

单词 经籍

See also:

book or record
surname Ji
place of one's family or ancestral records

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会关注的是,由于对公民 身分有限制性要求,一些儿童可能成为或 经 成 为无 国 籍 者。
The Committee is concerned about
[...] children who, as a consequence of the restrictive citizenship requirements, risk being or are stateless.
[...] 祈祷团有瓜葛)在某一网站、Facebook网页、激进杂 志或者此类宗教集会上宣布新书或 经 典 文 籍 再 版的 发行。
Typically, the publishers, many of
them JIlinked, will announce a new book
[...] or a reprint of a classic on a website or [...]
Facebook page; in a radical magazine; or at one of these taklim.
在尼泊 尔,难民署为宪法改革提供技术咨询,倡导采取保障措施避免无 籍 状 态 ,并经修订的国籍提案提出意见。
In Nepal, UNHCR provided technical advice for the
Constitutional reform, advocating for
[...] safeguards against statelessness and providing comments on a revised citizenship proposal.
据当局收到的报告,经有许多外籍 工 人 失踪,许多人继续非法工作。
Many expatriate workers have been reported missing to the authorities and many continue to work illegally.
直到第四世纪中叶出现,但出现了一个拉丁之父为受教育者的拉丁基督教精神读书,这是自然的stichometry,编辑(也许是半官方)根据教宗利比里奥对于书商的价格控制,给出了圣塞浦路斯工程以及拉丁 经 的 书 籍。
Until the middle of the fourth century there had appeared but one Latin Father for the spiritual reading of the educated Latin Christian, and it is natural that the stichometry, edited (perhaps semi-officially) under Pope
Liberius for the control of booksellers' prices, gives the works of St. Cyprian as
[...] well as the books of the Latin Bible.
根据经为帮助外籍工人 而采取的措 施,阿尔及利亚鼓励该国政府考虑批准《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国 际公约》,并欢迎文莱达鲁萨兰国有意进一步审查批准的可能性。
In line with
[...] measures already taken in favour of foreign workers, Algeria [...]
encouraged the Government to consider ratifying
the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, and welcomed Brunei Darussalam’s intention to further examine the possibility of doing so.
此外,《阿尔及利 亚籍法》经过修 订后,承认阿尔及利亚国籍可由 母亲转入。
[...] the Algerian Nationality Code had been amended and now recognised transmission of Algerian nationality by the mother.
该米示拿(Yad.四著名通行的。五),其中提到的利未杂质而引起的通过触摸 经 的 书 籍 , 尤 其是节选的根从这些规定,是非常正确的神圣的布劳解释为是指不同程度的只:没有翻译可以,当然可以提出对原来的水平,与希伯来文。
The well-known passage in the Mishnah (Yad. iv. 5) which
mentions the Levitical impurity
[...] occasioned by touching Biblical books, and which especially [...]
excepts the Targum from these
provisions, has been very properly explained by Blau as referring to different degrees of sanctity only: no translation could, of course, be put upon the same level with the original Hebrew.
尽管由于选举后危机而流离失所的多数人过去一年里 经 回 到 原 籍 地 , 但是大 约 86 000 人仍然颠沛流离,其中多数居住在该国西部接纳他们的当地社区中。
Although the majority of people displaced by the post-elections crisis have returned to their places of origin over the past year, some 86,000 remain displaced, with the majority living in host communities in the western part of the country.
但在南北基伍若干地区,安全局势已经得 到逐步改善,经济活动随之活跃了起来;近 100 万名 境内流离失所者经返回其原籍地,戈玛周围的所有 主要境内流离失所者营地现在都已关闭。
But security has gradually improved in several territories in the Kivus and the economic tempo is picking up in consequence; close to one million internally displaced persons (IDPs) have returned to their areas of origin, and all the major IDP camps around Goma have now been closed.
这本书没有介绍任何新的概念,它只是概要总结了领域驱动设计的本质, 抽取了Eric Evans原书中关于这一主题的大部分内容,以及其他相关资料,包括 经 出 版的 书 籍 和 各 种领域驱动设计讨论群组等。
This book is a short, quickly-readable summary and introduction to the fundamentals of DDD; it does not introduce any new concepts; it attempts to concisely summarize the essence of what DDD is, drawing mostly Eric Evans' book, as well other sources since published such as Jimmy Nilsson's Applying Domain Driven Design, and various DDD discussion forums.
我们提供的籍包括52种经研读课程、祷告研习籍、一 本协助对抗“东方闪电”异端的错误教导的书籍、关于婚姻和家庭生活的 籍 、 儿 童的 经 故 事 书等等。
We have books such as 52 Bible study lessons, prayer study books, a book to help combat the false teaching of the Lightening from the East cult, books on marriage and family life, children's Bible story books, and many more.
是网络上最早开始经营电子商务的公司之一,亚马逊成立于1995年,一开始 经 营 网 络的 籍 销 售 业务,现在则扩及了范围相当广的其他产品,包括了DVD、音乐光碟、电脑、软件、电视游戏、电子产品、建筑石材衣服、家具等等。
On the Internet is the earliest start operating e-commerce
companies, Amazon was founded in 1995,
[...] initially only operating network books sales business, is [...]
now extended to a wide swath of other
