单词 | 终成眷属 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 终成眷属 —Love will find a way come together. [idiom.]Examples:有情人终成眷属—If there are lovers, love will find find a way come together. [idiom.] See also:眷属—family member • husband and wife
本公司会向本集团任何成员公司披露您的个人信息,包括本公司位于 EEA 不同国家及美国的附属公司、最终控 股 公司及其附属公司。 moneybookers.com | We may disclose your personal information to any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries [...] who are based in different [...]countries within the EEA and in the USA. moneybookers.com |
集团期待对这个问题进行富有成果的讨 论,并指出,拟定政策始终是大会的 专 属 领 域。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group looked forward to fruitful discussion of the issue, [...] and recalled that policy formulation remained the exclusive domain of the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些人就像罗得的妻子那样眷恋凡 尘, 最终 他们要付上沉重的代价。 liangyou.net | Ultimately when people who are like Lot's wife insist [...] on looking back . liangyou.net |
首先,议会如何能达成为其 下设委员会争取 “联邦级别”资质这一最终目标尚属 未 知。 crisisgroup.org | First, there is still uncertainty as to how the legislature will seek to achieve its ultimate goal of obtaining “Union-level” status for its committees and commissions. crisisgroup.org |
这些高能气体粒子把 金属原子从靶材的表面击 出,金属原子最终散落在 基材料上形成极薄的金属 层。 konzern.heraeus.de | The energy-rich gas particles displace [...] individual metal atoms from the surface of the target, which are then deposited in a very thin metal layer on the [...]material to be coated. corporate.heraeus.com |
一些未决问题有待两个附属机构最终 完 成 , 并根据《公 约》缔约方会议和《议定书》缔约方会议前几届会议作出的决定,分别提交《公 [...] 约》缔约方会议第十六届会议和《议定书》缔约方会议第六届会议通过。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are some outstanding issues to be [...] finalized by these subsidiary bodies and forwarded to [...]the COP and the CMP for adoption [...]at their sixteenth and sixth sessions, respectively, in accordance with decisions made at earlier COP and CMP sessions. daccess-ods.un.org |
學生簽證持有者的學齡眷屬可入讀滿足國內註冊相關要求的任何學校。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | School-aged dependents of student [...] visa holders can attend any school that meets relevant requirements for domestic registration. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
今天正是元宵佳節,我們這些愛好環保的 議員與一位對環保非常熟悉的局長,正好是有情人 終 成眷 屬 ( 眾笑),所以 更應盡快開枝散葉,為香港的環保事業多做一點事。 legco.gov.hk | Today happens to be the Chinese Valentine's Day, so with Members who hold dear to environmental protection on the one side and the Secretary who is well-versed in the subject on the other, it seems to be the very best moment for the good pair to tie the knot (laughter), multiplying their successors as soon as possible to devote more effort to the environmental protection cause in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席女士,西方神話故事的結尾,通常是「有情㆟ 終 成眷 屬 」 ,英 文 原文是"And they lived happily ever after",即是說,從此過 愉快的生活。 legco.gov.hk | DR LAM KUI-CHUN (in Cantonese): Madam deputy, fairy tales in the West usually have the happy ending, stating that "the lovers finally got married" or "they lived happily ever after". legco.gov.hk |
GA-101 室(电话分机:3.7182、3.7183 或 3.8751) 接待委员会是一个自筹经费的非政治性私人组织,致力于协助代表 及其眷属感到他们在纽约和周围环境中是受欢迎的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is a private self-supporting and non-political organization devoted to helping delegates and their families feel welcome in New York and the surrounding area. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於眷屬並 非學生簽證持有者,故其無須參加 CRICOS 登記學校(CRICOS [...] 即為澳洲聯邦政府核准招收海外學生之課程與教育機構名冊。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | They are not required to attend CRICOS-registered [...] schools because dependents are not student [...]visa holders (CRICOS is the Commonwealth [...]Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
