单词 | 细微 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 细微 noun —nuance nminute n细微 noun, plural —subtleties pl细微 adjective —fine adj • tiny adj 细微 —sensitive (instruments)微细 —microminiature (technology)微微 noun —curvilinear nExamples:细微差别 n—nuance n 细微的迹象 n—suggestion n 细微之处 n—detail n See also:微—micro- • miniature • one millionth part of • ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing • abtruse • surname Wei
在非加压的状态下,可以使用超声波音频发生器,声音可从小孔中漏出,因而 非常细微的泄漏也可被检测到。 csinstrument.com | In unpressurized systems an ultrasonic tone generator can be used whose sound will leak through small openings. csinstrument.com |
因此,一个想法是撤回保留的程序应仿效提出保留 [...] 的程序,在此基础上行事似乎是合理的,但可能需要酌情做出一些修改 和 细微调 整。 daccess-ods.un.org | It therefore seems reasonable to proceed on the basis of the idea that the procedure for withdrawing reservations should be [...] modelled on the procedure for formulating them, although that may involve [...] some adjustment and fine-tuning where appropriate. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人提到秘书处的备忘录,详细说明了某些关于同 意的细微差别。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reference was made to the memorandum of the [...] Secretariat which detailed some of the nuances surrounding [...]consent. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 某一特定采购各项单独协议的条款和条件的任何变动都 是 细微 的 , 并 且只涉及那些有必要订立单独协议的规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Any variation in the terms and conditions of the separate agreements for a given procurement is minor and concerns only those provisions that justify the conclusion of separate agreements. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 这个意义上,我担心,法院处理问题方式的狭义性可能削弱今后处理国际法中许 多细微差别的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this sense, I am concerned that the narrowness of the Court’s approach might [...] constitute a weakness, going forward, in its ability to deal with the [...] great shades of nuance that permeate [...]international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
观察到一些细微的差别和差异涉及组织的任命方式、报告流程、负责 人的角色。 multilateralfund.org | Some nuances and variations are observed [...] with respect to appointments, reporting procedures and the role of the head of the organization. multilateralfund.org |
我们随时乐意提 供帮助并向客户作出燃烧器及加热系 统方面细微之至的承诺。 weishaupt.se | Every action and the smallest of items is important, if the high level of customer care is to be ‘built’ into the burners and heating systems. weishaupt.se |
可能还有其他一些细微要求,比如 湍流的氧化作用等。 wrdmap.org | Other more subtle requirements, such [...] as oxygenation from riffles may be needed. wrdmap.org |
关于办事处采用的采购规定问题,办事处主任解释道,经过总部中央机构的全面评 估,教科文组织正在考虑采用联合国驻巴西所有机构均在使用的开发计划署共同手册,不过 会做细微调整。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In response to a question on the procurement rules applied by UBO, the Director of the Office explained that, after thorough assessment by central services at Headquarters, UNESCO is considering to endorse, with some slight adjustments, the UNDP Convergence Manual applied by all United Nations agencies present in Brazil. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其它症状包括处事紊乱,情绪类症状(例如抑郁) , 细微 和 不 易察觉的认知类症状(例如记 忆力衰退,无法集中注意力等)。 hongfook.ca | Other symptoms can include being [...] disorganized, mood-type symptoms such as [...] depression, and subtle cognitive-type [...]symptoms, such as memory and concentration difficulties. hongfook.ca |
