(TM)使用数字传输层,因此与基于分组的解决方案相比,FastSMP(TM)提供了更好的 网 络经 济 性 ,能在50毫秒内在有数千个节点的网络上从本地故障和远程故障中恢复,在许多情况下可比多协议标签交换快速重路由(MPLS [...] Fast [...]Re-Route)提供更好的保护。 tipschina.gov.cn | Since it utilizes the digital transport layer it [...] provides better network economics than packet-based [...]solutions and recovers from local [...]as well as remote failures across thousands of nodes within 50ms offering better protection than MPLS Fast Re-Route in many scenarios. tipschina.gov.cn |
传统无线只需要考虑与MSTP维护团队一个接口,考虑到无线 网 络经 常 需要调整带宽、增加载频、迁移站点等客观情况,在传送网络分组化后,无线和传送网之间保持唯一的维护接口是非常必要的,否则会导致大量的跨部门沟通成本上升,并会降低故障解决效率。 keywie.com | The traditional wireless only need to consider and MSTP maintenance [...] team to an interface, taking into account [...] the wireless network often need to [...]adjust bandwidth, carrier frequency, increased [...]migration sites and other objective conditions, the transport network packet of wireless transmission network, and keep only the maintenance interface is very necessary, otherwise it will lead to a lot of cross-functional communication costs rise, and can reduce troubleshooting efficiency. keywie.com |
在网络经济日益壮大的过程中,“发现、培育、摧毁”这个游戏循环的速度越来越快,影响越来越烈。 12manage.com | In the thickening [...] web of the Network Economy, the cycle of [...]"find, nurture, destroy" happens faster and more intensely than ever before. 12manage.com |
一些协调业务做法项目得到行动计划资助,一些是行政首长理事会在其附属 [...] 机制(即管理问题高级别委员会及其职司 网 络)经 常 议 程下发起的,在国家和全球 两级以及在采购、人力资源、财务和预算以及信息和通信技术等各个行政领域都 [...]实施的这些项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Business practice harmonization projects, both those funded by the Plan of Action and those initiated by CEB as part of the regular agenda of its subsidiary mechanisms, namely, [...] the High-level Committee on Management [...] and its functional networks, have proceeded [...]at both the country and global levels and [...]in every administrative area: procurement, human resources, finance and budget and information and communications technology. daccess-ods.un.org |
由联合国 63 个新闻中心组成的网络经常与 各国政府、非政府组织和学术界 [...] 合作,通过各种活动和交流工具促进不同文化、文明和宗教间对话。 daccess-ods.un.org | The network of 63 United Nations information [...] centres promotes dialogue among cultures, civilizations and religions through [...]a variety of activities and communication tools, often in partnership with Governments, non-governmental organizations and the academic community. daccess-ods.un.org |
保密信息"是指所有的数据(用户隐私声明的条款中定义的)存储使用的服务,包括但不限于计算机源代码,文件中包含的内容(例如,源代码,任何业务计划,概念,理念,诀窍,工艺,技术,方案,设计,公式,算法或工作正在进行中,任何工程,制造,营销,技术,财务,数据,或销售信息,定价或商业信息,以及任何其他信息或材料,无论是书面或图形,或任何其他形式),票发行,wiki内容,或任何其他专有信息,通过使用该服务,但不包括您的姓名,公司名称和/或标志,可用于 网 络经 理 拟 用于市场营销目的的用户隐私声明的条款。 net-managers.com | Confidential Information" means all of your Data (as defined in the Terms of User & Privacy Statement) stored using the Services including but not limited to computer source code, files and content contained within (e.g. source code, any business plan, concept, idea, know-how, process, technique, program, design, formula, algorithm or work-in-progress, any engineering, manufacturing, marketing, technical, financial, data, or sales information, pricing or business information, and any other information or materials, whether written, or graphic, or any other form), issue tickets, wiki content, or any other proprietary information created through use of the Services but [...] excluding your name, company and/or logo which may be used [...] by Net-Managers.com for marketing purposes as contemplated by the net-managers.com |
内 陆交通工程 :在公路 网络经过十年的逐步改造 后,内陆交通量 大大增 长。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inland transportation work: [...] After the road network has been renovated [...]progressively for a decade, the inland transportation [...]volume has increased remarkably. daccess-ods.un.org |
该调查报告只提供给网络经理和 其他指定的需此信息来履行其职责的工作人员。 embassyusa.cn | The survey reports are [...] available only to web managers and other [...]designated staff who require this information to perform their duties. eng.embassyusa.cn |
一些非政府组织还建议,未来的规划文件应较好地反应非政府组织通过其专门领域网 络、经验和 专业技术知识,在促进本组织目标的实现及其活动的影响方面可以做出的贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some NGOs also suggested that future planning documents should better reflect the contribution that non-governmental organizations can make, through their specialized field Part I (C) – page 4 unesdoc.unesco.org |
数据中心是支持当今全球网络经济最重要的资产之一。 emerson.com | Data centers are one of the most important assets that support [...] today's global networked economy. emerson.com |
。 不要解决问题: 在网络经济时 代,生产力不再是我们的瓶颈, 我们解决社会经济问题的能力,将主要受制于我们的想象力,这种想象力将不再用来寻找最佳方案,而是要致力于发现并抓住新的机会。 12manage.com | Our ability to solve our social and economic problems will be limited primarily by our lack of imagination in seizing opportunities, rather than trying to optimize solutions. 12manage.com |
应在《计划与预算》中确定并明确列出总部外 网 络经 费 充 足的主要来源,每个总部外办事 处都可以筹措预算外资金,用以扩大活动的影响和提高对会员国的实用性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Adequate core resources for the [...] financing of the field network shall be identified [...]and clearly set out in the Programme [...]and Budget, and each field office may mobilize extrabudgetary resources to achieve greater impact of action and relevance to Member States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他正在与下列机构联络: 经济合 作与发展组织(经合组织),因其修正了《多国企业准则》;国际金融公 司,因其修订了《业绩标准》;全球契约人权工作组,以确定最佳做法;欧洲联 盟委员会,该委员会正在探索确保欧洲企业在海外采取负责任的行为的方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | He is liaising with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as it updates its Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises; the International Finance Corporation as it revises its Performance Standards; the Human Rights Working Group of the Global Compact in identifying best practices; and the European Commission, which is exploring ways of ensuring responsible behaviour overseas by European firms. daccess-ods.un.org |
“安全理事会鼓励会员国和秘书长与地方妇女团体和 网 络经 常 保 持联 系,利用她们的知识、专门技能和资源,确保她们参与重建进程,尤其是在 [...] 决策级别。 un.org | The Security Council encourages Member States and the SecretaryGeneral to [...] maintain regular contacts with local women [...] organizations and networks, to utilize their [...]knowledge, expertise and resources and [...]to ensure their involvement in reconstruction processes, particularly at the decisionmaking level. un.org |