

单词 线粒体

线粒体 ()


See also:


particles pl
grain n

classifier for small objects, such as a grain of rice

External sources (not reviewed)

娇韵诗研究中心发现,番泻叶富含苯酚酸、类黄酮及鞣酸,是一种理想的保护剂,能保护细胞结构在阳光曝晒下免受损害(细胞核 线粒体 D N A )
Clarins Research discovered that Senna leaves contain high levels of phenol acids, flavonoids and tannins,
making them ideal protectors against damage to cell structure during sun exposure (cell
[...] nucleus and mitochondrion DNA) .
推测的此部分氨基酸序列包线粒体 载 体 蛋白的特征结构,并与其它脊椎动物UCP2氨基酸序列同源性在728%以上。
The deduced amino acid sequence from the
cDNA fragment contained the
[...] signature motifs for the mitochondrial transporter protein, [...]
and revealed positional identity higher
than 728% with UCP2 from other vertebrates (including fish and mammals).
分别用荧光分光光度法、激光共聚焦扫描显微镜分析原卟啉 Ⅸ在肿瘤细胞内的积聚、定位情况;利用台盼蓝拒染法测定聚焦超声激活原卟啉 Ⅸ对细胞存活率的影响;透射电镜观察细胞的超微结构变化;罗丹明123检 线粒体 膜 电 位变化;2′,7′-二氯荧光黄双乙酸盐(2′,7′- dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate, DCFH-DA)检测细胞内活性氧(Reactive oxygen species, ROS)水平;硫代巴比妥酸法检测细胞膜脂质过氧化水平的变化。
Mitochondrial membrane potential(MMP), intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, and the level of lipid peroxidation were determined by Rhodamine 123, 2′,7′- dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) and thiobarbituric acid reaction method respectively.
最后形成单层膜的空泡;据此我们推测前孢子细胞特有的空泡来源 线粒体 , 并且这种细胞器水平上的内自噬现象与前孢子细胞分化密切相关。
These results suggest that the prespore cell vacuoles is resulted from the disruption of cristea in mitochondrion, and this [...]
endoautophagy occuring
at organelle level has something to do with the differentiation of prespore cell.
通过研究发现,艾氏腹水瘤细胞对原卟啉 Ⅸ有一定的选择性吸收和瀦留作用,原卟啉 Ⅸ主要定位于细胞线粒体中; 在超声结合原卟啉 Ⅸ作用下,艾氏腹水瘤细胞的存活率明显下降;细胞的超微结构发生明显损伤 线粒体 膜 电 位下降;ROS生成量显著增加;脂质过氧化水平显著增加。
In the ultrasound plus PPⅨ group, the survival rate of cells was significantly lower. The ultra-microstructural damage of treated cells was the most remarkable, the loss of mitochondria membrane potential was the most noticeable, levels of ROS and lipid peroxides were remarkably increased.
研究结果表明:超声激活血卟啉诱导艾氏腹水肿瘤细胞凋亡可能通 线粒体 途 径 ,且与癌细胞受损后产生的氧自由基有关 [动物学报51(6):  [...]
These results suggest that the
apoptosis in EAT cells induced by ultrasound activating hematoporphyrin may
[...] occur through a mitochondria dependent way,in [...]
which oxygen free
radicals probably play an important role[Acta Zoologica Sinica 51(6):1073–1079,2005].
目前认为,阿尔茨海默病患者脑细胞内存在的过量淀粉样β肽与淀粉样β肽相关乙醇脱氢酶结合,干扰了细胞内正常氧化还原过程,导 线粒体 肿 胀、神经元死亡。
It is now considered binding of excessive amyloid β peptide (Aβ) to amyloid β peptide binding alcohol
dehydrogenase (ABAD) in the
[...] brain cells of Alzheimer’s disease patients hinders the normal intracellular redox process, leading to mitochondrial swelling and neuronal death.
其中数量众多的囊泡状粗面内质网是形成内源性卵黄粒的最主要的细胞器;部 线粒体 参 与 卵黄粒的合成并自身最终演变为卵黄粒;丰富的游离核糖体合成了大量致密的蛋白质颗粒并在卵质中直接聚集融合成无膜的卵黄粒;溶酶体通过吞噬、消化内含物来形成卵黄粒和脂滴,且方式多样;高尔基器不直接参与形成卵黄粒。
Furthermore, large quantities of vesicular rough endoplasmic reticulum were the dominant organelles which took part
in the endogenous yolk
[...] formation; some mitochondria participated in the endogenous yolk synthesizing [...]
and then developed into
yolk granules directly; many free ribosomes synthesized numerous proteinous particles and formed yolk granules without membranes by aggregation and fusion of themselves; the lysosomes produced endogenous yolk granules by engulfing and digesting inclusions with various forms; the Golgi apparatus formed yolk granules indirectly.
