

单词 经济权



International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

See also:

经济 n

economies pl
economic development n



cross a river
be of help
aid or relieve

External sources (not reviewed)

必须为性别平等增加有针对性的国家资源和官方发展援助,并重视增强妇女 在国际贸易范畴经济权能。
They must increase targeted national resources and official development
assistance for gender equality, and pay
[...] attention to women’s economic empowerment in the context [...]
of international trade.
为促进妇女在全球化时代的社 经济权 利 , 该部门专门制订了一个涉及所有外地办事 处的关于“社会性别与危机”的重大研究项目,目的是通过汇集资金和努力产生更大影响。
With a view to
[...] promoting socio-economic rights of women in an era [...]
of globalization, the Sector developed a single major
research project on “gender and the crisis” involving all field offices in order to have a greater impact by pooling funds and joining efforts.
[...] 力,来提高妇女在经济活动中的参与度;加强妇女在经济生活中的作用并增进她 们经济权利;向面经济全 球化挑战的妇女提供支助;向妇女提供更多的贷款 [...]
并资助中小型企业;向妇女提供各种服务,使她们能兼顾家庭责任和她们在经济 发展中的作用。
Efforts are envisaged to: increase women’s participation in economic activities; strengthen the
role of women in economic life
[...] and boost their economic rights; support women facing the [...]
challenges of economic globalization;
give women a larger share of loans and of funding for small and medium-sized enterprises; and offer women services that will allow them to reconcile their family duties and their role in economic development.
将第 14.4 段改为:“在 2014-2015
年期间,预期该方案将继续把精力集 中放在下列六个主要领域:(a)
[...] 增强妇女在涉及其生活的所有领域的领导力 和参与,其中包括政治和经济领域;(b) 使妇女更易于增经济权能和 获得 各种机会,尤其是最受排斥的妇女,特别是处于贫困的妇女;(c) 防止并消 除暴力侵害妇女和女童行为,并扩大幸存者服务的获取渠道;(d) [...] [...]
增强妇女 在和平与安全及人道主义反应方面的领导力;(e) 在所有各级加强计划和预 算对性别平等领域的敏感度;(f) 支持拟订关于性别平等和增强妇女权能的 全球规范、政策和标准。
14.4 During the 2014-2015 period, the programme is expected to continue to concentrate its efforts on the following six focus areas: (a) increasing women’s leadership and participation in all areas that affect their
lives, including in
[...] political and economic areas; (b) increasing women’s access to economic empowerment and opportunities, [...]
especially for those
who are most excluded, particularly women living in poverty; (c) preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls and expanding access to survivor services; (d) increasing women’s leadership in peace, security and humanitarian response; (e) strengthening the responsiveness of plans and budgets in the area of gender equality at all levels; (f) supporting the development of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
这种情况的出现部分是因为观察不足 并违背广大人口的社会经济权益, 落实公约措施的费用很高,独联体(CIS)在该领域的 [...]
Partially, this can be explained by
insufficient observation and violation
[...] of the social and economic rights of the general population, [...]
high expenses of the measures
required by the Convention and the current elaboration of CIS internal regulations in this field.
[...] 和金融市场上的歧视,以及在资产所有权和财产权等方面的歧视,并促进妇女的 权利,包括促进妇女经济权益, 切实将两性平等纳入法律改革、企业扶持和经 济方案的主流,使妇女能够充分、平等地获得经济资源
Stressing that gender equality and the empowerment of women are essential to achieving equitable and effective development and to fostering a vibrant econom y, and reaffirming its commitment to eliminating gender-based discrimination in all its forms, including in the labour and financial markets, as well as, inter alia, in respect of the ownership of assets
and property rights, to promoting
[...] women’s rights, including their economic empowerment, and [...]
effectively mainstreaming gender
in law reforms, business support services and economic programmes, and to giving women full and equal access to economic resources
全国青年协会制定了一项国家青年政策草案,其中包含了由青年人在不同场 合提出的七条基本路线,即:青年人在参与民主进程中发挥主导作用;普遍实现
[...] 动,以此作为社会融合和青年发展的战略;通过参加体面的工作以及进行农村发 展,使青年人普遍享经济权利; 保持身体健康以及实现健康的生活方式;实现 [...]
