

单词 织布




织布工 n

weaver n

External sources (not reviewed)

在宣布约瑟夫·卡比拉选举获胜后,和平高级理事会企图重新 织布 卡武 及其周边的前穆敦杜 40 战斗人员和 [...]
Shi 族军官,以便呼唤民众起义。
The Conseil supérieur de la paix (CONSUP) was an attempt to reactivate former Mudundu
40 combatants and officers of Shi ethnicity
[...] in and around Bukavu in order to galvanize [...]
a popular uprising in the wake of
the promulgation of Joseph Kabila’s electoral victory.
同时,各地也在织布局最 合理、最清洁的地 区、街道、水体等评比活动。
Various localities also organise contests for the most arranged district, street and aquatic place, etc.
人口趋势要求更多关注青年问题以及与国际劳工 织 、 布 雷 顿 森林机构 和其他方面合作制定各项政策,使青年人获得一技之长,找到工作。
Trends in demography call for more attention to be paid to youth
issues and, in partnership with the
[...] International Labour Organization, Bretton Woods [...]
agencies and others, to policies for preparing
young people with skills to gain employment.
中层使用聚碳酸脂制造,质硬而且薄,内里以 织布 覆 盖 ,质感非凡。
It is light and thin and adds a layer of protection to iPhone without adding additional weight or bulk.
数字式的红外线电眼通过一个CCD晶片能准确地测试到同种的,不透光材料的边缘位置,比如:纸,无纺布,橡胶,帘子线, 织布 或 针 织布。
The digital infrared edge sensor with a CCD line chip detects very
precisely the position of web edges of homogeneous, opaque webs
[...] such as paper, nonwovens, rubber, tire cord, wovens and knits.
[...] 府,因此,在联合国系统方面不得不进行了各种调整,并且教科文 织布 琼 布 拉 办事 处积极促进了这一进程。
As the United Nations role in Burundi is to provide support to the government and assist it in the task of peacebuilding and economic recovery, various
readjustments at the United Nations system level were
[...] made, and the UNESCO Office Bujumbura was actively [...]
involved in that process.
对于较纤巧的织布料,建议使用标 准针嘴RG(或FFG):对于较粗糙的织布料,则使用FG中圆嘴。
On fine knitwear the standard point RG (also FFG) and on coarse knitwear the FG-point.
另外,在教科文组织社会变革管理计划的支持下,阿根廷和乌拉圭以及各城市的 政府和非政府织、布宜诺斯艾利斯、科尔多瓦、蒙得维的亚和罗萨里奥德的各大学 [...]
院校于 2006 年 2 月 20 日至 24 日联合组织了社会科学–政策联系国际论坛,以探讨公
共政策和社会科学研究之间的联系的区域问题和专题问题,并建议了消除两个领域间 现有差距的方法。
Furthermore, under the auspices of UNESCO’s MOST Programme, the International
Forum on the Social Science-Policy Nexus
[...] (IFSP) was jointly organized by the governments [...]
and NGOs of Argentina and Uruguay, the
cities and universities of Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Montevideo and Rosario from 20 to 24 February 2006 in order to explore the different regional and thematic dimensions of the nexus between public policy and social science research, and to suggest ways to overcome the existing gap between these two areas.
无论是纤巧或厚料织布,若圆嘴过 大或针号过细,在绣花过程中会出现 不规则的绣花效果,断线及断针等问 题。
Whether on fine or heavy woven fabrics, if the ballpoint [...]
is too big or the used needle too thin, problems will occur during the embroidery operation.
本集团拥有有梭、小剑杆、苏州必佳乐大剑杆、比利时必佳乐喷气、日本丰田喷气、日本津田驹等各 织布 设 备 ,能够生产小提花类、牛仔布、大提花类、一般喷气类、高支高密类生产各类纯棉、涤棉、麻棉以及天丝、Modal、大豆纤维、竹纤维、丽赛、真丝棉混纺及各种新型纤维混纺或交织等3000余种面料,可以生产从47″至135″的任何幅宽、经纬密之和从90根至1000根的各种踏盘和小提花坯布,棉布重量范围从40g/㎡至650g/㎡,史陶比尔大提花织机85台,可以生产98″、105″、118″、120″,经纱密度173根/英寸左右的大提花品种,花围36至38厘米和72至74厘米两种规格,以及各种幅宽的染色布印花布等。
The Group owns shuttles, small rapier, Suzhou
Bijiale large rapier,
[...] Belgium Picanol Air Injection, Japan Toyota, Japan Tsudakoma and other kinds of weaving equipments which [...]
can produce dobby
series, jacquard, common air injection series, denim, and high-density series cotton, polyester cotton, hemp cotton and tencel, modal, silk cotton blend and all kinds of fabrics of more than 3000 sorts,and it can produce the width of 47″to 135″, density in warp and waft can be from 90 to 1000 grey fabric, and the weight of the cotton cloth can be from 40g/㎡ to 650g/㎡, There are 85 sets of Staubli Jacquard weaving machines,which can produce 98″, 105″, 118″, 120″,the density in warp and waft can be from 173t/inch jacquard series and two kinds of flowers width of 36 to 38cm and 72 to 74cm,and so on.