总干事报告所附的详细表格中对“有待落实”建议进展程度 的 细微 含 义 做了充分的阐 述,因此没有必要超出这种二元分类。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As the various nuances in the level of progress of [...] open recommendations are sufficiently [...] documented in the detailed table annexed to [...]the Director-General’s report, there is [...]no need for more than binary typology. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正如 Pellis 和 Pellis(2009)对于做好动物玩 [...] 打架游戏的研究显示的,游戏能为对新的和不确定环境作 出 微 妙 和 细微 的 反应做好准备, 这能够促进发展,保持恢复能力和保持对付紊乱的能力。 ipaworld.org | As Pellis and Pellis (2009) demonstrate from their studies of animal play [...] fighting, play may prepare the ground [...] for producing subtle and nuanced responses to [...]novel and unpredictable environments, [...]which can be carried forward in development, maintaining resilience and the ability to deal with disturbance. ipaworld.org |
正是这种千锤百炼的 Bowers & Wilkins 技术,才使 CT800 [...] 扬声器兼顾细节和强劲音效:捕获声音反衬 的 细微 情 感 变化以及撞车或爆炸的效果。 bowers-wilkins.cn | It’s this highly refined Bowers & Wilkins technology that equips [...] CT800 speakers for subtlety as well as power: [...]for capturing the emotional nuance in [...]a voice as well as the impact of a car crash or an explosion. bowers-wilkins.eu |
分析小组对部分分析报告作了细微修 改 ,并向各缔约国提供了补 充资料,以协助其对请求进行审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some instances, this resulted in minor changes to analyses and in additional information being made available to the States Parties to assist in their consideration of requests. daccess-ods.un.org |
设计/系统工程师可能会置于手 [...] 动控制操作,或可能被用来执行复杂的测试脚本,在物理层测试环境下,通过信令性能复杂的干扰、衰落和切换场景测试,探索每 一个标准的细微差别。 litepoint.com | They may operate under manual control of a design/system engineer or they may be under computer control executing complex test scripts, from physical layer tests, [...] through signaling performance to complex interference, fading and handoff scenarios, [...] exploring every nuance of a standard. litepoint.com |
在“变形”这件作品中,观众可看到的是相片中发生 的 细微 变 化,其实它反映的是一种存在形式向另一种存在形式转变的过程。 shanghaibiennale.org | Under “morphing” we understand a process which starts barely as a perceptible change of forms within photographs and refers to the change from one form of existence into a another one. shanghaibiennale.org |
孩子面对断奶,且不说营养需求,是他经历一 段 细微 和 重要的过程,为 了能够获取在嗅觉和味觉方面的经验而掌握能力,并接受小汤勺喂食等。 stranieriincampania.it | Apart from the nutritional needs, weaning represents a delicate and important moment from the acquisition of behaviour and attitudes in front of olfactory and taste experiences to the acceptance of eating with a spoon, etc. stranieriincampania.it |
打印机产品线包括N7000 系列和独有的N7000H [...] 高分辨率系列,其可再现所有汉字中微妙复杂的字形 和 细微 差 别。 news.printronix.com | The family of printers includes: the N7000 Cartridge and the exclusive N7000H High Resolution [...] Cartridge Series which reproduces all of the [...] complexities and nuances of elaborate [...]character shapes found in the Chinese language. news.printronix.com |
意图对全体来说都是一样的;但是,在任命、 报告程序以及组织负责人的作用方面还是存 在 细微 差 别。 multilateralfund.org | The intention is the same for [...] all; however, some nuances exist in appointments, [...]reporting procedures and the role of the heads of the organizations. multilateralfund.org |
尽管窑炉加压期间在圣 胡安计量到多氯二苯并二噁英和多氯二苯并呋喃的微小数量(少于 23 PPM),并且斯托拉维卡发现的数量也 很 细微 , 但 环境保护局总结报告得出结 论,它们并非确认为废物生产带来的不完全燃烧产物。 ficem.org | Although trace quantities (<23 parts per trillion) of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans were measured at San Juan during a kiln upset, and trace quantities may have been present at Stora Vika, the EPA summary report concludes that they are not confirmed as PICs from waste production. ficem.org |
因此,每一 [...] 项安全理事会决议对同一任务规定可能使用不同的 语言,尽管有的时候仅仅是细微的差 别。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, each Security Council resolution tends to contain different language for the same mandate, although these may [...] sometimes be merely nuanced differences. daccess-ods.un.org |