products, including DVD, music CDs, computer, software, video games, electronic products, clothing, furniture, building stone.
随之而来的汇款的减少,也会对籍 国 中 的 经 济 、 社会和文化权 利,包括粮食保障,产生不利影响。
The subsequent decline in remittance flows may also have an adverse effect on economic, social and cultural rights in the country of origin, including food security.
2011-2012 年的经费包括前任庭长的教育补助金,而 2013-2014 年预算则包括现 任庭长休籍假的经费。
The 2011-2012 provision included an education grant for the former President while the 2013-2014 budget includes a provision for home leave for the current President.
内部创投模式,旨在发动全体员工参与,挖掘在公司规划的业务之外的创新和创意,通过评审,对有价值 的VC项目团队予以支持和孵化籍以 产 生 经 过 市 场和技术验证的比较成熟项目和市场机会。
The program is intended to mobilize all employees to pursue innovation beyond the planned business of the company, and support and incubate valuable VC project teams through review so as to produce mature projects proven by the market and technology as well as create market opportunities.
它还确认了让移民享有安全返回原籍 国的权利的重要性,以及增强籍国 经 济 、社会和 政治条件的必要性,因为这有助于它们兴旺发达。
It also recognized the importance of the right of migrants to return to
their countries of origin safely and the need
[...] to foster the economic, social and political [...]
conditions there that would help them to thrive.
2009 年第三季度,西班牙的从事经济活动人口总数为 22 993 500 人;年龄 在 16-64 岁之间的西班籍从事经济活 动人口比率为 73.9%。
The total number of economically active persons in Spain was 22,993,500 in the third quarter of 2009, placing the labour force participation rate for the population aged 16 to 64 at 73.9 per cent.
查阅微缩胶片、或是有电子复制品的资料,以及手写本和珍稀 籍 原 件 ,必 经 图 书 馆和档案服务局局长的批准。
The use of original sources of information whose microfilms and electronic copies are available, manuscripts, and peerless works of art is subject to the permission of the Director of Library and Archive Services.
[...] 的条件和标准均不会在法律和实践中歧视非国民中的特定群体,不论是根据其籍、经济情况、移徙或其他身份。
States should ensure that the conditions and criteria to choose alternative measures do not discriminate in law or practice against
particular groups of non-nationals, whether on the basis
[...] of their origin, economic situation, immigration [...]
or other status.
鉴于 2012 年 3 月 30 日《调查和籍法》已经生效 , 宪法法院决定终止关于伊泽特贝戈维奇总统所作挑战的诉讼。
Given the entry into force of the Law on Survey and Cadastre, on 30 March 2012, the Constitutional Court decided to terminate proceedings on President Izetbegovic’s challenge.
[...] 犯罪相关手段获取的任何物件,并且没收 籍 、 经 登 记 档案或其他文件,只要他 认为有可能构成起诉任何犯有上述罪行人员证据的物证。
The authorized officers also have the power to seize any article by means of or in
relation to which the offence has been
[...] committed and to seize books, registered records [...]
or other documents which in his opinion
may constitute evidence in relation to the prosecution of any person for any such offence.
在非洲,最主要的是在坦桑尼亚联合共和国,在那个国家内已有162,000名 布隆迪人归化籍,当地融合经成 为难民的一个切实可行的解决办法。
In Africa, most notably in the United Republic of Tanzania, where 162,000 Burundians were naturalized, local integration has emerged as a viable solution for refugees.
这些支持者的依据是:在一些中国历史 籍 中 经 常 提 到一些来自中国西北的部队装备着罗马式的盔甲,使用罗马式的战斗队形,即“鱼鳞阵” [...]
The supporters of this theory have
found some "solid" evidence in ancient
[...] Chinese historical books, in which it is [...]
not infrequently mentioned that some troops
from western China are equipped with Roman-styled armors and used Roman-styled fighting formation, namely, the fish-scale formation which is believed to be the "tortoise" phalanx formation perfected by legionnaries.
作为 该进程的一部分,卡塔尔将继续珍视更多的 籍 工 人 带来 经 济 效益而不是满 足这些工人及其受抚养人的保健、教育、住房和公共服务需求的费用以及其对 国家特征和文化的影响。
As a part of that process, Qatar will continue
[...] to weigh the economic benefits of greater numbers of expatriate workers against the [...]
costs of meeting the
health, education, housing and public service needs of those workers and their dependents, as well as their impact on national identity and culture.
在1999年的一个仍进行中的私人委托作品“珍珠”(Pearl) 中,Gill将朋友所送籍,经过一 轮艰辛的艺术提炼后,将书本变成一串串珠子,将这些文字变的可以触摸得到,从精神层面转换到身体层面。
In an ongoing series of private commissions begun in 1999, “Pearls,” Gill takes a book given by a friend or acquaintance and, through a painstaking act of artistic alchemy, returns the volume as a string of beads, making tactile these words transferred from mind to body.




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