

单词 经查

External sources (not reviewed)

迄今尚无 有关对经查明的 平民中介人提出起诉的报道。
To date no prosecutions against identified civilian brokers have been reported.
源于环境的污染物及其来源,经查 明 并绘制成图,所收集的信息都公布 于众。
Contaminants arising from the environment and their sources are identified and mapped, and the collected information is made public.
(a) 规划遣散和转业 4 008
[...] 名不合格毛派军队人员、包括 2 973 名经查为未 成年人的工作在 2009 [...]
(a) Significant progress had been made in the latter part of 2009 in planning
for the discharge and rehabilitation of the 4,008 disqualified Maoist army personnel,
[...] including 2,973 verified as minors.
我们希望,非洲联盟将继续与受害国家 密切合作,以便能在三个经查明的 部门迅速部署 区域工作队。
We hope that the African Union will continue to work closely with the affected countries so that the regional task force may be expeditiously deployed in the three identified sectors.
鉴于经查明在 预算外资金和所涉 物质方面存在风险,内部监督办公室承诺扩大这方面的审计范围。
Given the risks identified with the extrabudgetary funding and the materiality involved, IOS is committed to expanding the audit scope in this area.
影响逐步淘汰的可持续性的关键因素和需要进一步分析的问题,都 经查 明 , 包括 所选替代品的技术可行性及其经济可行性;可能影响已实现逐步淘汰的可持续性和维持 [...]
Key factors affecting sustainability of the phase-out and issues needing further analysis were identified, including
technical feasibility of selected
[...] alternatives and their economic feasibility; [...]
market issues that may impact the sustainability
of the phase-out achieved and the existing institutional capacity to sustain the phase-out; and political regulatory issues.
因此,尽管本章笼统提 到国家需求,其实经查明的 需求主要是发展中国家的需求,尤其是最不发达国 家和小岛屿发展中国家的需求。
Thus, while the present chapter refers generally to the needs of States, the needs that have been identified are primarily those of developing countries, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States.
外聘审计员代表还确认了被指控的法律顾问丢失文件一事 经查 明: 是部门一位培训生将文件放错了位置。
The representative of the External Auditor also confirmed that the incident with the alleged disappearance of a file from the Legal Adviser was cleared since the file was misplaced by one of the service’s trainees.
2009 年泰国报告称,经查明安全区域2,000 平方公里, 在其中一半地区实行了质量控制程序。
In 2009 Thailand reported having identified a safe area of around 2,000 square kilometres with quality control procedures having been carried out on around half of this safe area.
迄今为止,国际法庭代表经 查阅了我们国家机构档案 26 次。
There have been 26 visits of the Tribunal representatives to the archives of our State bodies thus far.
但是,监察组经查明,厄立特里亚依 然与索马里已知的武器交易商保持关系,并且在任务期间违反武器禁运,支持埃 塞俄比亚反对派武装团体穿越索马里领土。
However, the Group has established that Eritrea maintains relations with known arms dealers in Somalia and has violated the arms embargo during the course of the mandate by its support for Ethiopian armed opposition groups passing through Somali territory.
这将 确保严厉处罚那经查证有 这种行为的人,包括立即予以开除。
That would ensure that those found to have committed such acts would be severely punished, including being summarily dismissed.
建议管理层:(a) 高度优先发展信通技术内部控制和治理框架, 在此基础上制订和(或)加强相关政策、程序、过程和控制;(b) 确保有效使用分 配给管理信息事务处的资源;(c) 仔细认真地优先考虑和规划补救行动,确保采 取切实可行并且可以持续的内部控制措施,及时处理 经查 明 的 重大风险。
It has been recommended that management: (a) assign high priority to the development of an ICT internal control and governance framework as a foundation for developing and/or enhancing policies, procedures, processes and controls; (b) ensure that resources assigned to the Management Information Services (MIS) Branch are used efficiently; and (c) carefully and diligently prioritize and plan remediation activities to ensure that the key risks identified are addressed in a timely manner through practical and sustainable internal controls.
2009 年,拉丁美洲和加勒比 4
[...] 个国家报告了对青年人开展调查的结果经 查明大 麻是上一年最普遍使用的毒品,在青年人群体中占 [...]
0.9%到 16.2%不等。
In 2009, four countries of Latin America and the Caribbean
[...] reported results of surveys of young people [...]
that identified cannabis as the most commonly
used drug in the past year, varying from 0.9 to 16.2 per cent of that group.
报告提到美国实施了一项新的国内法——《儿童 兵预防法》,其中禁止美国向经查 明 违 反国际人道 主义法招募或利用儿童兵的国家提供资金和任何与 国防相关的援助。
The report mentions the innovative domestic law in the United States, the Child Soldier Prevention Act, which restricts the provision of financing and any defence-related assistance to countries identified as recruiting or using child soldiers in violation of international humanitarian law.
他的主要科学贡 献包括:中印度洋盆地主要结核矿床的划界和资源开发潜在区域的划分;发现大 型浮石场,为板内火山活动提供第一手证据;发现沸石矿床及其与中印度洋盆地 的结核和火山之间的关系;发现微陨坑对澳大利亚微玻璃陨石的影响,这 经查 明类 似于月球微陨坑的第一批陆地类似物;发现澳大利亚熔融石场中的微玻璃陨 石;绘制海底图和南极东部拉斯曼丘陵进出口航道的普里兹湾地区水深测量图。
His major scientific contributions include delineation of major nodule deposits in Central Indian Basin and demarcation of potential areas for resource development; discovery of a large pumice field, which provided first evidence for intraplate volcanism; discovery of zeolite deposits and their relation to nodules and volcanics in Central Indian Ocean Basin; discovery of impact microcrates on Australasian microtektites, the first terrestrial analogs identified akin to lunar microcraters; discovery of minitektites in the Australasian strewn field; mapping the seabed and charting the bathymetry of Prydz Bay area for approach channel in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica.