他问 乌兹别克斯坦是否会考虑对处理改信他教的方法做出 一些细微调整 ,使其法律不直接违背《公约》第 [...] 18 条。 daccess-ods.un.org | He asked if Uzbekistan would consider [...] introducing some nuance into its handling [...]of proselytizing such that its laws would [...]not be in direct contradiction of article 18 of the Covenant. daccess-ods.un.org |
具有优秀的随角异色性,极强的金属感以及不同寻常的金属外观,SILVERSHINE 可以带来从光亮到哑光的各种具有不 同 细微 差 别的迷人金属光泽。 eckart.com.cn | With its excellent flop, extremely high brilliance and an extraordinarily light [...] and metallic look, SILVERSHINE can deliver all sorts of [...] fascinating colour nuances, from glossy [...]metallic to matt chrome. eckart.net |
因 此, 今 年 的 可 持 续 发 展 报 告 中 所 描 述 的 数 字 和 总 数 可 能 包 括 作 为 我 们 数 据 例 行 审 计 的 结 果 而对历史排放数据所作的细微更正。 huntsman.com | As a result, figures and totals depicted in this year’s sustainability report may include small corrections in historic emissions as a result of routine auditing of our data. huntsman.com |
我国代表 团认识到对有关劝人改信他教的政策 作 细微 调 整的 价值,会进一步考虑此事。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation recognized the value of [...] considering the [...] introduction of more nuance into the policy on proselytizing and the matter would [...]be given further consideration. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,由于油墨中的细微杂质 ,黑色并不是纯黑色,往往会产生黑褐色。 cn.photokore.com | However, due to minor impurities contained in inks, the result is often a muddy dark brown. es.photokore.com |
在航空宇宙和国防工业、以及要求在演变引发危险性重大问题而付出昂贵代价之前必须查 明 细微 故 障 的各个工业领域中,我们的便携式恒压型Lorad LPX 系列( LPX160 、LPX200 和LPX300)X 射线装置为无损检测成像系统树立了新的标准。 spellmanhv.cn | Our portable, constant potential, Lorad LPX series (LPX160, LPX200, and LPX300) x-ray units have set new standards for non destructive testing imaging systems in the aerospace and defense industry and in industrial applications where it is critical to pinpoint the tiniest fault before it becomes a dangerous and expensive problem. spellmanhv.kr |
但 有许多细微差别 ,如信通技术类型和使用性质、发达国家和发展中国家、地区、 文化和其他因素之间的差异。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many gender differences emerge in the use of ICT, with women’s usage being generally lower than men’s. There are, however, many nuances, such as the type of ICT and the kind of usage, as well as differences between developed and developing countries, regions, cultures and other factors. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,不同地方的轮垦方式的演变,也有一些基本 、 细微 的 差 异, 包括休耕期的长短、种植方法、新种子和引进品种试验、土地分配模式、水土流 [...] 失控制和社区活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, there are some [...] basic as well as nuanced differences in [...]the way the practice has evolved in different places, [...]including the length of the fallow period, planting methods, experimentation with new and introduced species of seed varieties, modes of distribution of lands, soil erosion control and community activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
投资者谁想要得到大量利润和只包含轻微的和零星的损失,需要一定时间的学习,通过书籍和课程,定义它的方法,根据你所看到的在图上,并应用最大 [...] 技术分析也就是说,以利润最大化和减少损失,发现曾经,根据图形分析(技术分析),进入和退出 的 细微 之 处。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The investor who wants to get significant profits and contained only minor and sporadic losses, need a certain period of learning (through books and courses), define its methodology, operate according to just what you see on the graph, and apply the maximum analysis Technically, that is, to maximize profit and [...] minimize the damage, finding ever, according to graphical analysis (technical [...] analysis), the finer points of entry [...]and exit. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |