

单词 经度


经济制度 n

economy n

External sources (not reviewed)

2.使用(度和经度)或 (地址)建立地图。
2. Using ( latitude and longitude ) or ( address [...]
) the establishment of the map .
报告载有在采样的结壳和非结壳地点发现的生物物种 完整清单、每个所列物种的标本、完整的采样数 据 ( 经度 和 纬度、海隆名称、深 度及其他适当的信息)。
It contains a complete species list of organisms found at the crust and non-crust locations sampled, representative images of each species listed, and full sample data (latitude and longitude, seamount name, depth and other appropriate information).
此外,为涵盖全球磁强计覆盖范围的最大陆基空白,非洲子午线 B-场教育
[...] 和研究仪器阵列涉及空间物理学的两个基本领域:(a)由于纬度(或 L 壳层)、当 地时间经度、磁 活动和季节的作用,制约赤道电离层电动力学的过程;(b)超 低频脉动强度及其与中、低纬度地区赤道电射流强度的关联。
In addition, to cover the largest land-based gap in global magnetometer coverage, the AMBER instrument array addressed two fundamental areas of space physics: (a) the processes governing the electrodynamics of the
equatorial ionosphere as a
[...] function of latitude (or L-shell), local time, longitude, magnetic activity [...]
and season; and (b) ultra-low-frequency
pulsation strength and its connection with equatorial electrojet strength at low- and mid-latitude regions.
The availability of two similar instruments
[...] at different longitudes will increase [...]
the amount of solar observing from the ground
and will therefore increase the opportunities to collaborate with space-based instruments such as STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory), TRACE (Transition Region and Coronal Explorer), and RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Explorer), which are currently flying; and the Solar Dynamics Observatory, which will be launched next year,” he said in a written interview.
这部电影讲述的故事,四个中央公园动物园里的动物们 经度 过 了 他们的幸福的囚禁生活,意外地运回非洲,遇船难者在马达加斯加岛的。
The film tells the story of four Central Park Zoo animals who have spent their lives in blissful captivity and are unexpectedly shipped back to Africa, getting shipwrecked on the island of Madagascar.
国家拨给观察站的度经费;年度经 费 应 根据司法部长的建议在财政 法中确定。
Annual appropriations allocated to the Observatory [...]
by the State; they shall be set in the Finance Act upon a proposal by the Minister of Justice
我们,参与此次团结峰会的拉丁美洲和加勒比地区国家元首和政 府首脑,在此明确表示,我们强烈反对出于政治动机对主权国家实
[...] 施的单边性强权经济措施,这损害了人民的福祉利益,并且这种行 为阻碍了人们按照自己的意愿以及自身的政治 度 、 经 济 制 度 和社 会制度行使决定权。
The Heads of State and Government of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, gathered together at the Unity Summit, express our strongest condemnation of the coercive and unilateral economic measures imposed for political reasons against sovereign countries, measures which impair the well-being of our peoples and are
designed to curb their exercise of the right to determine of their own free
[...] will their political, economic and social systems.
近东救济工程处实行基金会计度, 经 常 预算基金和非经常预算基金均单立 账户。
The Agency operates a system of fund accounting by which it maintains separate accounts for the regular budget and non-regular budget funds.
但是,我们看到,几乎每过一天,我们的科学结 论都获得新的证明,东西南北的研究所中潜心研究这 个议题的所有人都深信不疑;不管是从自然科学的度、经济学 角度还是社会学角度,这些变化的性质和 规模已达到如此程度,以致我们根本不能把它们当作 只是改变我们的能源系统或是调整我们的出口经济的 挑战。
But as we have seen, and as almost every day that passes brings new consolidation of our science, there is no question in the minds of those who
have studied this
[...] subject with great intensity — across institutions north and south, east and west; whether from a natural science perspective, an economic science perspective [...]
or a social science
perspective — the nature and scale of these changes are of such a degree that we cannot simply view them as a challenge of changing our energy systems or adjusting our transport economy.