但 是如果其犯罪在法律上属于终身徒 刑或死刑的情况下,如果被告没有自己采用律 师,必须为其指定一名律师。 daccess-ods.un.org | But in offences that their punishment according to the law is life imprisonment or death penalty, if the accused does not personally introduce a lawyer, designating a lawyer for him/her is mandatory. daccess-ods.un.org |
把疾病分为传染和非传染两类对联合国来说或 许很方便,但是,它的最终结果是有一类疾病得到所 有关注、所有双边资金和所有行动的 眷 顾 , 另一类疾 病却无人理睬,任其发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | While splitting diseases into communicable and [...] non-communicable categories may be convenient for the United Nations, it has ultimately resulted in one group receiving [...]all the attention, [...]all the bilateral funding and all the action, while the other has been left to flounder unassisted. daccess-ods.un.org |
对此,有委员表示,一旦设定任何此类限制,只有高级别官员离任 时 属 人 豁 免才 会终止。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, the view was expressed [...] that in establishing any such [...] limitations, immunity ratione personae must cease [...]to exist only after the high-level officials [...]no longer serve their term of office. daccess-ods.un.org |
这笔经费将用于本组织不具备、 超出系统集成合同范围之外,属于下列领域的专门知识:变化管理领 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 [...] 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤、薪金、预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 供的项目管理服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The provision would provide for specialized expertise not [...] available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems [...]integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and implementation, data warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港在 1992 年第一次舉行「國際獅子 年會」,當時 25,000 位國際獅子會會 員及同行家 眷 來港,成為國際矚 目 盛 事。 legco.gov.hk | In 1992, Hong Kong hosted the LCI Convention for the first time. The convention brought 25,000 visitors to the city and was a milestone for the convention industry. legco.gov.hk |
在同一时 [...] 期,另一个针对幼儿园的消除绝对贫穷次级方 案 眷 顾了 511 名贫困家庭的儿童, 为这些不能正常上学的儿童提供免费午餐、交通、身体检查、学习用品和确保孩 [...]子在学的方案(“accompagnement scolaire”)。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the same period, another subprogramme of [...] the Eradication of Absolute Poverty, which [...] is a pre-primary school project, had [...]been caring for 511 children from poor families [...]who could not attend classes regularly, with free lunches, transportation, medical examinations, school materials and a programme to ensure that children are in school (“accompagnement scolaire”). daccess-ods.un.org |
随后,自 2011 年开始,要求工作人员在他们各自的人口基金绩效评估 和发展体系中证明他们已经完成道德 操守在线课程,并转而要求主管在 下 属 的年 度终了审查中记录遵守规定情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, beginning in 2011, staff members are [...] required to certify [...] in their respective PADs that they have completed the ethics online course and supervisors in turn are [...]required to record [...]compliance in the respective year-end reviews of their supervisees. daccess-ods.un.org |
据 报,一些军事人员的家眷和住 房也遭到袭击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Families and houses of military personnel were also reportedly attacked. daccess-ods.un.org |
Annihilationists,另一方面,无论是在找不到任何理由或启示这种乐观的理由,并考虑到自己是一个不朽的宽限期,而不是灵魂的自 然 属 性 , 相信 最 终 会 被 消灭或不知悔改不再存在 - 上帝会因此最终被迫承认了他的目的和电源故障。 mb-soft.com | Annihilationists, on the other hand, failing to find either in reason or Revelation any grounds for such optimism, and considering immortality [...] itself to be a grace and [...] not the natural attribute of the soul, believe that the finally impenitent will be annihilated or cease to exist -- that God will thus ultimately [...]be compelled to confess [...]the failure of His purpose and power. mb-soft.com |
(g) 倘若任何董事会会议内产生任何关于董事(除会议的主席外)或其联系人 [...] 的权益或关于任何董事(除该主席外)的表决及被计入法定人数的权利的 问题,且此问题没有因为他自愿放弃表决或被计入法定人数内而得到解 [...] 决,此问题应提交会议主席处理,他对于该董事的裁定 应 属 最 后和 最 终的 裁 定,除 非 以该董事所知该董事或其联系人的利益的性质和范围没有公平 [...]地披露予董事会知道。 cr-power.com | (g) If any question arises at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director (other than the chairman of the meeting) or his Associate, or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such chairman) to vote or be counted in the quorum and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or not to be counted in the quorum, such question shall be referred to the chairman of the [...] meeting and his ruling in relation to such [...] other Director shall be final and conclusive [...]except in a case where the nature or [...]extent of the interest of the Director or his Associate concerned as known to such Director has not been fairly disclosed to the Board. cr-power.com |
食物和非食物原料的物理属性、 加工及 最 终 产 品 的质 量是非常重要的主题。 cigr.org | Physical properties of food and non-food materials, [...] processing, and quality of final products are important topics. cigr.org |
判决书得到翻译,并发送给相关的机构,其影 [...] 响和结果得到了评估,并采取了必要的防范性措施,如果判 决 属 于 终 审 判 决,就 向有关各方提供赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Judgements are translated and distributed to relevant institutions, their impact and results are [...] assessed, the necessary preventive measures are taken [...] and, once they are final, compensation is [...]paid to the relevant parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 這 個 制 度 之 下 , 所 有 大 名 均 必 須 輪 流 居 住 在 江 戶,當 他 們 要 返 回 [...] 屬 地 時,更 要 將 自 己 的 妻 子 及 家 眷 留 在 江 戶 , 成 為 大 將 軍 的 人 質 。 hkahe.com | Under this practice, all daimyo were required to [...] reside alternately in Edo, leaving [...] their wives and families behind them in the capital as hostages [...]when they returned to their own fields. hkahe.com |
请记住,警报一旦激活,属性就会始 终 用 于 维持该警报, 不要在激活发生时进行修改。 redlion.net | Remember that the property always acts to maintain an alarm once the alarm is activated, and not to modify the point at which the activation occurs. redlion.net |
若果政府能這樣做,不 單止可透過婚姻註冊處令有情㆟終 成眷 屬 , 而且可通過康體署幫助夫妻"Live happily ever after legco.gov.hk | Should the Government put these proposals into practice, not only will it be possible for lovers to get married at the Marriage Registry, but couples can also "live happily ever after" with the help of the Recreation and Sport Service Division. legco.gov.hk |
林健鋒議員剛才提到CEPA及 “粵港合作框架協議”,而我也多次提 到 CEPA是祖國對我們的眷顧, 是一份每年也會派發的禮物,每年也不 同,且每年擴大。 legco.gov.hk | Just now, Mr Jeffrey LAM mentioned CEPA and the Framework Agreement on Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation, and I have also repeatedly said that CEPA is a blessing from our motherland, a gift to us every year. legco.gov.hk |
事實上,香港人正把辛辛苦苦賺來的錢奉送、奉獻給其他地區,因 為他們心目中一直認為世界級的大金融機構和大經紀皆是對的,本地華 資經紀...... 任志剛先生曾親自對我說過一番話( 他當然亦可以否 認 ),他叫我不要再眷顧本 地的散戶或小經紀,他們是會被淘汰的。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, Hong Kong people are giving their hard earned money away to other regions because they always think that world-class financial bodies and brokers are correct, and local Chinese brokers …… Mr Joseph YAM personally told me (he can certainly deny it) that I should no longer take good care of local retail investors or small brokers for they would be eliminated. legco.gov.hk |
这笔 赔偿金全额支付,属于最终和解 安排,但因违反《欧 洲人权公约》第八条的行为而遭受的非金钱损害、因 [...] 违反《欧洲人权公约》第六条的行为而遭受的任何损 害及任何收入损失除外。 daccess-ods.un.org | This compensation was [...] paid in full and final settlement with the [...]exception of non-pecuniary damage suffered as a result [...]of a violation of article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, any damage suffered as a result of a violation of article 6 of that Convention and any loss of income. daccess-ods.un.org |