

单词 终点地址

See also:

终点 n

endpoint n
finishing point n

地址 n

address n
addresses pl

地点 n

locations pl
place n
spot n
point n

External sources (not reviewed)

路由器 ( 或者一系列路由器 ) 就可以接收数据,保证数据包能够达到 网络其他子网上的终目标地址。
The router (or series of routers)
can then take over the process of ensuring the
[...] packets get to their final destination on another subnet on your network.
尽管如此,设备数量依然不足以满足所有 址 和地 点的需求。
That notwithstanding, the amount of equipment would not have been enough to
[...] meet the needs of all sites and station.
这样定义的文化资产既可能是建筑地点、遗址、艺 术品、人工制品等有形资产,,也可能是思想、实践、信仰和传统等无形资产” [...]
(Throsby, 2001)。
Cultural capital defined in this way may exist in tangible form
[...] as buildings, locations, sites, artworks, artefacts, [...]
or in intangible form as ideas,
practices, beliefs and traditions” (Throsby, 2001).
2.3 由于延误(旅行人不能负责的除外),采取间接路线或由于旅行的 点 或 终点 不 是旅 行人的正常居地点,其 费用一概不予支付。
2.3 Costs resulting from delays (other than those for which the traveller is not responsible),
[...] [...] indirect route or travel originating or terminating elsewhere than the traveller’s [...]
normal place of residence shall not be payable.
经社会注意到一些国家为推动国际交通运输和提高本区域互联互通所做 的努力,其中包括:(a) 在地边界建立一体化的检查站 终点 站 ; (b)开展次 区域协调确定货物、人员和服务不受限制的跨界流动的项目;(c) [...]
为过境交通 提供有利条件和设施,(d)
加入国际交通运输便利化公约;(e) 缔结双边交通 运输协定。
The Commission noted the efforts of some countries to facilitate international transport and enhance regional
connectivity by (a)
[...] setting up integrated check posts and terminals at land borders, (b) undertaking [...]
subregional coordination
to identify projects for unrestricted cross-border movement of goods, people and services, (c) providing favourable conditions and facilities for transit traffic, (d) acceding to international transport facilitation conventions and (e) concluding bilateral transport agreements.
进度报告提供了职业学校和制冷维修 店的清单,并附地址和根据最终淘 汰管理计划为其供应的设备一览表。
The progress report provides the list of
vocational schools and refrigeration
[...] servicing shops with their addresses and inventory of equipment [...]
supplied to them under the TPMP.
向邻终点站运 输马里石油和天然气的活动在某些方面需要更详细研究, 即:不同国家的规章的一体化和统一;与马里共有沉积 地 的 邻国达成的谅解和/ 或安排。
Certain aspects of the transport of Malian oil and gas to terminals in neighbouring countries need more detailed study, namely: integration and harmonization of the regulations of the different [...]
countries; and
understandings and/or arrangements with neighbouring countries with which Mali shares sedimentary basins.
URL地址就是服务点(en dpoint),而返回的Web页面则是该服务的响应。
The URL is the service endpoint, and the [...]
web page that is returned is the response of the service.
[...] 接谈判,也不是为了剥夺以色列的合法性,因为对巴 勒斯坦国的这种承认不会使终地位 谈 判所涉的点内容得到解决,而这意味着冲突将继续下去,无法 得到全面解决。
Jordan believes that recognition of the Palestinian State within the United Nations is neither a substitute for direct negotiations nor is it aimed at delegitimizing Israel, for such
recognition of the Palestinian
[...] State would leave five points of the final status negotiations [...]
pending, which means that the
conflict would continue without being fully addressed.
方案利地块及南侧绿地设计了一片深海主题公园作为校园主轴线 终点 , 同 时也是校园内重要的户外公共活动空间。
Taking advantages of the block and green area to the south side, we designed a deep-sea theme park as the end of the main [...]
axis of the
campus, to create an important outdoor public space.
网站信标是在网页或 HTML
[...] 电子邮件上的小图像,用于为我们的广告服务供应商提供用户访问站点网页的因特 地址 、 站 点 的 浏 览模式和站点广告和促销活动的回应信息。
Web beacons are small graphic images on a web page or on an HTML email
that tell our advertising service
[...] providers the Internet address of the Site pages [...]
viewed by users, browsing patterns within
the Site, and responses to advertisements and promotions on the Site.
技术工作组建议建立一个共同制度所有休养旅行框架,其中包括下列要 素:(a) 连休 5 天,不记入年假;(b) 给予旅行时间,其定义是,前往和离开工 作所在地实际花费的时间;(c) 支付指定休地点住宿 费用,计算方法是,指定 工地点每日 生活津贴住宿部分平均数(5 天共 700 美元)加 50 美元终点站费 用,为每次旅行支付的总住宿费用为 750 美元;(d) 支付工作所在地至指定休地点最便宜和最直接路线的旅行费用。
The technical working group recommended a common system framework for all rest and recuperation travel, with the following elements: (a) five consecutive days off, not charged to annual leave; (b) travel time, defined as the actual time spent travelling to and from the place of duty; (c) a contribution towards accommodation at the designated place of
