

单词 绍兴地区

See also:


Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang

地区 n

region n
area n
district n
country n
section n
place n

地区 pl

regions pl
territories pl


district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)
as suffix city name, means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city)

地区 adj

local adj

External sources (not reviewed)

世界 遗产名录》上增加了几个新的小岛屿发展中国家的名胜,其中包括基里巴斯的凤 凰群岛海洋保区和马绍尔群岛的比基尼岛核试验 地。
Several new SIDS sites were added to the World Heritage list,
including the Phoenix Islands
[...] marine protected area in Kiribati and the Bikini Atoll nuclear test site in the Marshall Islands.
决议草案还绍了世界各地旨在增进 合作区域举 措和会议,其中包括东南亚国家联盟 (东盟)框架内和南方共同市场框架内开展的活动。
The draft resolution
[...] also described regional initiatives and meetings in various parts of the world [...]
aimed at increasing cooperation,
including within the frameworks of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR).
2006 水环区域会 议包括研究计划、科学论述与 讨论;还包括绍和讨论低地与三 角洲发展的新观 念,包括一天莱茵河三角洲实地考察旅行。
The Inter-Regional Conference Envirowater 2006 is dedicated in part to research projects and scientific presentations and discussions and in part to presentations and discussions [...]
of new concepts
for the development of lowlands and deltas, including a one-day field trip in the Rhine Delta.
尼日利亚感谢布隆迪所作的绍,并 高 兴地 注 意 到,布隆迪接受了大多 数 所作的建议,包括尼 日利亚 提出的加 [...]
强 努 力维护对法 治的尊 重 、 改革司法制度 的建议。
Nigeria thanked
[...] Burundi for its presentation and was glad to note that [...]
Burundi has accepted most of the recommendations
made, including that of Nigeria to intensify efforts to uphold the respect of the rule of law and reform the judicial system.
这包括兴建中 的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿地区之间 、印度洋和印度东北部 内地区之间 建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a
[...] deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the [...]
Dawei Development Project
which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
世界遗产地区顾问为增强人 们保护和管理地区世界遗产兴趣 和动力做出了贡献。
The presence of a Regional Adviser for World Heritage has contributed to an increased interest and impetus in the conservation and management of World Heritage in the region.
2010 年《海运回顾》专列一章绍区域的 情况,围绕亚洲和太平地区的经济和海运发展,但也包括了对内陆国家特别 兴 趣 的 一些问题。
In the 2010 edition, economic and
maritime transport
[...] developments in Asia and the Pacific were the focus of a special regional chapter, which also included issues of particular interest to landlocked countries.
许多代表团支持制定一项全球标准,指出石榴的生产和贸易已经扩展到近东以地区,由于许多国家对此商品越来越 兴 趣 , 因而将有巨大的市场潜力。
A number of delegations supported the elaboration of a worldwide standard, noting that the production and trade of
pomegranate extended
[...] beyond the Near East Region and that there would be significant market potential in view of growing interest in [...]
this commodity in many countries.
卡齐先生(以英语发言):我兴地介 绍 秘 书 长关 于苏丹问题的最新报告(S/2009/61),我感谢有机会 [...]
I have the pleasure to introduce the latest [...]
report of the Secretary-General on the Sudan (S/2009/61) and I am grateful for
the opportunity to brief the Council on the current situation in the Sudan.
反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂的斗 争如果要取得成功,就必须在世界每 地区 建 立 兴 奋 剂 控制计划,而且兴奋剂控制必须包括 [...]
The fight against doping in sport will only be
successful if there are doping control
[...] programmes in every region of the world and if [...]
doping controls include no-advance notice,
out-of-competition and in-competition testing.