[...] 机,但由于其与美国的广泛贸易和金融联系,它经历了与美国类似的经济衰退; 而过去的数年两国的度经济增长情况彼此沉浮相随。
Although the Canadian economy largely avoided any financial crisis owing to its better regulatory framework, it nevertheless experienced an economic downturn similar to that in the United States owing to extensive trade and
financial linkages with the
[...] United States; quarterly growth in the two economies has closely [...]
tracked each other for the last several years.
关于解决经费紧张的问题,理事会指出,成员国的捐款不足以 支付中心的度经营开 支,并鼓励次级作物减贫中心通过制订项目提案以 [...]
Addressing the issue of funding constraints, the Governing Council noted that member
States’ contributions were insufficient to
[...] cover the Centre’s annual operating expenditures [...]
and encouraged CAPSA to overcome those
funding constraints by developing project proposals for mobilizing financial resources from other donors.
1971 年 恢 复 联 合 国 安 理 会 (UNSC)席位以来,中国对维和行动的 度经历 了 巨大转变:起初,中国对维和行动持完全反对 的态度,而现在,中国 2000 多名维和人员正在全 球范围内 10 个国家和地区的联合国维和行动中发 挥重大作用。
China’s approach to peacekeeping has evolved considerably since it assumed its UN Security Council (UNSC) seat in 1971, when it rejected the entire concept of peacekeeping.
关于得到我们赞同的建议,应当重申,这些建议已被纳入各部门计划,并且 正在政府五年方案和度经济社 会计划所提供的框架内实施。
With regard to the recommendations that enjoyed our support, it should be reiterated that they are framed in the various sectoral plans and are
being implemented within the framework provided by the Government
[...] Five-Year Program and Annual Economic and Social Plans.
(a) 教科文组织的预期捐助将促进该中心发展国际活动,并为该中心获得方案供资
[...] 案,并使该中心的参与看起来是必不可少的,尤其是安排该中心在教科文组织 的双度经常方 案和预算框架内开展各项活动,特别是那些适于巩固其初始阶 [...]
(a) The expected UNESCO contribution will be to foster the development of the Centre’s international activities and facilitate the access of the Centre to programmes and extrabudgetary funding, by: (1) including the Centre in various programmes which it implements and in which the participation of the latter seems necessary to it, particularly assigning to the Centre the
execution of activities within the
[...] framework of its regular biennial programmes [...]
and budgets, particularly those appropriate
to reinforce its start-up period; and (2) facilitating the contacts with governmental and nongovernmental financial entities, as well as with the Member States of UNESCO, to provide financial and technical assistance to the implementation of the Centre’s international activities.
核辐射安全局是国家监管机构, 并且为备灾活动分配度经费。
The Nuclear Radiation Safety Agency was the State regulatory
[...] authority and an annual amount was allocated [...]
for preparedness activities.
(h)由三个多国方案(东加勒比、太平洋岛屿和巴勒斯坦儿童和妇女地区方案) 涵盖的国家将继续获得一笔综合总付款项,足以用于开展切实可行的有效方案; (i) 此外,应预留方案度经常资 源的 7%,供执行局灵活分配,支持国家方 案,特别是:鼓励在儿基会一个或多个工作领域和优先事项中取得优异业绩;灵 活应对正在出现的机会;避免突然改变对各个国家的经常资源分配水平。
(i) In addition, 7 per cent of the annual regular resources for programmes should be set aside for flexible allocation by the Executive Director in support of country programmes to, inter alia, encourage excellence in the quality of performance in one or more of the areas of work and priorities of UNICEF; provide flexibility to respond to emerging opportunities; and avoid sudden changes in the level of regular resources allocation to individual countries.
然而,随着马尔代夫 2008 年颁布新《宪法》,国内法律度经 历 了 一个走 向现代化和更加民主化的全面修正。
Nonetheless, with the enactment of the new Constitution of the Maldives in 2008, the domestic legal system has undergone an overhaul towards modernisation and greater democratisation.
日本代表报告了在妇女参与与政策有关的决策的 度 、 经 济安 全、工作与家庭平衡领域,包括《工作生活平稳宪章》,取得的进展情况, 并介绍了对老年人实行护理保险的情况,老年人的护理是由整个社会支持 的。