The National Institute for Youth (INJ) has produced a preliminary draft of a national policy on youth containing seven basic lines of action for young people in various forums and workshops, namely empowerment of young people in participatory democratic processes, universal access to the knowledge society, digital inclusion and multilingual communication, popular culture, sport and recreation
as a strategy for social inclusion
[...] and development, economic rights of young people through [...]
decent work and rural development,
all-round health and a healthy lifestyle, social protection from violence and justice as a basis of a culture of peace.
会员国应下决心建立并充分执行有效保护国际公认的社会 经济权利 的 住房、土地和财产治理制度,并特别重视确保妇女获得住房、土地和财产 [...]
Member States should resolve to put in place and fully implement housing, land and property governance
systems that effectively protect
[...] international social and economic rights, with particular emphasis [...]
on ensuring women’s equal
rights to housing, land and property, including through succession and inheritance.
因 此,有必要制定针对特定社会群体的干预策略以及特别政策、行动计划和社会项 目,来确保残疾人完整地享有各项人权,包括:民事权利、社 权 利 、 经济权利 和文化权利。
Intervention strategies, specific policies targeting specific social groups, action plans and programmes to ensure that
persons with disabilities can enjoy the whole range of human
[...] rights - civil, social, economic and cultural – are [...]
对亚美尼亚和纳戈尔内卡拉巴赫的经济封锁严重阻碍了人民充分行使发展 权和其他许多权利,这首先包括政治、公民和社 经济权 利。
The policy of economic blockade against Armenia and Nagorny Karabakh is a serious impediment to the full exercise of
the right to development and many other rights, including, first and foremost, political,
[...] civil and socio-economic rights.
一些代表团报告了其国家为增强妇女 经济权 能正在执行的相关方案,例如为增强妇女权能和社会保障计划分配专用资 金,包括建立合作社、创造生计和制订支持收入的计划,其目的是减少贫困 妇女数量,促进妇女全面参与社会和经济活动。
Several delegations reported on programmes under way
in their countries
[...] directed at women’s economic empowerment, such as dedicated funds for women’s empowerment and social protection [...]
schemes, including
cooperatives and livelihood creation and income support schemes aimed at reducing the number of women living in poverty and promoting the full social and economic inclusion of women.
新出现的挑战包括:协助残疾妇女增强 经济权 利, 努力满足在建筑业工作和冲突地区或灾区的妇女的需求,以及将两性平等 [...]
New challenges included assisting women with
[...] disabilities through economic empowerment, addressing the [...]
needs of women in the construction
industry and in conflict or disaster-affected areas and incorporating gender equality requirements in the annual budget.
美国依照《宪法》赋予总统的权力和美利坚合众国法律冻结资产,相关法律 包括《国际紧经济权力法 》(《美国联邦法典》第 50 篇第 [...]
1701 节及以后各节)、 《国家紧急状态法》(《美国联邦法典》第 50 篇第 1601 节及以后各节)、经修正
的《联合国参与法》第 5 节(《美国联邦法典》第 22 篇第 287c 节)和《美国联邦 法典》第 3 篇第 301 节。
The United States implements the asset freeze pursuant to Presidential authorities under the Constitution and the laws of the United
States of America, including the
[...] International Emergency Economic Powers act (50 [...]
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the National Emergencies
Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), section 5 of the United Nations Participation Act, as amended (22 U.S.C. 287c), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code.
所有参与合作的人都致力于实现伙伴关系的重点目标,即通过奶制品合作社赋予妇女社会 经济权 力 , 并促进实现更多的进展。
All involved are committed to the partnership’s focus on
[...] the social and economic empowerment of women through [...]
the dairy cooperative, and expect
even more progress to be made.
委员会仍然 深为关切,居高不下女性文盲率和男女性别定型角色使妇女无法平等参与就
[...] 业,导致职业隔离现象,包括很多科学技术领域普遍缺少妇女和女孩的现象, 这是人才和洞察力的损失,阻碍了经济发展和妇 经济权 能 的 增强,而且可 能助长性别工资差距。
