

单词 细声细气

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External sources (not reviewed)

这些压力不仅破坏了警察的气和声 誉 , 而且还削 弱了公众对法治的信任。
These pressures not only undermine police morale and credibility, but also further erode public confidence in the rule of law.
英国的这种单方面行为迫使阿根廷政府自 2005 年 12
[...] 月中断了南大西洋渔业 委员会会议,并于 2007 年 3 月终止了《气问题联合声明》
As a result of those unilateral British acts, the Argentine Government suspended the meetings of the
South Atlantic Fisheries Commission from December 2005 and denounced the Joint
[...] Declaration on Hydrocarbons in March 2007.
提出解释声明的详细准则不仅可能 影响到这些声明的作用,而且会使这些准则很难实行。
The introduction of detailed guidelines on interpretative declarations [...]
might not only affect the role of those declarations
but might make the guidelines themselves hard to apply.
毫无例外,在五月,声学研究所伦敦分部发表了名为“法定干扰:风力发电厂和风力涡轮机”,其中他们“强烈建议对涉及大规模风力涡轮机的 声 投 诉的调查应包含 细 的 气 候 条 件评估。
It is no small matter that in May, the London branch of the Institute of Acoustics gave a presentation entitled “Statutory nuisance: Wind farms and wind turbines,” in which they “strongly recommended that
investigation of noise complaints involving large-scale wind
[...] turbines should include detailed assessment of the weather conditions.
在这气孔边缘的细胞中 ,有一种类似于心钠素的物质,能够激活此前从未为人所知的排脂诱导因子GMPC。
Itwas in the cells bordering these stomas that a substance [...]
equivalent to ANP (Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) was discovered,
which is able to stimulate GMPc, a new and previously unknown trigger of lipolysis.
根据联合国损失登记细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
WindPRO 为用户提供了设置特定场址的温度、湿度和压力参数的选项 — 从而可以对轮毂 高度可变的风电机组进行细的空气 密 度 描述。
The WindPRO model offers the option for the user to set site-specific
temperatures, humidity and pressure parameters –
[...] thus enabling a detailed air density description [...]
for turbines situated with very varying hubheights.
大会第六十五届会议重申其先前的呼吁,要求所有国家严格遵守《禁止在战 争中使用窒息性、毒性或其气体和 细 菌 作 战方法议定书》的原则和目标;秘书 长向大会第六十七届会议提交一份关于决议执行情况的报告(第 [...]
65/51 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly renewed its previous call to all States to observe strictly the principles and objectives of the Protocol for the Prohibition of
the Use in War of Asphyxiating,
[...] Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of [...]
Warfare; and requested the Secretary-General
to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 65/51).
ISO 会与 水分 (如湿气)反应,形细小、 坚硬的研磨性晶粒并 悬浮在流体中。
ISO will react with moisture (such as humidity) to form small, hard, abrasive crystals, which become suspended in the fluid.
Dual air supply to ensure efficient dispersion of fine particles.
主持人和主题陈述者均细论述了气 候 变 化对沿海地区社 会所造成的若干影响和后果--沿海涝灾、海平面上升、珊瑚漂白、海水酸化、生物多样性损失、生态系统服务 [...]
The moderator and theme presenters highlighted several impacts
[...] and consequences of climate change impacts on [...]
societies in the coastal zones, i.e. coastal
flooding, sea-level rise, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity, changes to ecosystem services, coastal habitats and ultimately population migration in the coastal zone.
不正确的设置不会引起 E-12 警报,但是正确的设置有助于防止 气 噪 声引 起 E-12。
An incorrect setting will not cause E-12 alarms, but a correct setting will help
[...] prevent E-12 caused by electrical noise.
声称,仔细研究 了Abdias(15-21)世界末日的功能(参考一天主在手,呼吁所有国家,恢复了所有以色列领土和地位的精彩程度,等候在神的国度犹太人的命令),连接一定要与其他犹太文学作品的预言Abdias [...]
They claim that a close study of Abdias (15-21), with its apocalyptic features (reference [...]
to the day of the Lord as being
at hand upon all nations, to a restoration of all Israel, to the wonderful extent of territory and position in command which await the Jews in God's kingdom), connects necessarily the prophecy of Abdias with other works in Jewish literature [Joel, Daniel, Zechariah 9-14] which, as they think, belong to a date long after the return from Babylon.
声明为解决气候变 化问题而采取的真正行动,例如对森林和湿地等其他重要 [...]
的生态系统实行可持续环保管理的倡议;提高能效和开发新能源和可再生能源、 改造运输系统;科技创新,这些行动可以持续的唯一条件是以对社会和环境负责 的方式加以落实,同时尊重各民族和社区的一切权利。
Assert that true actions to tackle the problems
[...] derived from climate change – such [...]
as sustainable environmental management initiatives
for forests and other key ecosystems, such as wetlands; energy efficiency and the development of new and renewable energy sources; the transformation of transport systems; and scientific and technological innovation – can only be sustainable if they are implemented in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, respecting all rights of peoples and communities.
细则而言,声称来 自股份持有人或(视情况而定)董事或替任董事 或身为股份持有人的法团的董事或秘书或获正式委任受权人或正式获授权代表的电 [...]
报或电传或传真或电子传输信息,在倚赖该信息的人士于有关时间未有获得相反的 明确证据时,应被视为该持有人或董事或替任董事按收取时的条款签署的书面文件 或文书。
For the purposes of these Articles, a cable or
telex or facsimile or electronic
[...] transmission message purporting to come from [...]
a holder of shares or, as the case may be,
