









External sources (not reviewed)

本集团并无定期举办内部培训计划,惟本集团会因应新发展或新设施提供特定的培训,以及赞助雇员 参加由外间机构提供与彼等履行职务有关及对事业发展有帮助的职业
However, the Group does provide ad hoc training on new developments or facilities and sponsors employees to attend external vocational training that is relevant to the discharge of their duties and their career progression.
创 业 板 的 较 高 风 险 及 其 他 特 色
[...] 表 示 创 业 板 较 适 合 专 业 及 其 他者 。
The greater risk profile and other characteristics of GEM mean that it is a market more suited to
[...] professional andother sophisticatedinvestors.
委员要求政府当局确保:(a)在工程设计方面采纳适当的 措施,尽量利用可再生能源和提高能源效益;(b)该计划所包括 的各项新设施,应在离河畔较远的地点兴建,以便城门河沿岸 可有更多绿化地带供市民享用;(c)重建後的香港体院会为残疾 运动员提供足够的体育及配套设施和无障碍通道;及(d)拆卸位 於火炭院址的室外单车场以腾出地方建造的新的多用途大楼会 提供单车
Members requested the Administration to ensure that: (a) the design of the Project should incorporate appropriate measures to maximize the use of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency; (b) the new facilities for the Project would be constructed further away from the riverside in order to provide a larger green area along the Shing Mun River for public enjoyment; (c) adequate sports and ancillary facilities and barrier-free access would be provided for disabled athletes in the redeveloped HKSI; and (d) training facilities for cycling would be provided following the demolition of the outdoor velodrome at Fo Tan venue to make way for the construction of the new multi-purpose building.
针对法语中级及高级人士, “看电视.学法语” (www.apprendre.tv) 贯彻电视互动节目影片模式,提供各色各样主题的影片作选择, 由国际新闻,音乐节目, 趣味烹饪以及法语能力测验基准试Test de Connaissance du Français各单元之准(TCF) 为一项专门提供非法语系国家人士的基本法语能力测验,法国大学入学申请必备之法语能力证明。
TV" (www.apprendre.tv) follows the same model with a large choice of exercises and themes, from international news to music videos to cooking recipes, as well as a module to prepare the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF), an official, internationally-recognized test of French for non-native speakers used for entry into French universities.
职责包括向家庭提供资料、家长互助组支援、和连系社区 服务、参与有关健康的委员会和出席会议、统筹及与社区服务 合作、促进家庭和专业者的合作、为社区机构提供资源资讯、 为家长和专业者提供参与持续性的
Duties include providing families with information, parent-to-parent support and linkages with community services, participating in health-related committees and meetings, collaborating and coordinating with community services, promoting family and professional partnerships, acting as a resource for community agencies, providing trainings for parents and professionals, and participating in on-going training.
有关规例实施前,中心会为不 同界别人士举行简介会和提供会为不同的界别拟 备指引,以使各界人士熟悉拟议规例。
During this period, CFS will provide briefings, training and guidelines for different sectors to familiarise them with the proposed Regulation.
任何财产如在紧接指定日期前列於任何银行、公司或其他法团的簿册内,则该银行、 公司或其他法团须应议会的要求在该等簿册内将有关财产转到议会名下。
Any property of the CITAwhich, immediately before the appointed day, was standing in the books of a bank, company or other corporation is to be transferred in those books to the Council at the request of the Council, by the bank, company or other corporation.
The Australian education sector which the course is part of, e.g. higher education, vocational education and training, schools or English language training.
