

单词 织当访婢



if it's plowing ask the laborer, if it's weaving ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist

External sources (not reviewed)

小组委员会 建当局为选择非政府织受权查访 拘 留 地点制定明确和客观的标准,并考虑赋 予这些非政府组织永久查访权。
The SPT recommends that the authorities develop clear and objective criteria for selecting NGOs to be granted the right to visit places of detention, [...]
and that they consider
granting those NGOs permanent authorization to visit.
主席女士,從 歷 史 角 度 來 看 ,地主不 單 擁 有其宅 邸 和四周的土 地,並 且 擁 有其土 地 上 的 所 有 東 西 , 包括僕 人婢 女 。
Historically, Madam President, the lord of the manor owned not only the manor house and the lands surrounding it, but everything else on his lands including, in particular, servants and maids.
我希望他們的徒子徒孫甚至徒子 徒孫婢僕,也懂得這一點。
I hope their disciples, or followers of their disciples, or even the servants of the followers of their disciples can realize this.
簡介 首播日期: 2010.01.06 以朝鮮仁祖時代為背景,講述逃跑 婢 和 推奴手們的故事。
Synopsis Release Date: 2010.01.06 Set during the Joseon Dynasty, Chuno follows the story of Lee Dae-gil, Song Tae-ha, and Kim Hye-won.
挪威建议:(a) 允许所有 希望访问沙特阿拉伯的国际人权织 访 问;(b) 结束 严厉 的男性监护制,给予 沙特妇女以充分的法律身份;(c) 采 取当的措 施,以便利于 妇女参 加工作;(d) 采 取 适 当 措 施 广 泛 宣 传 且 充 分 确保尊重《维权者 宣 言 》 ; (e) 消除阻止人权维护者言论和行动自由的障碍,包括所有旅行禁令。
Norway recommended: a) that all
[...] international human rights organizations wishing to do so are allowed to visit Saudi Arabia; b) to end the strict system of male guardianship and give full legal identity to Saudi women; c) that appropriate measures be [...]
taken with a view to
facilitate access to work for women; d) to adopt appropriate measures to disseminate widely and ensure full observance of the Declaration of Human Rights Defenders; e) that the obstacles to freedom of expression and movement against human rights defenders, including all travel bans are removed.
如果不能回答,倒不如回家睡覺吧!因為對此10年前所訂之約, 政府至今仍未能實踐,今天還是採用姓董的區議會,因為這樣做它便可 以透過委任議席來操控區議會議員,然後着他們選一羣人出來參選立法 會,一“榮 ”皆 “榮 ”,一選皆選,喜歡的時候“榮 ”他,喜歡選他的時候便 選他,這些人與古時婢僕有何分別?
To date, the Government is still unable to honour its undertaking made a decade ago, and it is still adopting the DC system implemented by TUNG Chee-hwa because by doing so, it can manipulate DC members through appointed membership and then make them elect a group of people to run for the seats for DC representatives in the Legislative Council.
危机织采访,当地非 政府组织负责人,仰光,2012 年 9 月;以及“Minorities [...]
still neglected, say ethnic MPs” [ 《少数民族议员称,少数民族仍然被忽视》] , The Irrawaddy [《伊洛瓦底江报》],2012 年 10 月 4 日。
Crisis Group interview, head of a local NGO, Yangon, [...]
September 2012; and “Minorities still neglected, say ethnic MPs”, The Irrawaddy, 4 October 2012.
使用模板、设备组、基于角色的管理和更新管理,各织 均可 委派对全部管理功能、可视化工具、策略创建、总体 和局布报告和记录的当访问权限。
Using templates, device groups, role-based
administration, and update
[...] management, organizations can delegate appropriate access to all management functions; visualization tools, policy creation, reporting and logging at both a global level as well as a local level.
李剛說 ⎯⎯ 這件事是我最近才聽 到,繼而引發我思考的 ⎯⎯ 便是原來李剛是可以在會議後發表,“民 主黨的態度不錯,對公投的態度不錯,所以我便與他們傾談”,是完全 把他的對手當作婢僕, 是可以動輒把會議內容說出來的。
LI Gang said ― I learnt about this only recently and it made me reflect a lot ― it turned out that LI Gang said after the meeting that "The attitude of the Democratic Party is quite good and its attitude toward the referendum is quite good, so I had discussions with them.
缔约国会议秘书提供了所要求的信息,并 指出仍在审查为织国别访问而 实施的法律安排,秘书处倾向于停止就今后的 访问进行书信往来的做法。
The Secretary provided the information requested and noted
that the legal arrangements
[...] put in place for organizing country visits were still being [...]
reviewed and that the secretariat
was inclined to discontinue the practice of exchanges of letters for future visits.
该《图集》包含了一个重要的非洲板块,是联合国教科文 织当 时 最成功的一份出版 物。
The Atlas contains an important section on Africa and is the
[...] most successful UNESCO publication at [...]
the moment.
作為一位局長,為何要好像婢或傭 人般侍奉立法會議員 呢?
Why should they, like maids or servants, serve Member of the Legislative Council?
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:当一个 未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期访,或 者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family
[...] Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social [...]
worker or placed on probation.
[...] 求,即允许它进入以色列,与政府官员和加沙火箭弹袭击的受害者进行交谈,并 允许它经以色列进入西岸,对受害者和相 当 局 进行 采 访 , 以了解被以色列命名 为“铸铅军事行动”的加沙行动。
Further, he relayed his Government’s denial of the Committee’s request for permission to enter Israel in order to speak to government officials and victims of rocket attacks launched from Gaza, and to access the
West Bank and Gaza through
[...] Israel to interview victims and relevant authorities with respect [...]
to the operations in Gaza codenamed
by Israel “Operation Cast Lead”.
有美国政府、Mozilla 和多个私人织当靠山,Do Not Track 呼吁苹果、Google 和微软等网络程序经营商在浏览器中加入简单的功能;若用户开启此功能,可以在 访 网 站 的时候让对方知道他们不想被追踪。
Backed by the U.S. government, Mozilla and various privacy advocates,
Do Not Track calls for popular web
[...] application operators such as Apple, Google and Microsoft to implement a simple browser feature that when enabled allows users to inform the websites they visit that they do not want to be tracked.
这些活动包括:织介绍情况访问团及 参加在区域和国家一级组织的各种研讨会和会议 ;协助各国评估其贸易法 改革需要,具体方法包括审查既有法规 ;协助起草国家法律以落实贸易法 委员会的法规 ;协助多边和双边发展机构在其法律改革活动和项目中使用 [...]
律师组织、商会和仲裁中心等国际组织及其他组织提供咨询意见和援助; 举办培训活动,便利法官和法律从业人员执行和解释在贸易法委员会法规 基础上制定的相关法律。
These activities include organizing briefing missions and participating in seminars and conferences, organized at both national [...]
and regional
levels; assisting countries in assessing their trade law reform needs, including by reviewing existing legislation; assisting with the drafting of national legislation to implement UNCITRAL texts; assisting bilateral and multilateral development agencies to use UNCITRAL texts in their law reform activities and projects; providing advice and assistance to international and other organizations, such as professional associations, organizations of attorneys, chambers of commerce and arbitration centres, on the use of UNCITRAL texts; and organizing training activities to facilitate the implementation and interpretation of legislation based on UNCITRAL texts by judges and legal practitioners.
尤其是 电子商务中心第 35
[...] [...] 号建议在附件二中给出“准则清单”,列出并讨论了下列法 律要素:实施单一窗口设施的法律依据;单一窗口设施的结构和 织 ; 数 据保 护访问数据和政府机构间共享数据的权限;身份识别、认证和授权;数据质 量;赔偿责任问题;仲裁和争议解决;电子单证;电子存档;知识产权和数据 [...] [...]
In particular, UN/CEFACT Recommendation 35, in its Annex II, featured “Checklist Guidelines” listing and discussing the following legal elements: legal basis for implementing a Single Window facility;
single window facility
[...] structure and organization; data protection; authority to access and share data [...]
between government
agencies; identification, authentication, and authorization; data quality; liability issues; arbitration and dispute resolution; electronic documents; electronic archiving; intellectual property rights and database ownership; and competition.
在第 2
[...] 条草案的评注第(4)段(A/64/10,第 51 段)中,更为可取的做法是说 明欧安织当前地位存在争议。
In paragraph (4) of the commentary on
draft article 2 (A/64/10, para. 51), it would be preferable to specify
[...] that the current status of OSCE is controversial.
也 门 说 , 加沙地带灾难 深
重,建议以色列立即释放所有被拘留的巴勒斯 坦人、叙 利亚人和阿拉伯
[...] 人,包括妇 女 、 儿童和 记者; 允 许包括红十 字 会在内的 国 际织访问所有以色列监 狱 的 被拘留 者 并 检 查 他 们 的 状 况,以确 [...]
保 拘 留条件符 合 起 码标准;停 止 一 切
形 式 的 酷刑以及有辱 人 格 和不人道 行为;允 许 家 属探望 被 拘留者;清除检查站、为巴勒斯坦人的迁移提供便利;结束对自 1967 年被占领的 包括耶路撒冷在内的所有巴勒斯坦作阿拉伯领土的占领。
Yemen stated that the suffering in the Gaza Strip was grave, and recommended that Israel immediately free all Palestinian, Syrian and Arab detainees, including women,
children and journalists; allow
[...] international organizations, including ICRC, to visit detainees and examine [...]
their situation in
all Israeli prisons to ensure that detention conditions conform to minimum standards; put an end to all forms of torture and degrading and inhuman behaviour; give families the right to visit detainees; remove crossing points; facilitate movement of Palestinians; and end its occupation of all Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem.
那里的员工报 告说,没有内部监督查访,也没有非政府 织 查 访。
Staff there reported that there were no internal
[...] monitoring visits and that no NGOs visited.
宴会厅, 布罗德里克, 康罗伊, 黑暗时代, 永恒的黑暗, 饥荒, 愁云, 争夺, 人类同伴, 孤独的公主, 梅西,
[...] 暴跌, 公主豌豆, 大鼠世界, 婢女, 纯粹的恐怖, 船舶航行, [...]
banquet room, broderick, conroy, dark ages, eternal darkness, famine, gloom, grabs,
human companion, lonely princess, macy, plunges, princess pea,
[...] rat world, servant girl, sheer [...]
terror, ship sails, soup bowl
这一侧重点与教科文织当前 的 计划定位一致:一方面,消除贫穷特别是赤贫是教科文 织当 前 中期战略(31C/4)的两 个横向专题之一;另一方面,“水资源与相关生态系统”在连续三个计划与预算期内一直是 科学部门的主要优先项目。
This focus corresponds to UNESCO’s current programmatic orientation: on the one hand, the eradication of poverty, especially extreme poverty, constitutes one of two cross-cutting themes for UNESCO’s current Medium-Term Strategy [...]
(31 C/4); on the
other hand, “water and associated ecosystems” has been the Science Sector’s principal priority for three consecutive programme and budget periods.
2012 年 2 月 23 日至 3 月 5 日,基金织访问科 索沃的代表团根据 2011 年 12 月的数据对科索沃的工作人员监测方案作出了第二次和最后评估,并与科索当局就 新的备用(贷款)安排进行了讨论。
From 23 February to 5
[...] March 2012, an IMF mission to Kosovo made a second and final assessment, based on December 2011 data, of the Staff-Monitored Programme and conducted discussions with the Kosovo authorities on a new Standby [...]
14法 律索引是本织访问量 最大的网页之一,现已成为一个重要的专业资源,让专家 当 事 人 、学术界或 任何有关的人员得以熟悉WIPO已有的判例。
To facilitate access to these decisions according to subject matter, the Center also offers an online searchable Legal Index of WIPO UDRP Decisions.14 One of the Organization’s most visited web pages, the Legal Index has become an essential professional resource, allowing panelists, parties, academics [...]
or any interested person
to familiarize themselves with WIPO case precedent.
[...] 在其表示同意受约束之时正式确认,但条件是,该国或该组织在提出反对时已经 签署了该条约;如果该国或该国际 织当 时 尚未签署该条约,则必须确认反对。
An objection formulated prior to the expression of consent to be bound by the treaty does not need to be formally confirmed by the objecting State or international organization at the time it expresses its consent to be bound if that State or that organization was a signatory to the treaty when it
formulated the objection; it must be confirmed if the State or the
[...] international organization had not signed [...]
the treaty.
这其中可以包括姆贝基总统的来访,因为他在 2003 年 11 月 19 日来本织访问时 ,以 《全球化世界中的非洲所面临的非洲新伙伴关系的新纪元》为题举行了一次讲座。
It was against this backdrop that
[...] President Mbeki visited the Organization’s Headquarters [...]
on 19 November 2003, where he gave
an address on the theme “New Partnership for Africa’s Development: a new era for Africa in a globalizing world”.
1373(2001)号决议 所设委员会,我国代表团欢迎该委员会先是改进了工
[...] 作方法,以确保其工作更透明、更有效;其次是更好 地利用了其所拥有的工具,包括初步评估报告,以便 更好地重点解决会员国的需求,并进行国 访 问 、与 区域织合作以及推广行为守则。
With respect to the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counterterrorism, my delegation welcomes the fact that the Committee has, first, improved its methods of work to ensure greater transparency and effectiveness in its work; and secondly, better utilized the tools at its disposal, including preliminary assessments, to better focus
on the needs of
[...] Member States, country visits, cooperation with regional organizations, and the promotion [...]
of codes of conduct.
5)关于安全对策的实施 我们公司,为了确保个人信息的正确性及安全性实施安全对策,防止对个人信息的不 当访 问 , 个人信息的遗失,破坏,窜改及泄漏等的同时,在必要的情况下进行改善。
(5) Regarding implementation of safety precautions We implement the safety precautions to meet the accuracy and security of personal
information, prevent
[...] unauthorized access to personal information, loss of personal information, destruction, manipulation and leak, and take actions [...]
to improve when required.




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