The representative of Japan
[...] reported on progress in the areas of women’s representation in policy-related decision making, economic security, work [...]
and family balance,
including the Charter for Work-life Balance, and the introduction of nursing care insurance for older persons, whereby nursing care is supported by the society as a whole.
这是在度经济生产成本下稳定生产高品质 产品的先决条件。
This is the prerequisite for
[...] constantly producing high product qualities at highly economical production costs.
现在研究人员更可能 通过因特网来获取相关资料,同时由于中国、 巴西和度经济水平的提高,美国和欧盟的研 究人员更可能与这些国家的科学家进行合作。
Researchers are much more likely to have ready access to publications
via the Internet, and with
[...] the changing economic fortunes of China, Brazil and India, researchers in [...]
the US and the EU are
far more likely to travel to, interact with and form collaborations with scientists in these nations.
促进沼气发展的政策、度、经营权 及其它机制
Policy and institutional issues, options and
[...] other mechanisms for promoting biogas
如今,这些努力似乎已达到高峰,现在有逾 11.2
[...] 万人参加当前的维持和平行动,这些特派团的年度预 算是联合国度经常预算的三倍。
Today, it seems that those efforts have reached their peak, with more than 112,000
personnel engaged in current peacekeeping
[...] operations, while the annual budget for those [...]
missions is three times the size of the
annualized regular budget of the United Nations.
在解答该技术长期可持续问题时,考虑到 度经 营 成 本增加了 107,286 美元,世界 银行解释说,通过泡沫塑料行业计划,越来越多的系统工厂会转向生产使用碳氢化合物的 [...]
In addressing a concern on the long term sustainability of the
[...] technology given that annual operating costs increased [...]
by US $107,286, the World Bank
explained that, through the Foam Sector Plan, more systems houses will be converted to produce hydrocarbon-based polyols in order to supply small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) but that an increase in supply would not necessarily result in the reduction of the price of hydrocarbon-based pre-blended polyols.
在解答该技术长期可持续问题时,考虑到在拟议 HFC-245fa 配方的基础上度经 营成 本增加了 105,508 美元,世界银行解释说,该公司和泡沫塑料专家都在寻求是否可以 [...]
采用 HFC-245fa 用量较低的其他配方。
In addressing a concern on the long term sustainability of the
[...] technology given that annual operating costs [...]
increased by US $105,508 based on the HFC-245fa
formulation proposed, the World Bank explained that the company and foam experts are looking into this possibility of other formulations using lower amounts of HFC-245fa.
该计划以扶持性立法为基础,确定了计划的原则和目标(《2004 财政度经济政 策法》(立法修正案),5764-2003)。
The program is based on enabling legislation which defines
the principles and aims of the
[...] program (the Economy Policy Law for the fiscal year 2004 [...]
(Legislative Amendments) 5764-2003).
2006/2007 年度,经圣赫 勒拿 政府财政部汇来的款项大约合 967 810 英镑,但这并不代表当年的总数,因为可 以通过圣赫勒拿岛银行直接转账。
Remittances passing through the Government of St. Helena Finance Department during 2006/07 amounted to £967,810, but this does not necessarily represent the total for that year, since direct transfers can be made to the Bank of St. Helena.
联合国国家工作队说,2009 年《诉诸司法国家战略》注意到甚至在司法程 序开始之前,妇女就通常受到不公正的待遇,并且多重的司法 度经 常 在 程序上 歧视妇女。
UNCT referred to the National Strategy on Access to Justice in 2009, which noted that women were often treated unfairly even before the judicial process had begun and that plural legal systems were often procedurally biased against women.
最初您的皮肤会发红,随后有不同程度的疼痛,疼痛的程度取决于晒伤的严重 度 ; 经 过 几 天的不适和痛苦之后,您的皮肤开始剥落,并恢复正常状态。
Initially your skin turns red,
[...] followed by varying degrees of pain dependent [...]
on the severity; after a few days of agony
and suffering, your skin starts to peel and return to normal.




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