人参皂苷Rg1、胡椒碱和氧化苦参碱能显著提高缺氧大 线粒体 膜 电 位。
Ginsenoside Rg1, piperine and
[...] oxymatrine in vitro significantly increased the membrane potential of isolated cerebral mitochondria from hypoxia-exposed rats.
扩张莫尼茨绦虫卵黄细胞发育的规律为:(1)细胞体积不断增大;(2)质、核比不断增加而核体积几乎不发生改变,核表面从规则变为不规则,再由不规则变为规则,核内出现染色质浓缩成小块再分散的发育变化过程 ; ( 3 ) 线粒体 逐 渐 增多,发育不断完善;(4)粗面内质网及高尔基复合体出现由少到多,发育不断完善,再由多到少不断退化的变化;(5)由高尔基复合体组装的电子致密的小卵黄囊不断融合,至卵黄细胞成熟时仅有一卵黄囊,占据细胞大部分体积[动物学报 49(2):256~261,2003]。
The process of maturation is characterized by: (1) a gradual increase in cytoplasm/nucleus ratio and cell volume; (2) the presence of large numbers of mitochondria; (3) the appearance of granular endoplasmic reticulum and associated Golgi apparatus; (4) the production at the Golgi of small electron dense vitelline vesicles that fuse and eventually amalgamate into one large vitelline vesicle, filling most of the cell volume.
随着卵母细胞的继续发育,透明带增厚,微绒毛由粗短变为细长,密度增加;皮质 粒 、 线粒体 、 滑面内质网等细胞器的数目不断增加,并逐渐移行到质膜下;在移行的过程中,皮质颗粒成团存在。
With the development of oocytes, microvilli became long and the zona pellucida became thicker. The number of mitochondria, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and cortical granules all increased and they moved to the cortical region gradually.
哈特尔和霍里奇在研究的初期,探讨由于酵母突变导 线粒体 内 的 单一蛋白质折叠及多亚基蛋白质折叠的缺损。
Hartl and Horwich began their studies with a yeast mutant deficient in folding single and
[...] multisubunit proteins in mitochondria.
结果显示:1)不同繁殖组哺乳高峰期的摄食量、泌乳能量支出(MEO)、胎仔数和胎仔重差异不显著,静止代谢率(RMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)、褐色脂肪组织 (B A T ) 线粒体 细 胞 色素c 氧化酶(COX)活性、血清甲状腺激素(T3 [...]
、T4 )和催乳素水平也无明显变化;2)摄食量与MEO、胎仔重和RMR 呈显著正相关。
The present study showed that 1)asymptotic food intake,milk energy output (MEO),litter size and mass,resting
metabolic rate (RMR),nonshivering
[...] thermogenesis (NST),mitochondria cytochrome c [...]
oxydase (COX) activity of brown adipose
tissue (BAT),serum T3 ,T4 and prolactin levels did not differ between the four bouts of lactation; 2)the asymptotic food intake was significantly correlated with MEO,litter mass and RMR.
中段结构复杂,主要包括一对位于核后窝内的中心粒、轴丝、质膜 线粒体 及 由 线粒体 衍 生 的糖原质螺旋体、基质层和类晶体层等。
The mid-piece was more complex. It was composed of a pair of centrioles which were situated in the posterior
nuclear fossa, axoneme, plasma
[...] membrane, mitochondria and mitochondrial derivatives which [...]
including glycogen-filled helices,
matrix materials and paracrystalline material.
一些常用的染料有:用线粒体的红色或绿色MitoTracker;用于氧化状 线粒体 的 Dihydrorhodamine 123;LysoTracker Green和Lysosensor Green;用于内质网的DIOC染料,以及作用于高尔基的BODIPY染料。
Some commonly used dyes are: MitoTracker red or green for mitochondria; Dihydrorhodamine 123 for the oxidative state of mitochondria; LysoTracker Green and Lysosensor Green; the DiOC dyes for endoplasmic reticulum; and BODIPY dyes for Golgi.
这五种抗氧化剂:更具生物活性的右旋硫辛酸(自 线粒体 形 式 的硫辛酸)、完整的复合维生素E(生育醇和三烯生育醇)、维生素C [...]
(在溶于脂肪和水的形式)、谷胱甘肽(有效的前体)和辅酶Q10,是拥有独一无二的协同能力,“回收” 彼此并纳入其积极的抗氧化剂形式中。
These five antioxidants - R(+)-lipoic
[...] acid (the natural mitochondrial form of lipoic acid), [...]
the complete vitamin E complex
(tocopherols and tocotrienols), vitamin C (in both fat- and water-soluble forms), glutathione (as effective precursors), and coenzyme Q10 - are unique in their synergistic ability to "recycle" one another into their active antioxidant forms.
在厚切片中,可观察线粒 体的外 表面;在经树脂包埋的薄切片中,可观察 线粒体 的 横 截面。
In thicker sections the
[...] exterior surface of mitochondria can be observed whereas in resin-embedded thin sections the mitochondria are most frequently [...]