It remains deeply concerned by the persistence of high female illiteracy rates and gender stereotyped roles of women and men, which inhibit women’s equal participation in employment, leading to occupational segregation, including the widespread underrepresentation of women and girls in many fields of science and technology, which represents a loss of
talent and
[...] perspectives, hinders economic development and women’s economic empowerment and can contribute [...]
to the gender pay gap.
联合声明中对伊朗伊斯兰共和国提出的指控是其篡改事实真相的又一事例, 为某些政治经济权力集 团的利益,在中东地区扩大其霸权主义政策,并转移美 [...]
Those accusatory allegations raised against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the joint statement are yet another example of misrepresentation of the realities on the ground in
the interest of certain circles
[...] of political and economic power to further [...]
their hegemonic policies in the Middle East region,
and also a deception tactic to avert the attention of United States citizens from many unfruitful and failed policies at the domestic and foreign levels.
在有关《家庭法》的法律通过前,法官在协议离婚案例中,习惯于以其最 高利益为名,在《儿童权利公约》主要内容的基础上,优先采用与儿童社 经济 权利有关的决策规定。
Even before the Family Code Act was adopted, judges dealing with cases of divorce by mutual consent tended, in the name of the best interests of the child, to base their
decisions concerning
[...] children’s social and economic rights on the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
USDP 及与之相关的人员 已经靠边站,正在丧失政治经济权 力。
The USDP and those around it have been sidelined, losing
[...] political and economic power.
(g) 还强调,包括土著妇女在内的农村妇女在促进农业和农村发展、
[...] 改善粮食安全和消除贫困方面发挥重要作用,并作出贡献。我们强调有必要 在各级采取协同行动,支持赋予农村妇 经济权 力 , 除其他外,确保妇女平 等获得生产资源、资金、技术、培训和市场,并促进农村妇女参与规划和决 [...]
(g) Further emphasize the crucial role and contribution of rural women, including indigenous women, in respect of enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security and eradicating poverty, and we stress the need for
concerted action at all levels to
[...] support rural women’s economic empowerment by, inter alia, [...]
ensuring women’s equal access to
productive resources, financing, technologies, training and markets and facilitating rural women’s participation in planning and decision-making, so that they can realize their full potential.
[...] 动以及一切形式对雇员的虐待,雇员可以自愿离职,不需通知雇主,同时仍然享 有他们经济权益。
The law prohibited forced labour as well as all forms of mistreatment of employees,
who could leave their work by their own will and without informing the employer, while
[...] retaining their financial benefits.
人的安全概念时的要素:首先,我们应当遵守《联合 国宪章》所载的原则,特别是国家的主权和领土完整
[...] 以及不干涉的原则;第二,其目标应当以人为本,以 便促进权、经济权和社 会权,并有利于可持续的发 展;第三,其目的不应当限制或局限国家在其本国境 [...]
是所有这些努力的自然架构,并且应当澄清它的范 围,以便避免以后在安全理事会援引《宪章》第七章 的任何可能性。
Ecuador stresses the following as elements in our participation in building and disseminating the concept of human security: first, we should be guided by respect for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, particularly the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States and non-intervention; secondly, that its
aims be people-centred in order to
[...] promote human, economic and social rights and to favour [...]
sustainable development; thirdly,
that its aims should not restrict or limit the principal role of the State in its national territory, but rather should strengthen it; and finally, the natural framework for all of this is the General Assembly, and its scope should be clarified in order to avoid any possible subsequent invocation of Chapter VII of the Charter relating to the Security Council.
随着最近广大中东和北非地区出现的一系列要求提高政治 经济权 利 的 人民 起义,这种事态发展给西撒哈拉的稳定与安全带来了新的挑战,可能改变冲突的 [...]
The situation, reinforced by the recent series of popular uprisings in the wider Middle East and North
Africa region, which called for
[...] increased political and economic rights, has given rise in [...]