杨教授对委员会说,教院遇上多项不幸情况,其中包括削减 经费( 所有院校均需同样面对) ;人口结构改变导致教师的需求锐减, 以至对师资培训院校的资助亦减少或可能减少( 对於像教院这样的 “单一专科”高等院校,问题尤为严重) ;社会对教师的要求日高, 认为所有教师都应具备大学毕业的资格,因此,副学位程度的学额须 减少( 教院是提供副学位课程的主要院校) ;接收自以前的师范学院的 教院职员( 公务员) 都按高於大学教授的薪级表支薪,但他们却没有受 过有关作好准备教授学位课程;以及师资培训院校招收不到 最好的学生( 这是所有师资培训院校都面对的问题,但教院的情况尤 为严重) 。
Professor Young told the Commission that a number of unfortunate circumstances converged on HKIEd, including the funding cuts (which applied to all institutions), the demographics leading to a substantial reduction in the demand for teachers and therefore cuts or potential cuts for teacher education providers (a particularly serious problem for a “mono-technic” HEI such as HKIEd), the community’s increasing expectation that all teachers should be graduates with degrees and therefore sub-degree places (HKIEd being the major provider) had to be reduced, some of HKIEd’s staff inherited from the former teacher training colleges (civil servants) were paid on a higher scale than university professors when they were nottrained orprepared to teach up to degree level, and that TEIs were not attracting the best students (common to all TEIs although it was more serious in the case of HKIEd).
看 护护理是指不需要受过疗或医疗辅助人员持续监督的个人照护,例如协助您进行洗澡或穿 衣等日常活动的护理。
Custodial care is personal care that does not require the continuing attention of trained medical or paramedical personnel, such as care that helps you with activities of daily living, such as bathing or dressing.
包括:能与不同的团体及人口合作、熟悉服务特殊健康护理需 要儿童之加州健康护理系统、有作为特殊健康护理需要孩子家 庭成员的经验、或致力支持有特殊健康护理需要孩子的家庭、 证明能协力推行和主持外展及管理後勤部署、有效的 沟通能力(口语和写作能力)、及组织能力、能在团体及独立 工作自如、能使用IBM兼容电脑的文字处理软件。
Requirements include: demonstrated ability to work with diverse entities and people; familiarity with California’s health care system for children with special health care needs; personal experience as a family member of a child with special health care needs or demonstrated strong commitment to supporting families of children with special health care needs; proven ability to collaborate and conduct outreach and training, and manage logistics; effective communication skills (both verbal and written) as well as proven organizational skills; ability to work comfortably in a group and independently; competency with word processing in IBM compatible computer systems.
农 民 及 武 士 结 合 的日 後 权 力 斗 争 中 获 胜 的 必 要 元 素 。
The formation of peasant and samurai militia forces which was necessary for final victory in the power struggle.
Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents (CHEER) – After a warm welcome by Centre-in-charge of CHEER Ms. SHUM Kit Yee, Katherine, Project Leader of Multicultural Education at Schools (MES) Mr. SIN Chung Yin, Timothy, and a number of ethnic staff, all students were introduced the kinds of services and the skills related to the ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, through interesting games and brief presentations.
(2) 在不影响第(1)款的一般性的原则下,任何批给租契、租赁、准许、许可或牌照如 在紧接指定日期前是有效的,或是在该日期当日或之後生效的,则该等租契、租赁、准许、许可或 牌照具有的效力,犹如它们是批给议会一样。
(2) Without affecting the generality of subsection (1), any lease, tenancy, permit or licence granted to theCITA that is in force or effective immediately before the appointed day or which is to take effect on or after that day has effect as if granted to the Council.
维持良好的雇员和工会关系及吸引并挽留 技术对本集团的成功营运十分重 要。
The maintenance of positive employee and union relations and the ability to attract and retain skilled workers are key to the success of the Group.
Knowing run a soccer school is not easy, we set ourselves to do, we're going to train at each stage of formation,
as we do, that
[...] training methodology we perform, who will be our coaches,as they wewill form, as we will evaluate the evolution of our players and the work of our technicians, manage a football school effectively, depends on all these attributes and the professionalism with which to engage the principal of Soccer we can not let football training operation ofourorganization to drift and without [...]
rhythm, so just
get that child's formative developments also go adrift and their learning is simply the natural, but are much more positive evolution Thanks to good planning from the sporting, that is why we must use all the tools we have today in football to achieve maximum efficiency in learning sports.
为稳居营养补充品业界的领先地位,贺宝芙营养谘询委员会 (NAB)由一群世界知名的健康管理专家组成,负责教育和的独立直销商营养观念和健康生活型态。
As an extension of our commitment to quality and scientific integrity, Herbalife has established a Nutrition Advisory Board (NAB) comprised of leading experts in the fields of nutrition and health who help educate and train our independent Distributors on the principles of nutrition, physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
您可以用此设定进行固定节 拍
This setting lets you practice with a steady beat.