经查明有 必要为有 可能成立并增强边境管制专门多学科部门和枪支和有组织犯罪专门调查小组提 供援助和咨询。
The need for assistance and advice has been identified for the possible establishment and strengthening of specialized multi-disciplinary units on border control and specialized investigative teams on firearms and organized crime.
缔约方会议7/CP.16 号决定请附属履行机构( 履行机构) 拟订查经修订 的新 德里工作方案执行情况的职权范围,以期在第三十六届会议上启动审查。
The COP, by decision 7/CP.16, requested the Subsidiary Body for Implementation
(SBI) to develop terms of
[...] reference for the review of the implementation of the amended New [...]
Delhi work programme, with a
view to launching the review at its thirty-sixth session.
经济及社会理事会在其第 1988/103 号决定中,决定邀请会议委员会查经 社理事会的两年期会议日历草案,并酌情就此向经社理事会提出建议。
In its decision 1988/103, the Economic
[...] and Social Council decided to invite the Committee on Conferences to review the draft biennial [...]
calendar of conferences
and meetings of the Council and to submit, as appropriate, its recommendations thereon to the Council.
它还应经常对司法系统中种族平等问题进行 查 , 经 常 收 集关于族 裔和种族因素对利用司法的影响的情况。
It should also keep
[...] under continuous review the question of [...]
racial equality in the judicial system and regular collection
of information on the impact of the ethno-racial factor in access to justice.
[...] 般包括审议对各项共同合作领域所进行的联合规划研究,审议先前共 同承诺的执行进展情况,查经验教训,并查明今后 12 个月期间的 [...]
The agendas for these consultations typically include consideration of a joint mapping study of the various areas of joint activity, a review of progress in the implementation
of previous joint commitments, a review of
[...] lessons and experiences, and the identification [...]
of key priorities for the next 12-month period.
发言者提到在人权与经济 政策之间有三个潜在的共同点:重新 查经 济 政 策中的权衡情况;规范市场以保 护人权;和解决再分配问题,以确保平等和防止陷入贫穷。
The speaker mentioned three potential points of convergence between human rights and economic policy: revisiting trade-offs in economic policy to ensure that they respected human rights; regulating markets to protect human rights; and addressing redistribution to ensure equity and prevent impoverishment.
(c) 经济、社会和有关领域 2010 年和 2011 年暂定会议日历 经济及社会理事会在其第 1988/103 号决定中决定邀请委员会查经社理 事 会的两年期会议日历草案,并酌情就此向经社理事会提出建议。
In its decision 1988/103, the Economic and Social Council
decided to invite the
[...] Committee to review the draft biennial calendar of conferences and meetings of the Council and to submit, as appropriate, [...]
its recommendations thereon to the Council.
监督厅采用多种定量和定性方法,包括文件审查、工作人员和利益攸关方访谈、 工作人员和利益攸关方调查、实地访问、直接观察政府间会议、对经社部出版物
[...] 的使用情况进行文献计量分析以及由专家小组抽样 查经 社 部主要出版物的质 量。
It used a range of quantitative and qualitative methods, including a document review, staff and stakeholder interviews, staff and stakeholder surveys, field missions, direct observation of intergovernmental meetings, a bibliometric analysis of
the usage of the Department’s publications and an
[...] expert panel review of the quality [...]
of a sample of its key publications.
6.欢迎 2010 年在政府间机构中为加快实现两性平等、赋予妇女权力和性
[...] 言》和《行动纲要》执行情况的十五周年审查及第二十三届特别会议成果的 查、 经济及 社会理事会将举行的主题为“执行关于两性平等和赋予妇女权力的国际商 [...]
及安全理事会第 1325(2000)号决议通过十周年
Welcomes the opportunities provided in intergovernmental bodies in 2010 to accelerate progress in the achievement of gender equality, the empowerment of women and gender balance, including the fifteen-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the review of the outcome of the twenty-third special session at the fifty-fourth session of the Commission on
the Status of Women, the
[...] annual ministerial review to be held by the Economic and Social Council [...]
on the theme “Implementing
the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to gender equality and empowerment of women”, the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals, and the tenth anniversary of the adoption of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000)
如果在审查金融市场的情况 时不联系贸易和生产,在查宏观经 济 运 行状况时不联系公司和家庭行为,或者 在查经济状 况时不联系社会和环境方面,那么就不可能找到理想的政策办法。
The desired policy options are unlikely to
emerge if financial
[...] markets are examined separately from trade or production, the workings of the macroeconomy from the behaviour of firms and households, or the economic from the [...]
social and environmental spheres.
他们又强调,需要加强现有机制,并在必要时 建立有效机制,查经济、 社会和有关领域各次主要联合国会议和首脑会议成 [...]
They also stressed the need to strengthen the existing
mechanisms and establish where needed, effective
[...] mechanisms to review and follow-up [...]
the implementation of the outcomes of all
the major UN conferences and summits in the social, economic and related fields.
[...] 22810的实施将要求制造商,以确保在保修期内出售的一块水密完整性,我们鼓励球迷急于测试他们使用真实情况作 查经 常 被 许可人的手表在夏天的办法。
In this regard, before the implementation of the future ISO 22810 which will require the manufacturer to ensure the watertight integrity of the piece sold during the warranty period, we encourage fans
eager to test them in real conditions of
[...] use to have it checked routinely by [...]
a watch licensee, at the approach of summer.




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