

单词 经济落後

See also:


fall behind
lag (in technology etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

正 如 Sydeny Crawcour 评 论 , 日 本 具 有 成 功 作 出 至 为 重 要 的 早 期 措 施 的 能 力 , 这 能 力 使 它 从 其经 济 落 後家 区 别 出 来 。
As Sydeny Crawcour comments, it was Japan’s ability to take these crucial initial steps successfully that distinguished her from other economically backward countries.
日 本 能 够 成 功 地 采 取 这 些 决 定 性 的 第 一 步 , 正 是 这 种 能 力 使 它 能 从 其经 济 落 後家 中 区 别 出 来 。
1. it was Japan’s ability to take these crucial initial steps successfully that distinguished her from other economically backward countries.
The rebalancing of the (U.K.) economy has been significantly slower [...]
than expected and twin fiscal and current account deficits
appear to present significant challenges to (the pound's) safe-haven status," RBS says.
美 国 近 年 房 屋 与 就 业 市 场 持 续 低 迷 国 内市场萎缩 投资严重匮乏 且债务缠身 在 内需不足的情况 外需更显重要 因此美方积 极与亚洲各经济体签订各类贸易协定 例如先 前与韩国所签订之自由贸易协定 Free Trade Agreement 简称 FTA
就引起广泛讨论 日本 经济学家山田久表示
[...] 近十年来 日本由於受 制於农业等个别产业 在全球经贸自由化进落後虽然加入 TPP 本身带来经济并不显着 但日本仍希望透过全球自由贸易 潮流之融入及参与防止产业空洞化 [...]
此外有些 分析则认为 日本加入
TPP 最主要的目的在於 联美抗中 韩 但此举亦可能对日本农业带来 负面冲击 因此野田内阁加入 TPP 的决定也备 受质疑
With the continuous downturn in the housing and job market, the shrinking of the domestic market, the serious lack of investment, the problem of national debts, and a shortage of domestic demand, foreign demands have become all the more important to the US, which therefore is active in signing various trade agreements with economies in Asia, including the US-Korea FTA that triggered a wide discussion. According to Hisashi Yamada, chief economist at the Japan Research Institute, Japan, with the limits of individual domestic industries
such as agriculture,
[...] has beenobviouslylagged behind in the progress of theglobal economy and trade liberalization [...]
during the
past ten years; therefore, although the act of joining in TPP itself may not yield a prominent economic effect, through this act Japan intends to be integrated in the trend of global free trade, thus helping to prevent the hollowing out of industry.
Looking ahead, nearly 40% believed that HongKong'seconomic,socialand political conditions would become better three years from now. Such figures [...]
are significantly lower than those registered
six months ago, especially the 10 percentage-point drop in people's optimism in the economic domain.
6.4.1 经考虑创意智优计划审核委员会的建商务经济局常任秘书长 (通讯及科技)有权批准或否决申 请。
6.4.1 After considering the recommendations of the [...]
CSI Vetting Committee, the PSCT may either approve or reject the application.
到 二零一二年下半年,很有可能我们将会开始看到增长放缓的迹象,特别是因卫星行业的特性反 应往往经济,无论在经济阴晴的日子均如是。
In the second half of 2012, there is the possibility that we may begin seeing signs of
slower growth, especially given the nature of our industry
[...] which tendsto lageconomic trends,both negative [...]
and positive.




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