a Director or alternate Director, or, in the case of a corporation which is a holder of shares from a director or the secretary thereof or a duly appointed attorney or duly authorised representative thereof for it and on its behalf, shall in the absence of express evidence to the contrary available to the person relying thereon at the relevant time be deemed to be a document or instrument in writing signed by such holder or Director or alternate Director in the terms in which it is received.
委员会认为, 申诉人没有提出足以令人满意的证据 细 节 , 证实他 声 称 在 返回刚果民主共和 国的情况下存在受到酷刑的实际、个人危险。
The Committee considered that the
complainant had not produced sufficient
[...] satisfactory evidence or details to corroborate his claim [...]
that there existed a real and personal
risk for him to be subjected to torture in case of his return to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
一份消费者将不会因使用添加剂而被误导的 细声 明。
A reasoned statement that consumers will not be misled by the use of the additive.
正是这种千锤百炼的 Bowers & Wilkins 技术,才使 CT800 扬声器兼顾细节和强劲音效:捕声 音 反衬 的 细 微 情感变化以及撞车或爆炸的效果。
It’s this highly refined Bowers & Wilkins
technology that
[...] equips CT800 speakers for subtlety as well as power: for capturing the emotional nuance in a voice [...]
as well as the impact
of a car crash or an explosion.
获得的信息随后可用叠加在照片上的 2D 平面声学云图表示,从而快速而细 地 了 解不 声 源 的 来源。
The information can then be represented in 2D
planar acoustic maps that can be overlaid on a photo to quickly show the
[...] origin of the various sound sources in fine detail.
国家生物安保科学顾问委员会委员随后在《自 然》和《科学》杂志上都发表声明 , 详 细 说 明 了相关研究为何值得关切。
NSABB members later published a statement in both
[...] Nature and Science detailing why the research [...]
is a cause for concern.
匿名信V2 则完全改变了匿名信V1中的气,声 称 “我们并未表示任何与该报告相关的独立人员,其明知却故意做出不适当的举止。
The Anonymous Letter V2 completely alters the tone of the Anonymous Letter V1 and states "we do not suggest that any independent person associated with that report has knowingly acted in an inappropriate manner".
奖励给文学花魁的Altiplano腕表,是一枚40毫米直径的超薄精美表款,其典雅外形散发出当 气 质 , 细 腻 手 工见证伯爵卓越制表技艺。
The magnificent Altiplano watch, presented to both winners, is a refined and contemporary historic ultra-thin hand-made 40 mm model, proof of the outstanding technical prowess of Piaget.
关于司法机关独立的基本原则》(1985 年)、《关于律师作用的 基本原则》(1990 年)、《关于检察官作用的准则》(1990 年)、《有效实施关于司 法机关独立的基本原则的程序》(1989 年)和《关于司法机关独立原则的北 声 明》 (1997 年)等细介绍 了这些措施和其他一些措施。
These and other measures are detailed in the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary (1985); the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers (1990); the Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors (1990); the Procedures for the effective implementation of the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary (1989); and the Beijing Statement of Principles of the Independence of the Judiciary (1997).
[...] Volume 既能维持一致的音量级别, 同时又能保留原始混音的动态变化,包括安静时和衰减 时声音,不会产生气和呼吸等 声。
As a result, Dolby Volume keeps the volume level consistent, while preserving
all the dynamics of the original mix, including
[...] quiet and decaying sounds, without artifacts like pumping and breathing.
本研究采用频率1.43 MHz,声强3 W/cm2的高频聚焦超声处理艾氏腹水肿 细 胞 , 研究 声 激 活血卟啉诱导艾氏腹水肿瘤细胞凋亡的途径及其与癌细胞内的氧自由基之间的关系。
Combined with hematoporphyrin, high intensity focused ultrasound sonication at a frequency of 1.43 MHz and an intensity level of 3 W/cm2 was delivered to EAT cells.
有关谈判应明确到 2020 年议定书发 达国家缔约方在第二承诺期承担的进一步量化减排 指标;应明确非议定书缔约方的发达国家与之可比 的减排承诺;应细化并落实适应、资金、技术转让、 能力建设方面的机制安排,支持发展中国家应气 候变化行动细化体 现发达国家和发展中国家区别 的“三可”和“透明度”的具体安排。
In accordance with the Bali Road Map, the Durban Conference should implement the 2010 Cancun Agreements, spell out relevant institutional arrangements and continue with negotiations on outstanding issues. Quantified emission reduction targets for developed States Parties to the Protocol in the second commitment period up to 2020 should be further defined; comparable emission reduction commitments for non-Party developed countries should be defined; and institutional arrangements for adaptation, finance, technological transfer and capacity-building should be put in place so as to support the developing countries in responding to climate change, including Measurement, Reporting and Verification and Transparency arrangements that differentiated between the developed and the developing countries.
回顾以往许多决议中的共识表明,国际社会长期以来决心有效禁止发展、生 产、储存和使用化学武器和生物武器,并继续支持维护 1925
[...] 年 6 月 17 日在日内 瓦签署的《禁止在战争中使用窒息性、毒性或其 气 体 和 细 菌 作战方法议定书》1 的权威的措施
Recalling the long-standing determination of the international community to achieve the effective prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical and biological weapons as well as the continuing support for measures to uphold the authority of the Protocol for the Prohibition of
the Use in War of Asphyxiating,
[...] Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of [...]
Warfare, signed at Geneva on 17
June 1925,1 as expressed by consensus in many previous resolutions




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