然 而,另一方面,在一般纱线中,毛羽含量太高、 波动大,经过染整过後的织布,会 有不希望的 起横状况发生。
On the other hand, higher or variable hairiness within a lot can cause an undesired cloudy
[...] appearance for the knitted fabrics after dyeing [...]
and finishing.
(d) 欧洲区域办事处在劳工织布鲁塞 尔办事处的参与下,组织了一个有关 国际人权文书及其对促进和保护欧洲移徙妇女家庭佣工人权的适用性的法律专 题讨论会(2010 年 5 月 25 至 26 日,布鲁塞尔),与会者包括移徙工人委员会的主 席以及欧盟成员国、欧盟委员会、联合国各机构、民间社会组织和国家人权机构 的代表。
(d) The Regional Office for Europe, with the participation of the ILOBrussels Office, organized a legal colloquium on international human rights instruments and their applicability to the promotion and protection of the human rights of migrant women domestic workers in Europe (Brussels, 25-26 May 2010), with the participation of, inter alia, the Chair of the Committee on Migrant Workers and representatives of EU member States, the European Commission, United Nations agencies, civil society organizations and national human rights institutions.
JIN YOUNG 是一家领先的蕾丝供应商,我们主要生产电脑蕾丝,圆桶 织布 , 及 经编产品等。
Producing various functional, high quality laces including computer
[...] lace, circular knit, tricot fabric etc. Presenting [...]
their new competitive collection at Interfiliere Shanghai.
拟编列差旅经费 160 300 美元,用于出席学术机构、智库、安全机构、政府 间和区域织、布雷顿 森林机构、联合国实体和非政府组织举办的政治和维持和 平问题研讨会/会议/讲习班。
An amount of $160,300 is proposed for travel to attend seminars/ conferences/workshops on political and peacekeeping issues organized by academic, think tank and security institutions, intergovernmental and regional organizations, the Bretton Woods institutions, United Nations entities and non-governmental organizations.
黎族人以精湛的纺 纱织布技术著称。
The Li are known
[...] for their fine spinning and weaving.
生产销售PP长织无纺布(不织布)坎培 拉;加工各类无纺制品、购物袋、西装套、礼品促销袋、手袋、挂衣袋等环保系列产品。
[...] sales PP long weaves not spins cloth (does not weave cotton cloth) ridge cultivates [...]
pulls; Processes not spins
product, shopping bag, western-style clothing wrap, present promotion bag, handbag, hangs environmental protection series product pocket.
1997年于中国设立远东服装(苏州)成衣厂,并往上游纱厂及布厂延伸,陆续设立远纺工业(无锡)纱厂、远纺织染(苏州 ) 针 织布 厂 、 远纺工业(九江)纱厂、亚东工业(苏州)工业用布厂。
Far Eastern Apparel (Suzhou) was set up in 1997. followed by Far Eastern Industries (Wuxi), Far Eastern Dyning & Finishing (Suzhou), Far Eastern Industries (Jiujiang), and Oriental Industries (Suzhou).
[...] 穿珠子和完成简单的缝纫工作以及使用微 织布 机 , 并懂得用印章和无毒印油。
They can also string beads, complete simple sewing activities,
[...] use miniature looms, and use both [...]
stamps and non-toxic ink.
可乐丽集团于1926年以人造丝事业化为目的在日本仓敷市创立,除了第二次世界大战后首次在日本实现了工业化生产的国产合成纤维维尼伦,还不断开展了各种功能纤维事业,如以代替天然皮革为目的而开发的人工皮革<可乐丽娜>、以及聚酯纤维, 织布 K U R AF LEX、粘扣带MAGIC TAPE等。
Following WWII, the Company commercialized the synthetic fiber KURALON, which was invented in Japan, and developed a series of unique businesses, including the man-made leather CLARINO, developed
as a substitute for natural leather,
[...] polyester textiles, non-woven fabrics KURAFLEX, [...]
and MAGIC TAPE hook-and-loop fastener material.
Waste yarns are melted down and processed into pellets, which in turn
[...] become yarn again for fabric weaving.
机套采用聚碳酸脂配上碳纤维纹理的PU合成皮制成,手感平滑柔软,内里以 织布 覆 盖 ,质感非凡,能够很好地保护你的 iPad ,防止灰尘和刮花并提供减震及作防撞援冲。
Made from tough polycarbonate with a carbon pattern synthetic leather exterior and microfiber lining interior, Carbon Look protects iPad from light bumps and scratches.
为升华打印(T恤XS -
[...] XXL,200-500毫升杯,盘,直径6-24厘米,肩袋,帽子),白,聚酯或2层聚酯 + 棉 织布 产 品
Products for sublimation printing (T-shirts
XS-XXL, 200-500 ml cups, plates, dia. 6-24 cm, shoulder bags, hats), white, polyester or