observed in a cross section.
研究结果表明:超声激活原卟啉 Ⅸ对艾氏腹水瘤细胞有着明显的协同杀伤效应,其间产生的活性氧自由基作用,降 线粒体 膜 电位,增加膜的脂质过氧化水平,可能是其损伤艾氏腹水瘤细胞的主要因素之一 [动物学报54(5): 846– 854,2008]。
The decreased mitochondria membrane potential and the increased level of lipid peroxidation in the ultrasound plus PPⅨ group may be associated with reactive oxygen species. In summary, reactive oxygen species might be involved in mediating the killing effect of EAT cells in SDT [Acta Zoologica Sinica 54(5): 846– 854, 2008
另外,该试剂是评估不同条件线粒体 Ca2+ 变化浓度及反应动力学的一种有效探针。
Additionally, this agent has been noted to be an
effective probe for assessing the concentration and
[...] kinetics of change in mitochondrial Ca2+ under variety [...]
of conditions.
新英格兰医学杂志提醒大家注意丙型肝炎和 HIV 的交 叉感染越来越多,而丙型肝炎是没有已知疫苗可以预 防的。抗病毒治疗(也被称作
[...] HAART)的副作用包 括:身体脂肪分布发生改变线粒体 毒 性 ,乳酸性酸 中毒,血脂、胆固醇和三酸甘油脂增高,这些还引起 [...]
The New England Journal of Medicine cautions that hepatitis C and HIV co-infection is on the rise – there is no known cure or vaccine for hepatitis C. The side effects of antiretroviral therapy (also
known as HAART), like body-fat
[...] distribution changes, mitochondrial toxicity, lactic [...]
acidosis, elevations in blood lipids,
cholesterol and triglycerides, raise concerns about long term treatment.
集合小管上皮包括多量的亮细胞和少量的暗细胞两种类型,亮细胞结构简单 线粒体 稀 少 ,暗细 线粒体 密 集 ,由皮质至髓质,暗细胞数量呈递减趋势,但内髓仍见暗细胞分布。
Dark cells were seen in inner zone of medulla although their number decreased gradually from cortex to medulla.
结果表明,类核体为线粒体、高 尔基体、内质网等膜性细胞器聚集的场所 线粒体 自 身也可演变成卵黄前颗粒,参与构成卵黄小板的成分;吞饮泡和髓样小体是卵母细胞利用外源卵黄物质的中间媒介。
Vitellogenesis in nonmammalian verteberate species results from the harmonious activity of the ooplasm and the organelles. Vitellogenesis is the consequence of whole cell activity, therefore intracellular pathways involved in vitellogenesis are diverse rather than unitary.
霍里奇 (Arthur L Horwich) 首先一起工作,进而在各自的实验室,确定分子伴侣在细胞电 厂 ( 线粒体 ) 和 细 胞液(细胞质)内介入蛋白质折叠。
Beginning in 1989, Franz-Ulrich Hartl and Arthur L Horwich, first as a team and then in their own laboratories, identified the chaperones that mediate protein folding in the cell powerhouse, the mitochondrion, and in the cell sap, the cytoplasm.
本研究通过LA-PCR 技术对草线粒体基因 组全序列进行PCR 扩增、序列测定和分析,并基线粒体 基 因 组12 个蛋白质编码基因10 776 bp的核苷酸序列,采用贝叶斯法(BI)和最大似然法(ML)构建哺乳纲(Mammalia) [...]
灵长总目(Euarchontoglires)5 个目12 种动物的系统发育关系,结果支持兔形目(Lagomorpha)的单系起源,其中草兔与欧洲野兔(L.
europaeus)亲缘关系最近,两者互为姐妹群,进而与家兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus)构成姐妹群关系。
Moreover,its subspecies taxonomic status has
been under debate
[...] for years. In present study,we reporte the complete mitochondrial genomic sequence of the cape hare from Yancheng City,Jiangsu [...]
that the gene composition / order of which were identical to that observed in most other mammals.
[...] 计量学、仪器设备和信号部、巴黎天体物理研究院、阿纳西粒子物理实验室、宇 宙和理论实验室、空间-时间参照系统实验室和法国国家航天研究机构(国家航空 和航天研究局))将由体粒子和 宇宙学实验室领导,该实验室正为激光干涉仪 空间线技术包的激光源提供调制台。
Participation in this mission by the French scientific community (the department of relativistic astrophysics, theory, experimentation, metrology, instrumentation and signals (ARTEMIS) of CNRS, IAP, the Annecy-le-Vieux Particle Physics Laboratory (LAPP), the Laboratory Universe and Theories (LUTH), the Space-Time Reference Systems Laboratory (SYRTE) and the French National
Aerospace Research Establishment (ONERA))
[...] will be under the aegis of the APC Laboratory, which is providing the modulation bench for the LTP laser source.




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