Western Sahara to new challenges to
stability and security that have the potential to alter the conflict’s status quo.
转让 – 把作者的一项或几经济权利转 给他人,使购买这些权利的人 成为版权新权利人的一种方式。
Rights Clearance – The process of asking [...]
for permission from, and paying fees to, the right holders for the use of a protected work.
的,其中 15 个项目与家庭暴力有关(2003 至 2005 年由基金资助):为妇女和儿童 家庭暴力受害者开办收容所、SOS
[...] 电话,对与暴力受害者和犯罪者工作的专家进 行培训,实施赋予贫困农村妇 经济权 力 方案,赋予妇女暴力受害者的附加资 格。
One third of the projects were implemented by non-governmental organizations, 15 of which related to domestic violence (funded by the Fund from 2003 to 2005): opening shelter houses for women and children who are victims of violence, SOS telephones, training of experts for working
with victims of violence and
[...] offenders, programmes of economic empowerment of impoverished [...]
rural women, additional qualifications
for women who are victims of violence.
如果每个人的政治、宗教经济权利 和 自由都能 得到尊重,那么我们将改变范式,从仅仅试图管理贫 困变为创造财富;从把人当作负担变为把人看作是解 [...]
If everyone’s
[...] political, religious and economic rights and freedoms are [...]
respected, we will shift the paradigm from merely
trying to manage poverty to creating wealth; from viewing the person as a burden to seeing the person as part of the solution.
(b) 处于中间水平的原因包括:国家否认酷刑做法加上酷刑和虐待肇事者
[...] 逍遥法外,后者在许多情况下实际上反而获得政治和/ 或经济权力; 未举报酷刑 和虐待行为,酷刑受害者得不到保护以及没有补救办法;国内的法律框架未能与 [...]
些规章在发生这种案件时未能适用;未能对司法机关人员、监狱管理人员、执法 人员、卫生保健专业人员、社会工作者和教师等提供适当的人权培训;以及酷刑 与腐败之间的关系
(b) At an intermediate level the causes include denial by the State of the practice of torture combined with impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of torture and ill-treatment, who are
in many cases actually rewarded by the
[...] political and/or economic powers; the failure [...]
to report acts of torture and ill-treatment,
lack of protection for victims of torture and the absence of redress; a failure to align domestic legal frameworks with the international norms that prohibit torture and provide safeguards for persons deprived of their liberty, coupled, very often, with a failure to apply regulations in those cases where they exist; the inadequate human rights training provided to members of the judiciary, prison personnel, law enforcement officials, health-care professionals, social workers and teachers, etc.; and the links between torture and corruption
这方面的一些经验教 训是:司法和包容各方的初期迹象至为重要,这些迹 象显示已同过去分道扬镳,但对变革时机的期望能够
进行管理;保持对于基本功能的重视;将安全同司法 改革联系起来;推行社区办法,例如联合国开发计划 署、政治事务部和世界银行支持的办法;制定能够让
[...] 边缘化青年受到尊重和提升他们地位的回归基本点 的创造就业方案;以及让妇女参 经济权 能 以 及安全 和司法改革的困难领域。
Some lessons here are the importance of early signals on justice and inclusion that signal a break with the past but manage expectations of the timing of change; maintaining a focus on basic functions; making the connections between security and justice reform; pursuing community-based approaches, such as those supported by the United Nations Development Programme, the Department of Political Affairs and the World Bank; establishing back-to-basics job-creation programmes that give marginalized
youth respect and status; and
[...] involving women in both economic empowerment and the hard areas [...]
of security and justice reform.
妇女署负责人摘要列举了妇女署 2011
[...] 年开展工作的例子,重点是:合作伙 伴关系、扩大妇女领导、增强妇 经济权 能 、 消除暴力侵害妇女行为、加强妇女 在和平与安全中的作用、使预算和计划能够促进妇女利益、“一体行动”和资源 [...]
The head of the Entity highlighted examples of the work of UN-Women in the year 2011, with an emphasis on partnership,
expanding women’s leadership,
[...] increasing women’s economic empowerment, ending violence [...]
against women, strengthening women’s
role in peace and security, making budgets and plans work for women, “Delivering as one” and resource mobilization.




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