[...] 2-ply polyester + cotton weaving.
1999年创立,占地40000㎡,公司主要致力于PET再生纤维的研究和开发利用,在再生纺涤纶短纤领域里创立了本企业特有的工艺专利和具有差别化优势的产品,是中国纺织协会再生委员会主任委员单位,再生涤纶短纤维行业标准的制定者,产品主要应用于纺纱, 织布 , 汽 车内饰、地毯、防水材料,填充料,喷胶棉等领域,公司产能30000吨,公司产品主要销往国外。
It is director member of renewable committee of China Textile Institute and constitutor of the standard for renewable polyester short fiber
industry. The company's products are mainly used
[...] in spinning, non-woven, automotive interior [...]
trim, carpet, waterproof material, filler,
clue spraying cotton and other fields with production capacity of 30,000 tons, the products are mainly sold abroad.
他 们懂得使用简织布机, 懂得拧塑料绳和穿小珠子,还懂得用玻璃珠、陶珠等易裂的艺术 媒体或可伸缩的彩色塑料自行制作饰物(如友谊手链、项链和饰针)和服装,并会乐在其 中。
They can work a basic loom, twist plastic strands, [...]
string small beads, and use fragile art media like glass and pottery
beads or shrinkable colored plastic to make their own accessories (for example, friendship bracelets, necklaces, and pins) and costumes, and enjoy doing so.
6.鼓励联合国系统各织、布雷顿 森林机构、双边和多边捐助者和其他 发展伙伴,在发生全球危机的情况下,协助最不发达国家考虑本国发展优先次 [...]
序,把《行动纲领》所载各项目标和指标转变为具体行动,并酌情同有关国家 发展论坛和后续机制合作,并为其提供支助
Encourages the United
[...] Nations system organizations, the Bretton [...]
Woods institutions, bilateral and multilateral donors and
other development partners, in view of the global crises, to assist the least developed countries in translating the goals and targets of the Programme of Action into concrete actions, taking into account their national development priorities, and to collaborate with and provide support to the relevant national development forums and follow-up mechanisms, as appropriate
其它有趣意念分别可见于A、C和L栏目:灵感来自1950年代设计的手工制作Abici单车、FENDI最高雅Selleria系列采用的Cuoio Romano名贵皮革,以及以古织布机精 工制作纺织品的Lisio Foundation。
Some other interesting notions in the Directory appear under the letters A, C and L, for handmade Abici bicycles inspired by the design of the ‘50s, Cuoio Romano precious leather, used by the maison Fendi for its most elegant Selleria Line and the Lisio Foundation unique for its textile workmanship on antique looms.
应邀担任学术界、政府和海洋事务和海洋法司在摩纳哥(国际海道测量 织 ) 、布 宜诺 斯艾利斯、吉隆坡、雷克雅未克、南安普敦(南安普敦海洋中心)、阿克拉、 科伦坡、赫尔辛基(欧盟议会)北京、伦敦(经济、社会和文化权利研讨会)、特隆德 海姆(法学院)举行的海洋法大会和培训课客座讲师。
I have been invited lecturer at law of the sea conferences and courses by academia, Governments and DOALOS in Monaco (IHO), Buenos Aires, Kuala Lumpur, Reykjavik, Southampton (SOC), Accra, Colombo, Helsinki (EU Parliamentarians), Beijing, London (ESCR Seminar), Tromsø (Faculty of Law).
在人口基金副执行主任(方案)代表四个 织 、 布 基 纳法索妇女事务部总秘书 处秘书长、联合国秘书长发起的“团结起来制止暴力侵害妇女行为”运动的一名 [...]
Following presentations by the UNFPA Deputy
Executive Director (Programme) speaking on
[...] behalf of the four organizations, the Secretary-General [...]
of the General Secretariat of
the Ministry of Women's Affairs, Burkina Faso, a representative from the UNiTE to End Violence against Women Campaign of the United Nations Secretary-General, and the UNFPA representative from Viet Nam, the President presided over a question and answer session.
水: 排送, 吸, 高压清洗, 冷却-压缩空气: 提供各种内径选择-有氧空气-焊接: 符合严格的标准规定-多用途及碳氢化合物: 液 体如油, 燃料等-溶剂,
[...] 涂料, 油漆及清漆-液压: 低压及中织布加强-套管: 视所传送介质而定.
Water: discharge/suction/high pressure jetting/cooling systems - Compressed air - Breathing air - Welding: compliant with the relevant standard to maximize the user safety - Oil: for demanding fluid such as oil, fuel and
solvents - Solvents/Paints/ Lacquer and varnish
[...] - Hydraulic: textile reinforced hydraulic [...]
hoses for special and demanding applications
- Industrial ducting: a large range for all products conveyed




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