The latest information on the Australian education and training system, costs of study and living, application and enrolment procedures and the Australian way of life is also available from reference sites set up in local institutions and libraries around the world.
监察小组会考虑的因素,包括准就其在保安业及的经验及/或资格所提交的证明文 件。
SCIU will give regard to, inter alia, the documentary proof submitted by the prospective Training Officer on their experience and/or qualifications in the fields of security and training.
职业运动员是指由任 何机构或公司,以有薪全职合约形式聘用的运动员。正在接受获得政府 或相关机构(如香港体育学院、中国香港体育协会暨奥林匹克委员会及体育总会) 资助或津贴的全职运动员则不计算在内。
Professional athletes are those who are employed under a full-time paid contract by any institution or company, excluding the full-time athletes who are undertaking training andreceiving subvention or subsidy offered by the government or relevant organisations (such as the Hong Kong Sports Institute, the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, and national sports associations).
如果 你做某目的是想要去除某个情绪障碍,而实际发生的事情是你仍 然在那个情绪障碍里,也就是说,这据你想要达成的目标来说, 可能没有做完、做得不对或是做得不恰当。
If your intention in doing the exercise is to remove an emotional block and what actually happens is that you are still blocked, then the exercise is either incomplete or done incorrectly or inappropriate for what you are trying to accomplish.
(e) 民政事务总署及辖下各区民政事务处不时举办以楼 宇管理及维修为主题的宣传教育活动,形式包括、研讨会、讲座、工作坊及巡回展览等,以推广 良好大厦管理。
(e) Education and publicity campaigns on building management and maintenance are organized from time to time by HAD and its District Offices to promote effective building management in the form of training courses, seminars, talks, workshops and roving exhibitions.
卑诗省法律要求任何自称为「护士」的人士必须是注册护士、持有执 照的执业护士、持有执照的护士毕业生、注册精神科护士、或者就读 於核准的护理学校或执业护士或精神科护理教育课程的其它 人士。
BC legislation requires that anyone using the title “nurse” be any of the following: a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse, a licensed graduate nurse, a registered psychiatric nurse, or enrolled in an approved school of nursing, or a training course for practical nurses, or a program of psychiatric nursing education.
b) 第 I 与 第 II 级 别 注 册 小 型 工 程 承 建 商 申 请 人 的 补 足 课 程 以 及 第 III 级 别 注 册 小 型 工 程 承 建 商 申 请 人 的 必 修, 均 由 4 所 本 地 培 训 机 构 , 即 建 造 业 议 会、 香 港 专 业 教 育 学 院 、 香 港 理 工 大 学 工 业 中 心 及 香 港 大 学 专 业 进 修 学 院 所 提 供 。
b) Both the top-up courses for Classes I and II RMWC applicants and the compulsory training courses for Class III RMWC applicants are provided by four training institutes, namely the Construction Industry Council Training Academy, the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, the Industrial Centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong.
特殊教育护士 一些学校有专门的护士为特殊 教育学生提供服务,他们受过 特别照顾特殊教育学 生(如个别教育计划所注明) 的生理健康护理服务的需要。
Special Education Nurses Some schools have specialized nurses trained to address the needs of students with specialized physical health care services documented in their IEP.
答覆: 2007 年的预算开支较
2005 年和 2006 年有所下降,主要原因是有多项属 於学校改善计划的学校建造工程已於 2005 年完成,以及有多项大型建筑 工程於 2006
[...] 年完成,包括玛嘉烈医院的传染病医疗中心、屯门青少年住 院设施和尖沙咀东部的交通接驳系统。
Reply : The decrease of the estimated expenditure in 2007 from those in 2005 and 2006 is mainly due to the completion of a number of school projects under the School Improvement Programme in 2005 and the completion of a number of large-scale projects in 2006 which include, inter alia, the new infectious
disease centre at Princess Margaret Hospital,
[...] the training complexforjuveniles [...]
in Tuen Mun and the transport link in Tsim Sha Tsui East.
Quite apart from the immediate improvements which these reforms have achieved, the longer term objective is to prepare all staff for the future, to nurture a culture in which the customer is not only right, but is ultimately if not already the boss.




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