rest and recuperation,
[...] calculated as the average amount of the accommodation portion of the daily subsistence allowance as applicable to the designated places ($700 for five days) plus $50 towards terminal costs, for a total of $750 per travel; and (d) paid travel by the cheapest and most direct route from [...]
the place of duty
to the designated place of rest and recuperation.
以色列不断在西岸和东耶 路撒冷采取非法行动,包括建设定 点 , 摧 毁巴勒 斯坦人的住宅和没收他们的土地,目的是改变人口 平衡,阻止建立独立的巴勒斯坦国以及在 终地位 谈判之前先发制人。
Continuing illegal actions in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including settlement building, the destruction of Palestinians’ homes and expropriation of their land, aimed to alter the demographic balance, prevent the establishment of an independent Palestine state and pre-empt the finalstatus negotiations.
此项措施是为了保护您的购物安全,确保您已经授权 Ashford 将商品运送到地址外的其他地点。
This measure is for your protection and ensures that you have authorized Ashford to ship the item to
[...] an address other than your primary address.
站点 URL —
[...] 根据您与之通信的网络服务器,选择 http:// 或 https:// ;然后 输入用于复制文档的网络服务地址和 SharePoint 站点 URL。
Site URL — depending on the web server you are communicating with,
select http:// or
[...] https://; then enter the address of the web server and SharePoint site URL where the [...]
documents are to be copied.
(B) 倘本公司向有權收取人士寄發就股份所應付之支票、股息單或匯 票或其他應付款項連續兩次未兌現,或該支票、股息單或匯票一度未能送達而被退回
[...] 本公司,則本公司毋須再向該人士寄發就有關股份所應付之任何到期股息或其他款 項,直至該人士通知本公司一個為此目的而使用 地址 為 止
(B) If any cheques, warrants or orders for dividends or other moneys payable in respect of a share sent by the Company to the person entitled thereto are left uncashed on two consecutive occasions or on one occasion if such cheque, warrant or order is returned to the Company undelivered, the Company shall not be obliged to send any dividends or other moneys
payable in respect of that share due to that person until he notifies
[...] the Company of an address to be used for the [...]
PRA 对应于 MUA (比如 thunderbird) 使用终端用户的地址。
The PRA corresponds to the address of the end-user [...]
that a MUA uses (like thunderbird).
介绍性报告处理了一些问题,其中包括:术语问题;嗣后协定和惯例在条 约解释中的一般意义;演变解释与嗣后协定和惯例之间的相互关系;时际法问 题;嗣后协定和惯例的各种要素;包括:可能发生这一现象的有关期间的 点和 终点、确 定各当事方的共同谅解或协议,包括沉默的可能作用、将行为归于国家 的问题;以及嗣后协定和惯例作为条约修改的可能手段。
The introductory report addressed a number of questions including: terminological issues; the general significance of subsequent agreements and practice in treaty interpretation; the question of inter-temporal law; the relationship between evolutionary interpretation and subsequent agreements and practice; the various elements of subsequent agreements and practice, including: the beginning and the end of the relevant period within which this phenomenon may take place, the identification of a common understanding or agreement by the parties, including the potential role of silence, questions of attribution of conduct to the State; as well as subsequent agreements and practice as a possible means of treaty modification.
请认真填写以下表格,填写您地址 并 点 击 发 送。
Please fill out the following form
[...] carefully, enter your address, and click on send.
[...] 残疾乘客,如附设靠背及安全带的轮椅停放处、降低车身功能,并设有阔门、车 厢内设有颜色分明及有纹理的扶手、特 地 台 并 铺有防 地 板 、伸手可及的按 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字 终点 站 及 路线编号的电子显示、车身侧 面及后面设有大字体路线编号的电子显示、巴士出口设有车门关闭蜂鸣器及提示 [...]
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high
colour contrast and
[...] textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for [...]
passengers with disabilities,
large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services.
这些举措包括 亚洲公路网和泛亚铁路网的主要路段的建设,其中包括各国之间的道路和铁 路联系、边境口岸终点站、 陆港和海港。
Those initiatives included the development of major sections of the Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway networks, including intercountry road and rail linkages, bordercrossing terminals, dry ports and seaports.
因此,对那些已达到其自然寿终点 或 其 他组织更 有条件开展的活动应当实行“自然淘汰”的法则。
Sunset clauses should therefore be introduced for those activities that have reached the end of their natural life or which other organizations are better equipped to deal with.
在这方面,一个切合实际的办法是在靠近多种冲突局势的国家设立联合国区 域调解中心,址地点应当 让所有利益攸关方感到乐于访问或肯打交道。
A practical idea in this regard could be the establishment of United Nations regional mediation centres in countries close to multiple conflict situations which all relevant stakeholders can feel comfortable travelling to or engaging with.
(b) 根據公司條例之條文,本公司每份資產負債表須經簽署,及每份資產負債表 之副本(包括根據法律規定須與之隨附之每份文件)及於股東大會上向本公司提呈的損益賬連
同董事會報告副本及核數師報告副本,須於不遲於大會舉行日期前(二十一)日,向本公司每 名股東及每名債權證持有人及根據細則第 46 條登記之每位人士以及每名有權收取本公司股東
[...] 大會通告之其他人士寄發,惟本細則並無規定須向本公司並不知悉 地址 之 任 何人士或超過一 名任何股份或債權證聯名持有人寄發有關文件。
(b) Every balance sheet of the Company shall be signed pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, and a copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by law to be annexed thereto) and profit and loss account which is to be laid before the Company in general meeting, together with a copy of the Directors’ report and a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall not less than (twenty-one) days before the date of the meeting, be sent to every member of, and every holder of debentures of, the Company and every person registered under Article 46 and every other person entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company, provided that this Article shall not require a
copy of those documents to be sent to
[...] any person of whose address the Company is not [...]
aware or to more than one of the joint
holders of any shares or debentures.
这些特征包括与用户、服务器和供应商相关的标识符,例如 MSISDN 和 IMEI 编号、全球址码、点码, 等等。通过将指纹相关性统计信息、扫描统计信息、来自用户和“蜜罐”的反馈统计信息相结合,Cloudmark 可以更地识别 垃圾邮件发件人和信誉良好的发件人,并弥补易受攻击的漏洞。
These characteristics include as
[...] subscriber, server, and vendor related identifiers such as, MSISDN and IMEI numbers, global title, point code, etc. By combining fingerprint correlation statistics, along with scanning statistics, feedback [...]
from users and honeypots, Cloudmark can more rapidly identify spamming senders as well as good senders and close the vulnerability gap.
(C) 倘本公司將向任何股東作出有關股份之任何股息或其他分派或
任何其他付款為以有關貨幣向股東作出小額款項之付款,則董事會認為此舉就本公司 或股東而言屬不可行或花費昂貴,而當時有關股息或其他分派或其他付款可於董事酌
[...] 情決定權以有關股東所在國家(按股東名冊上有關股東列示 地址 ) 之 貨幣作出派付 或作出支付。
respect of shares or any other payment to be made by the Company to any shareholder is of such a small amount as to make payment to that shareholder in the relevant currency impracticable or unduly expensive either for the Company or the shareholder then such dividend or other distribution or other payment may, at the discretion of the Board, be paid or made in
the currency of the country of the relevant shareholder (as
[...] indicated by the address of such shareholder [...]
on the register).
当 司法总长对这类案例开展调查时,相关程序有始 终地 完 成 或对案例负有责任的 人受到惩处的情况很少。27 同时还注意到检察官办公室的调查也有类似的点。
When the Procurator General’s Office assumes the investigation of this type of cases, only rarely are proceedings completed or those responsible punished.27 Similar flaws are observed in the investigations of the Attorney General’s Office.
(v) 对于希望获得戒烟知识和实践技能,并将提供戒烟支持作为他们工作一部分的医务工作者需要学 习——烟草控制;尼古丁成瘾;戒烟指南;尼古丁依赖评估;可用、可获得、可负担、性价比高的戒烟药物
[...] 为;相关的基本解剖学和生理学知识,尤其是大脑内涉及奖赏和依赖的区域,肺脏和心血管系统;证实自我 报告戒烟真实性的可行方法;治 终点 , 特别是七天的时点戒烟率及持续戒烟率;保持戒烟状态,复杂病例 的建议;对特殊人群的风险效益评估。
(v) Cessation support for health staff who want to gain a knowledge base in cessation and gain the practical skills to provide cessation support as part of their rolea - tobacco control; nicotine addiction; cessation guidelines; assessing nicotine dependence; available, accessible, affordable, cost-effective cessation pharmacotherapy; setting a quit date; behavioural support; arranging follow-up support; identifying symptoms of nicotine withdrawal; cues that trigger urges to smoke; tobacco use compensation behaviour; basic relevant anatomy and physiology, particularly the areas of the brain involved in reward and dependence, the lungs, and the cardiovascular system; available methods of
verifying self-reported
[...] abstinence; treatment endpoints, in particular seven-day point prevalence and [...]
continuous abstinence; maintaining
abstinence, seeking advice on complex cases; and risk-benefit assessment of specific population groups.




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