绍和农村地区继续 发生袭击个人和盗牛的 案件,无人保护平民不受有组织犯罪团伙的伤害。
Assaults and theft of cattle
[...] continue to occur in Bissau and in the countryside, with no one to protect [...]
the civilian victims from organized criminal groups.
波罗的海的沿地区 尤其值得绍。
The coastal area around the Baltic Sea is [...]
worth mentioning in particular.
穆塔博巴先生(以英语发言):我很 兴地介 绍秘书 长关于几内亚比绍事态发展和联合国几内亚 [...]
比绍建设和平综合办事处(联几建和办)在该国活 动的报告(S/2012/554)。
Mr. Mutaboba: I am pleased to introduce the [...]
report of the Secretary-General (S/2012/554) on developments in Guinea-Bissau
and on the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS).
(第5条) 销毁杀伤人地雷的 方案的 现况”。会议进一步指出,虽然许多缔约国在延期请求中详细 绍 了 剩余 雷 区的 大 小、位置和性质,但是自提交延期请求以来,它们尚未就请求中所载基准信息 提供报告。
It was further noted that while many States Parties in their extension requests had provided a detailed accounting of the size, location and nature of remaining mined areas, they had not since [...]
submitting their
extension requests reported relative to the benchmark information contained in their requests.
此外,还组织了一次对地一 个社区的访问,并与区首领进行了活跃的对话,他 绍 了 自己的社区组织起来 应对与气候变化有关的灾害的情况。
In addition, a visit to one of the local communities was organized and a lively interaction with the community chief took place as he explained how his community was organizing itself to cope with climate change related disasters.
按照不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010 年审 议大会与会国通过的切实步骤,秘书长和
1995 年不扩散条约审议大会关于中东问题的决议提
[...] 案国和条约保存国俄罗斯联邦、联合王国和美国 三国政府,经与地区各国协商, 兴地 宣 布 , 任命芬兰外交部副国务秘书亚科·拉亚瓦先生 [...]
为 2012 年建立中东无核武器及其它大规模杀伤 性武器区大会主持人,并指定芬兰为会议东道国 政府。
In accordance with the practical steps endorsed by the parties to the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Secretary-General and the Governments of the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, as sponsors of the 1995 NPT resolution on the Middle East and depositary States of
the Treaty, in consultation with
[...] the States of the region, are pleased to announce the appointment [...]
of Mr. Jaakko Laajava,
Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, as facilitator and the designation of Finland as the host Government for the 2012 conference on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction.
加萨纳先生(以英语发言):我 兴地 介 绍建 设和平委员会第五届会议的报告(S/2012/70)。
Mr. Gasana: I am pleased to present the report [...]
(S/2012/70) of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) on its fifth session.
我要感谢国际法院院长小和田恒法官今天上午 出席我们的会议,并以令人非常兴 趣 的 方式 绍了 法 院关于其过去一年所做紧张工作的报告(A/66/4)。
I would like to thank the President of the International Court of Justice, Judge Hisashi
Owada, for being with us this morning
[...] and for his very interesting introduction of the report [...]
on the intense work of the Court in the past year (A/66/4).
讨论会往往包括由专家介绍在区 域”发现的矿物类型、资源评价、保护和养护海洋环境不受“区域”活动的影响、 为恢复海底矿物设立的法律制度的进程 地 位 以及 介 绍 关 于 海洋法的有 区域 问题。
Typically, the seminars include presentations by experts on the
type of minerals to be
[...] found in the Area, resource evaluation, the protection and preservation of the marine environment from activities in the Area, and the process and status of the legal regimes established for recovery of seabed minerals, as well as presentations on relevant regional issues with respect [...]
to the law of the sea.
延期请求指出,2006 年 地雷影响调查收集的信息没有详细 绍 受影 响区域的确切地址和参数。
The request indicates that the information gathered by the Landmine Impact
Survey carried out in 2006 did not provide detailed knowledge on
[...] the precise locations and perimeters of the affected areas.
为缔约国 提供的可行性研究报告载有一个表格,列举 出了各 个区域及其面积、每区域所在地 点,并介绍了已 知布设地雷的时间及地雷数 目。
The feasibility study report that has been made available to the States Parties contains a table listing each area and its size, relating each area to a locality and indicating if known the date of emplacement of mines and the number of mines emplaced.
访谈:胡连存绍盐池地区如何通过禁止牧羊阻止沙漠扩大,以及为何 该项目能造福未来。
In the interview, Hu Liancun
[...] reports how the Yanchi region stopped the desert [...]
from spreading by prohibiting the grazing
of sheep, and why the project has brought hope for the future.
由开发署助理署长兼拉丁美洲和加勒 区 域 局 局长、人口基金副执行主任 (方案)、儿童基金会紧急方案司司长以及粮食计划署执行主任高级顾问兼“联合 国一体行动”国家特使组成的发言者小组向执行局联席会议 绍 了 大 地 震 后 的海 地局势。
A panel of speakers composed of the
UNDP Assistant
[...] Administrator and Director, Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, the UNFPA Deputy Executive Director (Programme), the UNICEF Director for Emergency Programmes, and the Senior Adviser to the Executive Director of WFP and Special Envoy for ‘one United Nations’ countries, briefed the joint meeting of the Executive Boards regarding the situation in Haiti in the wake of the devastating earthquake.
尽管对重点的先后次序的确定影响了对不同计划的支持力度,但指导小组 兴地 注 意到在加强 各计划之间的相互关系方面取得了进展,例如在伏尔加--里 地区 的 管 理、生物多样性和遥感技术 方面取得了进展。
While the setting of priorities has affected the level of support for the different
programmes, the Steering
[...] Group was pleased to note progress in increasing interaction among programmes, for example in relation to the management of the Volga-Caspian region, biodiversity [...]
and remote sensing.
除直接的政府援助外,该代表团还重 地 介 绍 了 那些 志愿和区组织 在洪水灾害期间所发挥的重要和积极作用。
Apart from direct government assistance, the delegation highlighted the large and positive roles of voluntary and community organizations during the disaster period.
还有三个研究报告,即“如何利用外国直接投资改善基础设 施――港口”,“如何在出口加区 振 兴 外 国直接投资,如何将外国直接投资吸 引到处于较不地位的区域” ,正处于不同的编制阶段。
A further three studies on How to use FDI to
[...] improve infrastructure – ports, How to revitalize FDI in export processing zones and How to attract FDI to less advantaged regions [...]
are at various stages of preparation.
委员会欢迎该方案在推动区域经济合作和促进中亚和平与稳定方面发挥的 作用,也兴地看到在高级区域经 济合作核心小组层面上与阿富汗的合作得到 了加强。
The Commission welcomed the role of the Programme in promoting regional economic cooperation and facilitating peace and stability in Central Asia and
the strengthened cooperation with Afghanistan at the level of the
[...] High-level Core Group on Regional Economic Cooperation.
波赫瓦隆娜女士(乌克兰),第一委员会报告员 (以英语发言):我非常兴地向大会 介 绍 第 一 委员会 关于议程项目 86 至 103 以及议程项目 [...]
118 和 133 的 报告。
(Ukraine), Rapporteur of the First
[...] Committee: It gives me great pleasure to introduce to the General [...]
Assembly the reports of the
First Committee on agenda items 86 to 103 and 118 and 133.
[...] 臭氧被作为飞行娱乐方案的一部分,其当地改编本被译成 地 语 言 并制 成新的概况绍,区域性 臭氧问答比赛(2007 年 7 月),建立关于回收、改进和再循环 [...]
的区域资源数据库,以及一个针对国家臭氧机构和技师的、将通过臭氧行动网站提供的氟 氯烃数据库。
Results range from Ozzy Ozone being shown as part of inflight entertainment programmes and local adaptations of this
character being made and
[...] translated into local languages to new fact sheets, a regional ozone quiz competition [...]
(July 2007),
the development of a Regional Resource Data Base on Recovery, Retrofit and Recycling and an HCFC data base for NOUs and technicians which is to be made available via the OzonAction website.




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